INS 85 YARDS FOR SCO .wi PATCHED UP VARSITY HELD TO- 12-0 COUNT Dunne, Drops Four Out of From 50-Yard Line Ten Tries It was a patched up Varsity that scrimmaged against the reserves yes- terday afternoon and they were held to two touchdowns. Goal was not at- tempted after either touchdown and the final score was 12 to 0. The feature play of the afternoon was contributed by the fast traveling Zeiger, who sprinted 85 yards for a touchdown. The Varsity was back fighting in the shadow of their own goal line when the quarterback broke loose and sprinted almost the length of the field. Zeiger also Contributed the other counter. The Varsity marched almost the length of the field using straight football. Brazell got away for two nice runs and Zeiger dodged his way forward for one nice gain. Pat Smith was playing steadily and doing his share toward advancing the ball. Zeig- er eventually went over for the score. The lineup that scrimmaged yester- day afternoon went as follows: Martens, left end; Weimann, left tackle; Boyd, left guard; Skinner, cen- ter; Goodsell, right guard; Weske, right tackle; Loucks, right end; Zeig- er, quarterback; Brazell, left half; Hanish, right half; Smith, fullback. Bull Dunne practiced drop kicking and he did some phenomenal long dis- tance work. The regular Varsity left end stood squarely in the middle of the field on the 50-yard line and booted over four goals in ten attempts. Men who can drive the ball this far are: an uncommon article and the Wolver-l ines may press Dunne into service be- fore the season is over. On the fourth down when a punt is needed, if Michigan is with in striking distance at all, it isn't going to do the{ least bit of harm to let Bull try a drop kick, and there's always thet chance that three points will result., The big end is somewhat erratic at present through lack of practice and1 he had a hard time aiming themr In Joy We Stand, C CG. . SQUAD OUT FOR ALUMNI TO BACK ALL - FRESH In Pain We.,Lie WeSTATEMEET HONORS ames with Evanston 1rouses En- -tuslasm; May Lead to Tar- fo Zeiger, one of the stars in last Sat- sity Competition u: urday's football game with Syracuse, Expect to Make Good Showing in In-----s put three men on the hospital list tercollegiates; Fresh Run Michigan alumni in Chicago are tak- li without the slightest knowledge of the Tomorrow ing a big interest in this week's mat- m fact. When he jammed into the Or- inee between the All-Fresh and Evans- to ange forwards, three innocent specta- Right now the cross country boys S tors were hurt because of their glee- are loading up for the state meet at ton academy which will be played in c ful maniestations over the result. Two East Lansing a week from Saturday. the windy city suburb Saturday. of the boys sprained their ankles, I Not since 1905, when the crippled ce while the third, more unfortunate, was At this meet they will meet teams from Captain Curtiss from the side lines ni taken to the university hospital to set M. A. C., Olivet, Alma, and other state saw his team go down before the a broken ankle. institutions. The Wolverines cleaned Maroons, has a Michigan football team s up in this event last year. paid its respects to the western metro- h( Class Teams Declare War Again Today Despite their overwhelming defeat polis. The final score of the last game _ The following class teams will meet by Syracuse Saturday, Michigan's hill Michigan ever played in the conference today at 4:05 o'clock on south Ferry climbers have not given up hope of ended with the Wolverines on the short field. Fresh laws vs. Junior laws, placing well up in the intercollegiate end of a 2-0 count. The fray was one senior fits vs. junior Tits, .,and"seniorrace at New Haven next month. The of the hardest fought of any western eios vs. junior tsrteam will be hard at work every day battle. engs vs. junior engs. ThIaewsmd h Of the three games scheduled for from now until the big race. The game was made possible by the last Monday, the one between the Eddie Carroll, by his masterly per- combined efforts of Chicago Michigan formance Saturday, stamped himself men working in connection with Chair- one to b e played, frthe Juniorswas the only as one of the best performers in the man Aigler, of the board in control of on toe playe bthe rs winning long run that are to be found extant athletics, and Jim Murfin, of Detroit. from their younger brothers 6 to 0. in these United States. Some there The requests of the alumni were soI are who say that the doughty track many that a previously arranged year- straight from the 25-yard line when he leader could have increased his lead ling contest for Nov. 4 was canceled started kicking yesterday, but after he over his Orange rival in the late un- and the Evanston game substituted. got warmed up things went much bet- pleasantness by nearly a minute had To quote the Chicago Tribune: "The ter and he capped the climax with his he been disposed to push himself. game of Nov.'4 is somewhat in the na- spectacular boots from the middle of The freshmen will get a chance to ture of an experiment. The Chicago the field at the close. show their wares tomorrow afternoon alumni have been represented as be- Nothing much has been learned rela- when they will run over the same ing intensely interested in Michigan's tive to the strength of the Washington course that the Varsity took in its athletic activities. A manifestation of team that opposes Michigan on Satur- meet with the Methodists. Whether or such interest will do more to encour- day. No one is expecting a particu- no a freshman team will be sent to age efforts, engineered through proper larly hard game, but at the same time the Lansing meet will depend on the channels to bring about varsity com- Bill Edmunds may uncover an eleven showing made by the yearlings in this petition between Michigan and Chica- that will surprise the' Michigan ag- run. go, than any other single agency." ret'O'aOtion. Rcent re orts from the OCCER TEAM TO HOLD FINAL SCRDINAGE FORINITIAL GAAIE The soccer team is getting ready r the game with Ypsilanti this Sat- rday morning. There will be a final crimmage today in order to get a ne on the men. After this scrim- age, Coach Peirsol will choose the eam to represent the Maize and Blue. iits will be given to the men and a aptain elected from the members. Several men have been playing ex- ellent brand of soccer and will fur- ish a strong nucleus for a good team. The meeting for men interested in ccer will be held today in the club- ouse at 3:30 o'clock. CLARION 2j in. LENOX 2# in.. Two heights in the new COLLAR .Sc Each GEC. P. IDE & CO., Makers, TROY, N.V. 1 so lakers of Ide Shirts New Hampshire Meets Colby Harrir New Hampshire State College wit have the first dual cross-country mee in its history when it meets the teao from Colby College at Durham, N. H on Nov. 4. For results advertise in The Michi gan Daily. AN IDEAL STI DENT'S SWEATER JACKET Most admirably adapted for study Jack- et and class sweater. Made of special quality worsted, in Navy Blue, Gray. Black or Maroon. Has two pockets, an4c pearl buttons. No. 1OCP Jersey - Five Dollars Catalogue showing our completeline of Jerseys and Sweatv rs mailed on re- quest. A. G. SPALDING & BROS. Inc 121 Woodward Ave. Detroit, Mich. -4d RICHARD Le GALLIENNE TO-NIGHT g t A gjJ'JA L Api AAA l A. middle west indicate that some of the stars on the Washington team have been suffering from injuries and may not be at their best in the coming game. One of the stars of the visiting team is reputed to be a 125-pound backfield man who has been gaining ground all season for the Missouri team. It is only hoped that Rehor won't check his aspirations by stumbling at the wrong time and losing his balance when this midget is between Michigan's big guard and the terra firma beneath. Ferry field isn't exactly a feather bed at the present instance. FRIDAY NIGHT AT ARMORY. DANCING 9 TO 1 S P E C I A L S EXi T FICH ER KING ALDRICH Featuring (PIANO) (BANJORINF) (SAXOPHONE) TICK'TS AT BUSY BEE " ';. A Snappy Progfra.m of Fea.4xzre Vaudeville MANDOLIN VIRTUOSO-JAMES H. STEVENS, '18E The first number-a surprise ARTHUR MURRAY Introducing his own song hit, "I Want To Dance" "THE INNOCENT DRUMMER" L. B. EMMERMAN-In Songs An all star cast-including ORVA WILLIAMS "ALGEBRAIC ANTICS" "AIN'T IT THE TRUTH!" A comic pantomime sketch By HELEN CHAMPION and a company of 13 The big dancing act Of course you will also hear The Varsity Band t Come out and HELP SEND THE BAND TO CORRELL ILL AUDITORIV Tomorrow Night 25 CENTS THE USUAL PRICE 25 CENTS C°,nT.T : TT ~~T7 12~1 East Washinodton Street (fT.