0F00 TOMORROW IS Dollar Day rU Lanamar znas Interesting Story Undoubtedly you have many times, in walking down the diagonal walk, noticed the huge boulder that rests on the campus in front of the Law building with the words "Presented to- the University by the Class, of 1862" cut on it. Have you ever stop- ped to wonder where it came from, how it got there, and why it was pt*- sented to the University? There is a notice in the report of the University museum to the Board of Regents in 1863, one year after the huge rock appeared on the campus, which tells the story o fthis old land- mark. "It was found in a lot near the rail- road depot, projecting slightly above the surafce of the ground," the story says, "and was raised by the private enterpirse of the class and removed to the campus on a sled in February. It was left there where it is now to be found, the inscription of the class of 1862 acrved on it as a monument to their memory." "It weighs about six tons, and is com- posed of jaspery conglomerate, and wil lremain there in memory of the clas sof 1862, far outlasting the pyra- mids as it already exceeds them in antiquity," the story adds. WOMEN OFFERED SPECIAL COURSES A NOLD DALY it"MY OWN UN AT THE MAJESTIC TODAY AND The eagles on your dol- .k lars will fairly scream with delight when they see our prices. Nothing but seasonable and reliable merchandise is offered at this sale. Make your dollars earn war-time dividends at our * * * * * * *. * * R >: * * * * * * * * * * * *- * * * * * * * * * * * AT THE THEATERS * "Gypsy Trail," at the Garrick. * * TODAY Ji store tomorrow. These are but a few of the many bargains offer- ed. Pay s a visit and be convinced of our desire to give your dollars 'more than their usual purchas- "Over 17 per'cent of the enrollment of our Amercian colleges has been taken from them by the war," was the recent statement of Dean E. H. Kraus of the summer session. "This repre- sents," he said, "a loss of 68,500 col- lege and university men, whose places must now be filled by women. The University of Michigan is therefore of- fering special courses this summer in the lines of work most needed." A course for w6men, food and food values, is to be given on the same basis as military training for men. It may be taken in addition to the regular amount of work allotted a student. In this way it will be possible to get nine hours credit, or, if one has a record of B for their work inthe pre- ceding summer session, they may get 10 hours credit. Other special courses will include practical hygiene and Red Cross work; the great war, and a seminary in con-' temporary world problems, both of which are concerned with the political background of the war. A course in Latin-American relations will be giv- en in the Spanish department. Play Ground, Indoor and Tennis Balls at Cushing's.-Adv. Class Dancing Monday and Thurs- day evenings at the Packard.-Adv. Majestic - "My Own United States," played by Arnold Daly. Wuerth-Louise Glaum in "An Alien Enemy." Also Eagle's Eye. Orpheum - Marguerite Clark in "Bab's Diary." Also Eagle's Eye. * * * - * * * * * s * There is always qt increase your buwlnes 40dertiing. Try It.- Pop. Mats, Tue., Thur. GMII Sat., 25&50c DETROI THE BONSTELLI A RIto% SHOWS AT 3:0o, 6 i~c Unless Otherv Wed-22-Mae Murray'i Mutt and Jeff Car Arcade-Mae Murray in "Face Value." Mutt and Jeff Cartoon, "Janitors." Also Screen Tele- gram. * * * Sat25-Alice Joyce in the Su" and Drew ing power tomorrow. . $1.00 . $1.00 . DJu Choice its From College Exchanges The proceeds of the annual senior play at the University of Oregon, which will go toward the Senior Mem- orial, were $200. As a result of the drive which the United States marines are making at the University of Pennsylvania, 50 students have enlisted. Students at the University of Okla- homa who do not register this spring -for next year will be fined $2 on their appearance next fall. The object in having students enroll before they go away for the summer is to give the faculty a general idea of the courses which will be needed next year and also to avoid the rush in the fall when the freshmen arrive. The dormitories at Princeton will be apportioned in two groups next year- one for those pursuing the military course, and one for the small minority who are taking no military work what- soever. All freshmen will live in the military dormitories. The members of the University of Illinois band recently purchased a $100 Liberty bqnd with the money earned by them this year at the var- ious concerts they have given. One hundred and eighty-seven de- grees will be given this June at the University of Oklahoma. GOODHEW Flowers Plants Ferns r. M A 225 E. Liberty. The Soul i . / " Michigan SlOVS - 3, 7, I25c - ncludl. ed Cross! Wuerth Afternoon- Evening-7 :oc In order to fill vacancies in the* faculty caused by enlistments, the board of overseers at Harvard promot- ed three assistant professors to full professorships. DePauw university announces the election of ten seniors to Phi Beta Kappa. The University of Utah has greatly curtailed its commencement program in an effort to eliminate as much ex- 'ues-Wi An rye,' 'Thurs-T Pettic Come )n-26. Give Money or Service pease as possible. 1; The ensign school, conducted at Northwestern university, has at pre- sent 18 members. The work consists of-study of the blue-jakets manual and navigation mathematics so far as the theory is concerned, and drilling and signalling on the practical side. Base Ball Supplies-all kinds at Cushing's.-Adv. Trunks, Suitcases and Bags at rea- sonable prices. You may trade in your Space donated by ARBOR PRESS and THE MICHIGAN DAILY