xclusively entitled iof all news dis- ,t otherwise credit- othe local news he University of ymorning except ty year. at Ann Arbor as 2414. o words. e general library where d at 7:30 o'clock each ications will receive no uscript will be returned postage for that pur- .Managing Editor .Business Manager r. .Sports Editor .. ..Telegraph E ditor ....Women's Editor .....Literary Editor . Publication Manager .Circulation Manager Valter R. Atlas :ark K. Ehlbert hilip Slomovitz ul A. Shinknaan Robert C. Angell K. Frances Handibo Samuel Iamport Cecelia Fohey Marguerite Clark Roberta L. Berry Ethan A. Scholnick Rilla A. Nelson SS STAFF Harry D. Hause Katherine Kilpatrick Frances 11. Macdonald Agnes Abele r. L.A. Storrer Frank N. lthke JAY 24, 1918. Paul A. Shinkman years Italy Imost over- fight on the and militar- wed the less a back-door she so de- Alliance, her conscience 'econciled to the fact that wing her power on the wrong contender. She r aid would bring much ial succor to the French tard pressed by Russia's ie knew that her place ie nations of liberty and so she joined the Allies, Italy's stand as a con- esident Wilson has deem- .nd proper that this day s one of commemoration ntrance into the world ay Italy threw her forces armies of Germany and rica has given her un- . unswerving moral sup- ly will the United States > this, but she will make er iflag will soon be fly- at of the Allies .on the | FOR THE LOAFER place in the country at the loafer. FEveryone >ing something for his e can not do the actual to some physical defect, . sit backs and think that the work is done, and not bother himself about e plenty of other things o which are just as im- ir way. aft law provides a place . If he can not enter the ill be given a- chance to e productive enterprise. ent will not have him e. v should not apply alone aft age. It should apply Students of universities hare by doing some use- s summer. Many have Pied their intentions of the greater majority as excuse for anyone to be and and one things are done. There will not do them. Get busy and tions, today'universties have no such offering to make., Their students, on the whle, are young or physically un- fit men. Their problem is to effective- ly train these men for the needs of the future. This is the test; it can be met in two ways. In the first place, the university should provide proper military train- ing for those students who will sooner or later enter active service. The Har- vard R. 0. T. C. has accomplished this in a way which leaves little to be desired. In this direction Harvard has surely fulfilled its obligations. In the second place, the university should provide a maximum of educa- tional training.During the college year Harvard has done this. Plan for the summer months, however, fall short of the attainment of this stand- ard. The long vacation, with provi- sions for only a limited summer school course, offers a serious obstacle to the men who desire to go as far as possible in college before answering their country's call. In these times of war there is therefore the need (as has been suggested) of an all-year college term, or of an intensive sum- mer school training. The equipment is at hand, which in any case should not be kept idle. Proper instruction would no doubt be provided by mem- bers of the faculty. The whole plan entails such an economy and such a real service, that it must necessarily meet with the consideration of the university. We cannot be satisfied with a col- lege life which is but veneered with superficial war activity. The Ameri- can university must come down to the grim reality of giving its all and do- ins its utmost toward the final vic- tory.-Harvard Illustrated. Professor Hobbs wrote in the New York Times that the war could easily be ended by a short Allied drive. But the Yanks want to end it in front of the kaiser's palace in Berlin, and prob- ably will be content with no other way. Major Lufbury, who had 17 air vic- tories and but one defeat, said that the Hun airmen never attacked unless they were greatly superior in num- hers. Apparently following the lead of their dear crown prince. The letter V which has appeared conspicuously on the campus this week stands for volunteer to the Red Cross fund. Did yours also stand for very best? * * Show at least a bit of your appre- ciation for what Italy has done and is doing by floating an Italian flag to- day. This is Italy Day. Can you imagine what peace now would be like? CHURCH CLUBS TO HOLD JOINT MEET Plans have been completed for the first "Get Together" of all the young people's church organizations in Ann Arbor. This joint meeting will be held next Sunday evening, at the Pres- byterian church, and Congregational, Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Church o Christ, and Unitarian stu- dent societies will be represented. The new presidents for next year from each organization will give short talks concerning some phases of the work of students' religous societies, and music will be furnished by the best talent of the societies. On the committee in charge of the plans are the following: Lionel Crock ,; '18, chairman; Harry Meyer, student past- or of the Congregational church, pub- licity chairman; Carl Barton, '20E, chairman of music; and W. L. Bet- tism, '19, chairman of the talks. Practically every ch.ureh has its large group of students interested in religious work, and, although these have done a great deal of good work, most all of it has been done individ- ually and there has never been any clear cut and definite attempt to get the large organizations together mere- ly as church organizations. Return of Forces May Take Two Years Washington May 23. - Two years may be the time necessary to bring America's fighting force back to the United States at the end of the war, according to Senator Cummins of Iowa. An attempt will probably be made to have the Allies agree to de- vote all shipping to the return of the soldiers as soon as hostilities cease. In commenting on the gasoline sit uation, the men at the head of the company said that they "see no short- age." New fields have been discpver- ed in Texas that will supply an un- limited quantity of gasoline. The service station will sell the gasoline at wholesale price, aecording to the plan of all service stations of the Standard Oil company. CARYATID. He Could a Tale Unfold, Mary has a little pig With such a curly tail, That when she wants to sWfe, She hangs him on a nail. The freshman social committee wit keep him meet at 4 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour gymnasium. Who can say but that the dazed feel- ing which comes after certain clesses is just the result of being "gassed." Prevari-They say that Jones is the biggest liar on the campus. Cater-The hell he is, you'ro 30 pounds heavier than he is. Being Trite, You Know, "Actions Speak Louder Than Words." Says our Military Mentor, "If you won't listen to these pictures, we'll send them back to Washington, and they'll send them somewhere where where they will listen to them." Taking advantage of the versatility of the co-eds in their recent farm work enlistment, a store keeper in town hangs up the notice: "Girl Wanted for Fountain." " Fight on," cries the kaiser,. "right down to the last man-which will be ME." "Eh, well!" sighed the cap-and- gowned one, "It isn't going to be so hard for the seniors to break away from the campus this year. Most of the leave-takings came off the last week in April." They're cutting out the cabarets in Chicago. Now no one can say that the Windy City isn't doing its share in sending men into the service. Refer Him to the Gargle Cary:-r We've had a blow and we want you To lend us just an inch or two To tell you how a four-eyed ass With heaps of swank and lots of brass Insulted us the other day In this unmentionable way: "Are you,'' said he in tones that flat- tered, "The guy who's running Caryatid?" And though we almost killed the cuss, Won't you in public whitewash us? -L. L..T. MICHIGAN MEN RECOMMENDEI) FROM PELHAM BAY PARK, N Y. Michigan men are making good at the naval training school at Pelham Bay Park, N. Y., according to word received by Prof. H. C. Anderson, of the engineering college. Senior engineers to the number of 16 are in training there as machin- ists mates for service on destroyers. Out of the several thousand students at the school, 24 were selected for special proficiency andsent to the Stevens Institute of Technology to train for commissions. In this group there were five members of the Mich- igan delegation. Close Argument in La Follette Case Washington, May 23.-Counsel for Senator La Follette closed yesterday the argument ° begun Tuesday before the senate privileges and elections committee in support of a motion to dismiss charges that statements by the Wisconsin senator in a speech at St. Paul last December were disloyal and seditious. The senator's attorney concorded with the declaration that senator La Follette is 'not disloyal and to say that in his heart he desires to see the German power to succeed is unthinkable. Earl C. Payne, '18E, Married Announcement has been made of the marriage of Miss Mary Turner of Colfax, Iowa, to Mr. Earl C. Payne, '18E. Payne is a member of Lambda Chi Alpha fraternity. Senior play try-outs from 4 to 5:30 o'clock- auditor um of Newberry' will be held today in the hail. WAHER'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE - - Sophomore girls who wish to do junior adviser work should sign up1 with Miss Potter . Barbour gymnas- ium before June L. The new Y. M. C. A. cabinet will entertain the old cabinet with a picnic supper up the river at 5:30 o'clock' this afternoon. All unfinished tennis matches must be completed today. GYPSIES' ARRIVAL IN CITY SHOWS SUMMER HAS COME! You may think that straw hat day, low shoe day, peanut day and all the, other warm weather days mark the real advent of summer, but again you are all wrong. That summer is really here at last is now certain, as the gypsies have come to town. They never arrive un- til the patteran tells them summer is truly here, so their coming yesterday is the final proof. With their brightly colored shawls, huge brass and silver armlets and earrings, and their bundles of cloth- ing, food and babies, the gypsies make a fitting accompaniment to simmer's commencement. Use The Daily Classified columns. ti We Sell MAZDA LAMPS Come in and see the 75 watt Blue Lamp Gives a white light. Just the thing to study by H L S WITZER Co. no Doubt Seniors Hear Ye! Hear Y IISTIME TO LEAVE YOUR ORDER FOR SEIORS Place your order for VISITING CARDS Now The Slater Book Shoi s ...,. :....... .. ,.,. { 1 _ i i 1 j \ '.. i . ' .. .. . .: ..: . ..:. ; . .. :. . .. ..: .: :. ...: f FESTIVAL VISITOJ will find Gilberts Chocolates Fresh from the Kitchen CallingCards at QUARRY DRUG PRESCRIPTION ST Cor. State and N. Uni Phone 308 SAMPLES OF CORRECT AND UP-TO-DATE ENGRAVING NOW IN OnShore'and Off men like our collegians who. are training for the navy and'Uncle Sam's seasoned sea fighters-men who must maintain their vigor, quickness and "headiness"-are tuning up on DETROIT UNITED LINES Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and fah (May 14, 1918) Detroit Limited and Express Cars- m., 8: to a.! ., and hourly to 7:1o p. : p. m. Jackson Express Cars (local stops Ann Arbor)-8:48 a. in., and every tw to 9:48 p. in. Local Cars East Bound-s:35 a. : a. m., 7:65 a. in. and every two hours p. m., 9:05 p. mn., 0:5o P. in. To Y only, 8:o5 p. m., rxr:5o p. m., 12:20 i::o a. m., and to Saline, change at Y Local Cars West Bound-6:oo a. n A. in., io:2o p. i., 12:20 a. m. Courteous "'and satisfaci TREATMENT to every cust er, whether the account be la or small. The, Ann Arbor Savings Bf( Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $550,00 Resources .........$4,000,00 Northwest Cor. Main & Hu 707 North University Ave SWAIN has the Fin Photographic collection of. Arbor Views. See it. 713 East University Soft in the strictest sense, but a thorough- going man'scdrink-gives you the full flavor of wholesome grains and the nip and fra- grance of genuine Bohemian Saazer Hops. Try Bevo by itself-see how good it makes things to eat taste. Served at the best places everywhere. Families supplied bk grocers. Manufactured and bottled exclusively by Anheuser-Busch, St. Louis, U. S. A. Bevo ahould be served cold 'The all-year-'round soft drink" i l1) I I J TU TTI PIE-A-LA-M Let this soak in-- I You want the best straw to be had, and you w ant one to suit you. We have the biggest stock of straw hats in Ann Arbor, which gives you the most to pick from. We absolutely guarantee them to give satisfactory wear. B.UNCHES and S --- TYPEWRITE .For Sale TYPEWIII Mimeographing Fraternity and Social St 0. D _ ORRILL 322 South State St SNORTI"AND TYPEWI I this summer. Therefore, come to Reule-Conlin-Fiegel's and get your hat. You will save time. I i AND TIE WAR a feeling, more and immer approaches, onths will put the f the American uni- Classes3 I eule=Conlin - Fiegel Comanry Home of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Clothes, at Southwest cor. Main and Washington-downtown I