ANN ARBOR- L HE WEPROBABLY RAIN AND WARER HIIW WINDS BECO11NG GALE kt Z ? 9 UNITED PRESS WIRE DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE THE ONLY MORNING PAPER IN ANN ARBOR VOL. XXVII. No. 31. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1916. PRICE FIVE CENT; i COUNTY, STAT,AN PRESIDENTIAL POLLS HOLD STAGE TODAY PASS ON FOUR AMENDMENTS TO STATE CONSTITUTION IN VOTE VOTING DONE BY MACHINE Returns Will Be Announced in the Court Room of County Build- ing, Starting at 6 O'clock. County,, state, and presidential elec- tions and amendments to the state constitution will divide the interest of the voters of Washtenaw county at the polls today. There will be no elec- tion of city officials, a local election be- ing slated for next spring. The amendments to the state con- stitution are four in number. An amendment to article XVI of the con- stitution will provide for state-wide prohibition, and the passing of an amendent to article VIII will put in force the "Home Rule" will. The re- pealing °by the legislature of special or local acts without submitting them to the district affected is provided for in a proposed amendment to article V. A provision for the incorporation, reg- ulation, and supervision of all frater- nal societies in the state is contained in an amendment to article XII. Voting will be done by machines, two of which are located in each ward. Some of the voting will have to be done by the Australian ballot as the capacity of the machines does not pro- vide for the splitting of the ticket in such cases where there is more than one officer to be elected for the same office, as coroner. The ballots were not printed to provide for this emerg- ency. Returns of all the elections will be announced to the public in the court room of the county building. The re- turns are expected to begin coming in about 8 o'clock. Nominees for Congress. For congress the voters will cast their ballots for the following: United States senator-Charles E. Townsend (R), Lawrence Price (D), Henry Ford (P), Edward 0. Foss (S), John Y. Johnston (P), and Herman Richter (SL). Representatives in congress- Second district, Mark R. Bacon (R), Samuel W. Beakes (D), Edward J. Koch (S), and Frank E. Titus (R). The candidates for the state legis- lative offices are: state senator Twelfth district-Frank L. Covert (R), M. E. Pontiac (P), George M. Camp- bell (S); and representative in the state legislature, First district, H. Wirt Newkirk (R), Otto E. Haab (D), and Arthur L. Wilkinson (S). Twelve Officers on County Ticket. There are 12 offices to fill on the county ticket. A list of the candidates is: Judge of probate, Emory E. Le- land (R), William H. Murray (D), and Horace Barnard (S); sheriff. Herman G. Llndenschmitt (R), Alfred J. Paul (D), and Joseph J. Fischer (S); clerk, Edwin H. Smith (R), George W. Beck- with (D), and Harry W. Nichols (S); treasurer, Leo Gruner (R), Walter C. Feldkamp (D), and Lawrence E. O'Connor (S); register of deeds, Perry L. Townsend (R), William A. Seery (D), and Robert Reichenecker (S); prosecuting attorney, George S. Wright (R), and Carl A. Lehman (D); circuit court commissioners, William (Continued on page six) PROF. DOWRIE TALKS TO CLUB Saginaw Men Smoke Last Night for First Time This Year The Saginaw club of the University which is composed of 64 members, met last night at the Union for its first meeting of the year. Prof. Geo. W. Dowrie of the economics depart- ment gave a short talk on the func- tions of sectional clubs. The club intends to hold a dance at the Union before the end of the first semester, though the exact date has not been set as yet. It was also de- cided to determine upon a plan to present to the various sectional clubs wherein each club would send a rep- resentative to a monthly meeting, the purpose of which will be to further the intArsts of Michigan at Ann Ar- To Give Skits at. Election Returns Union Will Entertain Crowd While Reports Come in Over Special Wire "Hurray for Wilson, he's a darn fine man," "Yea Hughes, fight 'em, fight 'em, fight 'em." These crys will resound through the Union hall tonight as the presidential election returns come in over a special Western Union wire. Since reports from all parts of the country indicate that the race will be a hot one, it is more than likely that the Union will be crowded to the doors. Preparations to this end have been made. During the wait from 8 o'clock until 4 o'clock, when the last report will come in, the crowd will be entertained with music and funny skits by cam- pus stars, For the hungry en- thusiasts, lunches and soft drinks will be served in the dining room at cost. Following are the musicians ap- pearing on the program: Leonard O. Aldrich, '17E, Abraham J. Gornetzky, '17, Horace L. Davis, '17, Charles H. Cottington, '19, Erdmann W. King, '20. TO LECTURE ON WORK OFA EIC S IN WAR Ernest Stanton, Late of Ambulancee Corps, Will Give Illustrated Talk Friday Evening Mr. Ernest Stanton, of Grosse Isle, late of the American ambulance corps in France,. will give a lecture illus- trated by motion pictures on "Our American Boys in the European War," Friday, Nov. 10, at 8 o'clock, in the auditorium of the natural science building. The lecture is under the auspices of the Cercle Francais, and the proceeds will be given to the American ambulance field service. The pictures, presented by the Tri- angle Fihu corporation, have been shown at Newport and various other places in the east, and wherever shown have been highly appreciated by the audience. Mrs. Wm. C. Story, president general of the D. A. R., rec- ommends the film very highly, saying, "it is a stirring appeal and one to be heeded." CORNELL.SEND-OFF THURSDAY Mass Meeting to Be Held in Hill AudI- toriim Before Ithaca Game Hill auditorium will be the scene of one of the peppiest send-offs that a Michigan team has ever had, on Thurs- day night at 7:30 o'clock when the big Cornell send-off mass meeting is staged. At the close of the meeting the entire student body will escort the team to the railroad station. The speakers and the complete program will be announced later. I. P. CLUB SMOKES ON THURSDAY re R. R. Cummings Will Talk to Men from Northern Part of State The Upper Peninsula club is plan- ning to start out its social program of the year with a smoker Thursday night at the Union. . There will be plenty of eats and smokes and a num- ber of snappy talks by prominent men on the campus. Dr. H. H. Cummings of the health service, who toured the whole of the upper peninsula this SUMmner, while on the health survey trip, will give a brief talk. The smoker will be at 7:30 o'clock and every man from the upper peninsula is invited to be present at this first meeting of the year. The club will give an informal dance at the Union on Wednesday night, Nov. 29. which will be open to all men from this section of the state. lu dependent Girls Elect President Entusiasm was present aplenty at the In dei(ndent Girls' club meeting held ia_ Darbour gymnasium Monday night. Grace Rose, '18, was elected presi- dent to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Evelyn Moore, '17. The following vice-presidents were elected by their respective classes: Senior, Annetta Wood; junior, Bertha Robin- son; sophomore, Christina A-nnabelle. Plans for a membership campaign were discussed and also plans for a. MOST IMPORTN NEEDS OF POLAND TOLD TO_GERMNS LEADING MEN DRAW UP STATE- MENT FOR ALLIED HELPERS TO ORGANIZE POLISH ARMY Believe in Establishment of Regent with Full Power of Gov- ernment Berlin, Nov. 6.-What Polish leaders believe to be the most important fac- tors to be considered in re-establish- ment of a Polish nation were outlined in a statement made by the leader of the Polish delegation which called on the German chancellor and Austro- Hungarian Foreign Minister Baron Burian. The statement carried in re- ports from Vienna follows: "During war time it is impossible to select authoritative reports of the Polish nation. Meanwhile we consider it our right to give expression in the name of the Polish nation to its un- mistakeable aspiration to a re-estab- lishment of a permanent Polish state. The establishment must be accom- panied by guaranteeing equal rights to all citizens. We realize it is now im- possible to relineate the frontiers, which can only be decided in accord- ance with the interests of the central powers, and the conditi ns under which the war is brou o a con- clusion." These Decrees Necessary. The delegation announced it believes the following decrees necessary: Establishment of a regent with full power of government in the Polish state; abolition of lines of demarca- tion between the sectional Poland oc- cupied by the German forces and that occupied by Austrians; establishment of a provisional council composed solely of native elements charged with drawing up a constitution; organiza- tion of an administrative government, and establishment of a military depart- ment for organization of a Polish army. U. S. Cannot Recognize Poland.' Washington, Nov. 6,-The United States canmot recognize Poland as an independent power before the con- clusion of peace. Regardless of the reported action of the central powers in proclaiming Poland an independent kingdom, her status from the stand- point of the United States is still "cap- tured territory," and her future posi- tion must be settled by the peace ne- gotiations. Galicia to Be Autonomous. Berlin, Nov. 6.-An autonomous gov- ernment will be granted Galicia by Austria-Hungary at the close of the war when the proposed Polish nation is established, it was announced to- day, in a statement from Emperor Franz Josef to his premier, Dr. von Koerber. 1916-17 ENROLLMENT SHOWS AN INCREASE OF 290 PUPILS Registrar A. G. Hall Predicts Final Total of 7,500 Students by Next May The enrollment of the University, up to and including Nov. 1, is 7,271 stu- dents, according to figures given out by Registrar Arthur G. Hall yesterday. This number is distributed as fol- lows: College of Literature, Science, and the Arts, 3,115; College of En- gineering and Architecture, 1,467; Medical School, 319; Law School, 377; College of Pharmacy, 108; Home- opathic Medical School, 55; Dental School, 348; Graduate School, 286; summer session (estimated), 995; Sat- urday classes in Detroit and other cities (estimated), 300. These figures show an increase of 290 over last year's enrollment at this time. Estimating on the percentage of increase of enrollment during the last school year, Registrar Hall says that more than 7,500 students will be mem- bers of the University next May, when the final figures will be computed. The above figures do not include double registration in the case of combined courses, which would raise the total to 7,370. Professors Talk on "Presidents Profs. Reeves, Scott, and Hobbs Give Interviews to Daily on Hughes and Wilson "I consider the presidential election which takes place today, as being one of the most important in the history of the country. A selection by the peo- ple of either of the candidates will mean a definite acceptance or rejection for their solutions to problems which are of paramount importance. The future conduct of the United States with regard to its relations with war- ring nations, the handling of the Mexi- can situation, the adoption of a pro- tective tariff, woman suffrage, com- merce and labor, and in the matter of full preparedness, will all be decided in the choice of president. No matter who is elected, it is certain that the future history of the country will be radically affected." The foregoingestatement coming from Prof. J. S. Reeves, of the political science department, may be said to voice the general opinion with respect o the presidential election which takes place today. A number of members of the faculty were solicited for opinions concerning the issues in question, and while few would go into details, all were of the opinion that the country was facing a serious crisis, and much depended upon the ultimate choice of the voters at the polls today. Prof. W. H. Hobbs for Hughes. This was put forth rather strongly in a statement made by Prof. W. H. Hobbs of the geology department, who said: "The people do not realize that President Wilson is, and has always been a bitter foe to preparedness. His election will mean little or no change in his cabinet, and Daniels and Baker at the head of the navy and army, sup- porting the president in his pacifist doctrines would prove themselves most inconpetent in the event of war. "The slogan, 'He kept up out of war,' contains a fallacy. He could scarcely have gotten into war. The real danger is yet to come at the close of hostilities in Europe. A firm hand at the helm of state will be necessary, and Hughes has proved that he possesses the at- tributes of firmness and decision. Wil- son is an undoubted opportunist. His vacillating policy tn regard to the Mexican situation, and his complete surrender under a threat in the case of the Adamson bill should cause the voter to debate seriously before cast- ing a vote for his re-election." Prof. J. F. Scott Praises Wilson. On the other side of the question, Prof. J. F. Scott of the history de- partment, said in an interview with a Daily reporter: "The policies of President Wilson have clearly shown his far-sighted- ness and restraint. The stand he has taken concerning present-day issues shows that he thinks not only of to- day, but of the future as well. The Mexican situation has been dealt with as part of a greater policy which is to aid in cementing our relations with South America. The Mexicans have confidence in the president and hope for his re-election.." FORM TWO NAVAL DIVISIONS K. W. Heinrich, '17E, Receives Order From Navy Department K. Warren Heinrich, '17E, last night received letters from Washington stat- ing that by order of the navy depart- ment of the United States, two divis- ions of the naval militia of the United States navy will be formed here at the University immediately. By order of the governor, these divisions will be assigned to the first battalion of Michigan. Heinrich left last night for Wash- ington where he will confer with Com- mandant J. F. Lewis of the Michigan naval battalion as to the particulars of the organization. He will bring back final and complete plans and the responsibility for their execution will be in his hands. Dr. Angel's Yard Is Scene of Fire A fire which started in the front of the late President Emeritus James B. Angell's yard at 9 o'clock last night, lent excitement and some anxiety tc the onlookers until it was quenched. Two brave engineers just returning from bluebooks were thme heroes. SUP PORIE"Qt BOTH WILSON AND L -HUGHES}PE RCERTAIN OF PRIZE RIVAL CANDIDATES AWAIT RE. The Daily will publish complete SULTS AT THEIR returns of the residential, gu- 0 bernatorhil, prohibition, "Home Rule," ald c I ion tmor- row morning. Also watch for the pink extra to be on the streets be. tween midnight and 7 o'clock to. morrow morning. CROWD-HELPS-AKE--ST LIT ASSEMBLY SUCCESS HOMES Prof. Vibbert Talks to Freshmen "Eligibility with Regard to Student Activities" on With a crowd that completely filled the auditorium of the natural science building, the first monthly fresh lit as- sembly of the year 'was held yesterday afternoon. Prof. Morris Tilley and Prof. C. O. Davis, freshman advisors, were the first speakers. They urged the fresh- men to consult with them freely on all scholastic matters in regard to which they might be in doubt. Professor C. B. Vibbert, the principal speaker of the afternoon, next talked on "Eligibility with Regard to Student Activities." Professor Vibbert stated that many freshmen come to the Uni- versity with the idea that they may enter any student activity they desire, and when they try to do so they are disappointed. He outlined clearly the eligibility rules for taking part in any campus activity and stated plainly that freshmen are allowed to take part in only freshman affairs. Following the talks, a short busi- Dess meeting of the freshman class was held over which R. C. Stewart, fresh lit president, presided. The class adopted a constitution and the presi- dent announced that committees will be appointed in the near future. The business meeting was followed by an informal gathering of the class, in or- der that the members might become better acquainted with each other. Dr. J. F. Scott, of the history de- partment, who is in charge of the fresh lit assemblies this year, pre- sided over the assembly. QUARTERDECKINITIATES FIVE Dean M. E. Cooley Speaks at Marine Engineering Society Banquet The Quarterdeck society, honorary marine engineering society, held an initiation banquet at the Renellen Hospice last night. The speakers of the occasion vere Dean M. E. Cooley, Prof. H. C. Sadler, Prof. E. M. Bragg, and E. M. Murphy, '17E. The initiates were N. Brazell, '18E, A. M. Cook, '17E, G. W. Spender, '17E, H. M. Stephen, '18E, F. G. Healy, '18E. "Y" MEMBERSHIP LIST NOW 1,104 PLACE $10,000,000 IN BETS Candidate in West Committs Suicide; Michigan Claimed by Both Rivals Nothing now remains of all the tremendous forces of election time but the voting of the citizens, and the announeement of the count. Campaigning is over, and the merits of the various candidates has gone to the court of last re- sort. This sentiment is reflected in the camps of both Republicans and Democrats. The middle west, it is believed, will prove the deciding factor in the election of the chief executive, and those who watch returns to- day will have particular interest in these results. Locally, state prohibition is awakening the most wide spread attention, according to reports from all parts of the- state. The gubernatorial position will also be settled. Moth parties show every ex- Iectation of success in today's election. President Wilson spent a quiet day Monday and will cast his bal- lot this morning at Princeton. Candidate Hughes will vote near his legal residence in New York. Allan L. Benson, Socialist candi- date, voiced his final appeal yes- terday in Milwaukee. He delared that while the Socialist party could not win this year, a great vote for it would reduce the- cost of living at once. Hughes to Carry Michigani Detroit, Nov. 6.-Hughes will carry" Michigan by 100,000 plurality, accord- ing to a just-before-the-battle state- ment issued by Republican State Chairman Mangum this afternoon. Mangum also predicted election of all 13 Republican congressional nominees and of the entire state ticket as well as re-election of United States Sen- ator Townsend. Democratic headquarters refused to consider defeat in Michigan for Presi- dent Wilson. A statement from Demo- cratic Chairman Stevenson declared the president would carry the state, but he refused to estimate the prob- able plurality. Stevenson declared five Democratic congressmen would also be elected. Odds of 2 to 1 were offered in Detroit this afternoon that prohibition would carry. Wilson Spends Quiet Day. Asbury Park, N. J., Nov. 6.-Presi- dent Wilson played golf this morning, being accompanied by Mrs. Wilson. He saw a few callers in the afternoon, among them being Ignace Jan Pader-' ewski, the pianist, who wished to have an appeal for Polish relief embodied in the Thanksgiving proclamation. The president was in fine spirits. Those to whom he talked expressed the opinion that the fight was won. Many congratulations on "assured re- election" reached him from all parts of the country. Tomorrow morning a motor trip to Princeton where he will cast his ballot as planned. In the evening he will get returns from the executive office at Asbury Park by. direct telephone. Expect Fraternity Canvass Total to 1,300 Will Raise Not counting the results from the fraternity campaign, which are not in yet, the "Y" now has 1,104 paid up memberships. When the canvass among approximately 1,400 fraternity men is completed there is litle doubt that the membership total will go to 1,300. As a mark of their approval on the work of the men in the field, the cam- paign managers will banquet the team captains tonight at the home of W. T. Adams, '17, 1306 Forest avenue. IF YOU WANT ELECTION RETURNS CALL UP THE GARGOYLE OFFICE Returns from the presidential elec- tion coming into The Daily office will be given to any interested parties if they call the Gargoyle office, telephone number 1926-M. A special man will be detailed to give the latest reports as they come in over the wire. The Daily office will positively not answer any calls concerning the election as the entire staff will be busy getting out the election paper for the morn- ing. r t r' 3 3 a Hughes to Vote in New York. New York, Nov. 6. - Candidate Hughes will vote early tomorrow in a laundry on 44th street, near the Hotel Astor, his legal residence, fol- lowing a custom set him by his father. He will do this before breakfast, but his managers have withheld the exact hour today so that throngs will not in- terrupt his voting. Benson Cheered Wildly. Milwaukee, Nov. 6.-Ten thousand persons wildly cheered Allan L. Ben- son, Socialist presidential candidate, in his final appeal for votes here. (Continued on page six)