THE WEATHER ANN ARBOR- CLOUDY AND COOLER WEDNESDAY ,f,{_OF . -AL A .r .... . ..- . , UNITED PRESS WIRE DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE THE ONLY MORNING PAPER IN ANN ARBOR ._ 6 m VOL. XXVIL No. 31. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1916. PRICE FIVE CENTS BERLIN REPORTS BIG LOSSES FOR ALLIES ON SOMME OFFICIAL STATEMENT TELLS OF REPULSE OF BRITISH TROOPS SAY 72,972 GERMANS TAKEN 1 "Wilson Choce of Newberry. Women Straw ..llot ied ld esterday Shows Present Office-Holder Wins by Two Votes NOTED VIOLINIST APPEARS TONIGHT Fritz Kreisler Plays in 11ill Auditor- ium on Second Number of Pre-festival Series PRESENTS V A l I E 1) PROGRAM Hughes Leads Fly Kingdom According to Latest Wire Legrange, Inl, Nov. 7.--With the opening of the polls lere a gro- cer hung up two sheets of fly paper marked, gike and Wison. At noon Hughes led 24 to 21. One ballot is split, the fly leaving a wing on the lDemocrati sheet and a leg on the Republican. Lady flies are voting, but no attempt is being made to count the votes separately. Democrats charged hepublicans with putting syrup on the iughes sheet to attract vot- ers. ONE AMRICgAN SHIP BERINGI ON Bass SUa French Declare They Have Captured 4I,06 Alone During Last Four Months Berlin, Nov. 7. -Heavy losses have been sustained by French and British troops in the past few days in their powerful offensive. Australian troops suffered especially on Sunday, as did French attacking forces, which charg- ed time after time across fields cover- er with their owL dead. "In the group of Crown Prince Rup- precht", the official statement said, "although the English visibly intended to continue their heavy attack yester- day, they only succeeded west of Court L'Abbaye in leaving their trenches. and were forced immediately to return. The English losses of dead Nov. 5, were especially heavy in the Austral- ian divisions. The attacks were re- sumed aghainst Les Bouets and Rain- court towards night-fall. They were all broken down in the face of our heavy fire." Paris, Nov. 7.-n the Sonime front from July 1 to Nov. 1, the Franco- British forces have captured 71,532 men, 1440 officers and 988 machine guns in their great offensive. They took also 178 field guns and 215 trench mortars. Of the prisoners taken, the French alone took 41,065 officers and men. Cannonading continued on the Somme front, and on the right bank of the Meuse. Nancy has again been bombarded by air squadrons. Berlin, Nov. 7.-A small bridge-head on the left bank of the Stockhod has been stormed and taken, and a number of prisoners captured by Prince Leo- pold's armies. The Germans suffered no' losses. The Balkan front showed no change. Berlin, Nov. 7.-The sinking of the small British cruiser by a German sub- marine off the Irish coast has increas- ed that enemy's losses in battleships and cruisers to 501,790 tons. London, Nov. 7.-A further report from the British submarine operating off the Danish coast claims to have se- cured hits on two German dread- noughts of the Kaiser class. A report from the Admiralty yesterday said a submarine had hit a dreadnought with a torpedo, but that the damage done was not known. Berlin, Nov. 7.-German artillery has again been forced to shell Rhiems. "Fire of French batteries standing south of Rhiems having played on vil- lages upon our front was answered by us, and as a reprisal the town of Rhiems was shelled," said the official statement. Bucharest, Nov. 7.-The Rounanian armies on the Dobrudja front have ,ad- vanced along the whole line. Berlin, Nov. 7.-An ammunition de- pot at Ceresy on the Somme has been destroyed by German air squadrons. COUNCIL AND LEAGUE COMBINE Weekly Student Dances to Be Fostered According to United Meeting Weekly student dances will be fost- ered by the combined council of the student council and the judiciary coun- cil of the Women's League, according to the decision reached at the united board meeting last evening. Anita M. Kelley, '17, and Howard S. Hatch, '18, were appointed to take charge of the dances, which will be held on Saturday evenings. The pro- ceeds of the parties will be devoted to charity work. The council also amended the con- ventional class constitution to provide for the proper apportionment of ex- penses among men and women of each class. ,Under the new Tuling, classes will pay for those things, such as insignia, basketballs, and hockey sup- plies, that benefit women, as they have settled the accounts incurred by men The women of Newberry Residence held a straw vote yesterday in which 33 votes were cast for Wilson as against 31 for Hughes. A box stood in the reading room all day with the legend, "Wilson or Hughes? Please sign your name on your ballot." Con- sidering the heat of political feeling in the dormitory, this precaution against ballot box stuffing may not have been altogether unnecessary. For the past two days Newberry has been the scene of heated arguments on both sides and every one who en- tered the dormitory was compelle'd to state her convictions and take sides. HARDIKAR SPEAKS ON INDIA Declares Hindus Originators of Science of Eugenics Dr. N. S. Hardikar spoke last even- ing in University hall on "Education in India." The purpose of the meet- ing was to further the cause of educa- tion in that country. Dr. Hardikar told how the Hindu system of medicine is the foundation of alopathy, how the Sanscrit litera- ture is full of reference to micro-or- ganisms and how eugenics was first practiced by the people of India. He then showed how the ancient civiliza- tion of the country fell into decay. India now has a population of 350, 000,000 and only 196 colleges or in- stitutions of higher learning. The training in these is merely theoretical. Cramming and memory work has be- come the bane of the Indian Univer- sity. Out of every hundred men, only 11 can read and write and but one woman of every 200 is able to read or write. The Indian government spends a penny and a fifth per head of population for learning. The American association for the promotion of technical education in In- dia has been formed and is gaining strength throughout the universities of this country. STUDENTS AWAIT RETURNS Crowd Gathers at Union to Get Results of Election; Entertained by Campus Musicians Enthusiasm and "pep" reigned at the Union last night while the presi- dential election returns were coming in over the special Western Union wire. Cheers for Hughes and applause for Wilson served to stir the savage breasts of the excited onlookers until far into the small hours of the morn- ing. From the "action" which took place throughout the evening, one would be tempted to believe himself at a freshman smoker rather than at a dignified gathering receiving election returns. During the course of the night, while waiting for returns, the crowd was entertained by several of the lead- ing campus musicians, among whom were: Leonard o. Aldrich, '17E, H. L. Davis, '17, Abraham Gornetzky, '17, C. H. Cottington, '19, and Erdmann W. King, '20. Other forms of entertain- ment for the enthusiastic watchers were lunches and soft drinks served in the Union dining room. COIN DATED 1787 BEARING "FUGIO" FOUND AT HARVARD Cambridge, Mass., Nov. 7.-A pair of old coins and an old key were un- earthed by some workmen digging in the yard for the pnrpose of planting trees. One coin is dated 1787 and bears the legend "Fugio" and shows the sun shining on a sun-dial. On the reverse side is the inscription "United States--we have one." It is one of the earliest coins made under the auspices of the United States. The other coin, dated 1802, is of the same material but is not of any spe- cial value or is the key unusual in ap- pearance. Italian Club Organized at Harvard An Italian club has been formed for the benefit of all students interested in either the Italian literature or language at Harvard.7 Fritz Kreisler, the eminent Austrian violinist, who will appear in Hill audi- torium at 8 o'clock this evening, is one of the few violinists who, under any circumstances, can fill the largest halls of London, Paris, Berlin, and Vienna. In fact, his hold upon the mu- sical public of this country as well as of Europe is remarkable. He attracts not merely the general public but the connoisseur, for, while he has all the brilliancy that the general public de- mands. underlying his art is sincere musicianship. Since the resumption of his musical career in 1899 he has continuously de- veloped as an interpretative artist un- til now, by uniting his dazzling techni- que with higher musical qualities, he takes, among the younger players of today, quite the foremost place as an interpreter of the great classical con- certos. His style of playing cannot, however, be described as academic. In- stead it is full of animation and feel- ing, above all intensely individual, his readings and even his methods of fingering being largely his own. His programs are said to be more varied than those of any modern violinist, thanks to his own arrangements of certain pieces, ancient and modern, for violin solo. Mr. Kreisler will present the follow- ing program this evening: Sonata in A major..........Haendel (In two movements.) Prelude and Allegro.........Pugnani Concerto in E minor.....Mendelssohn Allegro appassionato; Andante; Allegro non troppo; Allegro molto vivace. Air ............................Bach Rondino (on a theme by Beethoven) ...........................K reisler Moment Musical. . ... ...... Schubert Spanish Dance......Granados-Kreisler Spanish Serenade..Chaminade-Kreisler Indian Lament.......Dvorak-Kreisler The Old Refrain.....Arr. by Kreisler (Viennese Popular Song.) Caprice Viennois.............Kreisler BELIEVE WOUNDED L W. W.'S DROWNED AFTER GUN BATTLE Everett, Wis., Nov. 7.-From four to ten I. W. W. victims of the gun bat- tle with armed guards at Everett Sun- day were drowned in the bay here, and their bodies not recovered, according to belief of witnesses who testified be- fore the coroner's jury here. Coroner Maulsby was still dragging the water near, the dock today. The list of known victims is still seven dead and 50 wounded. Citizens of Everett will con- fer tomorrow to take steps to settle the shingle weavers' strike, which was at the bottom of the trouble between the I. W. W. and law officers. CLOSE WATCh IN 3IDDLE WEST FOR ANY FRAUDULENT VOTES Indianapolis, Nov. 7.-The federal government gave special attention to voting in the middle west pivotal states today to prevent fraud. Al- though Frank C. Dailey, special as- sistant United States attorney in charge of this investigation, refused to be interviewed, he admitted that he had been busy all day in connection with his investigations. Reports from Cleveland and 'Detroit were that spe- cial agents of the government were watching the polls closely, in an at- tempt to spot election fraud if any. RARINDRATI TAGORE SPEAKS IN ANN ARBOR ON NOV. 15 Rabindrath Tagore, the Indian poet, will speak in Ann Arbor on Nov. 15, under the auspices of the Oratorical association. The Nobel prize for lit- erature was awarded to hini in 1913. Tickets will be on sale at Wahr's from 2 to 5 o'clock daily, Nov. 10 to 15. Wilson Wins Straw Vote at Wisconsin Both men and women of the Uni- versity of Wisconsin showed an over- whelming preference for Wilson in the straw balloting Saturday. Among the men the final vote was 693 for Wilson and 396 for Hughes. Returns from the women were for Wilson 660 and for Hughes 402, AUV LIVINGSTON HEAD OF VICTOROUS EAM Union Membership Campaign Leaders lBammlueted at Uniien Last Night Michi gan Union membership teams captained by Alan V. Livingston, '18E, and Theodore S. Cox, '17, winning first and second place: in the cam- pa i,:, were banqueted at the Vnion last night. Livingston's team earned 158 points, while the men led by Cox won 152 points. The guests of honor were: Alan V. Livingston, 18I!7, captain; 11. I. Storz, '19; M. 11. Kieffer, '20; H. W. Colliiis,'1; C. Zelde, '20; IR. S. Dagherty, 1 C. J. heath, '19; F. C. Van B runt, 18tV; 1. E. Stringer, '19; Ft.. Il. eavill, '18; 1-1. N. Walker, '19, CARPLL ADMURPHY TALK AT MAS METING Arranigements Made for Demonstra- fon When Rooters Accoen- pany Team to Depot A big mass meeting will be held at 7:30 o'clock Thursday evening at hill auditorium to give the Varsity football team a send-off to Ithaca. Michigan's band along with the best speakers that can be secured for such an event and Bob Bennet's cheer lead- ing will instill the spirit of battle in the hearts of the team. Staats Abrams, '17E, chairman of the meeting, has seurod Otto Car- pell, 'l1-'13L, and Frank Murphy, '12- '14L, as the speakers of the evening. Clarpel1 is now a member of the "M" club, having played half back on Yost's team while a student in the Uni- versity, and is an exponent of the ma- terial necessary to send the team to Cornell in a ifighting mood. Murphy, a familiar figure at mass meetings, needs no introduction to the campus. The athletic association and the stu- d nt osmnoil .r,.now m kinz nlnsiq for I and 1'. FE.Cholette, Theodore S. C'ox, Casl'rain, '18; I1. A. Saruall, '18; W. C. Adams, '18; G. W. Ford, 2;0E 11. S. Saner, '19; A. T. Pratt, '18E1, and I. '18. '17, captain;,XV. V. Gustin, '18; V. M. O'Keefe, '18; C. I. Myers, '18: C. It. hatch, '18; S. J. Heuer, '18; S. G. E, Iutchinson, '20. _en____________________1 couLn re A) a g IL p , the demonstration following the mass Japan Ipheld in meeting, when Michigan rooters will . follow the team to the Michigan Cen- .Jancnurias .roiicy tral depot to give them a final send-off. )ifasuI's iiyohara, '17, of hlyogo-Ken, ADELPUI CHOOSES DEBATERS (ontinues Articles About Native Country iicks Mcn to Be Its Representatives i~k .in Mid-West Try-Outs By Mitsuji Kiyohara, '17.i The recent treaty between Japan Six members of the Adelphi house and. Russia is a natural outcome of of representatives were chosen last the ever increasing joint interests of night to represent that organization the nations in the markets of China. in the try-outs for the ;mid-west de- The treaty therefore is a commercial bating team. to be held in the near one, Neither of these nations aims to future. close "the open door." The treaty Those selected by the judges were: gives assurance of the maintenance of Irving S. Toplon, '19L, Ralph M. Car- that policy. son. '17, Henry F. Massnick, '18, Jesse Yet Mr. Charles Denby of Detroit, in R. Simpson, '18, George W. Hulbert, dealing with this question, says: "The '17, and William P. Sanford, '19. Japanese do not want a market of The judges were: Dr. J. Ralston equal opportunities, they want con- Hayden of the political science de- trol, and the Japanese policy in Man- partment; Mr. Lester B. Vincent, of churia convinces us that they will the rhetoric department of the en- control." gineering college; Herbert N. Schmitt, But Mr. Denby does not say how of the economics department, and N. we controlled the Manchurian mar- Earl Pinney, '16. kets. The truth is that Japan has _____ ________ gained her favorable position due to Increase of 5,000 Iowa Latin Students her geographical situation and the Statistics show that there is an in- kind of goods she produces. crease of 5,000 students studying Latin Among some people of America it in the high schools of the state of is believed that the United States Iowa. Three years ago marked the missed her opportunities in China be- height of the decline of the study of cause the island empire expanded upon classical languages in preparatory the continent. Japan has never mon- schools and the backward swing of opelized China. Were it known, Amer- the pendulum has come in spite of the ican trade is improving every year in so-called practical languages. the Orient. American exports to China sa p _ anguages__ last year increased $24,000,000 as com- \ppointment i4mnmittee Meets Today pared to a decrease of $6,768,921 for The annual meeting of the teachers' Japan. appointment committee for the regis- American capital has a iclear field tration of prospective teachers wi for investment there. The Chinese take place at 4 o'clock this afternoon government recently let a contract to in the auditorium of University hall. a St. Paul firm for the construction of It is very important that anyone wish- more than 2,000 miles of railroad, and ing assistance from the committee this this regardless of the Russian pro- year should attend this meeting. En- tests. rollment is free at this time, but a Japan wants the co-operation of the fee of one dollar is charged for late United States in the development of registration. China. The recent treaty was made because Russia and Japan feared the Special Reichstag Committee to Meet monopolization of Chinese markets by Berlin, Nov. 7.-The specially named some oie power. There remains only committee of the reichstag which has the question: "Will America avail in its power the right to meet during herself of the equal opportunity in the recess, only by resolution of the par- far cast?" ent body, will convene for the first time Thursday, when the chancellor Edwin Corwin, Grad., Publishes Book $ is expected td make an important an- Edwin S. Corwin, '00, now professor nouncement. of politics in Princeton University, ,has recently published a book under California Women Sell Peanuts Sunday the title of "French Policy and the At the invitation of the Lincoln American ' Alliance." The subject of highway and good roads committee all this work is France's part in the women from the University of Cali- American revolution and the political fornia sold peanuts on the main mo- problems of that period. tor boulevards last Sunday. } l M CAPTAIN OF LANAO SAYS BOAT FLEW STARS AND STRIPES CASE MAY RESEMBLE OTHERS IDestructiou of Ships by Germans Calls Attention to W P. Frye - Affair London, Nov. 7.-There was only one American aboard the steamer Lanao which was sunk by a German under sea boat, Oct. 28, it was learned to- day. Captain Henry Mainland report- ed this from Wales. He said his ship was of Philippine registry, flying the American ensign when she was held up off the Portuguese coast, and scut- tied with a bomb, after he crew had been taken off. Mainland left no doubt as to tpe nationality of his ship. iteceive Further Conformation Washington, Nov. 7.-Further con- formation of the report that the Lanao still retained her American identity was received by the department this afternoon in a dispacth from American Consul Lathrop, at Cardiff, Wales, dat- ed yesterday. It said: "Philippine steamer Lanao, Manilla, to :Havre, carrying rice, stopped 30 miles off Cape Vincent, Portugal, by a German submarine, Oct. 28. Lanao de- stroyed by bombing after crew remov- ed to submarine. Submarine claimed the cargo was contraband and was compelled to sink the vessel. ,Crew transferred one-half hour later to Nor-' wegian steamer Tromp and landed at Cardiff. No injuries, no casualties. The Lanao was unarmed and flying American flag." State Department Cables London Wa shington, Nov. 7.-The state de- partment this afternoon cabled Con- sul General Skinner at London to for- ward all details obtainable on the sink- ing of the steamer Lanao, and to in- struct the consular agents nearest to Barry, Wales, to get all possible in- f'ormation from the crew reported landed there. In a cable to the de- partment today, Consul Skinner re- ported the sinking of the ship, but failed to mention whether she sailed under the American flag or whether there were any Americans aboard. The case, it was agreed, may prove to be similar to that of the Amercan grain schooner William P. Frye, earlier in the war, if further evidence like to- day's supports the original report that the vessel was of American registry. In her last note on the Frye, the Ger- man government said it had instructed naval commanders not to sink Amer- ican vessels, unless carrying abso- lute contraband. The Frye carried only conditional contraband. Germany and the United States fin- ally agreed to arbitate the interpreta- tion of the Prussian-American treaties of 1799 and 1828, under which Ger- many claimed the right to sink Amer- ican vessels carrying contraband. CORNELL GAME SEATS ON SA LE Seas for the Cornel game are new on sale at the athletic office. The -Michigan section Is located ini a favorable part of the stand. The price of these seats is two dollars. Only 44 Americans in Chihuahua City El Paso, Nov. 7.-Only four Ameri- cans remain in Chihuahua City today. From every part of the state Ameri- cans and other foreigners are flock- ing to the border following reported atrocities by the Villista bandits. Min- ing companies with offices here today were sending messages to their few remaining employees to flee Mexico im- inediately. 'P vele lDartmouth Men Teach Football At present 12 graduates of Dart- moathare coaching prominent college football teams, according to recently compiled statistics. _Yinsot T University Closed Today Owing to the number of students that have gone home to vote, the sen- ate of the University of Minnesota has announced that there will be no school today,