-/,-- r.v Calkins Drug Co. Two Sores . ' When a man begins to his 1 I r y Q 324 So. State and 1123 So. University Ave. Our Soda Fountain has always been known for the high quality of the drinks and for cleanliness. Republican and Democratic Views on Coming Presidential election to pay attention clothes he commences to improve tions. in other direc- Smart thesV set the highest standards for such improvement. . ,. . ,w j ;. ., , ,, M _ ,,,,, ..,. y ; ; J g , COPYRIGHT, 1916. . ADLE, BRIOS. & CO. Partisan Opinions Expressed by George Creel and Woodrow Wilson and Charles E. Hughes Committees, Respectively George C. Hill, for Campaign Do This "Provide yours elf with a smile and a air of prosper ity. Wear your best bus iness suit and a cheerful necktie. If you have no best suit--bu one. We hav to appear pro sperous, if w are to be pro- sperous." Lindenschmidt, Apfe/ &Co. 209S. lain . i ~ \,.-- I 6 The Eberbach & Son Co. Good Drugs-Toilet Articles Chemicals and Laboratory Supplies. You know the Quality is Right, The Eberbach & Son Co. (By George Creel) "Under which flag?" might well be asked of the motely crew behind Can- didate Hughes. Roosevelt, Bacon, J. P. Morgan, and all the Morgan millions, are fighting President Wilson because he has not turned the government of the United States over to the British foreign office. They are enraged that he did not protest against the German occu- pation of Belgium, and that he did not follow up the Lusitania disaster by breaking off diplomatic relations with Berlin and then seizing all the Ger- man ships interned in our ports. They are for Hughes because theythave reason to believe that he will throw the strength of America to the Allies. The German-American Alliance, as- sisted by Jeremiah O'Leary, is ,fight- ing President Wilson because he has not turned the government of the United States over to the German for- eign office. They are enraged because he made Germany stop the slaughter of neutrals and non-combatants, and' because he has refused to break off diplomatic relations with London as a' result of mail seizures. They are for' Hughes because they have reason to believe that he will throw the strength of America to the kaiser.{ Neither of these two great groups] is giving a thought to the UnitedI States. It is of Europe that they are thinking and working, and when theyt cast their votes it will be either for king or kaiser.r What can be thought of a candidate< willing to receive such support and1 able to retain it? Two- groups hatingt each other, and working for two ab-, solutely different ends, and yet in theI same political camp! If the United States were not at stake, it could al-l most be wished that Hughes would win in order that the country mightt be edified by the dog fight that would follow.c (By George C. Hill) If Governor Hughes is not-opposed to the eight-hour law, why does he severely criticise President Wilson for getting one through Congress? Governor Hughes is not opposed to an eight-hour law. He believes in the eight-hour movement. He criticizes Mr. Wilson for getting through a wage increase law and calling it an eight- hour law, which it is not. The Adam- son bill is nothing but a wage increase bill benefiting only 20 percent of the railway employees. Senator nderwood, formerly Demo- cratic leader of the House, and now a Democratic leader of the Senate, said when the Adamson bill was being debated, in reply to another senator: "If the senator will go and consult with any of the gentlemen who repre- sent the employees and who have-been contending here in this matter, they would tell him candidly, as they told me, that the question is a question of wage; that they are not contending for an eight-hour day, that a man shall work only eight hours; they do not want that." He also said, "The Presi- dent made certain proposals, through his attorney general's office, to the Congress, to relieve the situation. He proposed that a bill, called an eight- hour bill, but in fact a bill fixing wages on an eight-hour basis, should be passed." And finally, Mr. Under- wood said, "I have always voted for an eight-hour day. If it were practi- cable I would do it in this instance. but there is no eight-hour provision in this, bill." And now comes Robert T. Frazier, chairman of the committee representing the 80 percent of rail- BRING YOUR FILMS TO REYNOLD'S KODAK SHOP FOR BEST DEVELOPING, PRINTING AND ENLARGING While new to Ann Arbor Students, v e have had long ex- perience in pleating University People. Let Us show you" that we can give you the most satisfactory service. Phone And We Will Call for Your Work. 510 E. William St. Phone 1564-R REULE. CONLIN, FIEG EL COMPANY 200-202 MAIN 5' Come In la- --- 200-204 E. Liberty St. .. ... I I FRESH LIT CLASS NOMINA'TES1 Elections to Take Place Monday in Library Corridor End Your Clothes Quest. You will find the classiest 4tyles of the season here,- a profuse array of distinctive models, at prices that are bound to appeal to you. Judge for yourself and see if style, dignity, and the degree of skill of taloring essential for producing such efftcts, do not mark our crea- tions MARQUARDT CAMPUS TAILOR '5 . Williams St. STUIENT DIRECTORY ON SALE; I TOTAL NUMBER REACHES 2,200 The second edition of the Student Directory, to the number of 1,100 cop- ies, went on sale yesterday. This is the last edition of the Directory that will be pulilished, the forms for the book having been destroyed. This edition of the book brings the total copies of the Directory publish- ed up to 2,200 copies. May Announce Glee Club Names Unless unexpected delays appear, the names.of those who will be in this year's Glee club will be announced to- morrow. The faculty eligibility com- mittee has sci(cted it's favored ones' and all that remains to be done now is to apportion the parts and select the men best fitted to them. Following what the student council- man in charge termed one of the most energetic freshman class meetings ever held on the campus, the fresh lits nominated the following officers yesterday afternoon: President, R. E. Bachman, H. A. Mann, R. C. Stewart; vice-president, Lucile Johnson, Katherine Loveland; treasurer, D. F. Fagerburg, R. C. Smith; secretary, E. E. Haag, L. B. Paul. H. H. Anderson was elected football manager, in order that work may be- gin on the fresh lit team at once. Nominations for managers of class baseball, track, and basketball and oratorical delegate will be held at the first class meeting. Elections will take place from 1 to 5 o'clock Monday in the Library corridor. ANN ARBOR MOVIE SHOWS IN THIS CITY TODAY AND SUNDAY A special performance of "Ann Ar- bor Days," the municipal moving pic- ture, will be given at the Whitney The- ater this afternoon for children. The picture is to be given two exhibitions tonight, at 7:30 and 9 o'clock. This afternoon's matinee will begin at 3 o'clock. Tomorrow three shows will be given as usual. The continued popularity of the film will probably result in its showing here next week, performances being given on the same days as this week. It is not the fault of the Republican party if the world fails to despise America, for Mr. Hughes and his fol- lowers ,have thrown mud at every American institution. They have at- tacked the navy, the army, and the national guard, ana at every point they have sided with foreign govern- ments against the United States. For- tunately for the self-respect of the nation, expert testimony has not been lacking with which to refute these treasonable slanders. Admiral George Dewey, branding the charges as "false and infamous," has made public declarations that' Josephus Daniels is a great secretary of the navy, that the last three years have been years of wonderful growth, and that the navy of the United States today deserves the pride and confi- dence of every American. Admiral Mayo, in command at Tam- pico, gives the lie direct to those who say that American citizens were de-' serted in an hour of peril, or were compelled to seek refuge under a foreign flag, and in complete justifica- tion of every action points to the fact' that 3,000 Americans were taken out of Tampico without loss of life or property. With regard to border camps, con- taining 150,000 men, expert sanitarians have acclaimed them the most per- fect in military history, and statistics proved that they have had less sick- ness than the communities from which the men came.1 In other things, as well as these. lies have been told and lies have been1 "nailed." The Hughes' charge that the Child Labor bill was a "fake" hasI been denied by Senator Cummins, a (Continued on column five) All the new ideas in cut and patterns- cleverly tailored suits in the new tones and fabrics, ALL BEARING THE STAMP OF SIGNIFICANT QUALITY. 1 1 c l t C C way employees not in the brother- hoods, and says: "The Adamson bill simply raised the wages of the highest paid class of railway employees. We, the 80 per- cent outside the brotherhoods, cer- tainly are opposed to any advances to these men if they militate against ad- vances to the lower paid employees." Mr. Hughes is not opposed to in- creasing the wages of railway em- ployees. But he does condemn Mr. Wilson's insincerity in calling it an "eight-hour bill," and he does insist that, Congress had no right to compel an increase for the 20 percent at least until it knew whether it was working an injustice to the remaining 80 per- cent. Suits $16 to $28.50 Overcoats $15 to $28.50 TOM CORBETT THE YOUNG MENS SHOP 116 E. LIBERTY REPUBLICAN AND DEMOCRATIC VIEWS Dancing classes and private at the Packard Academy. lessons 18-tf Leave CopyI at ela LASS%)IF IE Quarry's and ADVERTISING0 I. Leave Copy at Students' Supply Store I As the man who forced President Baer and other purse-proud owners of the anthracite coal mines to accept arbitration in 1902, ex-President Roosevelt spoke with exceptional au- thority when he addressed the coal miners at Willies-Barre, Pa., on Oct. 14. No one could suspect Col. Roose- velt of not being a friend of labor, and throughout the length and breadth of the land his speech is being read as "the voice of one speaking with au- thority." His condemnation, therefore, of President Wilson's course in the railway controversy will be received with thoughtful respect by every work- ing man in the country. The fact is that many true friends of labor are coming to suspect that the Adamson wage-increase bill is a gold brick; that it is going to do more in- jury than good to labor. It is obvious that the only men it can help are the members of the railway brotherhoods and they constitute only 20 percent of the railway employes. The other 80 percent are injured by such legisla- tion. There is strong suspicion, too, that the railways will be able to turn this legislation to their own advantage, (Continued on column six) (Contiuned from column three) (Continued from column four) Republican, and Owen Lovejoy, sec- even so far as the brotherhood men are retary of the National Child Labor concerned. Congress, by the Hepburn committee. The Hughes' charge that bill, established the principle of fixing President Wilson was "blackmailed" freight and passenger rates by a gov- by the unions has been repudiated by ernment commission; by the La Fol- President Underwood, of the Erie, and lette bill, established the principle of President Lovett, of the Union Pacific. fixing the hours of work, limiting them But what is truth, what is patrio- to 16 hours a day; and by the Adamson tism, in comparison with a greed for bill has established the principle of office? fixing the amount. of pay. All that remains, according to the railway man- Prisoners Locked in Cells in Future agers, is for Congress to fix the wages No longer, will the prisoners in the 'for all employes not in the brother- hoods, and then to prohibit strikes and county jail be allowed to roam at will make all service for common carrie-rE in the corridors. The near success compulsory. Under such a provision of the attempt at a wholesalejail de- railway and steamboat empiloyes livery last Monday night has resulted would , in effect, enlist, just as they do ---- 3 FOR SALE WANTED. FOR SAL -- National racing car. This WANTED-Four students to work in Far sle-Nctinlhang$ .hspeed- bowling room 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. daily car has eletric lights, an $85 speed- adfu tdnst ok6p . omete, a clock, new tires, and is in ta .m four students to work 6 . m. fine condition. It has a regular rac- to2,2p. daily; $4.00 a week. ing body, and is painted blue with 26,27,28 yeliow wheels. The price will sur- WANTED-Dressmaking. 706 South prise you. Phone 1317-J, between 6 12th street. 27-2 -incl and 6:30 P.M. 28 FOR RENT FOR SALE-Have you something that 1 R ,.,q,,F n,,4,. you want to sell? If so, let the Mich- igan Daily sell it for you through its Classified Department. FOR SALE-One good banjo mandolin practically new. Will trade for good mandolin. Phone 2395-R. 28 LOST LOST- Waterman fountain pen on Monday. Return to Daily or call 2388-J. 28-29 ii t o nni,4 i-Lg e r i. aiquir a L 716 Church or Alpha Delta Phi house. oct.21-27 MISCELLANEOUS 1,. TYPEWRITERS of all makes bought, sold, rented or ex- changed. Expert repairing, factory service. Sole agent Under- wood &" Corona. TYPEWRITING, MIMEOGRAPHING & SUPPLIES. 0. D. MORRILL, 822 S. State St. (Over Baltimore Lunch). 582-J. in the prisoners being kept in their' cells day and night. Two New College Papers Organized Two new student papers have been added to the list of publications is- sued by the different colleges and uni- versities throughout the country. The University of Oklahoma has organized the Oklahoma Daily, while Mississippi students are issuing a weekly called the Mississippi Collegian. Football Practice for 1920 Engineers Football practice for fresh engineers will be held this afternoon from 12:30 o'clock until the Varsity game begins. The yearlings over in the engineering department have not been responding. to calls as promptly as they should and more men are needed if the 1920 squad is going to stack up at all with its opponents. now in the army and navy. and that L, an end devoutly sought by the railwa managers. All of this serves to recal the fact that Woodrow Wilson was the bitter enemy of organized labor-ex- cept on the eve of a national election Baltimore Alumni Organize for Yeas The Baltimore alumni association have organized for the coming yeaz and will hold luncheons this year ox the second and fourth Fridays of eac month. Bowling and billiard contest have been arranged with the Prince ton and Cornell alumnt Victor Victroias am' complete stoc of Records at Schaeberle & Son's. 114 South Main street. oct3t . wed,eod Our ale.rm clocks are good clocks Chapman! jeweler, 113 South Mail street. tues-eoe Our Victor Records Approval Service Has given the best of satisfaction TO Victrola. Owners Call us up and learn about it Grinnell Bros. 116 a. MabT M**. PHOME 1707