JJLJ C I gel cloth. I may STATE STREET EATING HOUSES DECLARED TO BE IN GOOD CONDITION Inspection of the rooming houses on the campus was begun this morning by Miss Sue Har ilton, health service sanatarian. Students found living in: houses which are not being properly kept will be given permission to move. An. investigation made last week of the eating houses on State street showed them to be in quite good con- dition. The investigation will con- tinue until all eating and rooming houses have been inspected. Miss Hamilton has drawn up a series of menus for this week. They are prepared especially for the use of boarding houses which desire to co- operate with the food administrator, and still give the students the proper amount and kinds of food. The menus follow: Monday Breakfast-Rhubarb, cornmeal mush or puffed ricer toast, butter or oleo, coffee or milk. Lunch-Bouillon, scalloped potatoes, deviled eggs, barley muffins, lemon jell. Dinner-Potato souffle, rib roast of beef, cauliflower with lemon butter, jelly, apricot custard, tea,, coffee or milk. Tuesday Breakfast-Dates, cornflakes or oat-' meal, toast. Lunch-Fried potatoes, frankfort sau- sage, cold slaw, rye bread, sauce and cake. Dinner-Baked potatoes, mutton, spinach salad with Rssian sauce,1 peanut butter, custard pie. Wednesday (weatless) Breakfast-Rhubarb, rolled barley and corn flakes, toast. Lunch-Cream of tomato soup, cream- ed potatoes, baked beans, catsup, corn muffins, tapioca cream. Dinner-Mashed potatoes, steak, creamed 'onions, chopped pickles, chocolate sundae. Thursday Breakfast-Oranges, hominy 'grits, toast. , Lunch-Fried potatoes, Hungarian goulash, lettuce with French dress- ing, rye bread, sauce and cake. Dinner-Baked potatoes, roast mut- ton with dressing, mint jelly, but- tered peas, blanc' mange, nutmeg sauce. Friday Breakfast-Bananas, corn flakes or puffed rice, toast. Lunch-Clam bouillon, potato cakes, salmon salad, barley biscuit, prune whip. Dinner-Mashed potatoes, baked cod- fish, dressing, creamed lima beans, cucumber pickles, fresh pineapple sundae. Saturday Breakfast-Stewed figs,.cream of rice, toast. Lunch-Baked potatoes, meat pie, vegetable salad, sauce and cake. Dinner-Boiled potatoes, veal steak, buttered carrots, horseradish sauce, rhubarb sauce. Sunday, Breakfast-Grape fruit, oat cakes, toast. Dinner-Fried chicken, mashed pota- toes, creamed asparagus, cucumber salad, strawberry, shortcake. Lunch-Barley biscuit, green onions, cold tongue, marmalade. BREAD REDUCTION ALARMS GERMANY Washington, May 20. - Announce- ment that the bread ratio is to be re- duced on June 15, has caused grave apprehension throughout Germany. An official dispatch today from Switzer- land, says that even the governmental trust have adopted a tone no less pos- simistic than that of the Socialist pa- pers, whcih foresee a great diminish- ing of the physical and general force' which helps in supporting the hard- ships of the fourth year 'of the war. jMILITARY NEWS Application for training for commis- sions in the flying section of the sig- nal corps will be received by the mili- tary authorities, according to a mem- orandum issued last night. A letter explaining the requirements. quali- fications, and other data is posted on the R. O. T. C. bulletin board at Wat- erman gymnasium. All /cadets who are interested should consult the bul- letin board for additional information. Any naval reserve students, who have already been recommended for the summer camp at Fort Sheridan, are asked to report tb Lieut. Losey J. Williams, of room 202 Natural Sci- ence building, some time during the day. i3 3 'n a '« e '. CAMPUS LIFE ECLARES REACHED CLIO IN General Orders, No. 91 1. The R. 0. T. C. has been request- ed to take part in the Red Cross pa-1 rade to be held Tuesday, May 21, 1918.t The parade formation will he held on that day in lieu of regular instruc- tion. Attendance will be taken. 2. This formation is compulsory. No cadet who is not iti ranks, in his prop- 'er organization, by 2:30 o'clock, will be permitted to take part in the pa-t rade, but will be marked absent for that day. 3. The cadet band will form on north University avenue, with its left resting on State street. 4. The mechanics are to form on the right of the band. 5. The Second regiment will fall in1 at 2:20 o'clock, west of Waterman gymnasium. Rifles will be taken byj the second regiment in the following order: Second battalion first, then in order, as long as rifles are available, by companies D, C. B, and A. As soon, as rifles are taken, the second regi-j ment will march to its place in the line on North University avenue, on the right of the mechanics. shock of the Huron- pull each other be the banks. It remin ody on "Mother, N2 Swim?" Should Sli It used to be that "I can," he had to he says this and tempts to make hin the intruder is im: a -ruffian and a vi loyal to the Vniver merely keeping up traditions, As a gr; stated to us from 1 chatter 9c5, page Napoleon's Law I wearing of the cap is an infringement Editor, The Michigan Daily: Several articles have been ing of late as to the propriety ing. It seems to me that the has been reached in "sissyfyii campus and its life. There can be no doubt in ai mind but that the freshmen ar omore classes are becoming "cocky" with each succeedin Perhaps this is a good trait, according to Michigan sta which have always been of th est. I can't see why we shoul a seminary of our Universi sooner than the war will r necessary. The reformation games and hazing seems to g in hand with the progress of"N baseball, tennis and knitting. N to hold our tug of wars over t so one side could be dragged given a drenching. Now o 6. When the second regiment is 'in enfo its place in line,, the first regiment will be marched to its place on the Le right of the second regiment. Head- Why quarters company will form on the after right of the first regiment. Company the I, first regiment, will form and march derc with the first regiment. . feel BY ORDER LIEUT. MULLEN: cann L. J. WILLIAMS, med: Ast. Lt., P. S., retired, I Adjutant. seve an ra PARADE TO BEGIN RED CROSS DRIVE IN CITY anythi the fre There Sale r0 Detroit It will confain an the names of all s in the army and special list of the 'ees of the univer- (Continued from Page One) The following committee has been appointed to aid her in the work: Clarissa McCollum, '18, K. Frances Handibo, '18, Margaret I. Lippincott, '19, Martha Guernsey, '19, Ethel A. Reese, Grad, Ada C1 Arnold, '19, Cath- erine C. Connell, '18, Dorothy Mar- quis, '19, Helen M. Bourke, '18, Opal V. Matson, '19, Ruth Maclachlan, '18, Ruth A. Chadwick, '18, Jean A. Mac- lennan. '19, Elizabeth A. McDonald, '20, Miriam A. Clarke, '19, Edith R. McCormack, of the School of Music, and Helen S. Tibbals, '19. Announce- tieint of the other names will be made later. The booths will be opened at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday morning, and will remain open until 6 o'clock in the evening. See the latest styles in personal calling cards at James Foster House of Art.-Adv. Our Merchant advertisers represent the progressive business men of Ann Arbor.-Adv. n T. Hale, of the Univer- na will be in the English Af the summer school of versity. rersity of Minnesota, mil- . will be introduced in ners classes as a part of work. Special.attention i to war vocabulary and ich. slang to enable the ead easily the French ac- war, andto prepare them a possible' need of it. A. 311 To Those University of Kansas will grad- 50 students this spring: James 1, former United States ambass- o Germany, will deliver the ation address. repair trunks. Koch and Henne. 50.-Adv MILITARY LWe, Sam Burchfield & Co., last word in making military u CWeare safe in saying there i country getting more satisfacto W i I FRATERNITY BOOTHS TO BE AT INDOOR CARNIYAlI ase Ball Supplies-all kinds hing's.-Adv. at I ,.w Fraternities given in the following list will have booth at the Indoor Circus carnival to be held at the Michigan Union the latter part of the month: Delta Kappa Epsilon, Chi Psi, Sigma Chi, Delta Epsilon, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Phi, Phi Kappa Psi, Alpha Delta Phi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Psi Upsilon, Phi Kappa Sigma, Kappa Sigma, Phi Gamma Delta, Phi Delta Theta, Beta Theta Pi, Zeta Psi, Zeta Beta Tau, Lambda Chi Alpha, Al- pha Tau Omega, Monks, Trigon, Woolsack and Archons. LIf you are wearing civilian clothes, then make your spring outfit which carries the high grade class of work coupled with a large and fine line of woolens. Respectfully Submitted, ICTURES Sam Bur 1 06 E. Huron Street Groi t Cu Indoor and ''.-Adv I