is eleven
the pre-
ear, this
igly pop-
is the only new team
a late season game
St. Louis eleven is
Big Bill" Edmunds,
,f Yost's All-Western
ew years ago. The
am is not expected
ally difficult, but will
erines enough oppo-
them on edge for the
which follow.
liege opens the sea-
Vednesday afternoon,
upying the Saturday
d on page six)
legiate Briefs
:Mass., Oct. 2.-Har-
worrying over base-
or next spring. Five
veterans were grad-
eting has been called
Uver on the west side of the
state is a Michigan town named
Holland, which among other dis-
tinctions boasts of the future Mrs.
John F. Maulbetsch, if you please.
The future 1Xrs. M. has a husky
young brother who promises to de-
velop into a footballer of real Var-
sity caliber.
"Cappie" Cappan is the lad in
question and at present he's play-
ing half for the Holland high.
"Cappie" is growing rapidly and
he tipped the beams at around 175
when this pargraph was penned. le
uquestionably has raised this to 178
by now and he's adding speed to
his size. Cappan is the mainstay
of the team on both defense and
"Maulie" slipped over to Hol-
land to visit a certain and particu-
lar resident of that place (name
withheld) before he reported for
practice and he coached the Hol-
land team during the afternoons.
Everyone in Holland was tickled to
death at this-except poor "Cap-
Apparently fearful that people
might accuse him of sparing Cap-
pan, "Maulie" used to drive him
until he almost fell in his tracks.
Cappan intends to- enter Michi-
gan when he graduates and Coach
Yost is going to land an excellent
half hack for the Wolverines.
We are glad to observe that only
male members of the Athletic asso-
ciation are permitted to utilize the
Ferry Field tennis courts. We trust
that there will be no love sets from
henceforth on a field devoted to
nutdoor sports. For those who
object we might hint that they are
re-nodeling Barhour gym.
and totally departed list.
Ingham, who won his "AMA"
last fall at end, has turned in his
suit, parental objections forcing
him to leave the squad. Boyd, an-
other "AMA" man frequently men-
tioned for the guard job opposite
Rehor, is temporarily out of the
running with a cartilage torn of
one of his ribs. Boyd will be back
in about a week, according to
Trainer Tuthill, his participation in
the Case game being problematical,
while he has no chance to start
against Marietta.
Gelhaar, a new recruit, is out
for three weeks with a fractured
wrist. Goodsell has a bad knee,
while Hanish is out with a lame
shoulder. Niemann's rheumatism
is proving troublesome, and several
of the other men are complaining
of bad feet which have not recov-
ered from "preliminary blisters" as
rapidly as might have been expect-
Bergman Not Badly Hurt
Notre Dame, Ind., Oct. 2.-
Dutch Bergman, who injured his
right ankle in the second quarter
of the Case game Saturday, was
about the campus today. Outside
of a temporary limp the injury will
not handicap him.
he unexpected weakness of Case
was a big disappointment locally.
he new line developed this fall had
little chance to demonstrate its
power. Case was on the defensive
nine-tenths of the time.
Oct. 2.-Coach
advantage of the
inois by putting
snappy scrim-
Vis., Oct. 2.-The re-
urs here have forced
i coaches to seek shel-
.k pavilion, where they
!c to hold light scrim-
Mass., Oct. 2.-A
p-kicker has been dis-
'asey, who secured a
goal from the 35-yard