* * * * * * "' *, I' i* AT THE THEATERS WAR FILMS WILL BE SHOWN HERE SATURDAY ows cast by the foliage will appear strange, because the light in shining through the apertures in the leaves, forms little crescent images of theI partially covered sun. Ten minutes 18 will no Ion- in former days. will be thrown s as they pass d "'matrimony." and old shoes ry as a patrio- od Administra- hat every effort waste of these thers. Rice is Id shoes should r France, saysf * * *# "The Naughty Wife,"' Garrick. at- the * * ARMY before the moon completely obscures OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT AND NAVY SCENES PICTURED -.- - I TODAY Brockwell * * * Majestic - Gladys * in "The Moral Law." >od quality in Italy and countries are selling as $20 a pair, making se almost impossible. st six months hundreds f shoes have gone across ys Mr. Robert H. Clancy, ge of the Detroit branch de board. s the flood of shoes dur- winter that federal au- hat there might be ques- as behind the movement, y the shoes were rip- e heel and sole in search essages, but none were have been reported riotism of the sender has Le extent of having re- the old shoes. * * *, * * * * * * ,* Wuerth-"Boss of the Lazy Y,"' played by Roy Stewart. Also comedy. ' '' , ', ,',, Orpheum -Wallace Reid in "Rimrock Jones." Also Keystone, "Did She Do Wrong?" * * , * * * Arcade-"The Danger Game," * played by Madge Kennedy. Also * a comedy, "Circumstantial Evi- * dence." , , AT THE ARCADE Girls Marchers Are Promoted" notions for the Women's mili- arching class are as follows: th McRoob, '21, right guide; annah Blumenthal, '20, left The corporals of the eight are: Helen Lowrie, spec., Mar- eadgold, '20, Katrina Schermer- 21, Winifred Hobbs, '20, Thelma '20, Frances Graves, '21, and eVries, '21. e Student Held as Slacker ieapolis, May 15.-S. E. Clem- 26 years old, son of a wealthy restaurant proprietor, was ar- here today by agents of the de- ant-of justice as an alleged draft Clemmings, who is a Yale t, admitted failing to register, ing to the police. Madge Kennedy has turned from the lighter form of the drama to -some-1 thing more serious in "The Danger Game," appearing at the Arcade to- day and tomorrow. Critics claim4 that she will renew her "Baby Mine,"1 "Our Little Wife," and "Nearly Mar- ried," successes in her new play. Cancer Research is Successful Paris, May 15.-The theory that cancer is not of microbic origin but is due to the excessive elimination of certain substances normally con- .tained in the blood, is supported by a report of the researches of Professer Dubard, just published by the Academy of Medicine. Finding that the system of cancer- ous subjects was particularly poor in. magnesia, Professor Dubard adntinis- 'tered large doses of it to patients oper- ated on for cancer, and reports re- couraging results in a large nu.nber of cases. Free Exhibition of the celebrated Medici Color Prints now on display at the James Foster House of Art.--Adv Play Ground, Indoor and Tennis Balls at Cushing's.-Adv. Official government war films, showing army and navy life of ties fighting forces, will be exhibited at the Arcade theater Saturday under the supervision of the Michigan war preparedness board. Although the government has put out these pictures primarily for the purpose of educating the people, all money over actual expenses is to be turned into a war fund for the support of Michigan soldiers' and sailors' de- pendents. Naval Scenes Pictured The people have always taken great pride in the United States navy, but they have known comparatively little about it. The government war pic- tures give an idea of the important part submarines are playing in the present war. The fleet of submarines is shown at work, and submarine de- stroyers, similar to the ones now in the war zone, are shown at their daily task of patrolling the waters of the Atlantic. Another film shows the actual handling and firing of the tor- pedo, the life aboard a large battle ship, and the daily drills and routine life on the water. Life in a big training camp, where soldiers are building trenches, is. shown in another film. The engineer-; ing division demonstrates the new liquid file and gas bombs, and the necessity of gas masks is demonstrat- ed in a striking fashion. Work in bayonet practice, hand-grenade throwing, and the use of other new in- ventions of the present war is also shown. Actual battles are not pictured, but there are many scenes taken in France. the larger solar body, the remaining light is deficient in blue and violet rays, appearing more like calcium light. Animals are perplexed, birds go to roost, the temperature falls, and sometimes the dew will appear. Then in a moment, the moon's shadow may be seen coming with terrifying velocity, darkness falls, and the glor- ious grandeur of the lighted heavensE is revealed to the startled eye of the observer. Dancing Friday and Saturday nights at the Armory.-Adv. C0OMING I ARNOLD DALY IN United States to The Maleslic Ivi THEATER T -E AER TO-DAY WILLIAM FOX Presents Gladysjrockwell THE and sat. - "The Nai CCHARLE5 CHERR SHOWS AT 'gc Unless lhurrii i6 17-IC (Dane aey, "Circurns SatCThe Gov cade toiay to preparations t me's net pi to help depem as. shows: OC. Past H a Cleaned, Bleached and In the latet shapes, witha fiings. Looks just like r no acids. We do only hig FACTORY.HAT'' 617 Packard St., nextt F Telephone g i Wuertb- Tb Afternoon-2 :3o an Evening-7:oo, 8:ooa Phone-16o-J BOOKINGS FOR Thurs-Fri - 16-17 - Roy S"Boss of the Lazy Y.' Sedy.. a S-William Russe Great Stanley Secret.' - and Comedy, "Hello Te SSun-Mon-ig-do - Julian " The widow's Might." Democracy, "The Slave ues-XWd-2 -22-Louise "An Alien Enemy." rye" No. ii. T I h2us-Fri-z3-2.--Vivian Petticoat Pilot." Al Comedy, "Mud." Orpheum T Afternoon- :30 at Evening-7:oo, 8:o0 Phone-i6o- e our advertisers.-Adv. 'I 'estival Tickets on sale at Hill Auditorium ITITUDES" mhht-8 o'clock Many People See Films Approximately 4,000 people wit- nessed the exhibition in Grand Rap- ids and ptonounced the films excel- lent. In Detroit, these pictures we run every night for two weeks t) crowded houses. The interest was so great that a return date will be given soon. From every place they have been shown, a request has come for a return ehgagement, but it is the plan of the preparedness board to allow every city and town in the state where a moving picture house is located the opportunity of seeing the pictures. Both federal and state governments want the people to see just what the United States troops and sailors are doing. (Twenty-five cents will be the ad- mission fee for adults, and,10 cents for children. The performances will begin at 10, 3, 6:30, 8, and 9:30 o'clock. TOTAL ECLIPSE OF SUN IS PREDICTED Aithough the total eclipse of the sun has had its place on the astronomors' calendars for years, even for several centuries, it is only now that ono of the phenomena of the lieaveus is com- ing to popular notice. On June 8, people living in a certain part of the United States will have the opportu- nity of witnessing one of the strang- est sights that the sky can offer. Partial eclipses are of frequent oc- currence and cause little comment ow- ing to the fact that the moon, only obscuring a part of the sun's surface, causes nothing startling to appear about the sun or its effect on the earth, and only when the flaming rim of the sun can be seen about the edge of the full moon, directly in front, does the cuiriosity of 'the public become aroused. The track of this total eclipse will stretch diagonally across the surface of this country, extending from the state of Washington in a straight line to Florida. The northwestern part of the track will be about 60 miles aCross, and will gradually decrease in breadth until it is approximately 40 miles across by the time it reaches the southeastern extremity of the United States. The observatory in Denver will be about in the center of the eclipse's path and the tourists' route, and there many people from all over the country will gather. Beginning near Japan, the moon's central. shadow will first fall on the earth, and ,crossing the Pacific in about two hours' time, will reach our western coast at three o'clock in the afternoon of June 8, Pacific standard time. The shadow will pass diagon- ally across the country, in 50 minutes, but owing to three divisions of stand- ard time belts, it will not touch Flor- ida until 7 o'clock p.m. eastern time. A story of a dual life Shows: 3:00, 7:00, 8:30 20c---including 2c tax---20c U Also 7The Rag Baby" COMEDY I i °191lu lfffafffff "THE WOMANI NiS". I - Ila- "The Danger ( - or - "POWDER-NOSE ANNIE" Thurs-Fri-i6-17- "Rimrock Jone "Did She Do V Sat- 8-Bessie Adventure." All Sun-Mon-i9-Zo- "The Law of Also News and Tues-2i-W. S row Trail." A II. (Ret.) XWed-22-Alargut Diary." Also (Pp" 1 MORAL I Soloists: r1ts Aithouse leton Ferguson and others ijE .L A iitAA f CIT A7617 WIT1 HER lHOMJE OF LUXURY TO PROVE THA AND SENSATIONAL TYPE OF BURGLAR. REPUTATION AS FEW GIRLS HAVE EV ED EXCITING AND COMIC PERILS, F TILT INTO ROMANCE. An Unusual Role for Madp N CAS"T"