fE MICHIGAN DAILY P ,. When a man begins to pay attention to his clothes he commences to improve in other direc- tions. (>~r. Smart thes set the highest standards for such improvement.r Lindenschmidt, Apfel &Co. 209 S. tan S. - Yhe Stoeo-nlc 1,.h(, mAt . Calkins DrugI 324 So. State and 1123 f Dental Medicines for Senio Everything is right or we ma. C o. Two Stores Co. "'" So, University Ave. r Dental Students. ke it right. [ION PICTURE CONTEST 'ELO BYCOMEDY CLUB Dollar Prize Offered for Best Scenario to Be Acted by Club SOMeone to a rry saway $v~Oim fm-o expense tco, You--cania *iParicilm-& THE NOMA Clothes may not make a man, but a man is most generally known by his appearance, and he makes a better impres- sion if his appearance is marked by carefully chosen and tailored clothes. MARQU ARD T CAMPUS TAILOR 516 E. Williams St. K RELATE HISTORY OF OEUTSCHER TRIN German Society Organized in 1900 by Doctor Jonathan A. C. Hildner It was away back in 1900 that the Deutscher Verein held its gatherings. This would make it 16 years old and a 20th Century club. Professor Jonathan A. C. Hildner is the founder of the society which held its first meetings at his home or in the old chapel, now Registrar Hall's office. The purpose then, as now, was to acquire fluency in speaking German. German songs were sung, recitations given, and stories told. Inside of a year or two the members presented their first plays.. Light comedy was the rule at first, but gaining confidence the heavy dramas were tried with great success. Perhaps the most successful play of all was the "Goethe's Egmont." It was of the most credit to the University and the most instructive to the students and audience. The trend of the last few years has been back to the lighter comedy, though it is hoped that this year the society will put on a war play of the "Egmont" type. Duetscher Verein is on the third floor of University hall. On the walls are pictures of Heidelberg University, Bismark, Goethe and the casts of all the plays produced. The club numbers over 600 members. The society will hold its first meet- ing of the year tonight at 8 o'clock, in room 305 U-hall. Owing to Mr. Lehman's inability to return to school this year, a new president will be elected in his place for the semester. REVOLUTIONARY AGENTS MEET Mexicans Plan to Fuse Juntas Against President Carranza. El Paso, Oct. 16.-Agents of the new revolutionary movement headed by General Jose Robles are here today to confer with leaders of other revolu- tionary juntas, with a view to fusing various other movements against the Carranzadgovernment, according to re- ports made today to the United States government agent. Emissaries declared General Robles now commands 22,000 well trained and armed soldiers in the state of Oaxaca, including the troops formerly led by Felix Diaz.tLeaders of the new move- ment declare they will support Gomez for president when Carranza is de- posed. WILSON TO GIVE 22 TALKS Rear Platform Speeches for Four States on Way West. New York, Oct. 16.-President Wil- son has decided to make 22 rear plat- form appearances with perhaps short "howdy-dos" on his way to and from Chicago where he is to address a non- partisan meeting at the Press club next Tuesday. Twelve of the stops are to be made up state in New York, three in Indiana, and seven in Ohio and Pennsylvania. All the platform appearances will be at regular stops of the New York Central lines be- tween here and Chicago. The president leaves here Wednes- day at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. The appearance of the president in Chicago is to be made an event by the Jews in that city who will be celebrating a holiday. They plan to present the president with some token of apprecia- tion for what he has done for the race. MOIT H t COPYRIGHT. 1916, I- ADLHR, BROS. & Co. Eborbach & Son Co. 200-204 E. Liberty St. Do This "Provide yourselfwith a smile and a air of prospet ity. Wear your best bus mess suit and a cheerful necktie. If you have no best suit--bu; one. We hav to appear pro sperous, if w are to be pro. sperous." Leave your film at the Delta. oct3 to 29 Victor Victrolas and complete stock of Records at Schaeberle & Son's, 110 South Main street. oct3tf A motion picture play, acted and written by students of the University will be produced by the Comedy club for the coming season. This is the first attempt of its kind in an American college, according to Morrison Wood, '17, president of the organization. The play will be chosen from those submitted in a scenario contest which opens today and closes March 17, 1917. Prof. Rankin, Mr. Bryson and Dr. Moriarity will act as judges. The fol- lowing rules will govern the contest: 1. The contest will be open to any student of the University. 2. The scenario will be either three or four reels in length. 3. Some part of the scenario must deal with University life, its exteriors will be laid in and about Ann Arbor, particularly on the campus, and it must be a comedy drama. This scenario is not to be a travelogue or a picture containing simply Ann Ar- bor life, it is to be a photo play with a distinct plot. 4. At the close of the contest, the judges will choose the three best scenarios submitted. Then a drector of some prominent motion picture company will collaborate with the judges in choosing the most suitable one of the three. If it is possible to produce the scenario, the author will be awarded a prize of fifty dollars. 5. All scenarios must be written on one side of legal cap paper, the first sheet containing the name of the play and the initials, only, of the author. The manuscript must be fastened to- gether in some manner. A sealed en- velope containing the name of the author, with the name of the play and the initials of the author in the upper right hand corner must accompany the manuscript. The judges reserve the right to bar any scenario otherwise submitted. Address manuscripts to Morrison C Wood, 733 South State street, Ann Arbor. There are several books on the subject of scenario writ- ing in the library which contain the technical knowledge necessary for play writing. Additional inform- ation may be obtained by galling Morrison Wood, 'phone 387. The play will not be centered en- tirely upon University life. It is sug- gested that one or two reels be de- voted to this part of the plot, the re- mainder dealing with characters before or after he is in college. The play will be filmed by some prominent motion picture concern and shown in the local theaters. If the plot is general enough in character it is quite probable it will be taken over by some film company and sent to mov- ing picture houses all over the coun- try. A Republican On 'Wilson Day' By George G. Hill. (Written for the Republican National Committee.) It is doubtful if a sillier proposition was ever put forth by the chairman of a National Committee than that of Vance McCormick, the -Democratic Chairman, that there be created a Wil- son day. Other presidents and their champions have been content to leave that sort of national tribute to be de- termined upon by their admirers after their death, but Mr. McCormick's prop- osition carries with it the suggestion that possibly Mr. Wilson's admirers are fearful that when time has given the American people a correct per- spective on the achievements of the. present Chief Executive they will not ma loon ons ma DW I Mi nn ami Downtown Dainty Electric Lamps Artistic Pictures TEA SETS DeFries Art Store We frame pictures for your room. t M= =Mz' 223 S. Main St. Students! Get Your Window Cards, Stationery, etc, THERE'S A REASON Whether you subscribe for one magazine or for several, your orders will have my prompt and careful attention. Last chance clubs with last chance prices and a special offer to students for the school year. I will come to you. Jno. P. Sloan, mTe Magazine Mak 1009 E. Catheri,. St. Ph.e. 1412-M O F DAVIS & OHLINGER PROMPT PRINTERS 109 -111 E. Washington, 2nd floor Phone 4324 Come In REULE, CONLIN, FIEGEL COMPAN' 200-202 MAIN .mmwm|" SOPH LITS HOLD MEETING TO NOMINATE OFFICERS Members of the sophomore lit class nominated the following class officers at their meeting yesterday afternoon: President, George Brophy and C. H. Mason; vice president, Jean Maclen- nan and Miss Powell; secretary, Fay Hall and Hellen E. Ramsdell; treas- urer, J. M. Bailey and Harry Penni- man; football manager, James Dorsey, Bruce Tappan, and Elton Wieman; men's basketball manager, D'Ooge and James McClintock; women's basketball manager, Jenny Duemling and Lucile Iuff; track manager, H. E. Maag and Bruce Miller; oratorical delegate, Roy Fricken and Paul Smith. The election will be held Wednesday from 3:30 o'clock to 5:30 o'clock, 101 economics building. Candidates whose names above are incorrect or incom- plete will please notify Carl Rash, 'phone 199, before noon today. WANTED WANTED-To rent small modern house or suite of four or five rooms with private bath by family of three adults. Must be first class. Ad- dress box, Z-3, Michigan Daily. oct15,17 WANTED-Law student who operates typewriter and wishes to use spare time in office for mutual advantage. Frank Jones, 21 A. A. Savings Bank Bldg. Phone 472-F1. oct-17-18-19 WANTED--Roommate. Suite 811 S- State St. This man is a junior en- gineer. Not necessary that appli- -cant should be the same. oct.17-19-20 WANTED-Clothing salesman for so- liciting. Good commission and good territory open. Phone 700M or 544J. octl2tf WANTED-Young man to aid in out- side work for two hours or more daily. Phone 837-R. oct.17 WANTED--If you are in need of any- thing, The Michigan Daily can help you get it through its Classified De- FOR RENT FOR RENT-At 1116 Washtenaw Ave., large suite of rooms, suitable for two or three. $4.00 for two. $5.25 for three. oct.17-18-19 FOR RENT-Single room. Enquiro at 716 Church or Alpha Delta Phi house. oct.14-15-17 FOR RENT-Desirable suite one block from campus. 411 E. Wil- liam. Call 1856-W. oct.17-23 FOR RENT-Single room, two doors from campus. Two dollors a week. Phone 1138-J. 236 S. Thayer. oct.17 LOST. LOST-Boston bull dog, black and white; license No. 69. Call 855-J. oct13,14,15,17,18 LOST-Kappa Alpha Theta pin. Re- tuin to Marguerite Rysdorf, 713 E. University. Phone 2312. oct.17 LOST-An overcoat taken by mistake from barber shop. Please return same to Tranjowski & Co. oct.17 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Or will exchange for Gibson Mandolin, one Banjo Man- dolin practically new. Blaser, 320 Thompson St. Phone 2395-R. oct.17 be disposed to pay such tribute to his character and performances. Even should Mr. McCormick's sug- gestion be adopted, there would be difficulty in choosing an appropriate date for "Wilson Day." Of course there is February 10, the date on which he wrote the "strict accountability" note although it is doubtful if that would please the extreme pacifists. Then, there is May 10, pleasing, no doubt to the extreme pacifists because it was the date on which Mr. Wilson an- nounced that the United States was "too proud to fight." But it, on the other hand, might not meet with the approval of the more patriotic Demo- crats. A compromise might be reach- ed on May 17, the day when Secretary Bryan, by explicit direction of the President, explained to Ambassador Dumba that the "strict accountability" note was solely for home consumption and "not to be taken too seriously abroad." Of course it must be admitted that there is much in favor of fixing the day before March 4, because if that is done Mr. Wilson could proclaim the festive holiday himself, deliver an ap- propriate eulogy of himself and his own accomplishments, and conduct the ceremonies from within-instead of from without-the White House. Indeed, if Mr. McCormick's brilliant suggestion is to be put into execution it might even be wiser to select a dote before November 7, as it would seem more appropriate to celebrate the fes- tival of an undefeated, rather than of a defeated, candidate. An eager pub- lic anxiously awaits from Chairman McCormick details of the date and plan of celebration of his proposed "Wilson Day." democratic Reply Concerning Mrexico By George Creel, Written for the Dem- ocratic National Committee. Does Mr. Hughes believe that Huer- ta should have been recognized? Is he in favor of intervention in Mexico? Would he have sent troops to the border or not? Would he have en- dured the Villa raid or dispatched the punitive expedition? Would he have refused Admiral Mayo support in his Tampico ultimatum, or would he have backed him up just as President Wil- son did? No power has been able to drag an answer to these questions from the 100 per cent candidate. He bubbles with mean, nagging criticism and con- tributes no single helpful suggestion or positive (statement. The whole matter of Mexico con- stitutes an acid test of the American people. Ten thousand have owned all the land in a country of 15,000,000. Foreign concessionaires, working through venal officials, have seized the natural resources. For years the vast bulk of the Mexican people have been cursed by every oppression and cor- ruption, condemned to poverty, slav- ery and illiteracy. It is freedom, hope and aspiraton that they are fighting for, just as America fought and as France fought. President Wilson has refused aid to the effort to restore their chains. He has refused to use their struggle as an excuse for conquest. He has re- fused to guarantee the profits of con- cessionaires with the blood of Amer- ica's youth. He has stood flat on the proposition that every people has the right to work out its own destiny, and in the face of every irritation and im- patience, he has tried to give aid, sym- pathy and encouragement. Do Americans believe in democracy? When they talk of freedom and jus- tice, is it for all peoples, or just for themselves alone? Have we reached a point where property rights are put above human rights, greed. above honor? Is the Declaration of Inde- pendence still a faith, or only a hypoc- risy behind which we plot meanly and rapaciously? MOVIES TAKEN OF ENGINEERS AND GIRLS' HOCKEY GAME Engineering shops and women play- hockey on Palmer field were photo- graphed for the municipal movie yes- terday. Today the scenes at the Michi- gan Central depot and views of local manufacturing plants are to be filmed. It is believed that all the scenes of the drama will have been taken by tomorrow night with the exception of the M. A. C. game. The first showing of the 3,500-foot picture will be held at a local theater October 26, 27, and 28. Our Victor Records Approval Service Has given the best of satisfaction To Victrola" Ownxrm Call us up and learn about it Grinnell Bros. 11 S. Main St. PHONE 1707 Il I,