THEI. 11CHIGAN )AILY 11-I [IC IGAN ~ AIL I We are ready to show you the Best Line of Men's Suits, Hats Caps and Furnishings . , t{. .; . .. "' .. a '' .../ HOLD FOOTBLL SMOKER IN DETROIT SATURDAY University of Xiehigan Club Plans Big Event at Board of Com- merce for This Week "Things will move with a, bang."! This is the emphatic promise made byE Percy J. Donovan, '10, in a letter to The Daily yesterday in regard to the immense Michigan-Cornell football smoker to be held at the board of coin- merce in Detroit, Saturday afternoon. All undergraduates of the University of Michigan are welcome and will have the opportunity of meeting practically every prominent alumnus in the state. Tickets are on sale at Houston Bros.' at $1.00. y A, I rk There are reasons more Society Brand Suit and Overcoat, You'llbe convinced we are right When you look these ga meznts over. J. F. Wuerth Co. Next to Orpheum than one why should buy a you WADHMS & CD. MAIN ST, State St Store Nickels Arcade &ajtan-d ~ Brandegee -Kincaid Clothes WE SELL A "Heaping -Value I II T ' Your Floral Needs= Are BEST SATISFIED By Us PHONE 115 Cut Flowers Flowering Plan FLOWERS FOR DECORATION =COUSINS & HACL 1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. Live speeches, peppy songs, and en- tertainment for every minute of the smoker are on the program to insure a rousing good time. Refreshments in abundance will be served, and some of the old time cheer leaders will be there to raise the roof as the returns of the game come in. The University of Michigan club of Detroit, is famous for these football smokers, of which at least one is given ts every season. Mr. Donovan, who is general chairman of the Michigan- Cornell smoker, makes the statement L that all who are unable to go along on the Cornell special to see the game should not miss this opportunity of __.___ coming to Detroit for the smoker, where they may see and appreciate the Ifact that the men in college are but a small part of the vast number of Mich- igan alumnae scattered throughout the country. New Fall Neckwear, Hats and Underwear TYPEWRITING MULTIGRAPHING MIMEOGRAPHING Typewriters for sale or rent. Hamilton Business College WE DO VARSITY TOGGERY SHOP 1107 So. Univ. Dress Suit at $35.00 b A I SPECIAL $2.75 This Store aims to Serve it's PATRONS WELL= To give the best value possible for the lowest price possible is the best service any store can render. Women's and Children's Apparel , WESTERN FOREST FIRES END AS, EASTERN BEGIN Main and Liberty Sts. I Difference in Seasons Explained Character of Trees and Climate by It is made of the Finest Black Unfinished Worsted. It is silk tined, silk sewed and hand stitched throughout. It is tailored with Distinguish- ed Grace, as the picture shows. Come in and try it on. We are quite puffed up over this value. It is getting us talked about among young men who know "what's what" and where to get it. Making a specialty of Even- ing Clothes we are in a position to assure you getting the right Haberdashery when you select from our showing. Tinker & Company Car. State and William St.. CLOTHES, FURNISHINGS and HATS HYGIENE LECTURES TO START Dr. A. S. Warthin to Give Annual Talks to Freslman Class P A ------------------ The CyCorpus Juris System PUBLISHED BY The American Law Book Co. 27 Cedar Street NEW YORK. CHROPoff a few minutes and eat some of GEORGE'S SVEY WAR KING LO 314 S. State st. Phone 1244-lM Are you hard to suit? Look at Davis Shirts. Davis at 119 Main. nov3,5 Standard flexible arm Study Lamp - For short time only Washtenaw Electric Shop Phone 273 200 Wasiblngton St. East U; . MARLEY 2F2IN. 'DE VON 2/IN. . ARROW COLLARS 15 ots. each, 6 for 90 cts. CLUETT. PEABODY & CO., INC. MAKERS Receive New Type of Maxwell Motor The department of mechanical en- gineering has recently received from the Maxwell Motor company, of De- troit, the latest type of Maxwell motor, which will be used for experimental purposes in the laboratory. For results advertise in The Michi- gan Daily. Washington, Nov. 4.-Although final figures are not yet available, reports received by the forest service"indicate that the forest fire season in the west and north is practically at an end. At the same time, say officials, the fall fire season is just beginning in the national forests in the southern Appal- achians. The difference in the occurrence of the fire seasons, it is explained, is caused by the difference in the char- acter of the forests and of the climate in the two regions. In the north and west the forests are composed almost entirely of conifers and are located at comparatively high altitudes or high latitudes. The greatest fire= danger in these regions, the foresters say, oc- curs during the late spring and sum- mer months, when the rainfall is light. During the rest of the year there is,; as a rule, enough rain and snow to prevent fires from starting. In some1 of the forests in southern California, however, the fall rains, are sometimes late in coming and the fire-fighting or- ganization must often remain on duty until late in November. In the southern Appalachians the situation is practically reversed. The forest is largely composed of hard- woods and the heaviest rainfall occurs in the spring and summer and about two nonths in late winter. As a re- sult, there are two distinct fire sea- sons. The first of these occurs in the fall, when there is usually little raini and the ground is covered with the dry fallen leaves, which are extremelyI inflammable. The fall fire season lasts# until about Dec. 15, when the winter rains set in. In the later winter months, the woods dry out and in1 February or March the spring seasoni begins, and continues until spring rains come or the trees and plants put out new leaves and become too green] to burn readily. In the west, it is reported, snow has fallen in many localities and the forest rangers are taking up other duties and are enjoying the let-up in the arduous1 work of fire fighting. The rangers in the east, on the other hand, are mak- ing their final plans for the coming season and are starting their patrol. E. S. Jacobus' Five-Piece Orchestra for dances, entertainments and con- certs. 620 N. Fifth Ave. Phone 1487. .!I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 1 1 111111111 11111111111 A Delicious Lunch can be quickly prepared, and without the slightest trouble, on an Electric Chafing Dish This handsome and very convenient table utensil is a source of both comfort and pride to the housewife. Just the thing for a hasty lunch or Sunday supper. Cooks practically any dish you have a desire for --makes toothsome fudge. No trouble; no alcohol; no messing. Just attach to a lamp .socket. - Come in and inspect them. The Detroit Edison Co. Cor. Main and William Sts. Tel. 2300 i 711!lli1E1111111111111i111111111111111111111 !#111111111111111111111111ilt9[ E 1 117 91BCltt r LOST LOST-Will person who picked up the fountain pen in the Farmers and Mechanics State Street Bank by mis- take, please return same to 418 E. Washington or telephone 2172-M. 4-5 LOST--At South Ferry field, Thursday, big red sweater, roll collar, key tied in pocket. Finder call Warner, 703 Church or 1762-W. 5-7 LOST-In the library, two rings, one diamond and one Topaz. Return to 721 S. Twelfth street. Reward. Phone 1158-M. 5 LOST-A gold cuff button at Hill audi- torium at Band Bounce. Finder please call Stebbins. Phone 144. 5-7-9 LOST-Athletic book, Friday, on State street or campus. Hope Nichoson, 708 S. State. Phone 2017. 5 LOST-Delta Delta Delta Sorority pin with name on back. Reward. Phone 1309. 4-5 LOST-Athletic book No. 5533. Find- or return to Daily office. Reward. 4-5 FOR RENT FOR RENT - Desirable room two blocks west of campus. Student oc- cupying compelled to return home. WANTED WANTED-Students with selling abil- ity who wish to earn more than their expenses by working an hour each evening should communicate with "Clean Products Co., 620 N. State, Chicago, attention Mr. Hahn." Our proposition appeals particularily to college men. k WANTED-Furnished rooms for light housekeeping by young couple. State location, number of rooms, price, accommodations. Answer care of Box XX, Michigan Daily. 4-5-7 WAWNTED-Club of eight or ten boys for balance of school year or start- ing Jan. first, study rooms and dorm- itory, modern house. Information given at 924 Oakland. 5-7 WANTED-Student laundry. Mrs. St. George, 1140 Forest Ave. 4-5-7 MISCELLANEOUS I ~ TYPEWRITERS of all makes bought, sold, rented or ex- changed. Expert repairing, factory service. Sole agent Under- wood & Corona. TYPEWRITING, MIMEOGRAPHING & SUPPLIES. 0. D. MORRILL, X22 S. State St. (Over Baltimore Lunch). 582-J. T40 SILl FOR SALW-Two tickets, Kreisler eon- eart. Main loor. Phone 1540. Dr. A. S. Warthin, of the medical school, will give his annual series of lectures to the freshmen af the Univer- sity on three days of this month, be- ginning, Friday, Nov. 10, in the west medical amphitheater of the %medical building. The second of these lectures will be given on Nov. 13, while the date of the third, and last, has not been decided as yet. Admission to the lectures will be by ticket as has been the custom in recent years, the paste boards being distributed from the student "Y" of- fice and tables placed in various camp- us buildings. The distribution of tick- ets is necessary in order that there may be no over crowding of the amphi- theater on any night. The purpose of the lectures is to give male students a knowledge of person- al hygiene and has become a part of the freshmen duties at this University to attend them. The date of the final lecture as well as the exact time and place of the dis- tribution of the tickets will be an-. nounced in The Daily the first of next week. HEALTH OFFICER TO ADDRESS COUNCIL ON HEALTH SURVEY Dr. John Wessinger, local health of- ficer, will give a full report of the health survey, work on which was finished last week, before the regular meeting of the common council at 7:30 o'clock tomorrow evening. A meeting of the street committee will be held at 1:30 o'clock in the afternoon. We set glass. C. H. Major & Co. 5-16 r 1857-Dry Goods, Furniture and Women's Fashions-1916 The perfect cuisine, effecient service and well chosen appointments of the delightful Mack 4000 I 6zr7)'7a/ar have won for it 'preeminence among the better dining places of Ann Arbor. It can be conveniently reached from either elevator and is open daily during shop- ping hours. Regular Service a la carte Special Noon Lunches at Soc (Second Floor) November Victor Records Are On Sale Teday! Phone us your order for Approval! Try them out in your home. Wisconsin: A new Journalism club We can supply you with any thing has been formed to bring speakers known to the wall-paper and paint of note in magazine and newspaper business. C. H. Major & Co. Phone work to the university. 237. 5-16 Grinnell Bros. 116 a. Dpait St. PHONE 1707 *1