d_, CT& K, KNARPPAELT ANWDOBBS HATS 1TRAwSHATS TRA W HATS 0 Bring in your old hat and we will allo wyou Sac toward a new one. From $2.00 up. We have the Stiff or Soft Sailors, also a large selection of Panamas Ask to see our sport coats from $8.50 to $10.00. Flannel Pants from $5.00 to $6.00. White and Leghorns s : 0 Wadhams & Co. J. F. WUERTH CO. Next to Orpheum ANN ARBOR. MICH. FOR ELECTRIC REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS CALL Washtenaw Electric Shop The Shop of Quality -i-t- not Right we make it Right Phone 273 200 East Washington St. U I State Street Main Street SUSPENSION CASES ARE CIE N IN HONOR REPORT Your Floral Needs=- Are BEST SA-NSFIED By Us PHONE 115 Cut Flowers Flowering Plants FLOWERS FOR DECORATION =COUSINS & HALL 1002 S. UNIVERSITY AVE. Members of Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association The Cyc-Corpus Juris SystemI PUBLISHED BY The American Law Book Go, 27 Cedar Street NEW YORK. I COLLEGES DROP INSTRUCTORS AS WAR ECONOMY 31EASURE Pecreasing Income Results from De- parture of Students for War Princeton, N. J., May 31.-Many col- leges throughout the country are drop- ping professors as a war economy measure; according to the Princeton- Ian, the student publication of Prince- ton university. Educational institutions face a fi- pancial crisis as the result of the withdrawal of students, especially those institutions who depend on tui- tions for their maintenance. In some cases loss of dormitory rentals and other undergraduate payments add to the seriousness of the situation. Princeton will decrease the staff of instructors next year, and drop those whose terms of service end with the present year. The 800 or 900 men who are expected to return next year will be provided for by those professors who are on permanent ten- ure. Browi university will follow a similar course of action. Elementary work will be done by older men, and all appropriations for books and other supplies will be curtailed. Other dras- tic measures of economy will be in- stituted, Measures of a similar character will TYRONE 9'2Y8 f. 'OARROW form-fit COLLAR TOPS AND RANDS ARE CURVE CUT. TO FIT TUE SHOULDERS. 2 for 306 CUFTTPEABODY&CaIff4ciAIR$ be adopted by New Yorl university, Delaware college, and Bryn lawr, which faces a deficit of $40,000 if the expenses of the college continue at the present rate, has gone so far as to request all students to notify the hall warden when they are going to be absent from a meal so that the food will not be wasted, TO HOLD COMEDY CLUB TRYOUTS Candidates Will ive Readings or E;- temporaneous Talks Tomorow THREE STUDENTS ARE GIVEN E'S AND SIX DENIED PRIVILEGE OF SYSTEM Four men were suspended for a sem- ester or longer, who were not only found guilty of resorting to dishonor- able methods during examinations, but also used false statements in their de- fense, according to the report of the student honor committee of the eng- ineering college for May 31. Other cases considered and decide.] upon are: Seven in which there was insuffici- ent evidence for conviction; one case in which two men were found acting against the principles of the honor system in a class blue book and re- ceived zero in the exercises; two cases in which men immediately confessed as having given aid in examinations and were given warning which will weigh heavily in the event of future offense; three cases in which men im- mediately confessed to having receiv - ed aid in final examinations, and were given, E in the course; and six cases in which men were found guilty of receiving aid either from fellow stu- dents, or from "cribs," and were pro- hibited from future examination under the honor system, According to members of the com- mittee, great impetus has been given to the idea of honor in examinations and class room work during the last year. One whole class composed of 50 juniors pledged their future support to any person who should uphold the standard of honor in spite of the dis- agreeable duty of reporting or warn- ing a man, and it is' this spirit which the honor committee, according to the report is striving to develop. Michigan to Have Big Aviation F ield APPOINT FACULTY MEN AS DRILL UNIT OFFICERS 1 OUIR RANKING COLONELS AND A MAJOR WILL COMMAND ORGANIZATIONS Appointments of members of the faculty to officers in the numerous student drill organizations by Major Charles W. Castle, U. S. A., have been approved by President Harry B. Hutchins and by -the deans of the de- partments concerned. They are as follows: Mr. Philip G. Bartelme to be brigade adjutant with the rank of colonel; Mr. Philip E. Bursley to be commandant of the lit- erary companies with the rank of colonel; Major Clyde E. Wilson, M. N. G. retired, to be commandant of en- gineering companies; Prof. Paul H. DeKruif to be commandant of the medical companies with the rank of colonel; Prof. Horace I. Wilgus to be commandant of the law companies with the rank of colonel. All schedules and rules that have been prescribed by University author- ities regarding cadet organizations will remain in effect, and all existing appointments of students acting as of- ficers and non-commissioned officers will also remain in effect, though they may be subject to change by proper authorities. The arrangements of the companies and appointments of officers are pro- visional, applying only to the current semester. CANDIDATE CAN TAKE EXAMS FOR LIEUTENANCY JULY 23 s "' SPECIAL ORDER JEWELRY JEWELRY REPAIRING WATCH REPAIRING OPTICAL REPAIRING EYE GLASS LENSES GROUND IN OUR OWN SHOP PROMPT SERVICE HALLER & FULLER STATE STREET JEWELERS Concerning Accessories The better dressed a woman is, the more, she appreciates the in- portance of the right sort of neckwear and blouses and handbags and such things. And the more certain she is to appreciate the HUTZEL Shop's accessories. Hutzbyls's Main and Liberty, Streets STRAW HATS Tf' "YOUNG'S STRAWS" and "PANAMAS" The New Shapes Varsity 1107 To gery, S. University Ave. Shop m Successful With Examinees Begin $1,70 Salary, Plus Allowances Duty Nix on < < 27ritz Spring tryouts for admission to thej Comedy club will be held from 9 to 12 o'clock tomorrow morning in the aud- itorium of Newberry hall. Candidates will be required to give a short ex- temporaneous talk or read a brief sel- ection. The committee of judges will select the new members within a short time after the tryouts have been com- pleted. Another film play probably will be given under the auspices of the or- ganization in the near future, "Skin- ner's Dress Suit," which appeared at the Arcade theater last week was given under the direction of the club. Gilbert's, Morse's box candies. The Delta.-Adv. Delta Cafe open Commencement week.- Table d'hote service, Special parties by arangements,-Adv, 30 A merican Flying Corps Will' Over Lake St. Clair 'Traiun Joy aviation field, scene of action for the American flying corps, will be a fully equipped city within 60 days on the shore of Lake St. Claire, three miles from Mt. Clemens, Mich. Since the government took over the field from Mr. Henry B. Joy of De- troit, roads have been started, ground has been broken for the construction of barracks and hangars, stations pro- vided for receiving supplies, water and sewerage systems are being laid, and the Grand Trunk railroad has starte' an extension from Mt. Clemens to the new city. "As a spectacle, the training camp will be the greatest show that we have ever staged," said Henry B. Joy in discussing the camp. The field is a broad level plain about a mile square, offering both land and water courses where the aviator may practice bomb dropping without in- jury to the Great Lakes traffic or to the surrounding land. "The development of this industry means something more than great ec- onomic opportunities," Mr. Joy said further. "I believe that next to the Britsh fleet, the aviation motor will prove the determining facto.r i the Examinations for commissions as second lieutenant in the regular army will take place on July 23. Candidates must be within the age limits of 21 to 27 years, unmarried, and citizens of the United States. Those who are not yet 21 years old can enlist in the army and take the examination after one year of service. Successful candidates begin duty with $1,700 pay a year, and several hundred dollars in allowances, and are placed in regular line of promotion in their branch of service. More than 1,000 vacancies will ex- ist by July 1, and in case the regular army is expanded to full war strength the number of vacancies will exceed 4,000. Graduates of universities sometimes can obtain exemption from the sub- jects prescribed for examination. Those desiring to obtain complete in- formation should write to the adjut- ant general of the army, Washington, D. C., and ask for a copy of general orders number 64, war department, 1915, and for a blank form to use in applying for permission to be exam- ined. Go to Wilkinson's for your Trunks, Bags, and Suitcases, where luggage is good and prices are right. Opposite Wuerth Arcade, 325 So, Main St.- Adv. tf - It's "Heinyey London, May 31.-"Heineys" is the new name applied by the Canadians to the Germans. With many units it has superseded Fritz, Boche and Hun. "The preliminary barrage," said a Scottish Canadian N. C. O. in describ- ing an assault, "Sounded like some- one slithering his hand up the notes of a piano and down again. The guns must have set the Heineys' teeth rat- tling like peas in a box. "Before the attack we spotted a sentry in a sap and were told to get him. We went a long way around,! but he must have heard us splashing in the mud. for he beat it down a dug- out. When we got up to the sap, we found it had a little dinner bell hang- ing to a wire. He was supposed to ring it when a raid started. But he was an oldish guy with glasses and he didn't think there was time to do It. There wasn't another soul in the front line." SOLD BY THE SPRUNK ENG RAVING Co. Has Moved to Hamilton Business College City News LOST LOST-At Ferry field tennis courts, a green Borcilino hat Wednesday morning. Call at 717 E. Huron or phone 1022-R for reward. LOST-Conklin pen between 615 E. U. and Tappan hall, May 31. Finder please return to above address. Re- ward. LOST-Conklin pen May 28, on the campus or southeast of campus. Telephone 781-R. LOST-Round-Up Pin, owner's name on the back. Call L. J. Richards, 1884-W and receive reward. 1-2 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Ninety law books includ- ing 33 volumes of Michigan Reports, also book case and two phaetons at 911 Forest Ave. Phone 1463. 27-2inc WANTED WANTED-Two men with previous selling experience preferred. To represent a high class educational library during vacation or perman- ently. Big money to right parties. Phone 1231-W olr call 819. E. huron, 12 to 4 Saturday. WANTED- Four experienced Dining Room girls for a first lass spmmer resort. Apply stating experience. Address Box L. M., Daily. MISCELLANEQUS AN INTELI4GENT person may earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; $40 to $50 monthly in spare time; experience pnnecessary; no canvassirg; subjects suggested. Send for partielars. National Press Bureau, Room 2558, Buffalo, N. Y.- USb Daily Want-Ada. Camp sale at House. and canoe Victrola outfits for Schaeberle & Son's Music 110 S. Main St.-Adv. Delta Cafe open Commencement week. Table d'hote service. Special war" fLET US parties by arrangement.-Adv. 30 The Unitarian Students' society will hold a business meeting at 6:30 o'clock Sunday evening in the church parlors. Officers for the coming year will be elected at this time. R. B. James, Ypsilanti, was fined $5 and costs for speeding on the Ypsilanti road Wednesday. Prof. Arthur Whitmore Smith of the physics department of the Univer- sity won his suit against Scheffer and company, brokers, in the circuit court here yesterday. The brokers failed to sell certain Russian war bonds plac- ed with them by the professor when they were instructed to dispose of them. After the bonds fell in price, Professor Smith sued for the differ- encein value. A verdict was rendered in his favor for $412.90. Ann Arbor commandery, Knights Templar, will attend the state con- clave at Kalamazoo Tuesday, leav- ing here by special interurban car at 6 o'clock. 700 Marquette Bldg. YARDS FULL OF DESTROYERS STATES SECRETARY DANIELS Washington, May 31.-America is building as many destroyers as her ship yards can accommodate, accord- ing to an announcement today from Secretary Daniels. Miss Reichenbach to Lecture Today Miss Nellie Reichenbach, head of the investment department of the Macca- bees of Detroit, will deliver the sec- ond lecture of the series on fraternal insurance companies at 3 o'clock to- day in room 401 Mason hall. Miss Reichenbach will discuss the invest- ment of the mortuary fund and th-e statutes of the various states apply- ing to this fund. Get your Canoe Lunch for the Re- gatta at the Delta. Phone 817-M.- Adv. *1-2 There is opportunity in The Michi- gan Daily Adst. Read them. SEND YOU.I I AN ASSORTMENT OF VICTOR RECORDS on our twenty-four hour approval plan! Select a dozen numbers, you would like to hear in your own home. Phone us, 1707, and we will send same, VICTOR VICTROLAS FROM $15.00 TO $300.00 CONVENIENT PAYMENTS!I GRINN EL L BROTHERS 116 SOUTH MAIN STREET i i