M Now is the time for _____.oat. Trousers ==A Suit Vest Simple enough. And yet how rare a thing to get a suit that really "suits." Coat that fits and drapes- Trousers that hang clean and straight- Vest free from unsightly wrinkles. Only a few manufacturers can be relied upon to turn the trick every time. Stein Block and Michaels-Stern do Only a few dealers carry a large enough variety, of styles and models to furnish the right suit for every man. We Do SUITS FROM $15.00 UP TO $35.00 Lindenschmidt, Apfel Co.! Calkins Drug Con For 30 Years the Best KODAKS and KODAKING We have a complete line of Eastman Kodaks and Supplies. Let us do your finishing. Dev. l5c, Prints 3c to 5c. Co rd onV s We have Just received another shipment of 324 So. Stat. or 1123 So. Univ. Ave. this popular shoe in BLACK and TAN. Special Agency Nettleton shoes I i A SPRING OXFORDS SEE OUR BOSTONIANS In CORDO CALF and BLACK CALF At $5.00, $5.50 $6.00, $6.50 and $7.00 CAMPUS BOOTERY 308 S. State Street ALIMAND & FORSYTHE and 215 S. Main St. ft TEA STRAINERS-TEA BALLS A new and varied line of sterling silver and plated tea strainers and tea baIls. See our new individual I tea balls. Special silver tea balls and strainers, 5Oc and 75c. HALLER & FULLER, State Street Jewelers INDEPENDENT GIRLS TO SECUREHEADQUATERS COMMITTEE EXPECTS TO OBTAIN CLUB HOUSE FOR NEXT t YEAR SOON Plans for a clubhouse to be used as headquarters for the Independent Girls' club next year are progressing rapidly, and before the close of the present semester the committee hopes, to announce that a house has been secured. The house will be near the campus and will accommodate 15 or 20 women. These women are to be chosen on, the basis of scholarship, ability to co-3 operate with others, interest in cam- pus activities, and interest in the In-j dependent Girls' club. Preference will be given to members of the club, although other independent women who are equally active in campus or- ganizations will not be excluded. Several names have been submitted, and these together with any names received in the next few days, are to be decided upon by a committee con- sisting of the dean of .women, the president of the Independent Girls' club, and three others appointed by the latter. Women who wish to live, in the clubhouse next year may phone Grace Rose, '18, or Annetta Wood, '17,, as soon as possible.: "MERRY WIVES OF WINDSOR" HOLDS FULL DRESS REHEARSAL Proceeds from Oratorical Association Play to Be Donated to Am. bulance Unit Last night's full dress rehearsal of the Shakespearean play "Merry Wives' of Windsor," which is to be presented Friday night, May 18, in University hall under the auspices of the Ora-] torical association, was marked by a swing and enthusiasm that presages a production which will be the best yet given by the students of the play production classes. The entire proceeds of the play are to be turned over to the local ambu- lance unit which is attempting to raise enough funds to finance the corp. This will be the second production of a Shakespearean play in full dress since 1896, when "Julius Caesar" was presented in University Hall. VOLUMES OF BERLIN PAPERS GIFT OF PROF. F. N. SCOTT Two volumes of Berlin newspapers for the months of August and Septem- ber, 1914, have been presented to the Library by Prof. F. N. Scott of the rhetoric department. These papers, collected by Professor Scott in Berlin during the first two months of the war, give the reader a good opinion of the Germans' attitude of war. Although all issues are not of the same newspa- per, the dates are consecutive. These papers were printed before the Ger- man government put a very strict censorship upon them. The papers are now in the catalogu- ing department, but will be on display soon. Last of Illinois Ambulance Unit Goes Champaign, Ill., May 16.-The last of the men composing the University of Illinois unit for the American am- bulance field service left Champaign yesterday. Only a few intimate friends were at the station to see the group of two or three depart on various trains throughout the day. Every man who worked 60 days or more averaged 571 new silver dollars. They are at Wahr's. Help the farmer by selling him the "People's Home Library." Help your government by buying bonds with your profit. You can -do your "bit" without going to war. Call 433-M. 17 Woods Appeal to Senior Engineers That the call of the wild with all of its attending characteristics added to $100 a month has made eight sen- ior engineers a happy and contented lot is evident from letters recently re- ceived by Prof. Henry E. Riggs from some of the men who are at Quantico, Up to date the men have been doing surveying, preliminary to the con- struction of a concentration camp for the government. They have con- structed a large one-room summerpa- villion for sleeping quarters and have named it "The Michigan Union." As soon as construction begins they will be put on as inspectors, and time- keepers. The superintendent told the men that they were really being taught contracting and that the camp will be good training for them as superintend- ents. They will be transferred to other jobs in the near future. MICHIGAN MEN IN THE SERVICE Students to the number of 666 have already left the literary and engineer- ing colleges for military service and farm work. A partial list of the liter- ary students follows. The Daily will publish each day a similar roll until all the names have been included. Those who have left for military ser- vice are, in part: C. H. Adams, '18,-J. H. Adams, '18, W. T. Adams, '17, Bryan Akers, '19, J. K. Akers, '20, L. A. Arentz, '17, Neff Ashworth, '20, S. E. Ashworth, '20, J. M. Bacon, J. F. Barron, '18, P. P. Bash, '19, Irving Bauer, Travis Beal, '17, R. H. Bennett, '18, R. B. Bigelow, '20, V. T. Bledsoe, '19, N. T. Bolles, '18, Paul Booth, '20, E. F. Boxell, '20, E, B. Bradley, '20, C. A. Bradley, '18, G. L. Bronson, '19, W. S. Burchell, '19, K. S. Burge, '17, R. M. Burley, '19, and C. E. Butler, '20. Those who have left for farm work are, in part: B. J. Ahrens, '19, J. C. Andrews, Kenyon Andrews, P. O. Avery, '19, D. H. Baad, '20, William Bade,'20, J. M. Bailey, '19, W. J. Baumgartner, '18, M. I. Baym, '20, G. C. Bean, J. H. Belknap, '20, E. M. Bender, '19, William Bern- stein, '20, V. C. Bidlack '17, Bardwell Blake, '20, S. P. Blasier, '20, R. M. Boothby, '17, H. F. Boron, '20, A. W. Brake, '18, L. R. Brink, '17, F. W. Brit- ton, '20 R. P. Brown, '18, D. W. Brusie, '20, and L. T. Burr, '20. SOPH ENGINEERS ELECT HONOR COMMITTEE REPRESENTATIVES At a special meeting of the sopho- more engineers Monday, J. R. St. Clair and G. S. Hodges were elected to serve on the honor committee next year. The following men were chosen for captains of the spring games: C. E. Fuess, captain third relay team; G. C Garrett, captain middleweight tug- of-war team; C. R. Nyman, captain heavyweight tug-of-war team. R. D. Smith and H. J. Mack were nominated for student councilmen to be voted upon at the next reular as- sembly May 31. QUESTION: Is it within the realms of possibility for 120 pounds of mas- culinity to hoist 400 pounds of femin- ity into an upper berth on a rolling ship? ANSWER: See Max Linder in "Max Comes Across," something new in com- edies, at the Arcade today.-Adv. 17 Estimates on all first class work in painting, papering, tinting, etc., glad- ly given. C. H. Major & Co. Phone 237.-Adv. 11-17 Rugs perfectly cleaned, washed, and sized without inJury. Koch & Henne. ft WA HRVS Shoe Stores M al St. Stae St. DRUGS Make It Two!l 'Coca-Cola is always a mighty 'welcome sug es- tion, whether the crowd's hot and "dry' or just wanting a glass of delicious refresh- men. It's the favorite call of millions-daily. Demand the genuine by full name- nicknames encourage substitution THE COCA-COLA CO., ATLANTA, GA. a-* t... sac I Our Developing and Printing Service is Prompt and Satisfactory THE EBERBACH & SON CO. 200-204 E. LIBERTY STREET After the Theatre Party or Dance, Lunch at the STATE STREET LUNCUH 334 S. State Street Open Till Midnight Tables for'Ladies Fitform Cameras -- Photo Supplies a l Suits Engravedn Personal I Cards Dinners a la Carte m m I I Order them at once from REGULAR DINNERS Served 11:30 a. m. to 7:00 p. m. Steaks and Chops at All Hours All Fresh Fruits and Vegetables in Season. A TRIAL WILL CON- VINCE YOU and To 'Coats For Spring Young Men, whe looking around fc he Mayer-Schairer Company your new I 112 S. Main Street SPRING SUiT Fountain Pens repaired, straighten- Beautify and preserve your screens ed, and adjusted. Haller & Fuller, by using Major's Screen Paint. All size State St. Jewelers.-Adv. 10-17 packages. Phone 237.-Adv. 11-17inc Shirts made to measure. G. H. Wiid Fountain Pens repaired. straighten- Co., Leading Merchant Tailors. State ed, and adjusted. Haller & Fuller, St. t1 State St. Jewelers.-Adv. 10-17 Whether you are purchasin'g a new summer suit or must make another do, you want to ap- pear best in either. Our business is to see that you do- Prove it! Marquardt CAMPUS TAILOR 516 E. William St. or TOP COATS come direct to CORBETTS 116 E. Liberty. I . I I Here you will find the Young Mcen's Clothing you have been looking for. LOST LOST-Leather purse containing cash on Church St., between South Uni- versity and Wa shtenaw, Alonday night. Finder will kindly leave at Daily office. Reward. 17 LOST-Will person who found,2 cups and set of dental instruments hid- den on surveying grounds return them to Daily office. Reward. 16-7 LOST-On vGlee club serenade Tues- day, a loose-leaf note book, contain- ing lectures and first aid notes. Call 1219-J. LOST-- Slide rualeiii.nn.ineerin building. Finderleale return to 203 S. Ingalls St., or call 1170-J. LOST-Round-up Pin. Please phone 2488-M. 15-16-17 WANTED * WANTED-Men for special farm work, average over $5 a day. To begin about June 20th. Call."433-M, or at 721 North University. 17 FOR RENT FOR SALE- Old Town canoe selling at sacrifice with full equipment. Call 16. 11-17 inc MISCELLANEOUS AN INTELLIGENT person may earn $100 monthly corresponding for newspapers; $40 to $50 monthly in spare time; experience unnecessary; no canvassing; subjects suggested. Send for particulars. Iational Press Bureau, Room 2558, Buffalo, N. Y.- USE Daily Want-Ads. THE SPRUNK ENG RAVING THE STORE OF QUALITY LET US SEND YOU AN ASSORTMENT OF VICTOR RECORDS on our twenty-four hour approval plan! Select a dozen numbers, you would like to hear in your own home. Phone us, 1707, and we will send same. VICTOR VICTROLAS FROM $15.00 TO $300.00 CONVENIENT PAYMENTS! GRINNELL BROTHERS 116 SOUTH MAIN STREET CO. Has Moved to i 700 Marquette Bldg. The 571 new silver dollars at Wahr's will buy five Liberty Bonds. Are you buying? Call 433-M. We will tell you how.-Adv. 17 TOM CORBETT 116 E. Liberty St. Try iTe Young fren's Shop Try The Daily for service. 1