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Michigan Star Finishes 28 and 2-5 Se-
onds Ahead of Nearest
Coach Tom Keane's cross country
veterans defeated the Michigan team
yesterday morning, score standing
20-35. Michigan drew the long end of
the score and the short end of the
Eddie Carroll lived up to his reputa-
tion when he finished first in the race,
running the four miles in 21 minutes
and 3 seconds fiat. The Wolverine
star was in no danger at any time dur-
ing the race and lead almost all the
way. At the tape he had a margin
over his nearest competitor by about
half a minute, the exact difference be-
ing 28 2-5 seconds.
The Syracuse squad ran a pretty
race. The whole team started out in
a bunch and six Orangemen finished in
a row. Watson was the first man on
the visitors' team to come in, that run-
ner taking second place in the meet
with the time of 21 minutes 312-5
seconds. Newkirk and Peterson tied
for the next place after a hard battle
at the tape. Johnson took the next
berth and Captain White came in right
on his heels.
Captain Kuivenen of the Wolverine;
squad was the second Michigan man
to finish, dogging Captain White
around the course. Soule, Syracuse,,
followed the Maize and Blue leader
in and Bouma tallied next. Sedwicki
and Fox came in followed byFuess
with the rest of the field strung out
Thedmeet was a clean sweep for
Syracuse with the exception of Car-
roll's spectacular performance, the
visitors tkaing the next five places in
a row and also in a bunch. There was
very little difference in the respective
times of the New York harriers. They
netted six out of the first seven
chances to break the tape. Both teams
finished strongly. Hardly a man ap-
peared to be extremely exhausted.
Director eGorge A. May of Water-
man gymnasium acted as starter and
timekeeper. Men were, posted all
around the course to see that no one
missed the trail.
This is the first time since Coach
Farrell has been in charge of track
at Michigan that a Syracuse team has
beaten a Wolverine aggregation in an
outdoor meet. The Orange was rep-
resented by a good team yesterday,
the men running being, with the ex-
ception of Woodruff who ran for the
first time in a regular meet, experi-
enced and well trained. The men who
competed on Ferry field yesterday will
have another opportunity to mix it
when they get together at the eastern
intercollegiate cross country race at
New Haven. The Wolverines are seek-
ing their revenge there.
Medics, '17; Lits, and '17 Engineers
Victors in Saturday Battles
Defeats Hamer n Battle for Comstock
Trophy 2-6, 6-4, 7-5,
and 6-3
Johnny Codd defeated Hamer for
the Comstock trophy in one of the
greatest exhibitions of the racquet
game ever staged on Ferry field.
Hamer captured the first set 6-2 and
Codd took the remaining sets 6-4, 7-5,
and 6-3.,
At the start Hamer was the first to
serve and Codd took the opener with
some well placed shots. Hamer took
the next two games, Codd captured the
next game by means of a fast serve.
Hamer then braced and took the next
four games and set. Hamer looked
exceedingly good in this set, using a
lobbing stroke which Codd could not
return to good advantage. In this set
Codd repeatedly tried fast drives which
in most cases hit the net. His judg-
ment of Hamer's lob stroke was also
very poor. Time and again he re-
turned shots that would have landed
outside had he let them go by. This
was by far Codd's poorest exhibition
of the day.
-Hamer started off like a champion
in the second set, capturing the first
three games with ease. Codd realiz-
ing that his fast ball was completely
off, changed his style of play entirely,
using a chop stroke as his best point
gainer. Growing steadier on every1
play Codd took the next three games.'
Hamer took the seventh game and
with the count 4 and 3 against him1
Codd won the next three games and
Driggs Runs 55 Yards; Princeton Wins
Princeton, N. J., Oct. 28.-Although
outplaying their opponents during the
greater part of the game, Dartmouth
was forced to accept the short end
of a 7 to 3 score in its game with
Princeton this afternoon. Eddie Driggs,
Tiger fullback, won the game for his
team by snatching a forward pass out
of the very hands of a Dartmouth
player and racing 55 yards for a
Yale Downs W. & J. 36 to 14
New Haven, Conn:, Oct. 28.-Yale
defeated Washington and Jefferson
here this afternoon by the score of
36 to 14. The Eli eleven walked
through the visitors in a manner be-
speaking great strength and versatil-
ity of play. This is Yale's first vic-
tory over W. & J. in four years.
but the breaks of the game brought'
about the final result-defeat. The
final score of the game went to the
credit of the Aggies just before the
referee was getting all prepared to
put an end to the struggle, Up to this
time the freshmen had the contest all
wrapped up in their own posses-
sions 7-6.
The downfall of McGinis' crew was
realized when Allen, an added starter
at tackle, intercepted one of Hitch-
cock's passes on his own 30-yard line,
and had a clear field for the touch-
down. Allen displayed great speed in
making his run, however, and beat
the whistle just about enough to have
the score count.
The Aggie verdants scored first, a
series of penalties pushing the oval
much nearer Michigan's goal than did
the efforts of the backs and the line.
The penalties having put the ball in
the shadow of the posts, Whitney pro-
ceeded to register the first six points.
The attempt for the extra point failed.
Shortly after this the All-Fresh
'pivot, Hitchcock, proceeded to let the
newest farmers know they were play-
ing a game instead of running through
signals when he led his men straight
came back stronger than ever and took
the next five games. This set was ALL-FRESH F LL
marked by some fast net play on both
sides, each player trying a to outguess
the other. Both contestants seemed toM
be afraid to open up with fast drives,
Codd using his chop stroke and re-
featedly cat aerh mkiopon brilliat Haymaker Yearlings Put Over Touch-
back hand lobs that brought forth Down in Last Play;
much applause from the audience. In 13 to 7
There was a rest of seven minutes
between the third and fourth sets. At HITCHCOCK MAKES '20 SCORE
the beginning of the fourth set, Hamer
seemed to be benefitted by the short I It was bound to happen sometime.
rest, and succeeded in landing the first Michigan's All-Fresh team suffered
game, but as the play progressed Codd their first beating since Taft was presi-
became too strong and he was forced dent yesterday, when they went down
to accept defeat by the score of 6-3. under M. A. C.'s gridders of the same
The match -was perhaps the most in- class 13-7. To be more precise, the
teresting ever staged from a spec- freshmen lost their last game before
tator's viewpoint. The large crowd yesterday in 1912.
present was well pleased with the out- And it was a tough one to lose, too.
come and it was the concensus of From whistle to whistle the freshmen
opinion that the best man won, outplayed their farmer adversaries,
li ands.
Both the freshmen ends played fin(
football all afternoon, and Aggie trie,
for gains invariably met disaster when
aimed for the flanks. Froemke starrec
on offense, and Perrin aided by Wes
helped round out Hitchcock's back:
into a quartet which was superior tc
the Farmers'. Culver showed a lo
of stuff in his old place at center
Bartel, Whitney, and Young, especially
the former, led the M. A. C. players
in scintellations.
The lineup:
All-Fresh (7) M. A. C. (13)
Earl Cress.......L.E........... Basset
Chapman........L.T....... Aronsor
Fortune.... ...L.G.. ......Leach
Culver............C........... Lord
Booth ......... R.G....... Andersor
Elmer Cress....R.T.... Thompson-
Knox............ R.E .....,...Young
Hitchcock .......Q.B.......O'Connor
Perrin .......... R.H.......... Bartel
West ............F.B........ Whitney
Minnesota, 67; Iowa, 0.
M. A. C., 30; North Dakota Aggies, 0
Tufts, 12; Indiana, 10.
Illinois, 14; Purdue, 7.
Northwestern, 40; Drake, 6.
Wisconsin, 30; Qhicago, 7.
Harvard, 23; Cornell, 0.
Pittsburg, 20; Pennsylvania, 0.
Princeton, 7; Dartmouth, 3.
Yale, 36; W. & J., 14.
Notre Dame, 60; Wabash, 0.
Navy, 23; Georgia, 3.
down the field for the first Michi
score.. Hitchcock himself made
last drive, and goaled, putting -
freshmen in the van.
In the third quarter the freshr
again scored but the touchdown v
not allowed, and tne yearlings w
enalized for over- anxiousness. Al
that Allen graboed the pass wh
urned victory into defeat, after E
Cress had tipped the \ball into
set. Discoverer of Hackenschmidt Kiled
The third set was by far the most London, Oct. 28.-Count Ribeau-
exciting of the day and the large pierre, noted Russian sportsman, who
crowd present cheered first for one brought George Hackenschmidt, the
player and then the other. Hamer had Russian lion, is reported to have lost
Codd beaten 5-2 in this set when Codd his life.
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Corner Maynard
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State St. Jewelers
Some exceptionally fine football for
this early in the season was displayed
in the first games of the interclass
league, played off yesterday morning.
The all-medics, senior lits, and senior
engineers were returned winners over
the dents, soph lits, and soph en-
gineers, respectively. The next league
contests will be pulled off 'tomorrow
afternoon at 4 o'clock and willsee the
senior laws take on the juniors of
their own department, the 3-lits stack-
ing up against the fresh lits, and the
J-engineers meeting the yearling
After the ball had seesawed up and
down the field for one half, the senior
engineers, aided and abetted by some
clever open field running by Walter-
house, pushed over a touchdown in
the third uarter of their game with
the sophomore plumbers and emerged
finally on the long end of a 6 to 0
score. Walterhouse and Dondero were
the chief luminaries for the near-
grads while Middleditch did his best
to advance the failing cause of the
second year men.
Sweeping everything before them,
the medics disposed of the dents in
easy style, winning out by the com-
fortable margin of 48 to 0.
The medics showed all kinds of
(Continued on page six)
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