THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTC lYE MEN CAV UNIVERSITY ITS HIGH STANDING [STORY OF UNIVERSITY SHOWS WHO WERE RESPONSIBLE FOR GROWTH. WAS FIRST PRESIDENT Dr. Angell Remains in Office Longer Than Any of His Predecessors Criticism is often made to the * * effect that Michigan students oft- * * en spend four years in the Un- * * iversity without acquainting * * themselves with matters of his- * * torical interest closely connect- * * ed with the University. The * * Daily realizes the validity of this * * criticism and has decided to * * publish during the year a ser- * * ies of articles dealing with Mich- * * igan's history, its constituent * * organizations, and traditions. * * This article on the University's * * presidents is the first of the ser- * * ies. * To five men, prominent in the his- tory of the University of Michigan, is its present size and importance due. ro its presidents and the changes which they brought about during their administrations must be given the credit for the present standing of the University in the educational world. Not until the year 1850, when a sec- Dnd convention was called for the pur- pose of establishing a new constitu- ion, did the board of regents make rovision for an "ex-officio member of he board, who should be its president as well as the principal executive of- icer of the University." Great diffi- culty was at first experienced In find- taught, and later, acted as editor of ing a head for the institution, which a leading journal. The University was consisted of four or five wooden build- 30 years old when he became its ings in the midst of a peach orchard. head. For another such length of time Even as late as 1846, a traveler speaks he labored in its interests and for its of the fields of waving wheat which '.ielfare, with but few interruptions. the janitor was allowed to cultivate Famous as a student and an author- about the buildings and upon the ity upon international law, he was "campus. " three times requested to serve his Many Men Sought by Authorities country as envoy to foreign lands. Many men were sought for the new Seenres Appropriation for University position, but the choice finally fell Under the rule of President Angel, upon Henry S. Tappan, then professor the University steadily progressed and of moral and mental philosophy in expanded to its present size. He was the University of the City of New York. instrumental in securing an pro- He had received his bachelor's degree ;,riation for the crection of University from Union college, New York, in 1825, hall between the two old wings, and and traveled and studied much, both at ° himself laid the crneVrstole. heating home and abroad, and had entered the a lightingsstm were improved ministry, but because of an affection by him. The museum, and tie engin- of the throat had been compelled to ecring buildings, as well as new scien- abandon this career for that of a tific laboratories and hospitals were teacher of philosophy, erected, besides the two gymnasiums More especially was he interested In and library. Back or every movement education, and for this reason he con- that had for its purpose the better- sented to be the first, head of the Uni- mnent of the university, was the will, versity, although he had arrived at the the motive force, and the indefati - age of 47, and was possessed of an able zeal of James Burril Angellin assured position gained by many yearsI the year 1909 President Angell retir- of active and distinguished service in ed from active service, and loved as his chosen line. As President Tappan "Michigan's Grand Old Man," continu- explained in his inaugural address, he ed to live in the president's house "desired to take part in the creation upon the campus, and to bear the title of an American university, deserving of "President-Emeritus." In April of of the name, and in the examination 1916 he died, at the age of 87, and was of the subject had become satisfied mourned by faculty, students, alumni, that certain conditions were essential and relatives alike. which would best be fulfilled in a Hutchins Next President new and rising commonwealth." larry Burns B utchins, Dean of the Establishes Working Plan for College Law department, and acting-president during the absence of Dr. Angell while It was he who guided the affairs of on his foreign missions, was next the University through the early and chosen University head. He had grad- precarious years of its history, and uated as Bachelor of Philosophy from who established for it a working plan the university, in the year 1871. For and policy which for three-quarters of a while he was engaged in the practice a century has never been revised. of law, but in 1883 was recalled to his It was not possible to bring his ideal Alma Mater as Professor of the same to fulfillment within the space of a subject. Only once-in 1887-did he single life-span, but each year has leave, to go to Ithaca in order to es- seemed to bring the goal nearer. The tablish a department of law at Cornell, institution to which he looked forward and in eight years he returned to take was "a university worthy of the name andhise rshk resrdtoHtak- up his former wvork. President Hutch- with a capacity equal to our wants, ins has contributed extensively to var- receiving a growth commnensurate with ious legal publications of the country, the development of all things around and has edited many works on law for us, and doing a work which should be puliction. acknowledged by the present genera- Publication. tion, and reaching with increasing It is tdeed a task of no mean pro- portions to depict the sterling worth of power through the generations to these men within so limited a space,'or come. or to cite the various reforms which Abolishes Dormitory System each in his turn inaugurated. Yet President Tappan abolished the one has but to compare the pict- dormitory system, and put into effect ure of the University of President Tap- many reforms gleaned from a long pan's first years, with the institution study of similar institutions abroad. as it stands today, to see the composite He was loved, honored and respected result of the efforts of all. If then, by all who knew him, and to these the University has in any measure it was a great blow when, as a result come to approach the ideal toward of severe dissention with a new board which it has ever striven, many fact- of regents that came into power in ors who have played their part in 1858, a recommendation for his dis- bringing about this state of affairs are missal was offered. The incident not to be remembered, not the least of only roused the University, but led to these being the names of its presi- a universal protestation of the action dents. by the press throughout the country. f E ._ . __...y ,.x - - A scene from the comedy, "A Pair of Queens," to be shown at th e Whitney, Friday, Oct. 20. "A PAIR OF QUEENS" a quality identical with the original cast, in order to meet the demand for At the Whitnpy, Theatre, Friday, big attractions from the principal October 20, is H. H. Frazee's biggest cities in the east and middle west. The laughing hit, "A Pair of Queens," management of the Whitney Theater which scored such a tremendous suc- has been very fortunate in securing cess in New York and which has just "A Pair of Queens" on its special tour. finished a record breaking run of over (Aditional Theaters on Page Six.) twenty weeks at the Cort Theater inS I Chicago. It is not very often that SENIORS local playgoers have an opportunity to I am now ready to make your photo see such a big metropolitan success for the new Michiganensian and shall immediately following its New York be glad to have you call as early as an'd Chicago runs; but in the case of possible so there will not be a rush "A Pair of Queens," the management as in previous years. DAINES. has organized a special company, of oct.17. Velox prints at Sugden's. oct3-29 'Phone 600 for signs and show cards. oct3 to 29 Prof. Scott's dancing class every Thursday evening. M. B. A. Hail~ Washington St. oct.17-18-19) To .earn1tX wri t inr gj requires close applicatiot A t Mewriter and free instru0tion book from 9.D.Morrill" 3522 S. State, a - 1 will do the rest. - .: 7 01 TAWEA X--inag the waist length measur OUR suit looked ine when you first put it on six months ago-- svelte, super-satisfy. ing. But look at it now! Saggy and sodden. Sorry and shapeless. It didn't fit-that's the answer. Poor fit will stretch or slack all the style out of any suit-in a few weeks of wear. Fit is the biggest word in the good dresser's lexicon. And the de- finition of that word is "made to measure clothes." Have your next suit Royal Tailored to your order at $18.50 to $40.00. Our tape line is ready for you. This was without effect.., Haven Becomes President In 1863, Erasmus Otis Haven, trav- eler, public speaker, editor, and edu- cator, was chosen to fill the vacancy. His task was far from easy as the students, alumni, and townspeople. were openly hostile because of the dismissal of President Tappan. Then, too, the affairs of the nation, involved as they were in civil war, were scarcely conductive toward providing means for education. In the first two years of President Haven's reign, and in the last two of his predecessor's, 659 students laid aside their books and took up arms, which left the University about de- populated. But little by little President Haven conquered the difficulties that arose and in six years brought the Univer- sity safely through the trials that be- set it. The prosperity, enlarged use- fulness, and fame of the University in all its branches were undoubtedly due to his learning, skill, and untiring perseverence. Considerable time was required to find a man fitted for the position made vacant by President Tappan, and it was two years before another head was secured. In the interim, Henry S. Frieze, head of the Latin depart- ment, served as acting president and discharged his duties with ability and skill. He had come to Ann Arbor in 1854 and had become noted as a scholar and teacher. His regime,1 though short, is noteworthy for two events. For the first time in the his- tory of the University, women were admitted to the various departments of learning, and an establishment of or- ganic relations with the various high schools of the state was effected. Dr. Angell Accepts Presidency Shortly after the resignation of! President Haven, James Burril Angell, then president of the University of Vermont, was solicited for the posi- tion, but declined the offer. However, in 1871, the position was again tender- ed him, and this time he accepted. He was born in Rhode Island in the year 1829, and was graduated from Brown University in 1849. For four years he had travelled, studied and, * * * * * * * * * * * * * AT THE THEATERS TODAY Majestic-Vaudeville. Orphieum-Mae Marsh in "The Marriage of Molly-0." Also Tri- angle Comedy, Chas. Murray in "The Feathered Nest." Arcade-June Caprice in "Lit- tle Miss Happiness." Mutt and Jeff Cartoon. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *1 * * * * I I AT THE MAJESTIC Headline honors of the bill which opened at the Majestic Theater last night are shared by Ralph Dunbar's Salon Singers and the International Girl, the latter a posing act which was received with unusual favor. Dunbar's Singers present a musical entertainment of the highest calibre. Four singers and a pretty girl who is an artist at the piano present the act. Each is a capable artist and their work called for several encores. The International Girl presents a colorful display of fashions, flags and scenery on the screen. In each the beautiful Miss Margaret Bird is the center of the picture. Miss Bird's beauty while not typed fits typically into each of the varied pictures for which she poses. A clever pair of performers are Warren and Dieterich, "The Comedian and The Singer." There is a remark- able contrast in the two men, the one appearing in a black face role and the other a typical Billy Scanlan in vaudeville. Mr. Warren's patter of the circus wins the laughs. Mr. Dieterich is a capable singer. Maglen, Eddy and Royn, open the bill with a clown and acrobatic act. It is filled with laughs and clever tumbling. Lewis, Belmont and Lewis offer a sketh called, "After the Matinee." It provides °some lively comedy. The woman member of the trio has an ex- cellent voice. The management of the Majestic an- nounce that there will be no matinee next Saturday on account of the M. A, C.-Michigan game. I For Sale By CAMPUS DOOTERYI 508 S. State St. Authorized Dealer for G ' 'F * IIl nu " it IV 0 ""