RVES BEAT__CRUBS 13 TO 1 i II ZEISER .AN BRAZEL BIG GRON GAERS AllSetfor C. C. C. Heet with Orange FRESHMEN DON HIGH SCHOOL IN CLOSE GAME ceedlmgs. after which those actively engaged during the afternoon joined the ranks of the other men practising signals, and kept busy until after the lights went on. Toward the latter part of the Pray the high school players seemed to have the hunch on the yearlings. Kerr.2 Tomorrow morning at 10:45 o'clock Ia introduction to the Syracuse game in tihe afternoon both the Oranige and Maize and Blue cross country Substitute Quarterback Scores First squads will defy the recent cold wave Touchdown After 45- and burn up gravel on the four-mile Yard Run course laid out for this event. In spite of the drop in the mercury things CRUSE CROSSES RESERVE GOAL should be rather warm for the thin clads in their little romp around Fer- Syracuse Team Arrives in Detroit To- ry field and thence down what -may some day be a continuation of State day; To Take Workout at street and back over the same route. Country Club Those of the more optimistic tem- perament are confident that the visit-t Although the Varsity did not scrim- ors will receive a good licking in both ma yesterday afternoon, the re- events scheduled for tomorrow. Others more conservative admit that there serves gave battle to the scrubs and will be a battle either way. The pessi-1 emerged victorious, 13 to 6. mists don't count at all. Personally The Varsity meanwhile was busy we incline to a proper mixture of thet with signal practice, and all of the first two states mentioned and if a1 regulars were out with the exception hyphenated word will be allowed to of Weske. slip past the editor we are properlys Zeiger was the bright and shining conservatively-optimistic.t light in the set to between the re- Getting down to brass tacks we area serves and the scrubs, the quarter- content to abide the issue, confidentc back proving the biggest ground that all that good coaching, hard work, gainer of the afternoon. Zeiger's and good leadership has been doned work has been high class during re- and that when the gun is fired at 10:45 cent scrimmages and Michigan seems o'clock every man entered will bes to have a capable substitute quarter- found ready for war, be he Orange or back.. Blue. Zeiger scored the first touchdown No word has yet been heard from the of the afternoon with a long 45-yard Syracuse entries. For Michigan the run. The scrubs kicked off and on following men will run: Captain Ku- the third play, Zeig broke away around ivenen, Varsity Track Captain Eddie end. He cut back towards the center Carroll, Meehan, Denee, Fuess, Sedg- of the field and ran over for a touch- wick, Herlihy, Fox, Bouma, and Price down. These ten men will fill the bill. Six The scrubs kicked off again and of them have seen service over the Bathrick returned 50 yards, but the distance route in other fall seasons scrubs . held and the reserves yere while the other four are the pick of forced to relinquish possession of the last year's AloFresh track squad. ball. Scrimmage see-sawed back and Captain Kuivenen was a consistent forth around the center of the field point winner in former cross country for a time, but the reserves eventually meets and likewise Eddie Carroll marched over for their second touch- Meehan was the star two-mile; of the down. Zeiger and Brazell were dor 1916 Varsity track team, while Dtnee's ing the gaining and Zeiger finally car- specialty has always been the one mile vied the ball over from the 10-yard run. Fuess and Bouma are both ex- line. Martens kicked goal and the re- perienced men and are relied on to de- serve's count was pushed up to 13. liver a low score in the run tomorrow The scrubs came back and scored it being remembered that the first mar once. With the ball on the 35-yard to finish brings in the lowest score line, two penalities placed it within 20 and others following in order. yards of, the reserves' line, and Cruse Fox is ex-captain of last year's All- of the scrubs broke away and sprinted Fresh trackteam and has demonstrat- over for the lone counter attributed ed on several occasions that he car to his team. finish right up with the band wagon The reserves lined up as follows: Sedgwick and Herlihy are also second Martens, left end; McCallam, left year men and have been showin- tackle; Dunn, left guard; Willard, promise all season. According to pas+ records every man on the team should center; Skinner, right guard; Whalen, .give somebody an awful fight. rht kl Hildnr rie ht endg HAM ER AND GOOD MEET -IN FINALS Defeat Egbert and Bartz in Semi- Finals 9-7, 6-2, and 7-6, 7,-5 Respectively McGinnis Troupe doses Out Prep l>ks6to 0; Giunebach --esY earling Score Coach McGinnis' warriors earned a hard fought victory from the Ann Arbor high school team yesterday, the final score showing but a half dozen points to the credit ofth yearlings. Many of the regular men who will play in the Aggie freshmen game to- morrow were absent from scrimmage, which may have something to do with the scarcity of counts. The contest was marked with the number of injuries sustained by the high school players. About every third play Coach Joseph saw one of his tridders lying on the turf, and the bat- tle had to be halted until another player could remove his extra equip- ment and get into action. As a con-1 sequence about 25 men saw duty onI Hamer continuing his placing game and with almost perfect control of his lob ball, walked away with set and match by the score of 6-2. The other match of the semi-finals was won by Johnny Codd with much greater ease than the scores indicate. Both men play an exceedingly steady game, but it seems as though when a point was needed Codd would put on a burst of speed and take the game. The second contest was outclassed by the whirlwind play that marked the first combat. Hamer and Egbert are b th naixr+O lfrin n nhn the sub quarter was taking an active part in running through the heavy op- posing line, and got off with several substantial gains, putting the yearl- ing goal in grave danger a few minutes before the skirmish ended. With first down and less than six yards away from the goal line, the verdant for- wards finally held, although the ball was on the two-yard stripe when the fourth assault was over. Friedmeyer then punted out of danger, for the time but Kerr led his men back to the 15- yard mark before the forwards again stopped the backs of the younger men. Once one of the high boys got through the entire team save one man, but it did them no good except to show that. they were outplaying the freshmen line at the time. l TITLE GAME PLAYED TOMORROW Yesterday's semi-finals saw pe aps pott native Californians andi both play the greatest exhibition of tennis ever the Pacific coast style of game *iade seen on the local campus. Both famous by such great players as matches were fought bitterly through- Maurice McLaughlin and William out. In the first match Hamer fur- Johnston. Egbert was handed a com- nished the surprise of the tournament plete surprise by the remarkable play by downing the more highly touted of Hamer. With all justice to Hamer, Egbert in straight sets, 9-7, 6-2. In it must be said that he met Egbert on the other match Codd was returned an off day. victor over Bartz, 7-5, 7-5. If the weather permits, the finals Egbert started out like a whirlwind wllbeplyemof t :0sturda by annexing the first four games main- will be played off at 10:30 Saturday ly with the aid of his fast driving morning on the Varsity courts. shots. Then Hamer, realizing his drives were off, switched his style of Economics Building Under Way at Ohio play, using a lob ball and a straight Two floors of the new economics placing chop with such deadly accur- building at the University of Ohio are acy that he tool five straight games. now completed and are being used for With the score 7 to 6 in favor of classroom purposes. The third floor Egbert, Hamer came back stronger will be ready for occupancy in a few than ever, alternating between a lob weeks. and a chop stroke, took the next three games and set. The next set saw Halloween Dance at Armory tonight. the high school team, and nearly yore The freshmen will leave for the state a path from the side lines to the field capital tomorrow morning at 7 o'clock of play. where they will engage in hostilities The contest lasted about a half hour with the M. A. C. men of the same during which time Ginnebach retis- class. tered the sole score after a march straight down the field by the backs. 1incinn from 9 to 1 at Armory to- Darkness called a halt to the pro- night, 27 - { I A 3 i 1 t I 3 c c t t r Here is a chance for men to present themselves, or for you ladies to present your husband, brother, daddy or sweetheart with a suit, made-to-measure, without any cost whatso -ever except a few minutes of your time, We will give a zentleman's $25 00 Suit article on the subject: F R E E to the person writing the best ",The importance ood Clothing Plays in a Person's Life" This contest is open to all and we believe you will participate in it as, aside from the prize we are offering, it is a question that should interest you. We are giving thi Suit absolutely FR Eto you on the following conditions: rzg ac UL~e; ii~ll1, g 111LC, Zeiger, quarterback; Eggert, left half; Bathrick, right half; Brazell, full- back. The Varsity meanwhile was running through signals, catching punts, passes, and generally reviewing all that they know about the ancient and honorable game. Captain Maulbetsch tried some place kicking and the German Bullet was dropping them over from the 20- yard line consistently. Peach was given a ball and told to try some drop kicks and he sprang a surprise on everyone. Peach has always been a fair drop kicker, but he stood on the 40-yard line and dropped over so many that he had the coaches watching. The Syracuse aggregation arrives in Detroit this morning from the east. They are scheduled to put up at the Cadillac hotel. The team will not leave Detroit for Ann Arbor until some time Saturday, perhaps arriving just before the contest starts. Although they have not stated where they will workout, it is expected that the Orange squad will loosen up this afternoon at the Detroit Country club. YALE LEFT TACKLE WILL BE OUT OF GAME ALL SEASON New Haven, Conn., Oct. 26.-Yale today lost a valuable veteran football player when the iness of Chub Shel- don, left tackle, who went to the col- lege infirmary three daystgo, was diagnosed as inflammatory rheuma- tism. While a member of the Yale artillery battalion in camp at Toby- hanna, Pa., during the summer, ex- posure is believed to have caused the illness. He prepared for Yale at An- dover and was the chief competitor of Cupid Black for the Yale captaincy last winter. His home is in Joplin, Mo. Sheldon will not leave the infirm- ary for several weeks, and has prob- ably played his last game of football. Charley Taft, son of the ex-president, succeeds to the position at left tackle. Dancing from 9 to 1 at Armory to- night. 27 Dancing classes and private lessons at the Packard Academy. 18-tf SOPHS STILL SHORT OF MEN Second Year Relay Team Has Few Candidates; Freshmen Work Hard Track Coach Farrell announces that he wants every man who is trying out for the freshman relay team that will run against the sophomores between halres of the Washington game, to re- port to him on the track at Ferry field any time after 3 o'clock this after- noon. It was reported last night that a little actual work under fire will be handed out to the yearlings in preparation for their race with the sophs. By that same token, namely work, the fresh are very likely to hand the sophs a sound drubbing a week from tomorrow. Somehow the boys who were called freshmen last year are not demonstrating that they are in any way superior to their successors. The 1920 verdants are loudly proclaiming that they are going to duplicate the little affair of last Saturday morning with respect to who takes the little end of the horn. And thus far they have been getting away with this kind of mouthings. Question: Are the sophs going to let them run the ranch or not? It has been doubted by some whether the sophs can wallop the fresh on the cinders. Apparently the fresh aretnot goingto getthe chance to run against their rivals unless they be allowed to loan the sophs a team. Baseball at Williams Thirty-one freshmen answered the first call for baseball candidates at Weston field at Williams. The squad was later increased to 50, and some excellent material has developed in the practice against the sophomore and varsity teams. Three full nines were given workouts under the super- vision of Captain Clark, who believes there is first-class material in the bunch for future university uses. Hallowe'en Dance at Armory tonight. Pianos for rent; terms right. Schae- berle & Son, 110 South Main St. occ3tf [ Articles to be not m( re than 30P w rds. 2. Copies to be delivered in person or sent by registered mail to reach our store (address below) on or before Friday Nov. 3. 3. Theb best article to be selected by Mr. Klein, Manager of our store in Freeport. Ill. Vere is a chance for you to get one of our snappy, hand tailored, made-to-measure Suits Free. 1O IT NOW. 118 F. Huron St. wV 1 18 E. Huron St. AR .-)S Klassy=Kut=Klolhes Shop be 1ou Janquet ~be oodmus be oo~themenu~eurou the prtccthe et4 'Obat means eouns i~Evening9 unche n , 30c Rt state aub I1Pacharb Vet the Folks at Home SEND THEM YOUR PORTRAIT 6 94 V-14 STUDIO 319 E,