k LYNDON 719 N. University calk-Over "Cordovans" OR len A Leader of Leaders I THE ONE PHOTOGRAPHER Who delivers the Goods and has been delivering them for 12 years right here among Michigan Students Sheehan's NEW MANAGEMENT m - = -- i i i r'.1 i i i " 1 i II q F r'" 1 C JIII '-- - This perfect and super-stylish Boot pictured is one of the most attractive New Models for Fall. Finest imported "Horsehide" Deep, Rich Brown Shade. All sizes. Hoffstetter 's I Kodaks aund Oxiar-ateed Amateuzr Flinishli r TEXT HOOKS and. SUPPLIES FOR ALL COURSES Style No. 939 wine Shell Cordovan P rice $8.oo Walk-Over Boot Shop isu S. 7Main U "Say, Fellows!" Fullback"--"Halfback" "Quarterback" or Pinch Back? We Make Your Suit or Overcoat Any Style. $17.00 up - WARDS --19 E. Huron- Made- -to- Measure FIERCE STORMS SWEEP GULF STATE TERRITORY Seven People Reported Dead; Shipping Hurries to Port Before 110-M'le Gale Washington, Oct. 18.-Storms which today swept southern gulf states with terrific force caused extensive dam- age and some loss of life, according to reports received here tonight. Wire communication to many of the stricken points has failed, and details of the damage are lacking. A message received this afternoon in Memphis, Tenn., stated that seven persons perished at Mobile when the wind, blowing at a velocity of 110 miles an hour, demolished a house there. The same message carried the informa- tion that an unidentified overturned schooner was floating in Mobile bay. The gale swept the Florida and Alabama coasts with awful fierceness, apparently centering in the Mobile sec- tion. All shipping in southern waters is hurrying to shelter. Government boats have departed from Gulf Port, Miss., to warn fishing craft of the trop- ical hurricane which is expected to strike that section in a few hours. The Western Union and Postal Telegraph companies announced late today that their southern wire service has suf- fered from the gulf storm and that all messages are subject to indefinite de- lay. Daily Continues to Increase List s-- ARCADE Shows at 3:00; 6:30; 8:oo; 9:30 ioc Unless Otherwise Specified. Phone 296-M. Wed.-i8-Robert Warwick in "Friday the 73th"; Mutt and Jeff Cartoon. Thu.-to- H. Lockwood and M. Allison in "The River of Romance" (Ret.) and BILLIE BURKE in "Gloria's Ro- mance"(3rd chap. "A Perilous Love"). 15c. Fri.-2o-Wm. Nigh in "Life's Shadow" (5 parts); F. X. Bushmanand Beverly Bayne in "A Virgina Romance" (2 parts); Vigman Comedy. i5c. Mat. Wed.-v Sat. II DRAWING INSTRUMENTS GAR RICK DETROIT EVERY STUDENT NECESSITY Somebody's Luggage) E .HA 'S C. W. GRAHAM, Mngr. Week of Oct.16 r , i1i h I III , 4 ,r 1 :, 5 : ._ . . _ v LI Real Values in Second-Hand Books I. P. NOTE BOOKS FOUNTAIN PENS x--&Al ng the wist length meastui OUR suit looked fine when you first put it on six months ago-- svelte, super-satisfy- ing. But look at it now! Saggy and sodden. Sorry and shapeless' It did n't fit-that's the answer. Poor fit will stretch or slack all the style out of any suit-in a few weeks of wear. Fit is the biggest word in the good dresser's lexicon. And the de- finition of that word is "made to measure clothes." Have your next suit Royal Tailored; to your order at $18.50 to $40.00. Our tape line is ready for. you', WHAT'S GOING ON Today 9:00 to 12:15-J-law elections, law building. 2:00 to 6:00-Senior lit elections, corridor of library. 4:00-Soph lit football practice. Re- port at old clubhouse, Ferry field. 4:15-Inlander staff meets, Press buildng. Tryouts come. 7:00-Soph pep meeting, auditorium natural science building. 7:00-Military training meeting, Union. 9:00-Junior engineer class meeting for nomination of officers, room 348 engineering building. 9:00 to 12:00-Senior law elections,; law building. 4:00 - Comedy club meets, new Cercle Francais room, second floor, south wing. Tomorrow 3:00 to 6:00-Senior law elections, law building. 9:00-Extra membership dance, Michigan Union. U-Notices All members of last year's Glee club who did not make the trip to the coast are requested to try out at the School of Music, Friday afternoon from 4 o'clock to 5 o'clock. Vaca- cancies in all parts still remain, par- ticularly in the first tenors. Sophomores wishng to try out for assistant manager of varsity band re- port in room 328 natural science build- ing between 2 o'clock and 4 o'clock today. Round-up club smoker Friday night at 8 o'clock, Michigan Union. Alpha Nu meets on fourth floor of University hall, 7:30 o'clock tonight. Tryouts for business staff report to Michiganensian office at 3:30 o'clock this afternoon. TECHNIC SCHEDULED TO BE ON SALE ABOUT OCT. 22 Orpheum Theatre Matinees, 2:00-3:30; Evening, 6:45, 8:rs, 9:30. Saturdays-Holidays continuous. Thurs.-Fri.-9-2o-Blanche Sweet in "Pub- lic Opinion." Also Bray Cartoons. IfSat -2r-Frank Keenan in "Honor Thy Nmra."Also Triangle Comedy, De- Wolf Hopper in "The Girl and The Mummwy." Eve. 15c. Sun-Mon -22-23-Owen Moore and Marg' uerite Courtot in "Rolling Stones." Also Homes Travels. STUDENTS The Place to Buy HATS IS AT THE Factory Hat Store 617 Packard St. Next to the Delta Corner State and Packard ASK ANYBODY We Have the Style AL , the While --~ Richard Walton Tully's Hawaiian Romance Mail Orders N*w Seats Fr iday 10 a. m. Whitney Theatre Monday, Oct. 23 The Tropical Exotic of the Threatrical World OLIVFR MOROSCO Presents I Whitney Theatre FRIDAY, OCTOBER 20 The Biggest Farce Success of the Century The Laughing Triumph of New York, Boston and Cbica'go. A PAIR OF QUEENS" By Otto Rauerbach, Seymour Brown and Harry Lewis Mr. Hauerbach is the Author of "Madame Sherry," "Three Twins," "High Jinks," "Katinka," etc. 'The Funniest Play ever prodneed, with a east and Scenic Equipmnent Identical in Quality with the Broadway Production PRICES 50c to $1.50 Seats Now on Sale Prices:- 50, 75,c $1, 1.50 Committee of Women Adds Many Subscription Total of Pub- lieation toI I I Averaging an increase of 20 sub- scriptions daily The Daily circulation bids fair to far outreach any previous work. Canvasses of the faculty and men students continue, while the spe- cially selected committee of 13 women has made great progress in the work with sororities, league and rooming houses. Considering the number of subscrip- tions this committee has turned in since the canvass began Monday night, it is confidently predicted by The Daily business staff that there will be 100 new subscribers among the women of the University by the time the com- mittee has completed the rounds. CLASSES NOMINATE OFFICEBS J-Lits and J-Laws Seect Candidates for Class Positions Two classes held meetings yester- day to nominate officers for the ensu- ing year: Junior lits-President, Owen Watts, Frank Grover; vice president, Frieda McLellan, Marguerite Hill; secretary, Grace Raynsford, Margaret Avery, Alice Kraft; treasurer, George Daniels, Chester Clark; football manager, Wil- liam Brown, Bruce Swaney; baseball manager, Karl Wehmeyer, P. G. Iirause; basketball manager, Raymond Brown, Philip Pack; oratorical dele- gate, James Schermerhorn, Jr., Tracy Kneeland. Junior laws-President, Arthur P. Bogue, Joseph B. Comstock; vice president, Lester Hecht, V. O. Sneth- en; secretary, J. F. Foran, J. M. Sea- bright; treasurer, L. E. Burke, J. H. Cartwright; oratorical delegate, V. H. Herbert, Douglas Graham; football manager, J. M. Erwin, M. B. Bowman; track manager, J. E. Ryan, David Hubar; basketball manager, James Thomas, C. J. Newland. Junior lits will hold their election from 2 o'clock to 6 o'clock Friday, in the corridor of the library, while the junior laws will elect from 9 o'clock to 12:15 o'clock today in the law building. The 11f. A. C.-Michigan football game will be covered play by play in The Michigan Daily extra. PRESIDENT HUTCHINS RETURNS FROM WASHINGTON TRIP President Harry B. Hutchins will return today from Washington where he has been attending the meeting of the advisory committee of'university presidents on military instruction. He was accompanied on his trip by Dean Mortimor Cooley of the engineering department. U-Notice A meeting of the members of the In- lander staff will be held at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon at the Inlander offices at the Press building. All those men wishing to try-out for positions are requested to be present. Fox-Trot Ball at the Armory, Fri- at the Packard Academy. 18-tf I Our alarm clocks 'hapman, Jeweler, street. are good clocks. 113 South Main tues-eod Classical Club to Hold Reception The Classical club will hold an in- formal reception for new members this evening at 7:30 o'clock in the basement of Memorial hall. Invita- tions, printed in Latin, have been sent to each student whose application was passed by the membership committee. Some of last year's members, however, have not been officially notified, and the social committee extends invita- tion to them also. Pianos for rent; terms -right. Schaa- )erle & Son,;110 South Main St. oct3tf 'Phone 600 for signs and show cards. oct3 to 29 See Schaeberle & Son, 110 South Main street, for Ukeleles, Martin Gui- tars. Mandolins and all Musical Instru- ments. oct3tf Moo Engineering Magazine to Contain ticles by 0. E. Hunt and Prof. King Ar- For Sale By PUS DOOTERY 306 S. State St. Authoized Dealer fo~r Containing articles by O. E. Hunt, chief engineer of the Packard Motor Car company; Prof. H. W. King of the civil engineering department, and other prominent men, the first edition of The Michigan Technic will appear about October 22. Other phases of this issue will be a number of pages of college notes, alumni news and transitory slants. All new members of the Engineer- ing society who have notmredeemed their receipt stubs for membership cards should do so at once in order to procure copies of the first num- ber of The Michigan Technic. No Matinee Saturday Get Night Seats 3 DAYS COMMENCING TONIGHT Mr. Harrison FOR STUDENTS ONLY Copeland and Brockbank SPECIAL Payton's Din- and Associate Players Mr. Harrison Brockbank, the emi- i n g Car Girls nent actor who appears at the Majes- Oiler a Stirring tic Oct. 19, 20 and 2L in 'The Drum- LAST CALL FOR LUNCH-SERVICE Dramatic Episode in mer of The 76th," offers a prize of A LA CARTE." $ro.oo to the student who writes the Lewis & Lewis The Life of The best es-ay on Napoleon and "The A PAIR OF PRETTY PRAIRIE Drummer of The 76th," The essay SONG LARKS. is limited to Soo words. The prize will be awarded on Saturday night Chas. Oco t The and published in full in the Daily. COMIC OPERA IN 10 MINUTES. D __R. U M M E R Marlo & Duffil SEE THE SKETCH YOU-KNOW ORIGINALITY IN GY"NASTICS ABOUT NAPOLEON. WRITE ABOUT ALL NEW COMIC, TRAVEL AND B 01 0F '76IT THEN AND WIN $10.00. EDUCATIONAL PICUIURES The Michigan Daily will publish an extra for the M. A. C. game.-Its pink. SUNDAY-MARY MILES MINTER 3:00 - 7:00 and 8:340 P. M. I on Minneapolis Chia [Ilil11111111111lII111111|1111111111111iiilllllllll cago Milwaukee Detroit o~hlwauke 11 Mr. Engineers - when in need of supplies see us STUDENTS SUPPLY STORE Our line of Moss & Gibbard candy will please you, Cigars; tobacco REMEMBER--We develop your films for 10c. Fine stock of potatoes while they last at $1.50cper bushel at the M. & M. Produce Co. 517 E. William. oct.18 f .. If it's right, we have it, or, will get it-That's service LIBERTY AT 606 Prof. Scott's dancing Thursday evening. M. Washington St. class every B. A.-Hall, oct.17-18.19 1111 So. University Opposite Eng, Arch, Phone 1160-R -