Ak .# c' LI_ . THE WEATHER ANN ARBOR- COOL AND PARTLY CLOUDY; 3IODE1RA'TE WINDS CHIGA a ,,,,, '' UNITED PRESS WIRE DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE THE ONLY MORNING PAPER IN ANN ARBOR VOL XXVII. No. 29. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1916. PRICE FIVE FIND HUGE 3CALE PLAN TO VIOLATE LAWS OFELECTION DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE INVES- TIGATORS MAKE DIS- CLOSURE TRANSPORT 60,000 NEGROES Attorney General Makes Declaration Giving Various Phases of Gigantic Scheme Washington Nov. 3.--Plans to vio- late the election laws on a huge scale, including the transportation of 60100 negroes into Indiana, Ohio, Illinois,. and other middle western states, have been uncovered by department of jus- tice investigators, the attorney general announced late today. Many of the negroes have registered, intending to vote despise tne fact that they have been in the north only three months, it was said. Plans to register unnaturalized citi- zens, "false registration by padding lists with fictitious names, with the intention of having other persons vot- ing under these names, false counts and returns by election boards, ficti- tious persons who have failed to vote and intimidation in various forms," are cited by the department as being among the schemes. The intimidation largely has been by employers who" threaten to close factories and shops if opposition can- didates are elected. In a city in Kan- sas the department stated, evidence already has been obtained that false registration totals into the thousands. The attorney general refused to name the city. Report Detroit Is Implicated. Detroit, Nov. 3.-Important evidence indicating colonization of negroes in Detroit for'% Tuesday's election has been unearthed, according to a state- ment today from the office of District Attorney Kinnane. The statement in- timated this colonization had been dis- covered in the second precinct of the third ward and adjoining precincts. Expect Special Grand Jury. Chicago, Nov. 3.-Special grand juries in Indiana, Illinois, and Ohio will be called to investigate alleged vote frauds and registration law vio- lations soon after election day, Nov. 17, according to an announcement made late today by Frank Dailey of Indianapolis, special assistant district attorney. Dailey had been in confer- ence for several hours with District Attorney Cline and other federal of- ficers. TRY TO MAKE SECOND RENO Phoenix, Ariz., Proposes Constitution Amendment Making Easy Divorce Phoenix, Ariz., Nov. 3.-Phoenix may become a second Reno, if a proposed amendment to the city constitution is adopted by the voters next Tuesday. It provides a residence of six months, but otherwise makes divorce "almost as easy as having a tooth pulled, and far less painful" as one politician put it. The new law sanctions severance of marital relations when either party is insane, when either is addicted to the use of drugs or is incompetent, diseased, or cruel. Attorneys say the provision will practically let down the bars. An organized campaign is be- ing waged by hotel men and others in favor of the amendment. NOTARY PUBLIC TO SWEAR OUT BALLOTS FOR STUDENTS A notary public will be at the Farmers and Mechanics bank today to swear out ballots for student voters who are unable to go home to vote. This will be done free of charge, but no other form of document will be executed. This applies only to men students who are at least 21 years of age and residents of Michigan or of some state that permits voting in this manner. No Further Smallpox CVases Reporied No further cases of smallpox have been reported in Ypsilanti. The sup- nosed epidemic is well under control. GERMANS LOSE GROUND I VILLGE Of SLL Berlin Reports Russians Thrown Back leven Times In Battle on Eastern Front Berlin, Nov. 3.-Germans lost ground in the village of Sailly on the Somme front yesterday, but repulsed hostile attacks elsewhere in the western the- ater of war. In the eastern theater of war, Russians suffered especially severe losses in seven futile attempts to recapture the positions west of Folv Krasnolosio on the left bank of the Narycka. Berlin, Nov. 3.-German sea forces conducted a raid on trade routes be- tween the Thames and Holland last night, and brought into port two sus- picious steamers. The German torpedo boats were shelled by four British cruises but were undamaged. "On the night of Nov. 2, a small German sea craft advanced from points of support on the coast of Flanders, on trade routs between the Thames, and Holland," said the admiralty's statement. . HALL IMPHSIZES "BE MICHIGAN WOMEN" Talks at Opening Reception of Wo- men's League in Sarah Cas- well Angell Hall --- An enthusiastic audience of 500 wo- mnen listened to Registrar A. G. Hall's remarks at the opening reception of1 the Women's league in Sarah Caswell Angell hall Friday afternoon. The key- note of Dr. Hall's message was found in the words, "t is not what you get out of the league, and the University, but what you put into them, that counts. It is the student body which is the leavening of the world. Be Michigan women." He went on and gave a short his- tory of the University. telling many in- teresting stories of the past, and some amusing tales of early student pranks. In speaking of co-education le said,, 'The time is past when the success of co-education is considered a debat- able subject. However, never forget that equality does not mean identity.- Never forget to be true to your own ideals of a noble, useful womanhood."f Margaret Reynolds, 17, then spokeF briefly on the purposes and aims of the league. After this Mrs. G. A. Has- treiter rendered two solos: "Revela- ation," by Scott, and "Love Is the Wind." by MacFaydenn At the conclusion of the program, irranged by Della Laubengayer, ice cream was served in the parlors of the gymnasium and the remainder of the time was spent in dancing., Margaret Reynolds, '17, was assisted ! receiving by Anita Kelley, '17, Mrs.t H. B. Hutchins, Miss Miriam Gerlach, Mrs. A. C. Hall, Mrs. W. D. Henderson, Mrs. R. W. Cowden, and Miss Helen Danley. BERNSTORFF HAS U-BOAT MAIL Ploughs Through 800 Pounds De- livered From Deutschland Washington, Nov. 3.-German Am- bassador von Bernstorff spent most of the day ploughing through 800 pounds of embassy mail brought from Ger- many on the merchantman submarine Deutschland. Whether the Deutsch- land is to carry United States mail on her return trip has not yet been def- initely decided, Ambassador Bernstorff said today. The embassy staff was an- swering important communications contained in the six mail pouches. The ship's first officer had a long talk with- the ambassador. Carn" za Denies Villa Has Taken City New York, Nov. 3.-A message from General Carranza denying that Vil- listas have captured Parral was re- ceived by Andrea Garcia, inspectorj general of the Mexican consulates, this afternoon. "Carranza troops are in control of the city," the message said, "and there is absolutely no truth in the report of its capture?' Carranza'sa message announced that constitutional troops at Juarez will be paid 50 cents a day in gold hereafter, in addition to the paper money. SHORTA6E OF GOAL MENACESDETROIT Board of Commerce Secretary to An- nounce Condition Before Inter- state Commission SUPPLIED FOR ONLY 15 DAYS Detroit, Nov. 3.-Detroit will be without coal in 15 days, local dealers predicted today, unless there is immed- iate relief to the car shortage situa- tion and the congestion in local rail- road terminals. These facts were brought out by Walter C. Cole, secre- tary of the Detroit board of commerce, who is in Louisville, Ky., to present Detroit's case to the InterstateCor- merce commission. The board of commerce investiga- tion revealed that there are 15,000 cars loaded with food stuffs and raw mater- ials for factories in the railroad yards, here, while thousands of other cars are on sidings outside the city, and cannot be brought in because of the congestion. Hundreds of Witnesses Seek McCord Louisville, Ky., Nov. 3.-Hundreds of witnesses flocked here today, anxious to tell Interstate Commerce Commiss- ioner McCord why they believe there is a car shortage, and why fuel prices are up. There are so many witnesses that Commissioner McCord said he would be unable to hear all, and asked writ- ten testimony from the majority. Vice-president Park, of the Illinois Central railroad, was the first witness. Park said the Illinois Central has only 17,000 coal cars on its line, although it owns 24,000. He advocated placing control of the administratioin of car service with the Interstate Commerce commission. Rush to Buy Coal a Menace Washington, Nov. 3.-Fears that the private consumer is going to pay heav- ily for coal this winter were expressed today by government agents investigat- ing the threatened coal famine. A rush of wholesale buying by large in- dustrial concerns in all sections in fear of a shortage has injected an un- expected menace into the situation. Reports of this raid on the market poured into the federal trade commiss- io today from various sections of the country, particularly industrial cent- ers of the middle west. Prices in some sections as a result are quoted at from 50 to 100 percent above normal. GO TO CHURCH SUNDAY MOVEMENT GINS FORCE Is Receiving Hearty Co-operation of Both Ministers and Towns- people Go-to-Church-Sunday is receiving wide attention from the campus and the Ann Arbor community, both as a move toward the encouragement of student attendance at church and as a means of adding the finishing touches to the dry campaign in the state. The movement is receiving the hearty co-operation of the ministers and townspeople because they see in it an excellent opportunity to em- phasize some of the issues in the dry campaign. The Rev. N. C Fetter, dry campaign manager of Washtenaw county says, "We expect this Go-to- Church-Sunday on the last Sunday be- fore election to be the climax of the campaign in Ann Arbor. The min- isters of every church will explain the issues and point out the duty of every citizen to act right." The sentiment of the campus is fully expressed in the words Prof. E. C. Goddard of the Law School, who says, "I believe in Go-to-Church-Sun- day and every other Sunday, for the student as well as everybody else. "Something like 60 per cent of the students in the University come from homes with church connections. Un- fortunately at the formative period of his life, the student often assumes that he should take a vacation from church during his college course. This results in a one-sided, instead of a fully rounded, development during those years. I am glad to notice a largely increased attendance in re- cent years and hope the movement will gather force and numbers." Clip These Yells and Take Them to Ferry Field Today Boom Ah, Bang Rah, Smash 'em up, Michigan. MI-CH-IG-AN. (Spell slowly.) MI-CH-IG-AN. (Faster.) MI-CH-IG-AN. (Very fast.) Michigan! Michigan! Michigan! Mich-i-gan, fight a-gain, Fight a-gain, Mich-i-gan, Rah! Rah? MichigaTi! M-m-m M-m-m M-m-m. Mich-i-gan. R-r-r R-r-r R-r-r Rush-i-gan Michigan. Rah! Four cheers were chosen yesterday by the board of directors of the athletic association to contest for the three prizes of $5.00, $3.00, and $2.00 offered by F. J. Scully, '12. These cheers are the work of Julius A. Negin, '19E, K. P. Jones, '19, W. H. Sprague, grad., and L. 0. B. Lindstrom, '19E, respectively, and were chosen from among over 300 cheers that were contributed during the course of the contest. The final awarding of the prizes has been deferred by the board of directors until after the game with Washington today. All four cheers will be tried out today during the game and their value gauged in ac- cordance with the sentiment of the spectators, measured largely by their enthusiasm in yelling them. TWO CONTORTS IVEN OUT BY MICHIGANENSIAN Printing and Engraving Work Award- ed to Same Firms Employed Last Year Contracts for the engraving and printing of the 1917 Michiganensian were awarded by the board of control of student publications at their regu- lar meeting held Thursday afternoon. The DuBois Press of Rochester, N. Y., will do the printing, and the engraving will be done by the Jahn and Ollier Engraving company, of Chicago. These firms did this same work last year and the results were so satis- factory that there was no hesitation in awarding them the contracts for this year's book. At the same meeting it was decided to raise the ,price of the year book from $2.50 to $3.00 because of the in- creased size of the book as it is now planned, and the extremely high price of paper and printing materials. It is estimated that the actual cost of pro- ducing the book will be 50 per cent greater than it was last year. The Michiganensian of last year ranked among the best college annuals produced in the country and at the same time was the only large college annual to sell for $2.50. Other col- leges and universities asked from $3.00 to $5.00 for their year books. - - The subscription plan will be used again this year. During the first week in December everybody will have an opportunity to subscribe by making a deposit of 50 cents. Final payment will be made in the spring when the books are distributed. The staff is already hard at work on the material and it is their aim to have the book out earlier than ever. All seniors are urged to make arrange- ments for their photographs as soon as possible. In this way they will get the benefit of better service from photographers. DANIELS ELECTED LAW HEAD Chosen to Lead Class After Tie Vote of Last Week Harry C. Daniels was elected presi- dent of the senior law class at their second election held yesterday after- noon in the main corridor of the law building. T. F. McDonald, '17L, his only competitor, received 49 votes to his 74. This election was made necessary by the tie vote for Donald Sarbaugh and Ferris Fitch for the office at the regular election last week. ELSIE PRATT TO LECTURE TO FIRST YEAR WOMEN TUESDAY A hygiene lecture for women of the freshman class of the University will be given at 5 o'clock next Tuesday afternoon by Dr. Elsie Pratt, of the University health service, in the west amphitheater of the medical building. All first year women are urged to be present as this is the biggest lecture to be given on this subject during the year. PROF. VIBBET TO TALK AT FRESHMAN ASSEMBLY General Plan of Meetings This Year to Be Substantially the Same as Last Prof. Charles B. Vibbert will speak to the freshmen on the qualifications for eligibility in student activities, at their first monthly class assembly, to be held next Monday at 4 o'clock, in the auditorium of the natural science building. The general plan of assemblies for the ensuing year has been mapped out, and will be announced by the freshmen advisors, Prof. Morris B. Tilley, and Prof. Calvin Davis. The organization of the assemblies will be substantially the same as that of last year, and with the co-operation of the students, which accounted in great measure for the success of the plan adopted for the first time in last year's freshman class, it is expected that it will meet with success from the very beginning. The large attendance of last season was due in large degree to the hearty co-operation of the class officers, and to the efforts of upperclassmen and leaders in the student council to con- solidate the class and impress the fact of unity upon them by having them meet together, at stated times, to dis- cuss class business, social affairs, and to enable the students to secure many practical advantages which they would not otherwise receive in their college courses. Efforts are made to secure the best speakers upon student affairs, and the meetings result not only in encouraging class spirit, but also en- able the first year students to receive some idea of the things Michigan stands for, and to nourish and foster the ideals and traditions of the Uni- versity. There will be perhaps six or sev- en assemblies held during the year, and as they are of exceptional ad- vantage and benefit to those who in-' tend to make Michigan their alma mat- er, all freshmen of loyality and good class spirit are expected to attend. LAW REVIEW OUT NEXT WEEK Editors Work to Make This Issue Good Example for Rest of of Year According to the present plans of the editor, Professor Evans Holbrook, the initial number'of the Michigan Law Review will be ready for publication the first of next week. A great amount of work has been put upon this number of the magazine to set a high standard for the remaind- er of the year. The following articles will appear: "The Attaint," by John M. Zane, '84, of the Chicago bar; "Dir- ect Primary Legislation in Michigan," by Arthur C. Millspaugh, professor of political science at Whitman College; "The Federal Bill of Lading Act," by H. S. Ross, of the Montreal bar, and the usual comment on recent decisions, by the board of editors and assistants. Postpone Regular Alpha Nu Meeting The regular meeting of Alpha Nu Debating society was postponed last night because of the Band Bounce. FIHST APPEARANC OF BAND BOUNCE MARKEDSUCCESS" FEATURES PRESENTED BY BAND AS WELL AS SEVERAL ACTS TAKE WELL CROWD FILLS AUDITORIUM Pantomime "Ain't It the Truth" Makes Big Hit With Audience; Scene Laid on Campus Musical novelties, clever dialogues, and sparkling sketches characterized the band bounce held in Hill auditor- ium last night. The features offered by the band as well as the several acts were received by the huge audi- ence with marked enthusiasm. The bounce assumed something of the na- ture of a mass meeting during the shifting of the scenes, as was shown by the yells and cheers for the band. and the team. Perhaps the most applauded of the features was the pantomime; "Ain't It the Truth?" the scene of which was laid along one -of the campus walks. The indifference paid to various types of University women and the great difference shown to the "peach," brought forth roars of laughter from the audience. L. B. Emmerman, '18L, won favor with his clever sitging and with his tribute to Captain Maulbetsch, a dramatic poem inspired by the Har- vard game, which was given as an encore. James H. Stevens, '18E, displayed professional talent by his performance on the mandolin, while Orva Williams, '19E, performed a laughable farce, "The Innocent Drummer," taking all the parts himself in a very creditable manner. Fred M. Adams, '17, demonstrated the sinuous graces of an Oriental charmer, supported by Allen, Brooks, and Tappan, clever performers in themselves. Arthur L. Murray, '19, was forced to give three encores to his song, "I want to Dance." Four couples were pressed into service to demonstrate by action what the words were to convey. Led by Helen Champion,"17, the 13 women who took part in the aesthetic dance, "Algebraic Antics," exhibited a singular grace of movement, while the intricate figures of the "simultaneous equation" were tripped without a flaw. Applause unstinted was offered by the audience to the charming dancers. Members of the Washington team, who arrived in Apn Arbor this morn- ing, occupied the two front center rows, their advent being loudly cheered by those present. The 50 members of the band ren- dered seven numbers, all of which were especially well received. Led by Director Wilson, the aggregation showed finish and style that did much to instill "pep" and enthusiasm. Over $400 was taken in at th door, the purchasers of tickets awaiting their turn in a long line in a drizzling rain. Altogether, but few of the 5,500 seats were vacant when the band struck into its program. Much credit is due to the manage- ment of the entrances and exits, and to the shifting of the properties, al- ways a difficult proposition in Hill. auditorium, owing to the construction of the stage. In general, the impres- sion given by the first 1916 band bounce is one of smoothness and ease, none of the numbers offered lacking in dash and go. Canadian Club Plans Smoker at Unicn At a recent meeting of the executive board of the Canadian club it was de- cided to hold a smoker at the Union one week from this coming Thursday. Short talks will be given by some of the members, and smokes and cider will be in abundance. * * * * * * * * * * * * . * * * BRITISH CAPTURE TEETH * * X * London.-(By mail).-Twelve * * hundred dozen sets of false * * teeth were part of a recent Ger- * * man "catch" by British block- * * aders watching American ship- * * ments to Germany. * * * * * *a * *