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June 05, 1917 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-06-05

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.., .


Many Telegraphers, Radio Operators,
and Linemen Can be
Master Signal Electrician Draws $81
a Month with 20 Per Cent In-
crease Abroad
Chicago, June 4-Telegraphers, radio
operators and linemen are needed in
"unlimited numbers" by the Signal
Enlisted reserve corps, central army
headquarters announced today. Sever-
al companies have been completed
throughout the central department.
but additional units mustbe recruit-
ed immediately to keep Uncle Sam
in touch with his first army of 500,000.
This branch of the service is open
to amateur and professional opera-
tors. Likewise to the man who is of
electrical turn of mind. Electrical
engineers, electricians, inside wire
men, instrument repairers. etc., will
find a special niche where they may
continue in the line of work for which
they are best adapted.
The amateur radio or Morse oper-
ator who has mastered the rudiment-
ary principle of instruments, sending
and receiving can, with training be
developed into a valuable signalman.
The fact that he is an amateur does
not disqualify him. The same is true
of the men who have a smattering of
electrical knowledge.
Signalmen on the Job Early
Because of its specialized nature
few people have more than a hazy
idea jist what functions the Signal
corps performs. Many a red-blooded
youngster who is fitted for electrical
work of some kind, passes up the sign-
al branch of the service because he
believes he can see more real action
in the infantry or artillery. When this
same young man arrives at the first
line trenches he is surprised to find
radio and other signalmen already
on the job, establishing communica-
tion with headquarters somewhere be-
hind the lines. Had not the marines
already copyrighted the slogan, the
signal corps might lay claim to "First
into action."
In addition to maintaining communi-
cation between the various major units
of a command and betweeen one or
more field armies, the signalman oft-
times finds himself astride a tree
limb close to the enemy, directing
artillery fire several miles away.
Great effort is made by the sharp-
shooter to "snipe" enemy signalmen.
The rifleman knowing that every sig-
nalman put out of action, means the
crippling, temporarily at least. of one
vital source of information to his op-
The.rates of pay in the Signal En-
listed reserve corps follow: Master
signal electrician, $8100 per month;
sergeant, first class, $51.00; sergeant,
$44.00; corporal, $36.00; horseshoer.
$38; cook, $38; private, first class,
$33.00; private, $30.00. Twenty per
cent of above -scale is added for for-
eign service.
How to Enlist
To enlist in the Signal Enlisted re-
serve corps, the applicant must first
communicate with the Office of Depart-
ment Signal Officer, Chicago, stating
plainly his experience and capability.
Telegraphers should accompany this
letter with an endorsement from an
accredited official of a commercial or
railroad telegraph department or com-
pany. Applicant will then be furnish-
ed with credentials for enlistment at
Meet me at the Delta Sunday eve-

any regular United States army re-
cruiting office.1
As soon as enlistment is complete,
the recruit may return to his civil life
duties, and will be notified when he is
required to assemble for active ser-
The method of mobilization of the
Signal Enlisted reserve corps has not
been definitely worked out by the war
department, but it is believed enlist-
ed men will be assembled at con-
venient points. and transported to
some centralized station for general
instruction. After enlisted recruits
have received a course of instruction
sufficient to develop their particular
qualifications, promotions will be made
to fill the various non-commissioned
grades, including master signal elec-
trician, sergeant first class, sergeant,
corporal and private first class, and to
grades such as horseshoer and cook.
Additional information may be ob-
tained by addressing Department Sig-
nal Officer, Consumers building Chi-
* Majestic - "Satan's P r i v a t e
* Door." *
* ____*
* Arcade-Clara Kimball Young *
* in "The Easiest Way." *
* ___*
Orpheum-Norma Talmadge in
* "The Social Secretary." Also *
* Keystone Komedy, "A Scound- *
* re's Toll." *
* __*
* Wuerth-Margarita Fischer in *
* "Miss Jackie of the Navy." *
*k Also Strand comedy and *
American travels.
* ____*~
* Rae-Roscoe Arbuckle in "Fatty *
* the Butcher Boy," and John *
* Barrymore in "Are You a Ma- *
* son $" *
* *
* * * * * * * * * *. * * * * *

(Continued from Page One.)
and the right of self-government,

Will Senior Lalvs
EvadleExams ?
Senior law students are trying to
evade an ordeal which no senior class
in the archives of the Law school ever

against the madness of an imbecile I has eluded or ever has attempted to


At that time, of the 50,000,000 square
miles of the land surface of the earth
there was less than 350,000 square
miles under government dedicated to
such idesa Today there are more
than 43 00,00 square miles under
government so dedicated. The only
important black band is the one across
central Europe and northern Asia from
the North sea to the Indian ocean,
3,500 miles long and on an average
width of 1,500 miles, dominated by a
ruler mad with the lust of dominion.
One hundred and forty years ago
the 14th of this month the Stars and
Stripes were authorized by congress
and a few months later were furled at
Fort Stanwix and Brandywine. Under
this banner our grandfathers won our
independence at Yorktown.
Flag Stood for Liberty
It has stood for liberty and inde-
pendence the world around since that
time; yet not without struggle, against
foe within and without. One hundied
years ago the valor of our navy placed
our flag upon the untamed seas claim-
ing their freedom for all mankind.
A half century ago our fathers, un-
der this banner, decreed that this gov-
ernment. so fraught with the hope o
the world, should not perish from the
earth because of internal dissension.
In this struggle hundreds and thous-
ands of our fathers and our forefathers
consecrated this land by giving up
"that last full measure of devotion"-
their lives. But they did not die in
Defend Heritage From Aggression
We are today preparing to defend
from foreign aggression this price-
less heritage and to succor those that
hitherto have borne the brunt of this
great battle. And these young men are
to go forward under this banner for
that purpose. We have cried "Peace!
Peace!" But there is no longer any
peace. The die is cast and there can
be no retreat.
It has been my high privilege-one
of the greatest of my life-in the re-
cent days to be near these earnest
young men as they have gone about
undaunted and undismayed, to prpare
to meet the high obligation laid upon
As I have looked out of my window,
watching them responding to the call
I have turned away with anguish in
my heart that the price of liberty is
so great.
Then I have turned again and with
exultation in my soul I have cried,
"We are safe, we are safe!" for I have
beheld them and others like them all
over this broad land, worthy sons of
brave sires, rallying under the banner,
to see that what it stands for and has
stood for shall not perish from the
"To be in Such Cause is to Gain"
It may be that within a year from
now, some, even many of them shall
have given that last full measure of
devotion. If so they are not to be
mourned, for to be in such cause is
to gain. They will only have follow-
ed the Master, and given their lives as
a ransom for many.
On behalf of these young men con-
stituting the battalion of the Univer-
sity of Michigan school of Law, I ac-
ce t this banner, and promise that in
their hands neither it nor the things
for which it stands shall suffer loss.
Go to Wilkinson's for your Trunks,
Bags, and Suitcases, where luggage is
good and prices are right. Opposite
Wuerth Arcade, 325 So. Main St.-
Adv. it

They argue that their course
throughout has been an arduous task;
that their diploma will be a parchment
well earned. Unlike the college days
of other students, their college life
has been one of incessant study. "The
injustice." they continue, "which has
been heap.ed upon us throughout our
confinement in the Law school must
be redeemed by the authorities be-
fore our departure."
A sleuth overheard their plan. In
brief it is as follows: A petition will
be circulated among the members of
the '17 law. class which shall urgently
request that said class shall be ex-
empt from final examinations.
JUNE 1 TO 24
The 1917 students' conference of the
Y. M. C. A. will be held at Lake
Geneva, Wis., from June 15 to 24. At
this time delegates from the colleges
in the central states will convene to
discuss the various problems of uni-
versity Y. M. C. A. work.
The following five men were chosen
at the cabinet meeting last night to
represent the organization of this
University: A. C. Crockett, '19; Palmer
Sutton, '19; C. R. Ilick, '19M; Samuel
Barmak, '20, and Secretary N. C. Fet-
ter of Lane hall. A citien of Detroit
interested in this work donated $15
toward defraying the expenses of the
The international student confer-
ence will be held at Lake Geneva
while the "Y" conference is in ses-
sion. John R. Mott, secretary of the
World's Student Christian federation,
has sent a general invitation to all for-
eign students in this part of the coun-
try urging them to be present.
"As most of the foreign students in
this state are enrolled in the Uni-
versity," said Secretary Fetter, "we
would like to see a larger representa-
tion from here."
All men interested in the convention
are urged to see Mr. Fetter at his
office in Lane hall before tomorrow
night. The only expense connected
with the trip is the railroad fare, as
the representatives will be taken care
of by the association at Lake Geneva.
Socialist Editor Under Arrest
Huntington, W. Va., June 4.-H.
Edmund Firth, former socialist editor,
is under arrest charged with treason
for spreading antiregistration litera-
Officers for Saginaw Club Elected
Officers of the Saginaw club for the
ensuing year were elected last Thurs-
day night at Lane hall. They are:
President, Earl Raymond, '18E; vice-
president. Walter Gross, '18E; secre-
tary, William J. B. Mason, '18D; treas-
urer, Harold Draper, '18; committee-
man, Gerald Stanick, '18E.
You have heard of the "Old Reliable"
And "For thirty years the best"
Now try and up-to-date place
And give the old ones a rest.
Arcade Floral Shop, "Kodak Florist."

A request for 75 application blanks
for the government aviation corps has
been sent to Washington by the local
branch of the intercollegiate intellig-
ence bureau.
As soon as the application blanks
arrive a meeting of all the men who
have signed up for this corps at the
Union will be held and the blanks
will be distributed. The corps will be
known as the Michigan aviation unit.
A call from the headquarters of the
bureau at Washington for applications
for first lieutenant supply men has
been turned over to Prof. I Leo Sharf-
man, chairman of the economics and
social service division of the bureau.
A request for chemical and m, ,
ical engineers has been received fron
the office of naval inspector of orde
ance at the Lendeman-Stephen Ma-
chine company of Muskegon. This
has been turned over to the ,n= iner-
ing college.
In an effort to organize a Michigan
aviation corps, Francis Bacon, '02, state
director of the intercollegiate intellig-
ence bureau, has written to the bureau
headquarters at Washington for ad-
vice on the subject.
Fifty-two men have already signed
up at the Union as applicants for the
government aviation corps. If the plan
of organizing a Michigan corps suc-
ceeds these men will probably enter it.
They will have to pass a government
physical examination before they can
begin training. It is not certain where
they would train if such a corps were
organized, but it is believed that they
would be sent to the new Joy aviation
field near Detroit.
West Point to Continue Baseball
West Point will continue to play the
baseball gamnes scheduled for this
spring until further developments take
place in the war situation.
Meet me at the Delta Sunday eve-
Your typewriter accepted in part pay-
ment for a Corona, the portable ma-
chine. weighs six pounds. 100,000 in
use. O. D. Morrill, 322 South State
St.-Adv. 5-6-7-8

Palm Beach


Made to Your Measure


and Up

My New



So. Main St.
is prepared to give in-
creased service

Horatio 0. Quinores of Mexico City,
Mex., will speak to the Latin-American
students at 4 o'clock today in Lane
hall. Mr. Quinores has been active in
the amelioration of the social and
political evils of Mexico, and he will
speak on some phase of these subjects.
I ear the June Victor Records at
Schaeberle & Son's Music House.-


At the Majestic today Mary

son will appear in a new dramatic of-
fering, "Satan's Private Door." The
house of Thomas Chatterton is divided
against itself. Indulged by their
wealthy father, Joseph, the son, is an
inebriate, and Anne, his sister, a so-
cial butterfly, neglectful of her babe
and husband. The old man lives in
Edith Conway comes to visit the
Chattertons and finds herself dis-
tinctly out of place. She is of a differ-
ent type. Thomas Chatterton finds
in Edith a long-wished-for companion.
Joseph accuses the girl of designs on
his father's wealth. The boy, in a
delirium, attempts to stab his father,
but Edith arrests his action.
From then on, the girl exercises a
peculiar influence over the entire
family. Slowly she spreads a gospel
of love and kindness hitherto unknown
there. Anne is drawn back to her babe
and husband on the eve of becoming
entangled with a designing young so-
ciety man. Joseph renounces his al-
coholic yoke and weds Edith, and the
house of Chatterton is no longer di-
vided against itself.
Senior Girls to Hold Picnic June G
Senior girls will hold an excursion
and picnic up the Huron river on
Wednesday, June 6. All girls of the
graduating class are requested to meet
at 4 o'clock that afternoon in New-
berry hall. Tickets for the picnic
will be placed on sale Monday in the
Schaeberle & Son can equip your

Albert Sansle

2 11 So, Main St.



A Real Pipe
College Men
These are two of the
24 popular shapes in
which you can get the
$1.00 AND UP
W D C Hand Made
$1.60 AND UP
Each a fine pipe,
with sterling silver rig
a nd vul canite bit.
Leading dealers in
town carry a full as-
sortment. Select your
favorite style.
New York
in... rrw.

B r i a r

100 Tennis Rackets going at
at Wahr's University Bookstore.

ing.-Adv. portable Victrola with a Record-Lyte
for $3.50.-Adv.
Typewriters stored, cleaned and re-
paired. 0. D. Morrill, 322 South State Banquets given particular.attention.
St.-Adv. 5-6-7-8 Delta Cafe. -Adv.

/4 off

In - - -,-- ION 11


00000edf le




is what some people say about fitting glasses without Drops but in the
meantime some one is doing it and thereby establishing a new system
of scientific mathematical eye measurements, absolutely disproving
the theory of paralyzing the eye before trying to fit it with glasses.
Get our reasons and then ask why "Drops" are used and use your
own judgment.,
is maintained for those who want the best service at the minimum price.
[Registered by examination Michigan State Board.]
With Arnold and Co. 220 S. Main Street

1857--Dry Goods, Furniture, and Women's Fashions--1917

Old Homestead-North 5th Ave., Ann Arbor.
Big Brick House, now divided and used by two families.
Big Lot-Room to build seven duplex houses by opening a
Court Street.
Every house could be rented before finished, to pay handsome
returns on the investment.


New Beauty Shop




Appointments can be made by telephone for hair dressing,
shampooing, manicuring and all kinds of facial and skin treat-



Skilled operators, working with the latest mechanical applian-
ces, offer the highest possible type of beauty service.
The charges are moderate.


Call at 314 North Fifth Avenue

(Rest Room--Third Floor)

Telephone 934-J





5 .'


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