one I an e state iblican ticket wereI k this morning with the uncer- course of the presidential result. ninary indications were that the blicans had won one of the big- lights in electing two Republican ors to replace the two Democrat- iators in Indiana. other gain was certain in New where William Calder, Republi- won in the Hughes sweep of the re state from William F, Mc- s, former Democratic national man, in the senatorial fight. arent victory for the Republican s in New Jersey, indicated in re- to midnight, insured retirement other Democrat in favor of a Re- can, Joseph S. Frelinghuysen, re- ig Joseph E. Martin. Ohio ap- .tly has elected Myron T. Her- Republican, to the senate in place e present Democratic incumbent, 10 71 aintaining their lead. The total fol- ws: Hughes 136,240, Wilson 122,- 15. San Francisco, Cal., Nov. 8.-That Charles E. Hughes has carried Cali- fornia by a plurality of 100,000 was claimed at 9 o'clock tonight by Sec- retary McAtee, Republican state cen- tral committeman. He declared that scattering returns from precincts in all parts of the state, and comparisons with votes cast for the various parties four years ago indicated this result. New York, N. Y., Nov. 8.-At 1:15 this morning Robert W. Wooler, Deni- ocratic publicity head issued a state- Ment claiming Wilson's election by 326 votes, including in this list for the first time the states of Kansas and Ore- gon. I 1 I" ATAAl'A !!L Sutherland, Republican, has been de- feated for re-election by Judge King, Democrat. Democrats have elected Simon Bamberger governor. Boston, Nov. 8.-All New England will go to Hughes, according to the Boston Globe. Democrats conceded Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Islant, and Connecticut as well as Massa- chusetts tonight.' Vermont had been previously granted by the Democrats. The Globe agrees with Republican leaders that the Hughes plurality will exceed 10,000 in Massachusetts. Gov- ernor McCall and Senator Lodge have Woodro Wilson-defeated Candida I i A. Dupont of Delaware, apparent- ,s gone to defeat at the hands of ocratic Senator Salisbury, of Del- e. The chairman of the Demo- c senatorial committee ridiculed claims of the Republicans that had gained control of the upper .New York, N. Y., Nov. 8.-Although Republican National Chairman Wilcox refused to issue a formal statement at 12:30 this morning, he said in an in- formal interview that he is satisfied from returns at hand that "Hughes will control 310 electoral votes." ' Chicago, Ill., Nov. 8.-With the ex- ception of West Virginia the Southern states have gone for Wilson solidly. In Alabama, Georgia, Kentucky landslides are reported, while Arizona, Arkansas, Maryland show a good i jority for the Democrats. Colorado. Nevada, Idaho, Florida, Missouri, New Mexico have also declared for Wilson. se. )ur reports," he said, "indicate a of two and a gain of four Demo- ic senators, not including Indiana, re the result is still in doubt. ecause of the tremendous interest he presidential race, counting of ballots in the congressional fight generally side-tracked, but among interesting features established in count so far is the fact that there be at least two Socialist congress- in the next house, Meyer London, Jew York, having been re-elected, Victor Berger of Milwaukee, a ier representative having staged a essful come-back after defeat two s ago. apparently been re-elected. Baltimore, Md., Nov. 8.-The scat- tering returns in Maryland indicated that Wilson has carried Baltimore by 10,000, and will get the eight electoral votes. Fargo, N. D., Nov. 8.-North Dakota will go to Hughes by 15,000 and Sen- ator McCumber, Republican, is re- elected over United States Treasurer John Burk, comprehensive returns in- dicated at midnight. Denver, Nov. 8--Raymond Miller, Democratic state chairman, claimed Colorado for Wilson by 35,000 plurality at 11 o'clock last night. Miller stated the entire Democratic ticket has been elected by plurality of 20,000. Jackson, Miss., Nov. 8.-MississippI's majority for Wilson will probably reach 75,000. All members of the present delegation in congress are re- elected. New Orleans, La., Nov. 8.-Returns indicate Wilson carried Louisiana by 30,000. Democrats elected seven of eight congressmen. New York, Nov. 8.-Republican na- tional headuarters at midnight con- ceded Missouri to President Wilson by about 25,000. Trenton, N. J., Nov. 8.-New Jersey gives Hughes anywhere from 25,000 to 30,000 plurality. Republicans have elected Walter D. Edge governor, eight Republican and four Democrat con- gressmen. Milwaukee, Wis., Nov. 8.-Democratie headuarters at midnight stated that Wilson would carry Wisconsin by 2,500 votes. They based their claims on Milwaukee county returns.,s Topeka, Kan., Nov. 8.-Shortly after midnight Wilson jumped into the lead in Kansas with a plurality of 1,100, based on incomplete returns from 50 I Paul, Minin., Nov. S.-Woodrow n carried Minnesota, according to indications from 142 to 3,008 pre- i. These give Wilson 20,198 and es 17,725. Governor Burnquist, blican, is easily leading his re- on. I Alumbus, 0., Nov. 8.--Four hundred four precincts in 24 rural counties Wilson 28,201, Hughes 36,239. it hundred and sixty precincts in ounties, including 231 precincts in. ailton county, 175 precincts in klin county, and 50 in Cuyahoga Wilson 72,758. Hughes 68,216. .dianapoL's, IndJ4, Nov. 8.--Eight Ired and ninety-nine precincts in ana out of 3,142, showed Hughes counties. Wilmington, Del., Nov. 8.-At mid- night Delaware was still in doubt with President Wilson slightly behind Hughes, but showing small gains. Charleston, W. Va., Nov. 8.-Repub- licans claim this state by 15,000 ma- jority. Democrats claim it by a smaller majority. Louisville, Ky., Nov. 8.-Returns from the state indicate 20,000 majority for Wilson. The Democrats elected congressman in the first nine districts and the Republicans in the Tenth and Eleventh. Deiiver, Nov. 8.-One hundred and sixty-five precincts out of 1,451 pre- cincts in the state give Wilson, 17,940; Hughes, 12,766. Bismark, N. D., Nov. 8.-Incomplete returns appear to bear out Republican claims that Hughes has carried North Hughes Gets True FrIendslip Vote Springfield, Mass., Nov. 7.-Charles E. Hughes got one vote here on the basis of pure friendship and sentiment. The Rev. Dr. Samuel Henry Lee, presi- dent emeritus of the International col- lege, who cast his first vote for John C. Fremont, who today "abominates the military spirit, the plutocracy, the high tariff policy of the Repu can party," cast his ballot for the publican nominee. His reason wast that in the Summerseld Metho church of Milwaukee, Wis. Fox-trot ball at Armory Friday ni Iichi.gan Tire... Rubber Co. Vulcanizing and Repairin Accessories Free Air It bli- Re- that dist ght. - L- 11 E HEAR R L I Ar4 E 1 nnecticu ois a3.LLL , assachus4 ana r Hamp w Jerse, w York th Dak, gon .. nsylvai ode Isla th Dak mont . shingto st Virgi AL VOTES BY STATES Hughes. it .................. 7 4 ..29 ..15 ..13 6 etts ............18 ..15 ..... 4 3 ................... 43 ?sire..... . .... 43 .14............... 1 c. . . . . . . . . 45 ota ............... 5 ..................38 no .............. 5 nta...............54 .................7 mna ............... 8 . . . . . . . . ... 13 Total...................267 rizona.............. rkansas ................ >lorado ................. orida .................. eorgia.............. ansas ................ entucky............. Duisiana................ ryland............. nnesota............. tsissippi............ issouri................. ebraska ................ ew Mexico............ . Drth Carolina......... rgi10................... clakioma............. . uth Carolina .......... mnessee.............. xas................. ah .................. irginia ............... Wilson. .... 12 .... 3 .. 9 ... 6 6 ... 14 ... 10 ... 13 . .. 10 8 ... 12 ... 10 ,. 18 8 3 ... 12 10 ,. . 9 12 20 4 ... 12 ,. . 3 Da s s gon ac a _ . "-' k 2 ..,, , Viz,.' ,. ? i " .. 7 7 ,, kota. Salt Lake, Utah,' ne strongly for cording to late 1,, l 337 SO. ain Street MICHIGAN CENTRAL Nov. 8.-Utah has President Wilson, returns. Senator / TONIGHT SPECIAL TRAI In Hill Auditorium And after he h a s gone on your Vic- trola at home. Telephone 408-f TO IHTACA AIIL r If you have not already registered for transportation on the SPECIAL TRAIN for Cornell to leave at 7:00 P. M. FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10th, please do so at once, in order that ample equipment may be provided to accommodate the large number Complete stock of i HIS RECORDS who will go. At Total .................... 248 Doubtful States. 'alifornia .................. 13 elaware ................... 3 your window shades need renew- call 237, C. H. Major & Co. 5-16 -trot ball at Armory Friday night. 7,8 I. A. TILLOTSON, Ticket Agent. Cor. Maynard and William Sts. ,I '_ .-e,,.,,.__.. .. . ,. 4 . i7 R4.F ny KD THEM YOUR