____THE MICHIGAN DAILY -- . I 'OU'RE NOT READY Ber ThfE t FOR SUMMER Samp less you have ordered that light weight nmer suit. A summer suit made by Mal- rm is a combination of style, comfort, and )nomy. Style is possible for the reason that suit is cut and made to your individual asure. Comfort is there because the mat- al is of the sheerest fabric, and economy,b e- ase a summer suit costs little in the begin- ig and if hand tailored by Malcolm will ar sand always look well-We are showing ne line of serge and flannel trousers. Mysterious News C omes From East Have you heard? One of the wildest, strangest, most uncouth ,animals imaginable has been discovered. The discovery was first learned of with the receipt of a cablegram in this country addressed to the keeper of the New York city zoo. Most of the telegram was unintel- ligble except for th first line. "Have found it, what I have been searching for all my life," was all that could be deciphered of it. The rest of the cablegram was un- derstood to be a description of what eminent biological professors, who have been consulted, declare will be one of the oddest freaks of animal life that has ever been heard of. The cablegram was sent from Pon- tichello, Southeast Africa, a place that has not yet been successfully located on maps of that continent by the keep- er of the New York zoo. The cable- gram was signed by a' famed Amer- ican authority on biology who left this country several years ago to make a discovery tour into the wilds of Africa. The keeper of the New York zoo is still anxiously awaiting further in- formation about what so far is a very obscure and tantalizing mystery to him. Use the Daily classified columns. K. MALCOLM T' LIBERTY STREET MALCOLM BLOCK Don't Forget to Attend Our, 45th Anniversary S a le etroit Sheehan & Co. n Arbor D iAVE the -PIECES Broken Eye Glass Lenses ground in our own shop, same day. Try our Service. Eyes Examined. A LLERW &FUL L ERK State Street Jewelers -- - - 4illen s Busy Store HERE IT IS AGAIN! Ann Arbor's Best Bargain Event The splendid Savings here on Thursday, May 23 will make your dollars happy WHAT'S GOING ON TODAY 11:00 o'clock--Prof. Joseph B. Dav- is addresses freshman engineer as- sembly in room 348, Engineering building. 4:05 o'clock-Michigan-Ohio base- ball game at Ferry field. 7:30 o'clock-Prof. Arthur L. Cross lectures on "TheBritish Empire and What It Stands For" in Natural Sci- ence auditorium. 7:30 o'clock-Moving pictures on "Training of the Soldier" in Hill aud- itorium. U-NOTICES Freshmen interested in "Y" work for next year should report at 11 o'clock today in Lane hall. Week-End Atarks Donning of Strawns Real summer is here at last! The kind of summer that brings on the languid, boulevardy feeling drives many a swain up to the little old Hu- ron for a "canoe-ride." There is no doubt about the ar- rival of the hot time. Doubters and scoffers must do.away with their sneers and close their philosophies for they are out of order. No, the summer frocks in the patriotic pa- rade are not the signs of summer's arrival. Nor is the leafing out of the campus trees. Straw Hatday has been announced. This year there will be two days, say the powers that be. Friday and Saturay of this week will be the mo- mentous occasions. Michigan's tradi- tions must be adhered to. Goodbye derby and cap. Nothing will be prop- er but straw hats or fresh "pots." For the freshmen are not supposed to be- lieve these days are any imitations of Cap night. Everyone else will be ex- pected to don new headgear. BIGGEST PARADE IN YEARS OPENS RED CROSS CALPAIGN (Continued from Page One) not mechanics, men, and money that will win the °war, but the morale of the nation. It was the morale of the Italians that made them lose the war. We must sink all our individual dif- ferenas and personal desires that stand in the way of a united America and the men in the trenches." French Officers Parade Serg. Ernest Coste and Serg. Robert Sorel, two French officers detailed at Camp Custer as trench warfare in structors, took part in the parade yes- terday. Sergeant Coste gave an ad- dress, directly following President Mc- Kenny's speech, on "The Work of the American Red Cross in France." Both men have seen two years of active service, having been in the bat- tles at Verdun and the Somme. Ser- geant Coste is a graduate of the Rem- vio's university in France, and is in- structing the men at Camp Custer in engineering. Sergeant Sorel is a graduate of the wireless department of Paris university, and was wounded in the cheek, because of which he was forced to remain in an American Red Cross hospital for a month. Praises American Red Cross Although Sergeant Coste was never wounded, he said that he saw a great deal of the work of the American Red Cross at Verdun, and said that it was a "marvellous institution." They 5a:e well equipped, and are even supplied with a number of X-ray machines, so necessary in the surgery work. He said that their system is so efficient that men can be operated on two hours after they have been wounded. "Bless- ing is poured forth from every soldier for any assistance that may be done for the Red Cross organization," con- tinued Sergeant Coste. In commenting on the parade, he said, "It was marvellous. We have seen a good number of such demon- strations in this country, and have been welcomed everywhere. Such a large celebration was not expected from a city this size." In referring to the work of the R. O. T. C. men, Sergeant Coste said: "They march excellently for the short period they have been training. This is probably due to excellent instruction." It was announced at the end of the parade that Ypsilanti had gone "over the top" at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. Thrift Clubs Formed to Sell Stamps The down town committee for the sale of thrift and war savings stamps reports that many thrift clubs have been .formed during the drive which was inaugurated last week. Several hundred clubs are expected to be or- ganized as a result of the campaign. Dancing Friday and Saturday nights at the Armory.-Adv. Aged Autos Snared To Aid Mechanics The yard back of the -Engineering building has become a happy-hunt- ing-ground for all sorts of early-vin- tage automobiles of various degrees of rust and dilapidation. Most of these wenthout of activecservice years ago and have since decorated sundry farm yards in the county as recepta- cles for geraniums and petunias. All day yesterday, perspiring groups of men, helped by the Uni- versity's motor trucks, were engaged in dragging these heirlooms from their resting places to the present mobilization point behind the Engi- neering building. Here they will be utilized to instruct the new unit of army mechanics in chassis repair and design. "Dead or Alive Members of the present group of gas-engine mechanics are receiving valuable instruction in first-aid work, being sent after the cars with in- structions to bring them in "dead or alive." On the trip in yesterday, the sand was so deep that it was neces- sary to drag first one car through and then return for the next. The last convoy arrived early yesterday morn- ing, having started from up in the county Monday afternoon. The chief of the tribe, and perhaps the most interesting, is a hybrid that was brought in from Whitmore lake on its rims yesterday afternoon. With a Chalmers frame and axles, this freak boasts a Studebaker engine, Cadillac body, and Elmore transmis- sion. Some of the men who brought it in say they expect to discover parts of many other cars when the time comes to take the thing apart. Nine Cars in Collection There are nine other cars in the collection and more are arriving ev- ery day. According to the men in charge, 50 machines in all will be needed for the instruction of the men. Of these, it is hoped that 25 may be restored to running condition to serve as road cars, while the oth- ers will be taken down and used for class work. TEXAS UNIVERSITY TRAINS MOST MEN The University of Texas is, or soon will be, training more enlisted men than any university or college in the United States. By the -middle of June it will have in training 3,770 soldiers, while Harvard university, Texas' closest rival, is now instructing 2,195 men. The registrar of the University of Texas, in a letter received yesterday by Homer Heath, '07, general secre- tary of the Union, who is collecting data on the number of soldiers which the various universities are training, says: "The University of Texas is operat- ing three schools for the United States government. One of these is the School of Military Aeronautics, established about one year ago. While the number of men in that school va- ries from month to month, the average is about 1,000. "The second school, established about two months ago, is the School of Ra- dio Mechanics. Two hundred and sev- enty men are being trained in it. "The third school opened this week with 500 men. It is the Schol of Au- tomobile Mechanics. The war de- partment will send about 500 men each week until the number reaches 2,500. New barracks have been built to care for them. By the middle of pext month the University of iTexas will have in training 3,770 enlisted men." TWO MORE MICHIGAN WOMEN JOIN WAR GARDEN WORKERS Two more Michigan girls left last Saturday to join the unit of war gar- den workers at Detroit. They are Helen Hughes, '18, and Zora Hickox, '18. These girls will aid in the organiz- ing of groups of children, who are to cultivate war gardens on the vacant lots of Detroit. Each girl will over- see four or five of these groups until July 1. The work will be continued after that time by the civil service. These students will receive full credit for the semester's- work. Klinger-Dancer Marriage Announced Announcement was made of the marriage of Vivian Klinger, '18, to Charles Dancer, ex-'18E, on April 15, 1918, last evening at the Delta Gam- ma Sorority. Dancer is now station- ed at Camp Sherman, Ohio. BEUATY SHOP Miss Mable Rowe, Shampooing, Man- icuring, Mas'sage and -Chiropody. 326 N. 5th Ave., Cor. Detroit St.- Open evenings by appointment. Phone 2402.-Adv. COOLD CREAM FOP SOLDIERS RECEIV Word has been received of the safe arrival of a box of cold cream con- taining 200 jars, which was sent to France in the early spring to be dis- tributed by Dr. James F. Breakey, '91M. The need for such commodities is expressed in one of his letters pub- lisped in the Alumnus and the ad- visory committee of the university Y. M. C. A. has attempted to furnish a very limited supply for our men over- seas. "Cold cream is difficult to procure and doubly needed by reason of the life our soldiers lead and the limited amount of hot water procurable forA ordinary hand bathing. The water is very hard and their skin suffers ac- cordingly. "The shipment was all too small when distributed among 30 or more officers, 75 nurses, 30 or 40 wards with 800 to 1,000 patients, to say noth- ing of our own 150 men." Every jar of cold cream sold, sends one jar abroad, for all profits go Into cold cream for our men in service. No money is paid for the labor of making the cream, this being given free. The cold cream is on sale at Quarry's drug store and Mack's drug department. COSMOPOLITAN CLUB TO HOLD ELECTIONS FRIDAY EVENING Members of both the men's and worn- en's chapters of the Cosmopolitan club held their spring hike and "roast" last Saturday about two miles up the river. The party of 18, which was chaperoned by Mr. and Mrs. Had- ginsky, the former secretary of tle Cosmopolitan club two years ago, left Lane hall at 9:30 o'clock and re- turned late in the afternoon. The annual meeting of the men's chapter for election of officers will be held at 7:30 o'clock Friday evening in Lane hall. Nominations and elec- tions for president, and eight mem- hers of the board, including four stu- dents, two faculty men,'and two busi- ness men, will be held at this time. Reports of the committees for the entertainment, "A Night in Japan," which was held two weeks ago, will also be made. Plans for the annual Cosmopolitan banquet are being made, and the time has been set for Saturday, June 3. The banquet will be held in the Methodist church. Rhonkdda Withdraws Resignation London, May 21. - Baron Rhondda, who last month asked premier Lloyd George to relieve him of his duies as food controller, today with4rew his resignation. Baron Rhondda on April 25 tender- ed his resignation because of ill health. The Baron organized the. war munitions supplies in the United States for the British government in 1915. He is a survivor of the Lusi- tania tragedy. Naval Outlook Declared Hopeful Washington, May 21. - Offensive operations agains t German subma- rines are producing good results,. said acting secret ary,Franklin 'D. Roosevelt of the navy today. And he added, that while it would be too much to cay that the submarine sit- uation is under control, or that the U-boats will not be regarded' as ' a menace, still the outlook is hopeful. Schwab Issues $100,000,000 Contract -- Cleveland, 0., May 20.-An agree- ment to build 130 vessels which will cost approximately $800,000 each, and totaling about $100,000,000, was reach-..:' ed here today between Charles M. Schwab, director general of govern- ment ship building program, and the Great Lakes Ship Building company. Quakes Recorded in New York New York, May 21.- Earthquake shocks, beginning at 10:43 o'clock this morning, and continuing until noon, at an estimated distance of 3,- 300 miles from New York City, were recorded today on the seismograph at Fordham university. Fresh Engineers to Hear Prof. Davis Prof. Joseph B. Davis, professor- emeritus of geodosy and surveying in the engineering college and for whom Camp Davis was named, will be in Ann Arbor today to address the fresh- man engineer assembly at 11 o'clock in room 348, Engineering building. Music Students Will Give Recital Students from the piano and violin department of the University School of Music will give a recital at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon in the School of Music hall. Everybody is welcome- .1I LAR DAY '4 The great Bargain Carnival. Come! Dollar Day $1.50 Nain- >ok Night Robes, ONE DOLLAR 1.25 large Coverall Aprons ONE DOLLAR $1.25 40-inch Chiffon ;repes, ONE DOLLAR DOLLAR DAY 65c Men's Shawknit Silk $1.50. ONE Hand Bags, DOLLAR Dollar Day $1.50 Ladies' Gingham Dresses, ONE DOLLAR Hose, two pair for ONE DOLLAR 65c Women's Silk Hose, in Colors, two pair for ONE DOLLAR Curtain Scrim, ten yards, ONE DOLLAR $1.50 Lace Curtains for $1.00 PAIR _ # $1.25 72x90 Sheets for ONE DOLLAR $1.00 Day in Waists. Special table Waists, $1.50 values; two for ... . .$1.00 $1.50 Children's Gingham Dresses, pretty styles, $1.00 $1.50 Japan Long Kimonas . . .... $1.00 35c Corset Covers, 4 for $1.00 $1.50 Handsome Voile Waists $1.00 $1.50 Umbrellas for ONE DOLLAR 15c Curtain Scrim, 10 yards for . .....$1.00 $1.50 Crepe Kimonas. .$1.00 $1.50 Black Satine Petticoats . . . .. $1.00 $1.50 Auto Veils .....$1.0 35c Fancy Colored Border Bath Towels, 4 for.. $1.00 Men's 19c Hose, 7 pairs for . . ......... $1.00 35c Women's Lisle Hose, 4 pairs for ..........$1.00 Plain or hemstitched; with floral borders; 35 15c and 19c values. some inch ; $1.25 Mercerized Hemmed Table Spreads for ONE DOLLAR 65c Table Damask, 2 yards for $1.00 $1.50 Corsets.$1.00 $2.00 White Wash Skirts, ONE DOLLAR 35c Boys' and Girls' Stock- ings, 4 pairs for .....$1.00 c Women's for ... . . Knit Vests, 2 .$1.00 Store Open at 30. Come in the morning. VS. S. MILLEN 11