IItVI H IS I.ARAJ-N DAILYI Calkins Drug Co. Two Stores I 324 So. State and 1123 So. University Ave. All the New Kodaks are on Sale here. Let When a man begins to pay attention to his clothes he commences to improve in other direc- tions. set the highest standards for such improvement. SOW ,r Us show Them to you. Trade for your old one. We would like to Republican And Democratic Views on Coming Presidential Election it COPYRIGHT, 1916. I.. ADLUR. BROS. $ Co. Do This "Provide yours elf wits a smile and a air of prospe ity. Wear your best bu iness suit an( a cheerful necktie. If you have no best suit--bi one. We hay to appear pr( sperous, if V are to be pro sperous." if Linde nschmidt, Apfel &.Co. 209 S. .Nam St. The Steff-lm e flits The Eberbach & Son Co. Good Drugs-Toilet Articles Chemicals and Laboratory Supplies. You know the Quality is Right (By GEORGE G. HILL.) Are the Republican campaign man- agers concerned over Samuel Gomp- ers' support of President Wilson? They are not. They are no more concerned over that than they are concerned over Mr. Gompers' support of Venus- tiano Carranza. Mr. Gompers tells us he was largely responsible for President Wilson's recognition of Carranza as president of Mexico. Perhaps he was, but he ought to be thoroughly ashamed of it, when the employes of the street rail- ways and electric lighting plant ob- jected to accepting one peso (paper) worth 10 cents of United States money, for .a .day's work, Carranza issued a decree, on Aug. 1, of this year, pro- viding that any man who struck, or encouraged a strike, or even attended a meeting of strikers, or who joined a union was guilty of disturbing the public peace and should be tried by military court-martial and if found guilty, shot. Carranza's decree read, in part: "The conduct of the labor union in the present instance must be consid- ered an anti-patriotic and criminal, and constitutes without doubt an at- tack on the public peace. In view of the foregoing, I have decreed the fol- lowing as an addition to the existing code: Besides the disturbers of the public peace, punishable by death as heretofore described, the death penalty will also be imposed on the following: Those who may incite the suspension of work in factories, or enterprises destined to the public service, or who preside over meetings in which it is proposed to discuss or approve such a strike, those who assist in these meetings, and those who endeavor to make the strike effective upon being declared, and those who by threats of force prevent others from rendering their services to the companies or en- terprises against which a strike is de- clared." (By GEORGE CREEL.) Wall street is unanimous in its sup- port of Hughes. The masters of mil- ions have given him the largest cam- pgn fund in history. The finance committee of the Hughes Alliance is ie directory of big business. The wealth represented by its members totals more than $14,000,000,000. The whole organization of the house of Morgan has been turned over to the Republican committee. J. P. Mor- gan, Bacon, and Perkins, Satterlee, Lamont. Davision, and even Anne Mor- gan herself, are on committees. The Guggenheims are working and contributing. So are George F. Baker and Frank Vanderlip. Likewise the Harriman interests, Standard Oil, the steel trust, the railroads, and the great hankers who hate McAdoo and Wit- lhams for stopping their usuries. Wall street wants to come back. It wants its old control of the interstate commerce commission so that railroad rates can be raised. It wants the re- peal of the federal reserve act so that it can control credit again, and it wants the repeal of the rural credits law so bankers may resume their extortions. It wants the repeal of the Clayton anti-trust law, the repeal of the child labor law; it wants to wipe out the federal trade commission and the tariff commission, and the ship- ping law. It is eager for the old mo- nopolies, the Payne-Aldrich law and ship subsidies. It wants the army and the navy for conquest in Mexico so that their concessions may treble in value. It wants to get rid of Lane and conservation of Daniels and gov- ernment manufacture, of McAdoo and legal interest rates. Such support damns Hughes as could nothing else. Wall street has never yet brought a pig in a poke. Before it gives its millions Wall street knows exactly what it is going to get. A vote for Hughes is a vote for Wall street. Come In REULE, CONLIN, FIEGEL COMPAN 300-202 MAIN TJHERE'S A REASON Whether you subscribe for one magazine or for several, your orders will have my prompt and careful attention. Last chance clubs with last chance prices and a special offer to students for the school year. I will come to you. Jr o. P. Sloa, 1009 E. Catherine St. The Magazine Man Plhone 1412-M I U.. The Eberbach & Son Co.' 200-204 E. Liberty St. SAYS~ SPEECH UNFAIR W"""""" SMOKER CHAIRMEN TO MEET Heads of Committees to Arrange An. nual Football Smoker Plans Today Judie for yourself and *"If style, dignity, and the degree of skill of tailoring essential for producing such effects, do not mark our crea- tions. MARQUARDT CAMPUS TAILOR pi6 U. Williams St. wrXE KEEP? XUSIC STUDIOS" lia.o, voice, pipe organ. 811 South Divisios street. 'Phone 213"-. Zeave z'4ese for Ane piano tuning. Does your musical instrument need repairs? Take it to Schaeberle & Son. 110 South Mat, street. for first-class work. octtP All chairmen of committees for the annual football smoker to be held in the combined gymnasium, Nov. 25, will. meet General Chairman Edwin B. Palmer, '17, at the Union at 5 o'clock today.I At this time final instructions will be given these men and preparations for Michigan's biggest football smoker will commence, The men who are requested to be present are: Stanley Smith, '17; Robert Collins, '17E; Tom McAllister, '18; A. Stenberg, '17E; Theodore Cox, '17; Charles Fischer, '18, and Walter Atlas, '18. REKEIVES 80 BIDS FOR WORK OF INSTALLING FOUNDATION About 30 bids have been received at the Union for the contract for the in- stallation of the foundation to the grade level, a work to cost between $50,000 and $100,000. It will probably take until the end of March for the work on this contract to be finished. The C. 3. Snyder Co, who have ,the job of digging the big hole for the cel- lar, are increasing the numbers of their working force, and unless some- thing unforseen occurs will have the contract finished in the allotted 40 days, 7, CIIC ASSOCIATION TO PLAN FOR YEARS WORK Sends Letters to Members Endorsing Outline of Possible Activities To concentrate its efforts on those phases of municipal improvement which seems most important, the di-' rectors of the Ann Arbor Civic as- sociation yesterday sent to its mem- bers a list of possible activities which were deemed worthy of cojsideration. 'From these the members are asked to select ten, and during the year of 1916-17 every effort will be made by the association to get satisfactory re- sults, Committees will be appointed as soon as the majority of the members have signified their choice of activities and through-these committees the as- sociation will be able to center its ef- forts on the various phases of their work, Among the proposed activities from which a choice is to be made are the following: 1. Promote measures to insure a" safe and adequate water supply for both domestic purposes and fire pro- tection. (2) Encourage the adoption, of the meter system of water supply{ with uniform and equitable water rates. (3) Support improvements and better care of our streets including paving, oiling, sprinkling, and clean- ing. (4) Back up impartial and strict enforcement of laws and ordinances. (5) Improve public utilities. (6) Aid in the development and adoption of a city plan. WESLEYAN GUILO GIVES OUT LIST OF LECTURES Schedule of Program Arranged for Year Believed to Be Best Yet Made Announcement was made yesterday by the Wesleyan Guild of its program of lectures and addresses to be given in the Methodist church during the coming year. The committee in charge has arranged a list of speakers which they be ove will rival the program of any previous year. Th: following is a list of the speak- ers and the dates on which they will be in Ann Arbor: Nov. 5, Prof. Robert W. Rogers of Drew Theological semi- nary. Madison, N. T.; Nov. 19, Mrs. Cora WN lson Stewart, president of the Kentacly literacy commission; Dec. 10, Dr. Charles E. Jefferson, pastor of the Broadway Tabernacle church, New York City; Jan. 11, Prof. Lynn H. Hough, of the Garrett Biblical Insti- tute, Evanston, Ill; Feb. 11, Mr. Charles W. Gilkey, pastor of the Hyde Park Baptist church, and March 4, Mrs. W. I. Thomas of Chicago, prom- inent social worker and secretary of the Women's Peace Party. In addition to the above list, four other lectures will be given during the year, the announcement of which will be made later. Chester H. Ross, '15, Takes Wife Chester H. Ross, '15, was married to Mary Francis North of Lyndell, Pa., Oct. 7. Ross was prominent in student activities while on the campus. (Continued from Page Two.) Adamson bill. Here the audience was in a quandary. We couldn't get the drift of his talk at all. He patently did not know his ground. Not a word was said aiout the Lus- itana--not a word was 'ittered about his notes! Every paragraph was concluded with some such sentence as this: "It's too clear to argue among sane-minded men." Or, "It's too plain and apparent to compel discussion." The writer is a citizen from Wil- son's own state, if that makes any difference, and comes of a family of Democratic politicians. Let us have political meetings! They're good. But let us have clean and fair-minded discussions. We want every question discussed in full, with no mud-slinging. Let us have men of the type of W. D. Lewis. When the latter was asked by an auditor, whether Wilsoncatered to 400,000 votes while urging the passage of the Adamson bill, Mr. Lewis fair- mindedly said that the question had no grounds for such an assertion. The Democratic speaker, however, always mentioned the "actuating motive", as though someone on the inside confided it to him. I asked the speaker after the meet- ing if there was anything in the law (the Adamson Act), that could stop the railroad magnates from keeping the men on their jobs fourteen hours or more. He truthfully said, "No, but eventually it will work out the proper way." Several other auditors queried him on this issue but he could not answer, and said so frankly. The bill is being worked out by the commission and we are still to see whether it will prove satisfactory. Meanwhile our "deliberative" congress passed it and our President made it a law. Why, the speaker could not even state the Adamson bill to one of his inquirers, although he tried to, several times. These meetings are time-consuming. Let the political clubs make it worth while for us to spend our time with them. We don't care whether or not Wilson promised not to run and did run. We don't care whether or not Hughes said he wasn't going to run. Nobody knows anything about anyone's "actuating motives" with any degree of certainty. These are only surmis- sions. Trusting 'that you will give this some space in The Daily, I remain, Yours respectfully, S. PAUL EPSTEIN, '18. PROF. KENYON AND DR. BUTLER TO ADDRESS CLASSICAL CLUB The Classical club will meet at 7:15 o'clock this evening in room A, Mem- orial hall. There will be short talks by Pro- fessor Kenyon, who is to direct the Greek play, Doctor Butler who man- ,,aged so successfully the costume ar- rangements for the Latin play last spring, and Miss Young, last year's Do not hide a good suit under a poor overcoat. One of our new fall and winter overcoats would blend so nicely with your fall suit that your appearance as a whole would be a source of satisfac- tion to yourself and admiration to your friends. This Is The Kind of Overcoat You Want Overcoats Full Of Snap. LOST. LOST-Silver bar pi, set with amethysts 4nd diamond shaped rhinestones on Saturday, probably at game; valued as gift. Finder please notify C, Huebner. Martha Cook Bldg, Phone 627, Reward. 26 LOST--Silver case watch, Elgin works, University of Penni seal fob attach- ed, photogragh in back of ease. oast between .Campus and Ferry field, Saturday. .Reward it returned to Daily office. 34= LOST- Pair of brown bone rimmed glasses on Saturday. Reward. Find-; er return to Michigan Daily office. 5-26 LOST-During flag rush red Y-neck sweater. Return to 537 Church or phone 178-W, for reward. 24 LOST--Blanket robe, from Armory Saturday night. Please return to H. J. Waessner. 1118-M. .25-26 LOST-At flag rush, heavy grey sweater coat. Please return to 237 S. Ingalls St. Reward. 26-27 WANTED, WANTED-Four students to work in bowling room 1 p. m. to 6 p. m. daily apd four students to work 6 p. m. to 11 p. m, daily; $4,00 a week. 26,27,28 WANTED-If you are in need of any- thing, The Michigan Daily can help you get it through its Classified De- partmeut, FOR RENT FOR RENT-Desirable single room, one-half block from campus, at 1122 Washtenaw Ave. Call 1576-W or 23$. 26 FOR RENT-Single room. Enquire at 714 Church or Alpha Delta Phi house, oct.21-27 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Have you something that you want to sell? If so, let the Mich- igan Daily sell it for you through its Classified Department. $15.00 to $28.50 ! MW . Our Victor Records App rovy.1 ServIce Has given the best of satisfaction To Victro a Owners Call us up and It am about it TOM. CORBETT 116 E. Liberty St. The Young Mesas Shop president. Plans for the year will I outlined briefly and further committe appointments will be made. Immediately following the meetin a short initiation ceremony will b held. It is important that all mem bers, especially those elected this fal be present. Leave your fim at Sugden's. Grinnell Brs e, O16 EMai m10. I-H O NE 1707 p