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October 26, 1916 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1916-10-26

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Blocking. Tackling, and Falling on the
Ball Receive Attention in
Long Workout
Orange Coaches Have Trouble in Find .
ing Substitute for Big
In preparing for the coming game
with Syracuse, Coach Yost returned
to the very fundamentals of football
yesterday afternoon.
The coach dragged the squad over
to one of the side gridirons and spent
the bigger part of the afternoon in
supervising blocking, tackling, fall-
ing on the ball and things of this

All- Fresh Again
Defeat Reserves
Another one of those All-Fresh-Re-
serves scrimmages was pulled off on
south Ferry field yesterday afternoon,
and once more the freshmen came off
the gridiron with the long end of the
score to their credit.
But not until a moment before time
was called for the day did the fresh-
men shove across the necessary win-
ning touchdown. The final count was
12 to 9.
In the early part of the play the
verdants shoved Bill Hitchcock across
the Reserves' line, but the older men
were also doing things, and scored
once themselves, adding a pretty drop
kick for good measure.
At the fourth kick off the contest
waxed wearm. Weadock was injected
into the -fray, and the freshmen soon
'started on a march toward the north
goal, tearing acrossibig chunks of ter-
ritory as they proceeded. When the
ball reached the Reserves' $3-yard line,
Weadockr called" that old M. A. C.

He on 't Be There Saturday


Line Coach Pontius was working favorite ground gainer, the tackle
LiFCahPniu a okn around._ Chapman came out of his
with the linemen individually and the ouInd apm a e out o
backfield m n were under Douglass' position and waltzed through the op-
.akTe coaesware anticipatinglth'posing right tackle, dodged by the see-
ye Tes scoaches aeanticipating the ondary defense, and ended with the
"I would rather play a good team leather in his hands outrely behind
when it has been winning than to the goal.
v 1en t hs ben winingtha to As time was called, the yearling
strike a good team Just after it has Asvt was aled, hs team by
suffered a defeat," said Coach Yost. pivotwas again leading his team by
Eastern critics seem agreed that Pitts- F leaps toward another count. u
burg's score of 30 to 0 against Syra- Froemke showed some good stuff ind
cuse does not show with any accuracy the backfld for the freshmen, and
difference between the two elevens.Chapman played a steady game in his
Syracuse is determined to "comeback" sition. Weadock had a good after-
ainst the Wolverines and they have noon and showed a good variety of
aystrong team with which plays which will go against the
to ty to turn the trick. Farmer yearlings in Lansing Saturday.
Just how much the absence of
Schlachter will weaken the easterners SCARCITY OF MEN FO1 RFW AY
is. problematical. He is one of the
finest linemen in the country sand his, PresSoph Race May be Abandoned
loss is bound to be felt. I Through Lack of Material
Coach Yost staged a signal practice
yesterday and gave the team a few Freshmen and sophomores are not
new plays to use against the Syra- turning out in sufficient numbers for
cuse eleven. If the heavy line of the the annual race to be held between
visitors is able to stop tg halves of the Washington game next
line plungers, passes, and end runs week. Coach Farrell stated yesterday
seem to be the logical solution. that unless the number of men trying
The Orangemen will probably linefor each team takes a decided climb
up agai M g before the end of the present week the
ing team:I traditional meet must be abandoned.
Witter, left end; Cobb, left tackle; For those who are not acquainted
White, left guard; Gilmore, center; with the details of the clash it may
Trigg, right tackle; Du Moe, right ,be said that each man on the two con-
end; Meehan, quarterback M. Brown, tenders will run a distance of 220
left half; Planck, right half; Rafter yards. Each team will be made up of
and Williams, fullback. eight men.
This lineup is the one sent on by It is high time that something was
the eastern athletic association au-done by both classes toward discover-
thoTities. ; Schlachter was slated for ing some pep in connection with this.
right guard, but his unfortunate in- A few cinder men have been out, some
jury of Monday will keep him on the of them regularly for the limbering up
side lines and just who will fill his process, but more are absolutely need-
shoes is an open question. ed if the affair is to be the success
Meehan, the Syracuse quarterback, it has been in the past. The sopho-
is far from a stranger to Ferryfield,' mores who have been out regularly to
as he hasappeared here before with work for the clash have been almost
both baseball and football teams from a minus quantity.
the Orange university. Meehan is a
shifty open field runner and with The freshmen medic class shows -a
Rafter gives Michigan's next oppon- remarkable increase this year, having
ents two fleet footed backfield men. a total registration of 115 students.
The big field was not in use yester-
day, but today's scrimmage may be
staged in front of the stands. Either
the scrubs or the All-Fresh will op-
pose the Varsity and it will be their
last actual battle before the game on
The line has been receiving special-
attention this week and Coach Pontius
had the men blocking and shoving
each other around the landscape for
a long period yesterday.


Landers, Eby, and Hough Prep Cinder-
path Wonders Brighten
Quakers' Prospects
Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 25.-Sherman
Landers, who entered the University of
Pennsylvania with a brilliant prepar-
atory record in the middle west be-
hind him, is the most promising track
man in the freshman class, this fall.
Landers' work in recent cinder tryouts
attracted the attention of both coaches
and spectators, and the lad from Il-
linois looks like a find for the Quaker
cinder squad.
Landers recently ran the 100-yards
in ten and one-fifth seconds, and the
220 in 22 2-5 seconds, both times
starting from scratch in handicap
races. His performance is remarkable
for this time of year, as the cool
weather has made track work inter-
mittant throughout the fall.
Eby, another freshman, ran a half
mile in 2:01 4-5, taking his event with-
out being pushed. Eby is being touted
as "Ted" Meredith's successor at Penn-
sylvania, and. his work has attracted
as much attention as that of Landers.
Hough, the third freshman find to be
uncovered in the fall tryouts, jumped

Pennsy Team Leaves Today for Tussle
With Husky Panther
Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 25.-"Bob"
Folwell's "comeback" Pennsylviana
eleven is working four hours a day
in preparation for what may prove
to be the hardest battle of the year
on Saturday in Pittsburg. Pitt's vic-
tory over Syracuse last week showed
that Warner has a powerful eleven,
his backfield being probably stronger
than that of any other team in the_
country this fall. The Quakers are
not confident of winning, but they will
leave Philadelphia tomorrow night de-
termined to put up the fight of their
Coach Folwell, while reticent as to
the outcome of the Pittsburg game,
believes that his team will put up a
much stronger fight than Syracuse
showed last week. Folwell says that
he has solved the one big weakness
of the Quaker team, and that all he
needs is time to develope a really
formidable eleven. Even if, Pitt does
win Saturday's game, Pennsylvania
will have plenty of time to get into
trim to battle Michigan and Cornell

Meets Normalities on Ferry Field in
First Game of Season
November 4
Soccer again is about to rise on the
athletic horizon. It will have its of-
ficial dawn when the Ypsi Normalities
come over one week from Saturday, to
engage the 1916 Wolverine soccer bat-
talion on Ferry field. Last year the
boys from Ypsi had the honor of tak-
ing the first beating of the season from
the first Varsity soccer team the Uni-
versity had had for years and out of
respect for their long-suffering, they
are to be rewarded by being permitted
to duplicate their performance of last
Two games have been scheduled
with the Ypsilanti team, one here and
the other there. Last year both of the
games between the two teams were
won by the Michigan Varsity and al-
though the visitors will be out for
revenge, the reception committee
which will endeavor to entertain them
next Saturday is determined to make
things interesting and confidence
reigns on both sides of the fence. The
score in the first game last season
was 1-0 and the second result which
followed the contest at Ypsilanti was
a little more favorable to the Wolver-
ine squad.
The visitors will undoubtedly have
a rather strong team and no doubt will
have been devoting long periods to
laying plans for the downfall of the
Maize and Blue squad. Just how
strong Michigan will be this year is as
yet a matter for conjecture only. j
The team has not been organized
thus far and no captain has been elect-
ed. No practice has been held and it
will hence take some tall hustling toF
whip the team into shape before the
initial contest._
Last year the team was most cosmo-
politan in its personal. Students in
the University from China, Turkey,
Armenia, Ca ada, Greece and Hawaii
were numbd among the members of
the Varsity squad. Some of the form-
er stars were the 1915 Captain Tri-
politis, Domboorajian, Hung, Feizy and
Bates. It is impossible to say how
many of these men will back again
this year.
Last season was closed with a clean
record. Michigan won every game
with ease. If the team this year is as
strong as it was last, there is no rea-
son why there should be any defeats
chalked against the University at the
end of the present season.
It is the purpose of the Athletic as-
sociation to put soccer at Michigan on
a basis where that sport can compare
favorably with the same at any east-
ern institution. Soccer is a big sport
in the east and in Canada, and there
is no reason why Michigan should not
be as strong in this branch of athletics
as in any other.
In order to make the team a success

and to help boom the sport it becomes
necessary for every man who has play-
ed soccer to get out and try to land
a birth on the Varsity. Any men who
played on last year's team are es-
pecially urged to come out. Freshmen
are eligible for this sport and the first
year class should furnish a host of re-
The first practice will be held on
Ferry field this afternoon and every
afternoon thereafter at 3:30 o'clock.
Lockers may be secured at the intra-
mural club house.
One S mi- Final
This Afternoon
Due to the bad weather neither
match in the semi-finals of the ten-
nis tournament was played off yester-
day. If the weather permits, Hamer
and Egbert will try to play off their
match this afternoon, leaving ,the
other match of the semi-finals between
Codd and Bartz to be staged some-
time tomorrow. If this arrangement
is carried out the semi-finals will be
finished by Friday night and the finals
can be played Saturday morning. In
this way a large gallery will be able
to witness this important event.
.No matter who succeeds in compet-
ing for the cup, there is bound to be
some exceedingly fast tennis played.
Of the four remaining, contestants,
Codd, Bartz, Hamer, and Egbert, each
is able to show a brand of tennis that
will compare very favorably with that
put up by Ralph Oster, winner of last
year's tournament.
Haughton Pleased With Showing
Cambridge, Oct. 25.-Coach Perry
Haughton today declared himself bet-
ter satisfied with his football team at
Harvard than at any time since prac-
tice for this year's schedule began.
He pointed to the game with the Mas-
sachusetts Aggies and said the Crim-
son warriors had displayed the most
aggressive game they have shown this

I22feet six inches on his final try in the to a standstill in the final games of
broad jump, which is good enough for the Red and Blue season.
intercollegiate competition anywhere. Light's work in the Penn State
. While there are other good men in game last week, coupled with the fine
the first year class, these three have showing of Howard Berry, has gone
shown to best advantage this fall, a long way toward restoring the con-t
although the coaches say they have fidence of the Quaker backers, and
two youngsters who will be heard they are now looking forward to a
from next spring. Pennsylvania has successful season. Quarterback was
been unusually fortunate in securing the weak spot in Folwell's eleven in
some of the most promising prep ( the early games, but Light appears to
school men in the country, and the be able to fill the bill satisfactorily.
Quakers are looking for a return to He ran the team well against Penn
cinder supremacy in another year. State, although his individual play
was far outshadowed by the brilliant
Giant Guards in California Line work of B'erry.

Andy Smith, the former Penn coach,
who is now coaching at the University
of California, has a wonderful pair of
guards in Monley and Liversedge.I
Monley is six feet five inches tall and
weighs 250 pounds, while Liversedge
Is six feet four inches tall and weighs
210 pounds.

Engineering Faculty Favors Hughes
At a dinner of the mechanical en-
gineering faculty held Tuesday night
a straw vote was tiken with the re-
sult. that prohibition won by a vote
of 12 to 4,' and Hughes over Wilson,
13 to 3.

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Cambridge, Mass., Oct. 25. -Har-
vard's varsity and scrub football
teams have been placed under a novel
quarantine as a result of the infantile
paralysis epidemic this fall. Edwin
Ginn, a member of the scrub team, re-
cently came down with a mild attack
of the disease, and was sent to the
isolated ward of the infirmary. Neith-
er the first nor second teams are al-
lowed to leave the university grounds,
although they have not been forbidden
to mingle with the other students on
the campus. No restrictions have been
placed on the other students.
The Harvard eleven will play out
its schedule this fall, as the health
authorities do not anticipate any furth-
er cases, believing that Ginn was ex-
posed while absent from Cambridge
some weeks ago. His roommate has
been sent home under quarantine for
two weeks.
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Main street, for Ukeleles, Martin Gui-
meats. octstf

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