THE MICHIGAN DAILY _ . . In fine tailoring; the cost of good workmanship exceeds the cost of the fabric. Workmanship is the ability behind the shears, behind tile nedles. It plays the most important p~art ini a successful suit, fixes the cost, the selling price, as wvell as the value of the garment. TAKE YOUR Amatuer Finishing to a Reliable Photographer who has an established reputation and you will be assured of Results that will not be a disappointment. L VD 0' S719 N. University Ave ATTENTION SENIORS!a orkmanship Established 1905, and (~rowng biger and b(tI er every day. 11 Get your Calling Cards l U- . ,. I i OUR TAILORING HAS STOOD THE TESTL. WHAT'S 7P N Today Pop. Mat. Tues. lfljl5 Wk. May21i Thu rs. and Sat l ARID G f K F Nights 25c and Socw u 25c, 50c, 75C DETROIT TheBONSTELLE COMPANY in "The Professor's Love Story" ARCADE { Sheers at 3100; 6:20; S:ao; 93 submit ordered now. We will samples and J. K. MALCOLM 604 &. Liberty St. Malcolm Block a I FRATERNITIES We have junsurpassed .ae~@iodtitnfs for group photographsi MAIN STUD.IOS~ 1546-46 lBroadway New York, N.Y Perfect Portraitures "AmaeurWork IHandled in a Pro- fessional Way. 4:15 o'clo:!k- Advanced student re- (!Pal in 11111l auditorium. 5:'*0 o'clock Hillsdale college stu- cota act inNewberry hall. 7:<,W o'clock - - Deutscher VereinE : ti: r .n.Vccrein rooms. o e 4J -Cassical club meeting in' A Memorial hail. :'cf _'k - El teneo Cervantes ncets at Lane hall. U-N otices z l-.'( lll he a rehearsal of the ix,1; nO at 7 o'clock tonight in Un:iversity Hall.I 1~eiiinigtickets for the junior lit! _aJ&o will be placed on sale at 2 o JiC k toay in University hail. 1. pysical examination for ambu- Ian efi; corps men will be held from 2 to' 4. o'clock today at the health serv- icc Upper Peninsula club officers will bee-.t at 7 o'clock tonight at 548 South Mtate street. 1 few remining tickets for the Fiorsh Lit Frolic will be on sale from 10 to 12 o'clock today for freshmen and at 1 o'clock for the remainder of the c unIpus at the Union. Soph fits viill play soph engineers t. 30 o'clock today on Ferry field. Al BERT K. ROOF, '6i L, D)IES AFTE~R LINGERING ILLNESS prices upon request. 15c Unless Otherwise Specified Mon. -Tues.-2T.-22-William Farnum in "A 'Tale of Two cities," and Christie Comedy, (Suspended Sentence"). Wed. -23-Mine. Petrova in "Bridge Burned." (Ret.) and International Cartoon. Thurs.-24-Gladys Brockwell in "Her Temptation," and Charlie Chaplin in "The Cure." SEHNWe Do Developing and Finishing I Goodhew Floral Co, 225 E. Liberty. Phone 1821 I I 619 E. Liberty 3t. PHONE 946-W PROMPT SERVICE, FULL SATISFACTION TO OUR CUSTOMERS It is on this basis that we do business. ARCADE JEWELER CARL F. BAY I STUDEBAKER MOTOR CARS Everything in the line of fresh cut flowers. Good variety of flowering plants. Greenhouses-Observatory and Vol land St. Phone, 170-M. Nickels Arcade Phone 1 52-W H.-F. GAYLORD. .1 hone 1927 311 Maynard Street r NOMMOMMOMMANW - . , MAJESTIC Big 'I leatre Big Shows Small PrIces He was in the lower house of the state legislature during 1871 and 1872, and in the senate during the session of 1887-88. Mr. Roof was a member of the house when the ap- propriation was made for the erection of thlb present state capitol. In ad- (ition, he held many village and town- ship offices. Besides Mrs. Charles R. Thomas of this city, he leaves three other sisters. Try a Michigan Daily Want-Ad. B.RITISIL ADMIRAL PLACES 'WEOH N DIVEY'S BRAVE Washington, May 22.-Rear Admiral Sir Dudley R.. DeChair, with Admiral Benson, placed a wreath on the grave of Admiral George Dewey this after- neon. Attached to the wreath is the following card : "A tribute to the un- dying memory of George Dewey, with CO MMITTEE FAVORS INCREASE IN SECOND CLASS MAIL. RATES Washington, May 22.-After an all day fight, the house ways and means committee this afternoon agreed on a compromise increase in second class mail rates. Compromise rates com- mnittee members stated that the in- creases range fromj one-half cent to five cents per pound. There is opportunity in. The Michi- gan Daily Ads Read themn. LAST TIMES 2:30 TO)DAY 8:15 Last chance to see the greatest picture of modern times. William Fox Presents "A Daughter of the Gods" with Anlnette Kellermann (The Perfect Woman) In all her glorious physical beauty THURSDAY, FRID)AY SATURDAY Word has been received of the death o f Albert K. Roof, '65L,. of Lyons, on May I.i. After being graduated from tihe University, Mr. Roof's life was ogle of singular activity in public serv- ice. ,British royal navy." Try a Michigan Daily Wanit-Ad. the 4 Shows - -- -, 6:30, R, 9:30 Douglas pi ak In heis first photoplay produced by Art Craft--Premlier producers of the world Ipg Agin Out Agai ii PRICES M~atnees 25c; Riddies 150 Nights 25c, 35c, 50c FUL JL1ORCHESTRA SEATS ONLY I~c Cut Rate: DID1 YOU 'VER HEAR OF TIS NEW I)OUG- LAS FAIRIBANKS PICTURE BEING SHOWN FOR LESS THAN 250~-GUESS NOT::::: - I , Wuertb Theatre Matinees 2, 3:30. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:30 S aturd ays-S undays-Continuous Tues.-Wed.-22-23 - Pauline Frederick in "Sleeping Fires." Also Black Diamond Comedy, "A Troublesome Trip." Thurs.-Fri.--24-25--Enid Bennett in "The Little Brother." Also Keystone Comedy, "Maggie's First False Step." [rpheumi 'heatre Matinees 2, 3:30. Nights 6:30, 8,g930 Saturdays-Sundays- -Continuous Tues.-22-Marguerite Clark in "Mice and Men. Rebooked. Also Mutual Comedy. Wed.-23-Fifth McClure Picture. Seven Deadly Sins. H. B. Warner in "Wrath. Also Pathe News and Car- toons. Evening, 15c. Thurs.-Fri. -24-25-Vivian Martin in "The Spirit of Romance. Also Triangle Komedy and Paramount Pictograph. Helen Carter, '20, Announces Betrothal Helen Carter, '20, of Vicksburg, Kalamazoo county, announced her en- gagement yesterday to George Arm- strong, '12. Mby diamonds are fine qualitj and reasonably priced. J. I. Chapm an, Jeweler. 113 Main St--Adv. wed-eod = TODAY= THEDA BARA in Also Fox Film Comedy "The Film Spoilers" Comning Soon: Jean Southern, in " The' Mysteries of Myra." Coming Evenis May 25---Glee club concert in Hil auditorium. j May 26-Straw hat day. May 29-Junior lit Jamboree. May 30-Memorial day (holiday). June 1-Band concert at bandstand. ? June 1-Fresh lit frolic at Armory. June 5-Registration day for United 1 States army. June 8-Cap night. June 8-Band concert at bandstand. June 11-Final examinations com- mence. June 24-Baccalaureate sermon in Hill auditorium. June 25-26-Class day exercises. June 26-27-Alumni days.I June 28-Commencement exercises. July 1-Patriotic Sunday. July 2-Summer session commences.