L.1 11 L R' ..rte....,. ,.. G. H. Wild Co. Leading Merchant Tailors State St. Official newspaper at the University of Michigan. Published every morning except Monday during the university year. Entered at the post-office at Ann Arbor as second-class matter. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building. Sub- scriptions: by carrier $2.50; by mail, $3.00. Want ad. stations: : uarry's; Students' Sup- ply Store ; The Delta, cor. State and Packard. Phones: Business, 96o; Editorial, 24k4. Communications not to exceed 300 words in length, or notices of events will be, pub- lished in The Daily if left at the office in the Ann Arbor Press Bldg., or in the notice box in the west corridor of the general library, where the notices are collected at 7:30 o'clock each evening. John C. B. Parker..........Managing Editor Clarence T. Fishleigh......Bnsiness Manager Conrad N. Church..............News Editor Lee E. Joslyn...............City Editor Harold A. Fitzgerald.........Sports Editor Harold C. L. Jackson......Telegraph Editor Verne E. Burnett..........Associate Editor GoldaGinsburg............Women's Editor Carleton W. Reade......... Statistical' Editor y n rr r ,.. GIR A FAN FOR StUDENT'S R r $12.5 WHY PAY M ALLMENDINGER N ane 1692 lllllilllilllilllilllilit1l1#illd OLAS, OL A AS 1 0 ORE? 4USIC SHOP 122 E. Liberty S. tlili111-1i11 1il1llll11 1111 «Y" Employ- ment Bureau MOURS:- 3 to 4p.m. Saly 9 to 2 a. m. Sat. TelephonM 823 * OCTOBER SUGGESTIONS -/ "Somewhere In Red Gap," . , Marrylieen Wilson "The Wonderful Year," $140, -c W. J ..o. - - "Elements of the Grat War, "*1.O, I tillitHilogre SeN. WAHRk" S - VNIVERISITY *BOOKSTORU'As f, I. P. Note Books Your Name ira G old ojmCover Fro of Charge 536 Via. roe -Slater Book3Shopstate DETROIT UNITED LINES. ween Detroit, -Ann Arbor and Jackson s run ontEastern time, one hour faster local time. .roit Limited and Express Cars-8:io a. d hourly to-7:10 p. m., 9:1o p. m. lamazoo Limited Cars-8 :48 a. m. and two hours to 6:48 p. in.; to Lansing, pp m a Eon Express Cars.-(Local stops west of Arbor)-9:48 a. m. and every two hours 48 p. m. cal Cars Eastbound-5:35 a. M , 6:40 a. :og a. m. and every two hours to 7:05 p. :o p. m., 9:05 p. in., 10:50 p. in. to anti only, 9:zo a. M., 9:-50 a. M., 2:05 p. :0g p. X., 11:45 P. 'm., 1 :1o a. in., 1:20 To Saline, change at Ypsilanti. cal Cars Wstbound-5.: a. m.,'7:5o a. 0:20 p. in.. 12:20 a. M. We OfferYou SECURITY - - SERVICE - - LOCATION Resources $3,8oo, 000 Ann Arbor Savings Bank Incorporated 1869 Main Office-- Northwest Corner Main and Huron Branch Offrice.- 707 North University Ave. i Farmers & Mechanics Bank Offers the Bet in Modern Banking SECURITY - - EFFICIENCY venlent and Pleasant quarters. You Will Pleased With Our Service.: Two Offices -105 S. Main St. 330 S. State St. PE WRITERS of all makes Pale or Rent. Gleaning & Iep&iring. !DPWRITING & UMEOGRAPMING. 8UPPLIES o. D. Mo0rll So; State 582-4 GEORGE B ISCH OFF FLOR 1ST hoice Cut Flowess and Plants 0 Chapin St. Ann Arbor, Mich. PHONE 809 M STOP AT TUTTL'S S38 S. STATE for sodas and lunches Phone 2402 Open evenings by appointment BEAUTY SHOP MISS MABLE ROWE Shampooing, Manicuring, Massage, & Chiropody, Switches, Curls. Cosmetics, Ornaments First National bank Bldg. Room 503 Ann Arbor, Mich. FIRST NATL. BANK OF ANN ARBOR, MICH. Capital $ioo,ooo Surplus and Profit $65,ooo DIRECTORS Wirt Cornwell Waldo M. Abbott Geo. W. Patterson Harry M. Hawley S. W. Clarkson Harrison Soule Fred Schinid D. B. Sutton E. D. Kinnie After the Show stop at SUGAR BOWL 109 S. Main St. We make our own Candies and Ice Cream in our Sanitary Shop J. E. Campbell...Assistant Business Manager C. Philip Emery..Assistant Business Manager Albert E. Horne..Assistant Business Manager Roscoe R. Rau.'..Assistant Business Manager Fred M. Sutter... Assistant Business Manager Night Editors L. S. Thompson E. A. Baumgarth L. W. Nieter J. L. Stadeker Reporters B. A. Swaney C. W. Neumann W. R. Atlas C. C. Andrews E. L. Zeigler H. C. Garrison Allen Schoenfield C. M. tickling Marian Wilson D. . Rood Business Staff Bernard Wohl J. E. Robinson Paul E. Cholette Harry R. Louis E. Reed Hunt Harold . Lance earl E. Gansehow Walter R. Payne Harold Makinson THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1916. POLITICAL RESPONSIBILITY The assertion is often made that col- lege communities do not take the pro- per interest in vital problems of the outside world. The college professor and the college student are sometimes referred to as impractical idealists. We refuse to believe this. The straw vote to be held on the campus today will indicate conclusively how much interest the 7,600 citizens represented in Michigan's faculty and student bod- ies, have in the issues of the day. They are asked to express their choice for the presidency, and upon the Mich- igan state prohibition question. If a large, representative vote is polled, it will prove that our univer- sity community is live, wide-awake, and interested in the national issues of the day. Nine ballot boxes located in Univer- sity hall, the law building, the Library, the chemistry building, the medic building, the hospitals, the dental building, and the engineering building will give every faculty member and student ample opportunity to vote. The hours of voting have been made long enough so that they will not con- flict with classes or laboratory per- iods. Remember, the state and nation are interested in the result of Michigan's straweballot. Cometout and show your ,interest by voting today. WHAT THE STRAW VOTE MEANS There will be an important meeting of the women's staff of The Daily, this afternoon at 4 o'clock, in The Daily office. °Reporters who cannot be pres- ent must notify women's editor in ad- vance. Senior society will meet this even- ing at 7:30 o'clock at Sweezy house, 509 Thompson street. Women will cast ballots for the straw vote on presidential candidates and state wide prohibition in the Lib- rary -this afternoon, from 1 to 6 O'clock. Upper girls' section of Deutscher Verein will meet tonight at 8 o'clock. Registrar Arthur G. Hall will speak at vespers this afternoon, at 5 o'clock, at Newberry hall. Women's attendance committee meets Monday and Thursday from 11 to 12:15 o'clock in the registrar's of- fice. All absences must be reported within two weeks. In case of illness, excuses must be presented from the health service. A ten mile hike starts from the gym- nasium every Saturday morning, at 8:30 o'clock. All girls interested may come out. One athletic honor is given for each ten mile walk. All members of the Glee club report Saturday morning at 10 o'clock, at Rentscheller's, to have picture taken for the Michiganensian. Junior advisors pay 50 cent tax at once to defray banquet expenses. First round of tennis tournament must be played off today. For further information call Margaret Atkinson, '19, tennis manager, at 741. CRITICISES EDITORIAL 0 rLm la - Wiomen I lf" 1 .i.r ..ir. r. s. wrr rr r r.ri iwm.mi Lmoom I Home Made Candies i Strictly fresh and of the best quality. Pure cream walnut caramels, a- E sorted nut chocolates in jib.boxes, 35c. Bitter sweet and chocolate cream all fresh. Special ice cream suadaes. THE FOUNTAIN of YOOT I State St. Cor. Liberty uiiti rzi~nm~nru r ~n l til nrulnli E urrtlili rnil rrnttrillnlrrr rntrrlls 3 =ri.... a~ r ~ ^ wrr (Mrs. Peal) RLAN DERS OR LOWERS Phone 294 213 K. Liberty St. a K EEPIN' cool under fire shows a good soldier-an' good tobacco. VELVET'S smoothness -and coolness-Is large ly the result of Its two years' Natural Agelu o a Ring Lardner Meets Hatch in Freshman Who Writes of College Dear Al: loud. I see the other ones look kinda Well here I an at dear old Mich. suprized so I laffed and pretty soon univ. only I guess you know I aint they did to. Then one guy says he wants the cream. But the Irish guy so dam stuck on the place that I want was brushing his knife over his glass to live here for good, because there like as tho it was full and he was aint nothing doing like at home in sweeping something off it but pretty good ole G. R. Anyway, Al, I want to soon he passes me the cream with his tell you about the frats they. got here face kinda red like he was holding his breth. Then I says to myself I'll show which is kind of club or something these mutts something so I says slide what you sometimes join if you go the goat over here. This time he laff- big on 1st impression. Well I was ast ed and so did the guy at the end of the to come over at a frat thats called table so I could see they was getting Delta something or other. Anyway I wise to themselves and wishing they got over there to eat one night so's I could put something over so I could could see if they was a good bunch see what a live bunch they was. Pret- and I wanted to join. I met a feller ty soon they quit eating and begun to what was already a member from G. sing some frat songs. I didn't know R. and -his name is Steve what works the words or nothing but I faked 'em in that there grocery place summers. pretty good and sang the tune all Well this bunch all says hello and set right. Then they sang some song down while someone puts a piece on about a safe shelter and some of the one of them big phonografs. Of course, guys had there heds bowed and was Al, it was some piece but I never let laffing so I knew they was just get- on nor nothing. The guys all ast was ting my stuff. After we was upstairs I all fixt up and was I getting on all again I new they was after me cause right but I bet, Al, that they never about 20 of them was talking in 1 give a dam but just wanted something corner. Then I says to 1 of them,, to say. Pretty soon I heard some kind whats the initation fee cause I hear of a bell ringing an I looked at my its gone up on accounta bord. I wasn't watch so's the, bunch could see my gonna let those guys beat me to itl m fob which I had just got for 25c. when I seen how I got away at sup- They rang this here bell twict and they per ha Al? This guy didnt say noth- all got up and stood around kind of ing for a minute then he says yes, waiting so I headed towards the din- ' kinda slow so I guess he was a boob. ing room which I knew was in the Anyway they didn't say nothing, Al,c celler having ast a guy. Well we hit about joining nor nothing so I am gon-c the chow and I was getting pretty na ast them next time I have a chanct. chummy with the bunch so I says to y'rs, myself I'll pull some of my stuff and BEON. 7 its some class Al. Well I says slip me the cow, like that to a Irish guy Velox prints at Sugden's. oct3-29 and he didnt do nothing for a minute or 2 so I new right away it was new c stuff on him. In a minute after he Our alarm clocks are good clocks.f had took a drink of water he says Chapman, Jeweler, 113 South MainE what? and I says pass the cow kinda street,., tues-eod SAYS MASS MEETINGS NEED PROFANITY TO "PEP." DO NOT AROUSE Poles have accused Americans of not knowing how to appreciate the Editor, The Michigan Daily: right to vote, because Americans have I wish to say a few words in re- not had to fight for that privilege.g Some Americans contradict this. gard to the Daily's editorial Tuesday Others correct the Polish statement morning on "Mass Meeting Etiquette." by calling voting a duty, rather thane Where does The Michigan Daily .get a'privilege. the idea that the absence of profanity Today there is a straw ballot on the a mass meeting converts that meeting campus. It will test locally both of into a "pink-tea?" these questions, whether Michigan stu- Where does The Michigan Daily get dents appreciate a chance for express- the idea that we can't show pep and ing public opinion, and whether they enthusiasm without resorting to pro- generally consider it as a duty. fanity? Profanity is a form of dic- The straw ballot today will show tion which characterizes toughs and other things. rowdies. Do you think our Michigan First, the people of the nation will men are of so small caliber that they learn what the opinion in one of the can't be live men without departing most representative Middle-western from the realms of decency and court- universities is in regard to Wilson and esy? For shame! HhughesI True gentlemen have rich red blood Second, the people of Michigan will in their systems, by reason of the get the sentiment on the prohibition very fact that they have courage and question. strength actually to be true gentle- Third, the percentage of women who men. Such men require only effective turn out to vote will undoubtedly af- leadership to -make a mass meeting as feet somewhat the question of woman strenuous and enthusiastic as anyone suffrage, wherever that issue is voted can desire. History proves this. upon. I believe Michigan men belong in Much has been said on the campus this class. Continue 'to furnish us upon both questions. Here is a with good leaders and no pink tea ten- chance to crystallize the general opin- dencies will appear in Michigan's pep ion and present it to the national meetings. Keep your eye on the high- voters who may be affected somewhat er standards of manhood and you will by the results. have no trouble with profanity creep- ing in where it does not belong. Prof. Kraus Addresses Class H. W. GODDARD, '12-'20M. Prof. E. H. Kraus, of the mineralogy GEOLOGICAL SEMINARY WILL department, will talk to the class in HOLD ITS MEETING TONIGHT current literature this afternoon in. room 224 natural science building. He Geological Seminary will hold a will talk on the present stages of meeting at 7 o'clock tonight in its minerals. .rooms in the natural science building. Prof. I. D. Scott and Prof. C. W. Cook BOXING will open a discussion on geology in Private lessons. Work will start at the fields of physiography and econ- once. See instructor at Dr. May's of- omic geology, fice, Waterman gymnasium, for terms, etc. O. S. Westerman, instructor. 'Phone 00 for signs and show cards. 26tf oct to 20 SAYS SPEECH UNFAIR WILSON CLUB MEETING UNJUST TO REPUBLICAN CANDIDATE FOR PRESIDENT. Editor, The Michigan Daily: Dear Sir: The writer has attended both the Republican smoker of a week ago, and the Democratic smoker held Tuesday evening. It was a pleasure to me to get the fair and impartial account of; the Hon. Wm. Draper Lewis on the various problems that faced the Wilsonj administration. The contrary, how- ever, is the case with the meeting held under the auspices of the Wilson club S lis Pltum van and other meaningless phrases. He is direct and fearless in his views on all questions. The next petty question asked was in substance, "Why did Hughes run? Hasn't he said he wouldn't run for pol- itical office?" Well, now, why isWil- son a candidate? Doesn't his platform of 1912, bind him to a single term? 1 Another argument against Hughes, was that as justice of the supreme court, he never uttered a word against the President's attitude on Mexico and on other questions. Certainly, he did- n't utter a word! He knew his place. He respected his office; he upheld the dignity of his office. Tuesday evening. I have taken a close account of the speech from beginning to end, and be- lieve that I am able to outline quite accurately the points the speaker has introduced--I do not know his name. He states at the start that this is a campaign of personalities not issues. Then he analized the characters of Wilson and Hughes in a very biased fashion. During the course of his re- marks the speaker went as far as to refer to Hughes as crazy and wild. j In other words, he tells us before- hand that he is to discuss personal- ities. Why? The only reason I can find, is that he cannot defend the pres- ident in his attitude, and his talk is an admission of my contention. In referring to Hughes' record' as governor, he does not say a word; In discussing our so-called "pros- perity", he stated, rather uniquely, that Delaware is the only state where munition factories are situated. Hence, the prosperity in the west, particular- ly North and South Dakota, is not due to the war, because the west does not do any war business. How about raw materials, Mr. Speaker? Do they all come from Delaware? Where does the metal come from that is necessary for the manufacture of ammunition? Where do the wool and hides, wheat and corn, and countless other mater- ials come from? How superficial such arguments are! against his administration of New As a preface to his talk on Mexico, York state-only, that his regime is he excuses the President because it is too far back to command attention. We are then told that many of New York's newspapers have called the Re- publican nominee, Charles "Evasion" Hughes. New York by the way, has only two Democratic dailies - the World and the Times. Was Hughes' stand on woman suffrage an evasion? Is his stand on the Adamson bill an evasion? Is his stand on the tariff or any question an evasion? Hughes doesn't speak of a "psychological de- pression"; nor does he discuss the "New Freedom", "Humanitarianism", a "new" question. Then we are told of the horrors of war. He also assures us that all losses to American proper- ty in Mexico will be rehabilitated. Then came the flagrant statement that Wilson was not going to plunge this country into war, because of a few Americans have seen fit to invest in Mexico. In other words, an American has no right to invest in a foreign country, for we are not going to pro- tect him! The last point discussed was the (Continued on Page Flv.)