lf-.HIAlz-N Y 'U" Rim 1 H ArwtkL RESERVES SCORELES ... IY I Y W Y YMI Ib4 """ A i i i FORTY MINUTE STRUGGLE ON SOUTH FERRY FIELD RESULTS IN 0-0 DRAW Coach Yost Light Lets Regulars Off Workout; Squad in Good Shape With SAME LINEUP FOR ORANGEMEN Douglass, Back From East, Sees Great Potential Strength in Syra. case Line Michigan's Varsity Reserves and the All-Fresh scrimmaged 40 minutes last night to a scoreless tie, neither side shoving over a touchdown. The closest that the yearlings came to scoring was when Friedmeyer tried a drop kick from the 25-yard line, but the kick went wide. The Reserves pushed up to the 10-yard line on one occasion, but the first year footballers rallied and held at this point. The scrimmage took place on south Ferry field. and the Varsity used the regu- lar field. Coach Yost let his regulars off with a comparatively light workout andidis- missed them early so that he could watch the scrimmage between the re- serves and the fresh. The coach stated last night that Michigan was badly in it may mean the difference between a tie game and a victory. The Reserves that scrimmaged against the fresh last night were: Hildner, McCallam, Boyd, Skinner, Goodsall, Whalen, Loucks, Zeiger, Hanish and Brazell. rern 'Baekfield Finds New Star Philadelphia, Pa., Oct. 23.-The showing of Howard Berry in Satur- day's game between Pennsylvania and Penn State was perhaps the most en- couraging feature of Pennsylvania's play. Berry has been back from the Mexican border less than 10 days. . Berry is one of the finest all-around athletes in America, but his work on the gridiron last year was not up to his performances in other lines. This year, however, he has been displaying a decided reversal of form in the few days that he has been out for the team and the coaches are much pleased with his work. In last Saturday's game Berry kicked two difficult field goals and ran 40 'yards for a touchdown after catching a forward pass. He was in- jured and carried from the field to- ward the close of the game, but exam- inations yesterday disclosed the fact that he was not seriously hurt. Quigley, who took Berry's place, kicked a goal from placement from the 47-yard line just before the con- test was over. It would not be surprising to see FRESHMEN PREPARING FOR AGGE YEARLINGS Darkness Fails to Halt Strenuous Workout;.Many Changes in Lineup McGinnis is stealing a lot of Yost's copyrighted stuff these days. So re- cently as last evening, the freshman tutor kept the tungstens shining on Ferry field until nearly 6:30. We have a sneaking hunch that the freshmen are going to haul away more of that victory stuff from a certain crowd over in Lansing if hard work and long hours mean anything. Early in the day-until about 5:30 p. m.,- o'f course-McGinnis had the freshmen engaged in scrimmaging the Varsity scrubs. Nothing in the way of scores resulted in this. The tussle was more or less of a draw at the end of three rounds, with neither side ac- complishing anything in the way of much ground gaining. The freshman coach shifted his men so fast that some of the scrubs had brief attacks of dizzi- ness at times in locating the man to- ward which they were supposed to di- rect most of their attention. Late in the tilt, when darkness was rapidly overtaking the warriors, Mc- Ginnis called upon Friedmeyer for a score from drop kick. The husky guard nearly lost his way, but finally located the posts, but twice he was unable to shoot the leather where it would do the most good. Doug and Mac finally quit, at which time Harry Zeiger was thoroughly engaged in the endeavor to rush the ball from his own 20-yard line over the yearling goal. But he didn't beat the watch by a wide margin of about 55 yards. After that McGinnis escorted his men over to the place made sacred by the ghost ball, where the fun be- gan all over again. RED SOX BARNSTORMERS TO BE DENIED CHAMPIONSHIP EMBLEMS championship emblems from the play- ers who took part in the New Haven game or shared in its receipts. They will be punished more severely but in just what degree has not been de- termined." Over 20,ooo See Saturday 's Game That the Michigan-Aggies fray of Saturday attracted more interest than it ever did previously is shown by the attendance of students of both schools, and the horde of alumni which wit- nessed the game. Official figures as given out by the athletic association show there were 20,872 paid admis- sions. This is exclusive of passes of all sorts which are always attendant on any large contest. This crowd is probably the third largest which has ever witnessed a Michigan team in action. In 1913 ap- proximately 25,000 squirmed through the gates to witness Captain Pater- son's team defeat Pennsy 13 to 0. In 1910, 23,000 saw, the Wolverines bat- tle the Gophers for the championship of the west. Last year saw an esti- mated crowd of 22,000 persons for the 24 to 0 kicking the Yostmen suffered at the hands of Blake Miller's bunch. But many competent to judge think the attendance Saturday was larger than a year ago. Four thousand two hundred pasteboards were disposed of in Lansing alone last week, showing just how much the Farmers wanted to see the contest. C000 GOES INTO FIFTH ROUND Defeats Wilson in Hard Match, 6-4, 6-4; E. Steketee Loses to Barts In what was perhaps the fastest and most hotly contested match of the tournament, Johnny Codd succeeded in defeating Wilson 6-4, 6-4. Until yes- terday's match, Wilson was not con- ceded a chance nor was he looked upon as championship material. Never- theless the form he exhibited was nothing short of dazzling, and Codd was forced to the limit. At present it looks as if the latter stands an excel- lent chance of landingcin the finals. Due to the muddy condition of the courts only two matches were played," the other being furnished by Bartz andI E. Steketee, and resulting in a victory! for the former, 6-2, 6-2. This was really a better match than the scores indicate, Steketee succeeding in deuc- ing nearly every game. At present the cement court is the only one that can be used. Due to this the only match scheduled for today is between P. Steketee and Hamer, which will end the fourth round. J-LIT FOOTBALL CANDIDATES HOLD FIRST MEETING TODAY, INTEROLASS LEAGUE STAR TS TH IS WEEK Class Football Managers to Report at Athletic Offices Today ELIGIBILITY RULES ARE STRICT Interclass football will hold open house on south Ferry field this week. Intercollege Manager Chenot an- nounced last night that skirmishing would begin in the athletic offices im- mediately while actual hostilities will be staved off pending the declaration of war per schedule the latter part of the week. In order to arrange for the schedule and for the necessary details for the bloodletting, every class manager must report to the intercollege manager at the athletic offices sometime today. Managers may drop in any time dur- ing the day and each will receive eligibility blanks which they are to f:l out so that they may be presented to the official at the first game. The scholastic standing of every man playing on a class team must be ac- counted for and no cases of scholastic rheumatism will be allowed to get past the board of censorship at the athletic offices. This year the class games will be run off in much the same fashion they were conducted last year. Every team in every department will play every other team in that department for the departmental championship. The winningtteam in each depart- ment, respectively,; will then play the semi-finals, and the two high. teams the semi-finals will then play for th campus championship. . The teams which come out secon in their respective departments wi constitute what is known as the se ond division, as distinguished from th first division teams which are th winning teams in each departmem These second division teams will pla a round to see which team will 1 the runner up in that division. Th purpose of playing this round is t keep up the interest and give th teams beaten in the first round chance to come back and further a low the team in that division a chant to win its numerals. This high team of the second division will, after it ha played all the other teams in that dt vision, play the lowest team in the firs division for the fourth set of numeral There will be four sets of numeral given out. The champs will receil one set, and the team in the first d vision which plays in the game f the campus championship will receil the second set. The third set will I to the team ranking third in the firs division. The fourth set will be coi tested for by the fourth team in t1± first division and the highest team i the second division, as stated above. The athletic association presents th first two sets of class insignia, but th, classes having teams winning th other two sets must pay for them Each team will be privileged to giv 'rAt 13 individual sets of numerals, sun Ject to the recommendation of the clai manager. Call 600 for expert typewriting. need of several capable line substi- the Pennsylvania coaches build their tutes. offense for the rest of the year around this newest star, as his work was "Just so long as the regulars are in sensational throughout the game. shape for duty. we will look pretty se___nth _g___hg_ . good," said the ,Michigan boss, "but RETURN OF MORRISON BOOSTS let a couple of these men get injured PRINCETON C. C. C. PROSPECTS and our chances are going glimmer- ing unless we can round up some bet- Princeton, N. J., Oct. 23.-Prince- ter material to fill the gaps." There ton's chances of having a strong cross-. are two or three likely prospects country team have been greatly in- among the substitutes, but yesterday's creased since Donald Morrison, form- scrimmage certainly didn't uncover erly a star track man for the Tigers any stars. Boyd was in for the Re- has consented to return and train the serves and he played well for the Princeton squad. Morrison's coaching most part. was largely responsible for the thirst The coach stated that Michigan place gained at the Intereollegiates at would start the Syracuse game with Boston last fall, the highest standing the same lineup that opposed M. A. C. a Tiger team has ever made. when the whistle blew last Saturday. Seven of the-ten members of last Raymond will be in at right half, year's team will be able to participate while Boyd will start at guard. again, -and there is excellent material There is no chance of Sharpe's start- with which to fill the three vacancies l 3 ! . .1% ing against the easterners. His are far from well and the coach not want to take any chances. Douglass is back from the where he saw the Syracuse team ;last Saturday. Douglass stated although the Syracuse line didn't so good on Saturday, that they tremendous potential strength that if they strike their stride legs caused by graduation. Floto, who was does well up in the first ten in the inter- collegiate event, will be missed the east, most. Glover and Captain Dowell ar play the other two men who have gradu- that ated. look Captain Copeland, Sl otwell, Ken- have nedy, Durell, Boyd, Zunino, Tracy and Van Deventer, Paul, Colwell, Charley this and Raymond are the most likely men Chicago, Oct. 23.-Members of the Boston Americans are to be deprived of the *emblems usually presented to world's champions, because they vio- lated a rule of the National Commis- sion forbidding players to engage in exhibition games after the world's series. In addition 60 or 70 other major league players, who have en- gaged in barnstorming without the consent of the commission, are to suf- fer various penalties. B. B. Johnson, president of the American league, and member of the National Commission, today, with, other members of the commission, took up the work of listing the guilty play- ers and providing penalties for the of- fenses.t "The commission has a hard and fast rule that championship teams must disband at the end of the world's series and not engage in exhibition games either as teams or individuals," said Mr. Johnson. "It also forbids players of other major league teams from doing so without the consent of. CLARION 2a- in. LENOX 21 in. Two heights in the new COLLAR 15c Each GEO. P. IDE & CO., Makers. TROY. N. Y. Also fakers of Ide Shirts AN IDEAL STUDENT'S SWEATER JACKET Most admirably adopted for study Jack et and class sweater. Made of specialequality worsted, i Navy Blue, Gray. Black or Maroon Has two pockets, and pearl buttons. No. IOCP Jersey - Five Dollar Catalogue showing our complete line of Jerseys and Sweat,-rs mailed on re quest. A. G. SPALDING 121 Woodward Ave. & BROS. Inc Detroit, Mich. r When in need of week, Michigan will have an awful for the team. Shotwell is expected battle on her hands. Syracuse has two to rank high in the Intercollegiates of the best guards in the country as since last season, his first in the sport, a basis and her line is both heavy and he came in thirteenth. powerful. Captain White is one of Princeton was scheduled to meet the the guards in question and he was far University of Pennsylvania on Oct. 28. from playing his best game Saturday. but because of the late opening of the White put up an excellent exhibition college the race has had to be cancel- against Michigan last year and if the ed. Negotiations are under way to easterners come to life dui'ing the hold the meet at some later date. The week, with the 270 Babe White at their Tigers will meet Yale at New Haver There will be a meeting of candi- dates for the J-Lit class football team t this afternoon on south Ferry field, at 3:30 o'clock to discuss plans and ar- range for practice periods. All men who have had any experience or who expect to tryout for the team are ex- pected to report this afternoon at this preliminary meeting. I The third year lits are confident that, they will have a strong team this fall. Furniture, Rugs, Draperies see us. head, the Wolverines will face a much! tougher proposition than they did when they faced the Michigan Ag- gies. Douglass thinks that if the Michi- gan line improves as it should dur- ing the week, the Wolverines will have an even chance against their op- ponents on Saturday. Pittsburg de- feated Syracuse without' much diffi- culty, but it seems to be the concensus of opinion that the Orangemen were caught off their guard. In Rafter, Syracuse has a 145-pound full back whose open field work has bothered every team that the Syracuse eleven has faced. Rafter has also been gain- ing through the line when the big Orange forward wall has been work- ing in good shape. The coach announced that there would be secret practice all week. If Michigan finds that her line is un- equal to the task of caring for the eastern forwards, it would not be sur- prising to see the Maize and Blue cut loose with an open game consisting of passes plus Mr. Sparks. Sparks is an open game in himself and with the shifty Michigan pilot going back to punt, pass, or run, the Syracuse ag- gregation will have considerable to think about before the final whistle blows. Weimann was doing some place kicking last night and he was drop- ping the ball over regularly. Michi- gan hasn't been registering that one point after touchdowns as often as she should, and although it hasn't mat- tered much in the past, in the future on Nov.4, and will then enter no more [contests until the Intercollegiate championship, which will be held ir New Haven on Nov. 25. Morrison was captain of the Prince- ton cross-country team in 1914 and took second place in the Intercollep- lates. He was also a star two-miler on the Tiger track team. Dartmouth Gets Some Stars Crawford Carter, who was the best half-miler among the schoolboys at Washington, D. C., last year; Ben Pot- er, a track man and baseball player; Tric Hauser, a football and basketball player and relay runner, and Dunlop Castle, basketball and baseball player and high jumper, have matriculated at Dartmouth. They are all graduates of St. Albans school at Washington, where they won letters in their several sports last season. Hauser, who is' only 17, has done a quarter in 53 flat, and is expected to develop into a real star on the track, as well as at basket- ball, the latter being his hobby. Mack Signs College Player Milwaukee, Wis., Oct. 23.-Harold Vaughan, student at the University of Wisconsin, has been signed by Connie Mack, manager of the Philadelphia American Baseball club. Alarm clocks, $1.00 up. Chapman. Jeweler, 113 South Main St. tues-eod. Victor Victroias and complete stock of Records at Schaeberle & Son's. 110 South Main street. oct3tf the commission. The manager is expecting several of "In defiance of that rule the Boston last year's Soph-Lit team to be back Americans played at New Haven Sun- again for the squad although it is too day and the first step the commission early to tell just how many old men has decided on is to withold the will turn up. -1a2Ler furniture do. 112-122 E. LIBERTY !" THE BA D BOOST This is the new name for the Band Entertainment to be given at HILL AUDITORIUM, Evening of Nov. 3 You will hear and see New Stars in New Features. Prooeeds will be used to send Band to Carnell. ARE YOU A BOOSTER?