ire ready to sh Line of Men's v you the Suits, Hats Caps and Furnishings A IAADHAMS & con MAIN ST. State St, Store Nickels Arcade SUPPORTS WILSON POLIC SENIOR LAWII METLS CRITICISMS RAISED AGINST PRESIDENT BY REPL UBLICA NS. Editor, The Michigan Daily: As far as those who listened to Judge Hanley speak before the Wood- row Wilson club Tuesday evening are concerned it is entirely unnecessary to reply to the communication address- ed to you by Mr. Epstein. But for those who missed that address I wish to answer Mr. Epstein's communica- tion. I will attempt no general dis- cussion of the questions involved, but will meet his criticisms in the order they are raised. That this is a campaign of personali- ties is a fact. That it is a fact is due to the circumstance that Mr. Wilson's acts have been so fortunate in their results, and, that the Republicans; fail- ing or not daring to attack acts have instituted an attack on the personality of the President, and that Mr. Hughes by constant, carping criticism and complete failure to take a stand in con- crete terms on any. of the issues he himself has raised, has invited an at- tack on himself. The speaker referred at length to Mr. Hughes' evasive policy but never, to my positive knowledge, referred to that gentleman as "crazy" or "wild." As to the facts of Mr. Hughes' eva- sion, he has evaded the Adamson bill in that he has never dared to state what he would have done in that emer- gency; on "Americanism", by speaking in general terms for something that every American wants, without dar- ing to point out specifically those whom he considered un-American, as Mr. Wilson has repeatedly dared to' SCENARIO CONTEST RULES ANNOUNCED Competition Ends March 1, 1917, and Faculty JIudges Will Select Winning Plot COMEDY CLUB TO PRESENT PLAY ,/ I Your Floral Needs-= Are BEST SA ISFI ED By Us PIONE 115 Cut Flowers Flowering FLOWERS FOR DECORATION Plants ==COUSINS & HALL 1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. ,.., OM There are reasons m< than one why yl should buty a Society Brand Suit and Overcoa You'll be convinced we right when you look thi garments over. J. F. Wuerth C Next t, Orpheum This Store aims to serve it's PATRONS WELL= To give the best value possible for the lowest price possible is the best service any store can render. Women's and Children's Apparel c7-l Main and Liberty Sts. The Cyc-Corpus Juris System As hby-2Lexicon-/2 COLLARS GO WELL WITH BOW OR FOUR- IN-HIAND15cts.each, 6foxr;cts. CLUETT PEABODY& CO.INC.AMKERS PUBLISHED BY The American Law Book Co. 27 Cedar Street NEW YORK. ErWEATCSAlarm Clocks CHOP off a few iCH~AI O $1.00 up minutes and eat some of SIVERSmts a NARB Waterman and Conklin GEORGE'S YEE Y s""""""" U. of M. Jewelry WAI AINO LOO Schlanderer & Seyfried 341 S. State St. Phone 1244-M Old J'Ianuscripts On Exhibition The Dr. B. L. Riese collection of manuscripts now on exhibition at the Library will be of special interest to students of medieval history. Many of the exhibits are beautifully "colored. There are six papal bulls, issued by Pope Pius Clement XII, Gregory XIII, Clement VII, and Clement XIX, be- stowing offices, the right of excom- munication and interdict, and granting pardons and requests. These papal briefs date back to 1576. An edict issued by Charles V, of Spain, appears in the collection. Equal rights were granted to Protestants and Catholics by Charles. Luther test- ified before him in the famous trial at Worms. Among the documents of famous kings is one signed by Frederick III, Roman emperor and king of Hungary, in 1493, bestowing land upon one of his subjects. Perhaps the most remarkable pat- ent of nobility is one with a large gold seal making a knight of Johann Franck for "30 years of loyality, bavery, and devotion to his queen and country." It bears the signature of Empress Maria Theresa and her 46 titles. There are also shown a Book of Martyrs, a Book of Hours of the Bless- ed Virgin, a prayer book and copies of documents of Ferdinand and Isabella. The Riese manuscripts will be shown until Nov. 15. do; on the conduct of the war, in that he has never stated what lie would have done in any of the great emer- gencies which confronted the Presi- dent. In general it is clear that while Mr. Hughes has made many vague and ambiguous statements from which his supporters, with great appearance of glee, have drawn any conclusions which they thought would suit the electorate of their own particular lo- cality, he has never dared to make any statement in such terms that it might directly antagonize any element of the population, and he has neverdared to answer the questions propounded to him by some of the most prominent writers in the United States. Judge Hanley never said, as Mr. Ep- stein would imply, that Mr. Hughes should have spoken out on the bench in criticism of the old issues on which Mr. Hughes most insists at the pres- ent time, one, the Mexican question, arose in Mr. Taft's term, and it was incumbent on Mr. Hughes to make his protest then, if he were sincere; and the other, the Adamson bill, arose aft- er Mr. Hughes had already resigned. It can hardly be urged then that either was a cause for his resignation at the present time. Judge Hanley never stated that Del- aware was "the-only state where mun- ition factories were situated" What he did say was that Delaware, as the headquarters of the great DuPont powder mills, was one of the states which one would naturally believe to have the greatest prosperity as the re- sult of the war, and that it was, as a matter of fact, the only state in the Union whose bank deposits failed to show an increase, while Oklahoma and the Dakotas, which surely have no direct interest in the munitions bus- iness, show an increase of approxi- mately 100 percent. As to Mexico, Judge Hanley pointed out that American investors have re- ceived a percentage of profit to just- ify. the risk of the loss of their pro- perty; and the larger ground, on which the Democratic party stands squarely and fearlessly in this election, that it is not patriotism to make war at the cost of many lives to save many dol- lars; that it is not courage to attack a small nation on a quarrel which would never be seriously pressed against a great one; that it is not Am- ericanism, as the Fathers saw it when they founded this nation, to deny to a smaller nation the right to establish a free and independent government with the hands of its own people, be- cause the property rights, or even the lives, of foreigners are thereby en- dangered. Our own existence both in the Revolution and in the Civil war rested . squarely on these grounds. Have we so soon forgotten? As to the Adamson bill not being an According to Morrison Wood, '17, there seems to be a great deal of mis- understanding in regard to the rules governing the scenario contest being held by the Comedy club. The contest is now open to all students of the Uni- versity and will close March 1, 1917. At this time a committee of judges composed of Dr. W. D. Moriarity, Prof. T. E. Rankin, and Mr. Lyman Bryson will select the three most suit- able scenarios submitted. The play will then be acted out by members of the Comedy club and filmed. The following rules will govern the contest: 1. The contest is open to any stu- dent in the University. 2. The scenario will be either three or four reels in length. 3. Some part of the plot must deal with University life; its exteriors shall be laid in and around Ann Arbor, par- ticularly on the campus; and it will be a comedy drama. The scenario is not to be a travelogue or a picture showing Ann Arbor and campus life, it is to be a photoplay with a distinct plot. 4. At the close of the contest the judges will select the best three scenarios submitted. Then a director of some prominent picture company will collaborate with the judges in choosing the best one of the three. The author of the best scenario will be awarded a prize of $50, if it is pos- sible to produce it. 5. Scenarios will be written on one side of legal cap paper, the first sheet containing the name of the play and only the initials of the author. The manuscript will be fastened together in some manner. A sealed envelope containing the name of the author, with the name of the title of the scenario and the initials of the author in the upper right hand corner on the outside, must accompany the manu- script. The judges reserve the right to bar any scenario otherwise sub- mitted. 6. Address all manuscripts to Mor- rison C. Wood, 733 South State street, Ann Arbor. There are several books on scenario writing in the Library, which contain the necessary technical knowledge on the Erubject. Additional information may be obtained from Morrison Wood, phone 387. eight hour bill, a number of things may be said. In the first place, while I have no intention of reflecting on Mr. Epstein's intelligence, I am sure that the great body of the audience had not the slighest difficulty in fol- lowing Judge Hanley's reasoning, in spite of Mr. Epstein's statement that "we were in quandary as to what the speaker meant." No man who has ever worked with his hands for wages quibbles about the bill giving an eight hour day, whatever lawyers, -econom- ists and politicians may say about it. If Mr. Epstein could hear the derision and laughter with which Detroit fac- tory workers have greeted the state- ment that the Adamson bill did not grant an eight hour day, some of his suspicions of that measure might be allayed. The Adamson bill is not per- fect, but not Mr. Hughes nor any of his henchmen, with months to think about it, have been able to suggest anything that would have better solved the crucial situation with which Pres- ident Wilson had to deal. In conclusion I wish to state that I fully concur with Mr. Epstein in his plea for fairness. I also wish to state that in his discussion of Tuesday even- ing Judge Hanley was as fair and as considerate of personalities as any man speaking frankly as a partisan can be expected to be. And I would respectfully recommend to Mr. Ep- stein that in making a plea for fair- ness he, in all due consistency, be fair himself. EUGENE B. HOUSEMAN, '17L. Roast sirloin steak dinner, Michigan Union today, 85c. New Fall Neckwear, and Underwear Ixw ormnt eJ Hats SHOP TYPEWRITING MULTIGRAPHING MIMEOGR APHIN Typewriti rs for sale or rent Your Suy lurs will be made " lighter" BY USING Edison --MAZDA APS Have Electricity and Have Comfort The Detroit Edison Co. Cor. Main and William Sts. Tel. 2300 (rrl ilrllIIill irrrlll 11 I1r111111 ill ll l rr1 111 lllr11 1 llfIIII I11111111 Our Storm-Proof "Stroller" Makes the Rowdiest Wind Behave ..9t WE DO .Here's a big, boxy, belted Stor Overcoat that gives you a bear-lil hug of warmth without surrende ing one iota of smart style. VARSITY TOGGERY 1107 So. Univ. Hamilton Business Also take a look at our "Pinch Back" Model priced at $20 to $25.00 We will be pleased to show you the different models at any time. We and the makers of these Over- coats stand back of these garments in every particular. Just received another new assort- ment of late patterns in soft shirts, Fibers, Silks and Madras materials. U im or Leave Copy at Quarry's and lihe Delta ADSI FNG Leave Copy at Students' Supply Store Ifrandegee-Kincaid Clothes See our new white Oxford shirt with collar attached. JL -I_ LOST LOST-Let the Michigan Daily find that lost article of yours through one of its classified advertisements in this column. LOST-Near campus, a red and green plaid steamer rug. Reward. Eleanor Leighton, 220 S. Thayer. 1818-R. 29,31 LOST- Waterman fountain pen on Monday. Return to Daily or call 2388-J. 28-29 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Splendid bargain in valu- able Mandolin. Phone 846-J. 25-27-29 MISCELLANEOUS 1_ 4TYPEWRITERS of all makes -rTbought, sold, rented or ex- changed. Expert repairing, factory service. Sole agent Under- wood & Corona. TYPEWRITING, MIMEOGRAPHING & SUPPLIES. 0. D. MORRILL, 322 S. State St. (Over Baltimore Lunch). 582-J. FOR RENT FOR RENT-Single room. Enquire at 716 Church or Alpha Delta Phi house. oct.21-27 WANTED. Pianos for rent; terms right. berle & Son, 110 South Main St. Schae- oct3tf Tinker &Company Clothes, Furnishings and Hats For Particular Men. Cor. State and William Sts. November Victor Records Are On Sale Todayl Phone us your order for Approval! Try them out in your home. 116 !. Main St. Grinnell ros. PHONE 1707 BOXING. Private lessons. Work will start im- mediately., See instructor at Dr. May's office, Waterman gymnasium, for terms, etc. 0. S. Westerman. tf. Woodward rents typewriters. 8-9 A. A. Sav. Bpk. Bldg. Tel. 866-Fl. Does your musical instrument ne repairs? Take it to Schaeberle & So 110 South Main street. for first-cla work. oct: Frog-leg dinner, Michigan Union, i day, 60c. Velox prints at Sugden's. oct3- WANTED-Dressmaking. 12th street. 706 South 27-2 inc