N AT ONCE (Continued from Page One) wood and composition sheeting, with a large skylight in the center. No windows will be installed until fall, the openings to be covered until then by wire screens. Heating and light- ing appliances will also be put in at that time. Smaller Building Alongside and to the east of this building will be another one, of small- er dimensions, 60 by 16 feet, with toil- et facilities for 375 men and washing accomodations for 100 at a time. The main building will be used wholly for instructing the mechanics in chassis work. The remaining cour- ses in their curriculum will be taught in other buildings on the campus. Courses of Instruction Besides the 500 army mechanics, there will be another 200 men who are to replace the 199 members of the University of Michigan training de- tachment. One hundred of this num- ber will receive instruction as gener- al mechanics, or "handy men." They will pursue courses in pipe fitting, and forge and lathe work. Another 60 will train as gunsmiths, and the re- maining 40 will fit themselves as car- penters. The courses for all except the gen- eral mechanics are specified by the government, and the University fol- lows instructions. Need for Old Cars Prof. Henry H. Higbie, of the engi- neering college, stated yesterday that there is a great need for old, worn- out automobiles which the auto me- chanics might use for experimental purposes. "Anyone who has an old car which will not run can do a great-service to the University by donating the ma- ,chine for use by the mechanics," de- 'clared Professor Higbie. "We can use cars that will not run and which are valuable only as junk." Administrative System Professor Higbie also explained the system of administration which will be employed this summer in the in- struction of the government men. There will be four administrative offi- cers and thirty-five instructors. About 15 of the latter have already been se- cured, and 20 more shop experts will be engaged. The administrative board is made up of the following faculty men: Prof. Henry H. Higbie, educational director; Prof. Benjamin F. Bailey, in charge of ignition, starting, and light- ing work; Prof. William L. Miggett, supervisor of shop work; and Mr., Walter E. Lay, director of chassis, engine, carburetor, and testing work. .FRESHMEN GATHER IN GAMES PEP MEETING; SPIRIT HIGH; Choice Bits From College Exchanges The liberty fund which was estab- lished by the Cornellian council in connection with a campaign to get al- umni all over the country to give their Liberty bonds to the university to help the war deficit, has already totaled $31,150. The estimated deficit of the university is $50,000. Syracuse university has 1,400 stars on its service flag, an increase of 400 since its presentation in January. The naval cadet aviators at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have subscribed more than $500,000 to the third Liberty Loan. There are 700 cadets at the school. At the University of Illinois it has been decided to change the name of the women's league to "womens' self- government association." At least 2,500 students are expected to enroll in the summer session at the University of Wisconsin this year, ac- cording to Dean Scott H. Goodnight. The University of Pennsylvania is staging a "University Week" begin- ning this Monday, during which all of the old customs and traditions will be revived which have been discarded during the war. An interclass rush will be held Wednesday, followed by a dinner for the entire university. New York, N. Y.,May 15.-United the. French and States marines now 'figlting in France infes designate report that the trench 'slang of the Poilus and the Tommies is receiving MAY the impress of the American idea. patrons are o "Boche," the French term of con- best hair dress tempt for a German, is perfectly good Marceling. Mr French for "bonehead" and the Tom- N. Univ. Phon mies adopted it. But to the American ear it lacked punch. And the pronun- See the late ciation was tricky. It did, however, calling cards a suggest a term expressing the Ameri- of Art.-Adv. 1 A Special Off< Young Men We have a few SPORTC( Iin BLUE, HEATHERS Al $10 to $12.50 va NOW ON $8 and~ -I The University of Illinois is plan- ning the establishment of a univer- sity club for women, similar to the present men's university club, which will have a club-house with library and rooms for social gatherings. PEACE CONTEST IS TO BE SUPPLANTED An extemporaneous public speaking "Liberty" contest will be held by the Oratorical association of the Univer- sity Tuesday May 28, instead of the annual Michigan peace contest. The state peace contest has. been discontin- ued for the duration of the war, by the common consent of the 10 state uni- versities that participate in it. The national peace contest has likewise been discontinued for the period of the war. Five to seven speakers, selected by previous try-outs, will take part is the "Liberty" contest. They will de- liver extemporaneous speeches, eight minutes in length, on the general sub- ject of "Liberty'.' The exact subjects on which the speakers will talk will be given them one hour before they mount the platform. They will all deal with practical phases of the word "Liberty," and any person with a fair understanding of the doings of tle day will be easily able to handle his subject, the oratory department announces. The "Liberty" contest is an experi- ment in extemporaneous public speaking, and Michigan is said to be the first university in the country to attempt an event of this kind. Two other universities are following Mich- dgan's lead and will hold contests of a similar nature. Participation in the contest is open to any student at the University. Those desiring to take part are asked to inform Mr. Ray K. Immel, of the oratory department, who is the contest director, before Saturday, May 18 Freshmen desiring to enter the contest twill have to secure special permission from Prof. W. Ray Humphreys, of the committee on eligibility. Additional details about the con- test will be furnished to those trying out for it, at a special meeting to be held at 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon in room 302, Mason hall. Belleve Vussia Will Return Darby, Pa., May 15.-First Lieut. J. A. Youngblood and Second Lieut. Richard D. Reese, of this town, who went to Russia almost a year ago as part of the Russian railway service de- tachment of the United States engi- neers, and who have just returned to their homes by way of Japan, both declared they believe Russia will 309 SC , .. .. May F will appreciate td .1 ; 1 . An atti afternoont luncheon. tea as w In the House Phone 254-F1 Fred td., (Continued from Page One) Edward Usher was elected captain of the contest for both days by ma- jority vote, and will be assisted by two lieutenants, John Henry and Ed- win Bovill. Twenty men were also Chosen to take part in the cane spree. R. C. Patterson, '18, a member of the student council, explained the rules and requirements of the game. He said, "Get in the thing with some real spirit, and show the other side up. But don't forget that it's a game, and play square." Sophomores Meet Tonight Sophomores will meet at ' o'clock tonight, at the same place. The same speakers will be present to read the rules. Alan W. Boyd, '18, of the Var- sity football and basketball teams,; will address the class. James I. McClintock, '19, chairman of the spring games committee of the Student Council, urges all sophomores to attend tonight's rally. "Unless the sophomores exhibit more spirit, they can never hope to win," he said. GERMAN SUBMARINES FAIL TO COME BACK; UNSATISFACTORY Zurich, May 15.-A whole squadron of German submarines of a new large type, failed to return after a cruise, according to information received from a German source. 1111 LLJ1I AfL 'rT A n' LUNCHE SATUR i A LA CART WWT hiote Silk f ~WITH COLLAR ,ITT -ES RE HCES will not meet his Community Prob- 8a) today. Alo same s $1.00 Athletic Underclass Notice * *1 re freshmen and sophomores report this afternoon for' hing in for the tug-of-war. * ,* 3 $1.50 Athletic Underwear .. o'clock-- for the relay races' * ield from 2 to 4 o'clock * noon at Ferry field for * ses. * * * * * * * * * * Military Sui For Officers The new type U-boats are be most unsatisfactory, being said to again become an efficient aid to the too. un- Allies. Prices s in exchange toward New 1 of them in our Rental De- i less than their real value. and have it.put in order for it and cleaning. wieldly to maneuver rapidly. Other advices said a near-panic pre- vails at Kiel and Wilhelmshaven, (two of the main German naval bases) because the new British mine field in the North sea is hindering the move- ment of submarines. Consternation" also reigns because both Ostend and Zeebrugge, the two German U-boat bases on the Belgian coast, are now. bottled up. Our Merchant Advertisers represent the progressive business men of Ann Mm. BROWN Offers men.. and women high- est marketable prices for their 'old clothes. Anything in the of suits, overcoats, or shoes he will take off your hands.' Sell your old clothes. They are no good to you. I can use them. You will get your money's worth. No iquibbling to buy them cheap. Their absolute value will paid. Men's and women's apparel All Kinds of Kahki Covered Putt G both. Call Mr. Claude r A v- Phnn ',9 wn at 210 He will