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October 20, 1916 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1916-10-20

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s Dropped on Wilson During
Through Thronged Streets
to Press Club




rt J. Bender, United

Press Staff

Chicago, Oct 19.-President Wilson
arrived at the New York central sta-
tion here shortly after 1 o'clock Thurs-
day. Enormous crowds met the train
and surged through the station cheer-
ing loudly as the President and his
party left. Thousands lined the streets
to see the President pass on his way
to the Blackstone hotel.
Enroute from the hotel to the Press
club where he was a luncheon guest,
the President again received a great
ovation from people lining both sides
of the street. In some places the jam
threatened to block his advance en-
tirely. Windows of large stores in the
Loop district were crowded with peo-
ple and from one building hundreds
of tiny flags were dropped down on
him as he passed.
The President was received by a
sefect crowd that occupied every avail-
able seat in the Press club lounging
room, where luncheon was served.
Mrs. Wilson accompanied the Presi-
President of Press Club Introduces
H. P. Miller, president of the Press
club introduced President Wilson.
The President said: "I enjoy these
runs away from home to discuss with
a non-partisan organization subjects
of the day. I regard a campaign as a
grave interruption to national consid-
eration of publio questions. We have
a bad American habit of changing the
point of view for two, or three months
while undergoing an election."
President Talks on Progressive Bus!-
"I have been amazed recently to hear
people say what they want to do is to
atop all this progressive business.
What they regard as progressive busi-
ness, however, Is merely an inevitable
process. Life will not stand still. All
adjustment is inconvenient to those
who fall into ruts and habits. Noth-
ing disturbs orderly scholars like a
new discovery in their own field. No
matter how we vote Nov. 7, we have
got to make up our minds that pro-
gressive action not only in America,
but In the world, has come to stay."
ners Trapped
in Coal [last
Employees of West Virginia Plant
Trapped; Believed Four Killed
in Crash
Fairmount, W. Va., Oct. 19.-Miners
employed by the Jamison Coal Mining
company at Barrackville, three miles
from here, were trapped by an ex-
plosion of coal damp at 1 o'clock this
afternoon, and at least four lives are
believed to have been lost.
An hour after the explosion officials
issued a statement contradicting re-
ports that more than 100 men were en-
tombed. The mine had been operating
with a force far less than normal since
Tuesday, they said, and the explosion
occurred just at the end of the din-
ner hour before all the workers were
back in the mine.
Tug Boat Capsized Crossing Bay at
Pensacola in Storm
Pensacola, Fla., Oct. 19.-Whpped
and torn by one of the worst hurri-
canes of its history, Pensacola found
today numerous cases of persons in-
jured and many buildings unroofed.;
The storm tore away the weather
bureau instrument tower, wrecked the
Louisville and Nashville railroad grain
elevator, tore off the railroad's ware-
house roof and ruined several thou-

sand dollars worth of goods inside.,
The tug Flanders tried to cross the;
bay during the worst of the storm but
capsized. All the crew reached shore,
safely except the cook.
Woodward repairs typewriters. 8-97
A. A. Sav. Bnk. Bldg. Tel. 866-F1.-
Victor Victroias and complete stock1
of Records at Schaeberle & Son's, 110
South Main street. oet3tf
To learn top writing wll
requires close applioatio
1 tv-gwriter and free
instruction book from ;
O.D.Morrill, 522 S. State,;

Campus in Brief
Professors E. H. Kraus and W. F.
Hunt, of the mineralogy department,
are at present engaged in writing an
elementary text-book on mineralogy
to be used in the elementary courses
of mineralogy next year. It is the
aim of the authors to vitalize the sub-
ject somewhat. The book will have
over 400 illustrations, consisting of
drawings and half-tone cuts and will
be between 500 and 600 pages in
length. McGraw-Hill book company,
of New York, will publish the book.
The Engineering society has started
a file of class schedules for the con-
venience of its members. Cards can
be had at the society's rooms and
members should make them out at
The first Engineering society dance
will be given at the Michigan Union
Friday, December 1. Tickets will be
on sale to members for 65 cents and
to all outsiders for one dollar.
The A. S. M. E. student branch is
planning a big smoker in the near
future and promises a big time to all
engineers who attend.
Dr. V. C. Vaughan, dean of the
Medical School, was re-elected a mem-
ber of the board of directors and a
member of the executive committee
at the tenth annual convention of the
Michigan Anti-Tuberculosis association
held last week in Detroit. Miss Carol
F. Walton, also of Ann Arbor, was re-
elected secretary. Her offices are on
the fourth floor of the natural science
With the freshmen as its guests, the
Totem club held a successful banquet
at the Union Wednesday evening. The
turnout was the largest that the or-
ganization has had in years. Talks
were given by Walter Gernt, '17E, the
president, and by other members of
the club.
The Graduate club met recently and
elected the following to head the or-
ganization for the coming year: Presi-
dent, 0. E. Madison; vice president,
Harriet Bird; .secretary, Katherine
McBride; treasurer, H. R. Wells;
councilman, J. A. Tillema.
The second meeting of the Advertis-
ing club was held at the old engineer-
ing building Wednesday evening. The
new members devoted most of their
time to a discussion of a constitution.
At its next meeting the organization
hopes to adopt a constitution and draw
up further plans for the year.
President Harry B. Hutchins and
Dean Mortimer Cooley returned today
from their visit to Washington. They
were in attendance at a meeting of the
committee of university presidents on
military instruction.
Benjamin Kline, '20, who was op-
erated upon for appendicitis at the
University hospital yesterday, is re-
ported to be improving. His case was
not a serious one.
The University extension department
announces the following lectures: Mr.
Louis Eich, of the oratory department,
will give a lecture Saturday in Sagi-
naw on "Readings from Mark Twain";
Monday, Prof. Aubrey Tealdi, of the
landscape department, will give a lec-
ture in Sturgis on "Home Gardens and
Their Improvement"; Prof. E. R.
Turner, of the history department, will
give a series of five lectures before
the Twentieth Century club of Detroit.
The lectures will begin today and will
be given on the first and third Fri-
days of each month. The subject of
these lectures will be on various
phases of the recent history of Europe.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* -*
,, *
* Whitney-"A Pair of Queens."
* __ _*
* Majestic-Vaudeville. *
* Orpheum-Blanche Sweet in
* "Public Opinion." Also Bray *
* Cartoons.*
* Arcade-Wm. Nigh in "Life's *
* Shadow.". F. X. Bushman and *
* Beverly Bayne in "A Virginia *
* Romance." Also Figman Com- *
* edy-
** * * * * * * * * * * a
"A Pair of Queens" will be seen
at the Whitney Theater tonight. ItE
is said to have broken all Chicago
records for a farce by running at the
Cort theater for over twenty weeks.
A varied vaudeville bill was pre-
sented at the Majestic Theater last
night. Harrison Brockbank and Mast-t
er Bert Burton appeared in "The
Drummer of the '76th," supported by
a company. The skit deals with one
of the kind-hearted acts of Napoleon.
A number of songs are offered by
Virginia Lewis and Jean White, while
Charles Olcott spends ten minutes in
giving his idea of comic opera. Marlo
and Duffy entertain with stunts on the
horizontal bars interspersed with a
few minutes at diabolo.
Copeland and Paytons dining car
girls offer a colored act.
There will be no matinee Saturday.
well Cullum. George W. Jacobs & Co.,
In this story the author has at-
tempted to give an idea..of the condi-
tions which will exist in Europe after
the war is over. He believes that real
hostility will die but slowly between
England and Germany. The main
characters of his story are the suc-
cessful English shipbuilder, Sir An-
drew Farlow and his son, Ruxton, and
a number of powerful German officials,
among them one who was the greatest
figure in the war on account of his
submarine inventions, the Prince von
Hertzwohl. Because of his hatred for
his country, he comes to the Farlows
with his latest work, the submersible
merchantman, whose perfection is
made posible by the installation of
U-rays, the secret of which the Ger-
man government has kept guarded.
When Uthe Farlows accept his inven-
tion, the prince takes Ruxton with him

to the island of Borga, where the U- Pledges $1,091 for European Students suffering of students in European war
rays are kept guarded. The two men Dartmouth College has entered the camps and at the first meeting re-
secure the apparatus for making the intercollegiate campaign to relieve the ceived pledges for $1,091.
U-rays and take it with them to Eng-
land. This arouses the suspicions* of #i##111##1##1##11111il##11111#1#1#1111111111lII ;;11111111111 I11 I1
the German government and von
Salzinger and von Berger, two officials,
also come to England to arrest the
traitor and destroy any chance of the t Ol
English using the U-rays. The solu-
tion of this situation, the part played 30 7 S. STATE -
prince, make an exciting ending to theTUn er H ston Br .
story. U
"The Men Who Wrought" is a good
yarn, well written and readable. Like
all such imaginary stories, it does not'
get anywhere in particular. This does'W illZ i pef
not affect its interest as a story, but it!=
detracts from its value as propaganda,
if the author desires it as such. -
H-a-b-e-r-d-a-s-h-e-r spells Davis, SA1
at 119 Main. oct.20-22
"Ike" Fischer's orchestra at Arm-
ory, Saturday night oct.20-21
The pink extra will contain all the
dope on the X. A. C. game. Get one.
Complete play by play account of
the M. A. C. game in the pink extra.





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of Music



Courses under Expert Instructors in Singing - Piano - Organ -
Violin - Violoncello - Viola - Harp - Band Instruments
History - Harmony - Public School Music. etc.


BYRL FOX BACHER, Dean of Women

Police Authorities After
Wanted in Ionia


ALBERT LOCKWOOD, Head of Piano Department
THEODORE HARRISON, Head of Vocal Department

SAMUEL PIERSON LOCKWOOD, Head of Violin Department
EARL VINCENT MOORE, Head of Organ Department

Local authorities are hot on the
trail of T. DeWitt Henning, alias
John C. Ross, who escaped from the
county jail Tuesday night, by cutting
the bolts which held a heavy wire
screen in place before the window of
his cell on the second floor.
Henning was arrested here on Sept.
28, just one week after he had been
released from Ionia reformatory on
parole, after leaving a trail of bad
certified checks in Albion, Jackson,
and in this city. When arrested here
he had more than $6,000 in forged
checks in his possession.
Wednesday it became known that
Warden Fuller, of Ionia, believes Hen-
ning is the murderer of a taxicab driv-
er near Rives Junction, Mich. The
murder took place in the interval be-
tween Henning's release from Ionia
and his arrest here.
The murder suspect has been traced
to Kalamazoo, and officials at the
county jail believe they will soon have
their former prisoner in custody.
The pink extra will be on the streets
immediately after the M. A. C. game
Saturday. Complete account of the

Matie P. Cornwell
Instructor in Drawing
Alc Evans
Instructor in Physical Culture
Mel Gillespie
Instructor in Guitar, Banjo and Mandolin
Frances L. Hamilton
Instructor in Piano
Nora C. Hunt
Instructor in Singing
Mrs. Anna Schram-Imig
Instructor in Singing
Ada Grace Johnson
Instructor in Singing

Lucile Johnson
Instructor in Harp
Maude C. Kleyn
Instructor in Singing

Edith Byrl Koon
Instructor in Piano
Martha Merkle
Instructor in Piano
Lee Norton Parker
Instructor in 'Cello
Florence B. Potter
Instructor in Public
Mrs. Mable Ross-Rhead
Instructor in Piano

Helen A. Showerman
Instructor in Piano
Otto J. Stahl
Instructor in Piano and Theory
Harrison A. Stevens
Instructor in Piano
Nell B. Stockwell
Instructor in Piano
Kenneth N. Westerman
Instructor in Singing
Anthony J. Whitmire
Instructor in Violin
Wilfred Wilson
Instructor in Wind Instruments
Marion Olive Wood
Instructor in Physical Culture

School Music

For Catalogue or for Special Information Please Call at the Office or Address

CHARLES A. SINK, Secretary


Students may elect regular courses leading to graduation
one special subject.

or they may elect some


1 do the rest.


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