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November 03, 1916 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-11-03

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z Prize Contest
Will Be Announced in Satur-
y's Daily; Prizes Given
by F. J. Scully
than 300 contributions in the
ntest were turned over to the
f directors of the athletic as-
a yesterday when the contest
a close at 4 o'clock. The prize
cheers will be announced in
y's Daily.
prizes of $5.00, $3.00, and $2.00
awarded to the winners. They
red by F. J. Scully, '12.
Dance Tickets Still Unsold
and Mrs. J. G. Parker, and
.d Mrs. H. E. Riggs will chap-
he Union dance tonight. A
of tickets at 75 cents are still
id. Don Smith, '17E, is chair-
the committee.

Chicago, Nov. 2.-Soaring prices may
get a solar plexus jab when the na-
tional conference on marketing and
farm credits meets here Dec. 4 to 9.
Efforts to stop waste in marketing of
live stock, milk, grain, and perishable
food stuffs will be made and pro-
posed laws supplementing the federal
farm loan act will be drawn up.
This is to be the fourth conference
of the national association which is
devoted td the problem of cutting
down waste of all kinds in distribution
of farm products. It is attempting to
bring the farmer and the consumer
closer together, hoping that both may
profit by eliminating middlemen.
Society Has File of Class Schedules
The Engineering society is prepar-
ing a file of the class schedules of
all members, giving class room num-
bers and hours.

FACULTYIWOMEN GIE TALKS * * * * * * * * * Yale Has ManyTrack Men
TO SUFFRAGE CLUB MEETING * AT THE THEATERS *Yale has an unusually large num-
ber of men out for track and field
Miss Miriam Gerlach, assistant dean * TODAY
ofwoenan D. lse rat, sports this falli, the newcomers being
of women, and Dr. Elsie Pratt, of the * 3tajestic-VaudeiLe. * given preliminary work under the eyes
University health service, principal * -.z of the veteran members of the squad.,
speakers at the meeting of the Wom- * Q:1 hnlmim -- Fannie Ward in * Y'illia1s and Berg have the sprinters
en's Suffrage club Wednesday after- *, 'Each Pearl a Tear." Also * in hand; Farwell is looking after the
noon, outlined the full case in favor of * 3ray cartoons. * hurdlers; Nagel and McLeish attend
woman suffrage. * * to the pole vaulters; Gifford and St.
Plans for engaging noted speakers * Arcade -- Mabel Tala erro j Hill the high jumpers; Grant the broad
for future meetings were discussed at * Ihe w 01 Love." Jre. * jumpers, and Underhill the weight
the meeting. Ruth Huston, '18, was * )fmedy Al;) k itrowers.
appointed chairman of the member- * * * * * * * * * *
ship committee, and Marion Wilson, _____- Yale Expects to Win Gun Shoot
'18. chairman of the publicity com- P (,ered r B (e Ign I le a usual has a large squad in
mitthe Michigan Technic is offering ar gun club, and expects
SHtoelr reeat its victory of a year ago in
ou er Heads )edcl Committee ! prize of.$5.00 for the best cover de- t )inning the November intercollegiate
Dr. C. B. Stouffer, of the University sign submitted to the publication. The si o1ts The practice field back of the
health service, has been selected by editors wish to stimnuiate interest In al I ball field has been improved and
Dr. W. W. Van Baun, president of the the magazine among architects and new ap instaled so that there will
American Institute of Homeopathy, as with the campus in general. The con- be am ple room for the freshman team
chairman of the bureau of materia test will close Dec. 4. which has been organized and which
medica which will report at the annual! ------ --- - e 41 this fall shoot against the Prince-
national convention of the institute at Aec' the lhnd lounee, Ianee ai e ten freshmen and the team of the Taft
Rochester in June, 1917. Arliory. Prep school.

Hold Try-Outs for Washington Relay
Try-outs for the fresh-soph relay
race to be run between halves of the
Washington game Saturday will be
held this afternoon between 2:30 and
5 o'clock. All men of either class who
have any running ability whatever
are urged to get *out for this race.
Both teams are badly in need of good
men. The workout today will be in
charge of Coach Farrell and HI. E.
O'Brein, '17, Varsity sprinter.
Forty Out fok Penn Rifle Team
Forty new men reported for rifle
practice when the call for members of
a rifle team was made at the Univer-
sity of Pennsylvania. Ten members of
last year's team were also on hand and
Major Kelly, U. S. A., who is coaching
them, found a number among the new-
comers who had a good foundation in
the preliminary training they had had
at the Plattsburg camp of instruction
during the summer. Nearly a hundred
men will be tried out during the win-
ter with practice in one of the near-by
city armories.



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Copyright Hart Schainer & Mar




Do You Know Where the Buttons
on Your Clothes Come From?


f **, 1,*


We are out for office; we want to be chosen

to represent


i the matter of


m - r


We have a wonderful following


It is an interesting little story; if you are a wearer
of our clothes, you will be doubly interested.

now -we want t increase it and here are
good reasons why you should support us:

The material for the best buttons-and that
is the kind used on the clothes we sell grows on

Your interests always come first at this store.



are hired to work for you-not us.


You get
we sell

trees in tropical climates.

The growth is in the

form of a solid nut, which becomes harder and

Hart, Schaffner
these goods, we

are style leaders; our values can't be

& Marx clothes here because

harder as it ripens;

they finally drop to the

ground and are still further hardened by exposure

to the sun and weather.

They become so hard

We can fitany man and guarantee satisfaction or your
money back.


that they are known as vegetable ivory, and for
all practical purposes are as hard as elephants
tusks. These nuts are then turned into buttons.



217 South -maiStreet



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