IY SHOES 11 TAKE YO1UR For Drilling ulation Munson Army Last roved Government Inspection 1.~'~ ., (. ^.5 Amatuer Finishing to a Reliable Photographer who has an established reputation and you will be assured of Results that will not be a disappointment. L Y N D) 0 N9 S 719 N. University Ave SPECIAL SALE ON 1:' Established 1905, and IGrowing bigger and better every day. s . SLIGHTLY Our.-Price $6.50 Save you $1.00 fak-Over Boot Shop 115 s. Main St. w .. . FRATERNITIES We havelunsurpassed acceiuodations for group photographs MAIN STUDIOS 1546-48 Broadway New York, N.Y .1 Perfect Portraitures "Amateur Work Handled in a Pro- feuional' Way. 619 EU. Liberty St. FIKONC 948-W -I ® LvWKSMITIIING---ELECTRIC REPAIRING HIGHEST QUALITY William W. Behringer f 11 NICKELS ARCADE We have with us a complete linie of SPRING - SUITINGS At Prices that Suit Atid we also do Excellent Cleaning Pressing & Repairing Ward's Kassy Kut Kiothes F. W. -ALLEN, Manager 11S E. It1uroii Street III'SGOING ON 'todayf 4 o'clock-Women's Service league mays meeting in Hill auditorium. 6:30 o'clock - Cosmopolitan club banquet at Congregational church. 7 o'clock-Soph pep meeting in Physics lecture room. 7:30 o'clock-Bird club meeting In room 355 Natural Science building. 8 o'clock-Dr. D. D. Van Slyke lec- tures -in Chemistry amphitheater on "Present Phases of Protein Chem- istry." 8 o'clock-Fresh Mandolin club meeting in room 205 north wing of University hall. 8 o'clock-Meeting of the. Deutscher Verein girls in Verein rooms. 8:30 o'clock-Meeting of the gov- ernment, ambulance unit men at! Union. 3 oclck Tomorrow 3 oclck--Musical tea for benefit of Red Cross in Newberry hall. 7:30 o'clock-Dr. W. F. Coljby lec- tures in room 348 Engineering build-I ing on "Electrical Conductors and In- sulators." 9 o'clock-Fresh engineer dance at armory. LT-Notices Freshmen wishing to try out for the managership of the Varsity Glee club will report today in room Z-160 Nat- ural Science building at 3 o'clock. ,rickets for the Junior Jamboree will go on sale at 2 o'clock today at the Union. C~arg'oyle Itryo uts meet ill Press building at 3 o'clock today. M'lAJOR C. V. RLTKKE APPOINTED ON CA3P LOCATION (COMITTETE Major G. V. Rukke of the medical diepartment of the United States army, who has been giving lectures in the Medical school for the last month on military sanitation, received word yes- terday from the war department that he had been appointed as a member of the board for the selection of camp sites for the cantonments to be located in Michigan and Wisconsin. Major Rukke will have charge of the sanitation work in this district. It is expected that he will be required to leave within a short time. Pop. Mat. Tues. fjllIf~ W k, May tS Thurs. and Sat. G d fl I G Nights 25c and Soc 2Sc, 50c, 75c i DETROIT BONSTELLE COMPANY Sily Kaye" lye Unless Otherwise Specified Tfhurs.-l7-Genevieve Hamper in "Tan- - gled Lives," and Max Linder Corn. edy, "Max "Comes Across." Fri.-18-Frances Nelson in "Power of D~eceit ;" Herz Comedy ("The Love Dope"). IATHLETIC I t I OrpheumTheatre Matinees, 2:00-3:g0; £venine- 6:45, 8:,5, 9:30. Saturdays-Holidays continuous. Wed.-lf-Fourth McClure Picture. Sev- en Deadly Sins. Charlotte Walker in "Sloth." Also Pathe News, and Pathe Cartoon. Evening, 15c. ! burs. l rj.-l.7 1$ Wallace Reid and Myrtle Stedinan in "The Prison Without Walls." Triangle Kornedy, Pararnoupt Pictogra~h and Cartoons, Rae Theatre ETHEL LARRYMORE in- "THE WHITE-RAVEN" Also "THE PURPLE MASK" Special Music Mr. Mike Converso and Mr. Hugo Prucho, Soloists ADMISSION - - ro CENTS NOTICE To Owners of Panama Hats To everyone who has Panama Hlats to be bleached and reblocked, and to our customers who patronized us whien we were on Hluron Street, who may not know, we wish to say that our 1'actory and Salesroomn is now located on Pack- ard Street. only two doors from the corner of Packard and State. We use no acids in bleaching Panamas and we handle the finest hats without injury; when we do your hat over it looks new and you appreciate it. Prices the same as last year. FACTORY HAT STORE Grp Packard St. Cor. State and Packard (Next to the Delta) Our address can always be found in the Telephone Book the first name under 'T." Ii. 1I SOILED GOODS SHEEHAN & Co. I WNHITNEY THEATRE ,. TUESDAY, MAY 22 COMAN AND HARRIS PRESENT come Jcas /Oremos911i ih In 1j elCrookhes Hear Olcotti A Littile Bif of HeaV !$i "Who Knows ? ""Irish. Eyes of Loves "AJBroth of a. Boy" PRICES: 50c to $2.00 SALE SATURDAY, A. M. 11 -~ v ,h 'theatre TADDAY ! iron YValley Bldg. el;,Say. Association H. H. Herbst, Sec. and Atty., Boom 14, A. A. Say. Bank Bldg. Safest place to invest your earnings. Dividends never less than C per cent. Money loaned at lowest rates.--Adv. America's finest watches are Hamil- tons. J. L. Chapiman, Jewreler, agent.I 113 So. Main St.-A dv. tue-eod U, )orothy Dalton and Charles Ray in 'Back of the Man" also Newc Keystone Comedy FORD STI=RLING in Stars and Bars' fflS WLL III) ST'TDENTS 10o I)CNTE IN PHILHA1)ELPHIA chigan men who are planning to o Philadelphia in the near future r to begin professional work or lke positions with any of the in- rial concerns in that city or vicin- can secure valuable suggestions it living conditions in the industri- calities through B. L. Foster, '96E, nsylvania building, care of Mc- 3and Engineering company. rFoster is chairman of the Uni- ity of M1ichigan club's committee nemborship and assistance. The hers or this committee are located fe industrial centers in and about city. Students should specify the ict they expect to enter, so that chairman may place themr in com- ication with a committeeman in territory. K VLCE.1'1 ESI1)E1'T TALKS TO D)ETROIT MICIGAN CLUB iliam J. Gray, vice-president of First and Old National bank of -oit, spoke to the Detroit Univer- of Michigan club at a luncheon hie club held yesterday noon at Cadillac hotel on "our Financial ition During the Present War." e will be but one more luncheon this spring by the club. ,m Club Holds Annual Electionu fe Totem' club at its meeting last t elected the following officers :he coming year: President, A. G. lel, '18; vice-president, H. E. er, '19H; secretary, E. S. Snyder, tr a u e , C . F o s 2 E ant-at-arms, N. E. Gable, '20. ,tronize Daily Advertisers.. H-ave you ever heard and seen Chop- in redered on a dancing grand piano? Smiling Max Linder will perform this feat in his first Essana laugh-fest, "Max Comes Across," at the Arcade to- day.-Adv. 17 Dancing classes and private lessons' at the Packard Academy. t NOT ICE- For prompt service,, call Downing's Parcel Delivery. Phone 830. 16-23 !no Try The Daily for :service. "I I