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November 02, 1916 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-11-02

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When a man begins ..
to pay attention to his Y
clothes he commences to it.
improve in other direc-
* Z
Smart Ciothes
set the highest standards
for such improvement.
Lindenschmidt, Apel & Co.
209 S. flaw S.

Calkins Drug Co.

Two Stores

324 So. State and 1123 So. University Ave.
Our Soda Fountain has always been known

for the high quality of the

drinks and for

Children of fapan Have Desire
to Learn the English Language
Sotokichi Katsuizumi, '17, of Tsubata, Kaga, Japan, contri-
butes the second of a series of articles by foreign students about
some phase of their native lands.
INFLUENCE OF THE ENGLISH The national educational department
LANGUAGE requires all students to take five years
From early childhood the children of English. Such authors eszWashing-
of Japan have a desire to learn the ton Irving, Emerson, Longfellow and
English language. Educators of the even Mark Twain are read ani enjoy-

-- COPYRHIGHT. 1416.
I« AI3L.l,1{xS. & Co.

your elfwith
a smile and ai
air of prosper
ity. Wear
your best bus
iness suit and
a cheerful
necktie. If
you have no
best suit--bud
one. We hav
to appear pro
sperous, if w
are to be pro-

Do Thi

Come In

land are stimulating their aspirations
by introducing English letters and
words in primary readers. Though'
the children are not compelled to
learn them they soon do.
In the higher grades English is elec-
tive. A great number of the pupils
are learning it..
Then, too, the Japense children like
to hear the stories of great men in
other countries, especially of those
in this country.
Among the pictures of great Amer-
icans they are fond of is the one of
Franklin with the loaves of bread un-
der his arm; the'one of Lincoln study-
ing before the open fire and the one of
Washington in his father's orchard
with his hatchet.

Thus they are constant y learning
the ways of this country and getting
the American spirit.
In 1908, when the United States
navy visited our land the children of
the schools of Tokio showed their
hearty welcome by learning American
national songs and singing them be-
fore the officers and men.
English is used in many places out-
side of the schools. In railroad sta-
tions for example the timetables an-
nouncements and rules are often print-
ed in that language.
So the English language has a much
greater influence in Japan than the
average person would imagine.

200-202 MAIN S

Agmlh h,


The Eberbach & Son Co.

Good Drugs-Toilet Articles
Chemicals and Laboratory Supplies.
You know the Quality is Right.

caxmot mak
Pi ctures


The EbErbach Son Co.
200-204,'E. Liberty St.


M ~

An atmosphere of luxury
and refnement surrounds
the presence of a man
who wears carefully chos-
en and neatly fitted


5x6 R. William s St.

THE TRUFFLERS-Samuel Merwin.
Bobbs-Merril, Indianapolis.
To those who are young and to those
who lead the most conservative of
lives there is an eternal appeal in the
tales of that freedom of life which ex-
ists in the so-called Bohemian life.
Especially is this true of those tales
which are surrounded by the romantic
halo of New York at its most pictures-
que. In the queer, intense emotional
atmosphere of Washington Square and
Greenwich village,_ live three men,
Peter Ericson Mann, the playwright,
long of face and clever, Hy Lowe,
whose assistant editorship of a miss-
ionary journal cannot daunt the light-
ness of his soul, and Henry Bates, the
worm, who "does" book reviews. Then
there is Sue Wilde, slim and fearless
as a boy, who has left her home and
its conventions for the free life of the
village so that she may pass on her
message of freedom to the world.
There are others in the village, Zanin,
the Russian, with the virility of mind

and idea which the peasant of the
old world gives to the idealist of the
new, and a restless lot of artists and
free thinkers.
It is for Sue Wilde and others girls
of the quarter that Peter invents the
name "Truffler," one who seeks mere-
ly the truffles of life, who turns from
the duties of life to the passionate en-
joyment of pleasure. It is as a preach-
ment against this false freedom that
he writes his play "The Truffiers."
Later, when he knows Sue, he writes
the scenario for the nature film, in
which is advocated the most radical
"truffling." The contrast between
these two plays shows the conflict
around which the story is written.
Mr. Merwin has in his story consid-
ered the problem of the modern wo-
men. In Sue, he has presented her with
a great deal of sympathy and fair-
show, he has recognized her passionate
desire for what she considers is free-
dom, and he has come to the same con-
clusion about her which most of those
who devote stories to her interests and
importance, simply that the modern
woman is no different in her real in-
stincts and desires, from the old
fashioned woman. She is not a woman
minus certain qualities which her
grandmother possessed, she possesses
these qualities plus others which her
enlarged vision has given her. The
man or the woman who tries to get
away from the fundamental facts of
'life, has refused to live.
The "Trufflers" is an entertaining
story; its characterization is real and
amusing, and its atmosphere is ap-
pealing. For those who desire light
reading and for those who are inter-
ested in the problems of the modern
woman, the story would be equally
profitable reading.
Use the advertising columns of the
Michigan Daily in order to reach the
,best of Ann Arbor's buyers.

Series of Hygiene Lectures for Women
Given Every Tuesday
Indoor gymnasium work for women
will begin Thursday, Nov. 16. Sched-
ules for this work are now posted on
the bulletin board in the gymnasium,
as are the election blanks for swim-
ming and basket ball.
Special classes will begin the f)l -
lowing week, advanced aesthetic danc-
itg coming at 4 o'clock, Monday, Nov
20, beginning aesthetic dancing, 4
o'clock, Tuesday, Nov. 21, and play-
ground work, at 4 o'clock, Wednesday,
Nov. 22. All girls wishing to enroll
in these classes should do so at once.
Any girls who have not secured
lockers in the gymnasium, must get
them this week.
In connection with the required
gymnasium work, a series of hygiene
lectures will be given every Tuesday
afternoon, for six consecutive weeks,
beginning Tuesday, Nov. 7. These
lectures will be held at 5 o'clock in
the west amphitheater of the medical
building. Attendance is compulsory
for all freshmen, and for those sopho-
mores who have not previously had
such a course.
Campaign Raises $2,000 for Prisoners
Minneapolis, Minn., Nov. 1.- With
the campaign hardly started nearly
$2,000 has been pledged to the fund
for aiding war prisoners in Europe.
The committee is made up of Univer-
sity of Minnesota students represent-
ing the entire campus.
California Flyer Killed During Test
Redwood City, Calif., Nov. 1.-Silas
Cristofferson, aviator and proprietor
of an aviation school here, was killed
at noon today when a military tractor
aeroplane he was testing, fell 100 feet.
He never recovered consciousness
after the fall.
Army Preparing for Notre Dame Battle
West Point, Nov. 1. - The Army's
football eleven was put through some
of the hardest drilling of the season
this afternoon in preparation for its
game with the powerful Notre Dame
eleven. Vidal is still out with a slight
injury but he is expected back for
active practice for tomorrow.
Germans Grow Thin on War Diet
Amsterdam, Nov. 1.-A Berlin news-
paper says that the average weight ofj
Germans has decreased from 12 to 16
pounds as a consequence of scarcity
of food.

Two Homeops and One Engineer Given
Better Positions
Every year news is received of the
successes of graduates from the Uni-
versity. Former students in the
homeopathic and engineering depart-
ments have been making a splendid
record since their graduation.
Dr. H. M. Sage, '13H, who was Dr.
D. W. Myers' assistant in the homeo-
pathic hospital at the University for
three years, has accepted the position
of assistant professor in the ear, nose,
and throat department of the Ohio
State University.
C. L. Ward, '14E, who is engaged at
present with the state highway com-
mission at Lansing, has accepted the
position of assistant in the engineer-
ing department in the University of
Dr. David Hagerman, '1511, a resi-
dent of Grand Rapids, has accepteO
the position of assistant in gynecology
with Dr. C. B. Kenyon, senior assist-
ant, at the university homeoi5athic
Classical Club to Present Euripidean
Tragedy in Spring
The first tryout for the Greek play,
"Iphigenia Among the Tauri," a
tragedy of Euripides in the original
Greek, to be given by the Classical
club next spring, will be held in the
auditorium of University hall from 4
to 6 o'clock, tomorrow afternon. The
tryout will be open to both active and
associate members of the Classical
club, and to both men and women.
Those who witnessed the Latin play
produced last year and the success it
attained under the direction of Prof.
Herbert A. Kenyon, of the Spanish de-
partment, are assured that this year's
play will equal the smoothness of the
Latin performance. Prof. Kenyon will
again be in charge and will be as-
sisted by Prof. Campbell Bonner, Dr.
F. E. Robbins, and Prof. A. A. Stanley.
Dr. C. D. Camp Speaks to Clinical Club
Dr. Carl D. Camp, president of the
Clinical club of the University, spoke
to the members of the society last night
on "A Report of a Case from the Neurol-
ogic Clinic," at the medical amphi-
theater in the university hospital. Re-
freshments were served at the in-
ternes' home following the conclusion
of the program.


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~ ,,
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Sece, al Ilae
Best Theaftcs

All M.tro Featurs Have First Run at The Arcaie Thealre,
End Y our (Clothes Quest.
You will find the classiest 6tyles of the season
hers,- a profuse array of distinctive models, at.prices
that are bound to appeal to you.

All the new ideas in cut and patterns-
clever ly tailored suits in the new tones
and fabrics.

Lea" Copy leave Copy
at at
uar Students'
AVE R IS Supply Store
lh elaA D VE RTI S IN G


TYPEWRITERS of all makes
bought, sold, rented or ex-
changed. Expert repairing,
factory service. Sole agent Under-
-wood & Corona. TYPEWRITING,
0. D.. MORRILL, 322 S. State St.
(Over Baltimore Lunch). 582-J.
GOBLINS removed an Ice Cream freez-
er Tues. night, which I should like
to recover. They left a wheel-bar-
row which owner may have upon re-
quest. J. B. Waite, phone 626-R. 2

FOR RENT - Desirable room two
blocks west of campus. Student oc-
cupying compelled to return home.
Phone 902-W. , 2-3-4-5-7-8
FORhRENT-Pleasant suite, good
light, and heat. $3.50 for two per-
sons, or $2.50 for one. Call 1741-J,
433 So. Division. 2
FOR RENT-Single room. Enquire at
716 Church or Alpha Delta Phi
house. oct.21-2'
FOR RENT-Single room. 439 S. Di-
vision. Phone 1820-R. 31-N.1-2

Suits $16 to $28.50
Overcoats $15 to $28.50


November Victor Records

Are On Sale Today!

Phone us your order for Approval!
Try them out in your home.

Oscar Marx Talks to Michigan Alumni
Oscar B. Marx, mayor of Detroit,
addressed the University of Michigan
club of that city yesterday during the
noon hour at the Hotel Cadillac. The
address was his final appeal to the
citizens of Detroit before election day
on behalf of good city government.

Use the advertising columns of
Michigan Daily in order to reach
best of Ann Arbor's buyers.
Ann Arbor's progressive mercha
use the Michigan Daily as their ad'
tising medium.

116 E. LTBER Y

LOST-A 3-B pipe, Saturday or Sun- -
day near campus. Reward if return- WANTED-Dressmaking. 706 South
ed to 609 S. Thayer. 2 112th street. 27-2 incI

Griririell Bros.

PHONE 1707


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