.4' RY ATID the place she holds in peace A NEW IDEA r stopped to think you hold your own Isn't it your first ing any new or radi- 'essed to discount it g from some one who ny better," or who certainly must be iyone capable of hav- t to think that any- say will be met so The type of mind which holds so maciously to a given opinion ghat atrance to any other is barred cer- ainly ought not to belong to any ae who is really trying to secure an ducation. Express your novel or,. onoclastic ideas in the recitation >om even if the class or teacher is hocked. There is no better way to ad out just what one's thoughts arce orth. One often hears of professors eploring the absence of "unusual" r "radical" people in their classes. hat he is really regretting is the ttitude of a student body which oks down upon any tendency to- ard intellectual "unusualness." And, those of you who consider our own thoughts the only things orth while, if you will grant others a equal right to have ,their thoughts >nsidered, possibly it will mean a ttle broadening out for yourselves. .nd possibly our critical attitude iight be improved and we might be ss hesitant about having an opin- )n before it is supplied to us. Being too intellectually exclusive bout the source of a new idea is bout synonymous with having no eveloping opinion. It is as though ne were thinking in water-tight ompartments and is as culpable\ a ractice as Hooverizing the amount f one's thoughts.-Oberlin Review. Chorus: Shouting the Eattle Cry of Freedom There was a man from our town To Toledo he didrride; While there he asked for near beer And he will get a full military / Funeral when he gets back. Senor Lazaro may be an excellent substitute, artistically speaking, for the tenor who so unfortunately broke his contract the other day, but we re- gret to discover . that he is just as treacherous to pronounce. We are glad to note via the G. M. N. that the mad dog has been declared out of danger. We sincerely hope that he .will receive the best of care, for the policeman may develop hydropho- bia after all if the brute suffers a re- lapse. Comedy of Errors M. A. C.'s third baseman has, been urged to become an honorary member of the Drama league in recognition of his remarkable work yesterday after- noon. We Told You Yesterday Why Cary:-- You sit around and Stare, You Mope, And look like 30-cents-worth-of-Heaven-be-merciful- unto-us. You tell Everyone How Rotten you feel, And you threaten to Enlist Or Leave School. You hate all the Live ones And envy all the Deaders, You Loll about and Gloat Over Soupy music, "' And every time you catch a Whiff of "Melba Lov' Me" powder You Sigh and effect A Far-Away Look WELL, DARN YOU, why don't you marry her? -B. B.. Sure, Winter Sometimes Forgets to Happen Around Dear Cary:-I am knitting a sweat- er for one of the boys who is in the navy. I have been knitting it since last fall and already have it nearly a fourth done. Lots of girls seem to believe in knitting rapidly, but I pre- fer to knit slowly and well, doing just a row or two a day. Am I right in this view? FLUFFY. t LWtomcn Mortarboard will meet at 4:30 o'- clock this afternoon in Newberry hall. Women's lecture to be held next Monday in the Natural Science au- ditorium is scheduled for 8 o'clock in the evening instead of 8 o'clock in the miorning, as was previously an-" nounced., Stylus, women's honorary literary society, is offering a prize of $10 for the best short story, which should be submitted before May 20. Undergrad- uate women are eligible for the com petition. All manuscripts must be sub- mitted to the librarian at the rhetoric library.: Freshman and sophomore girls will have a baseball game today at 4 o'- clock. Senior and junior girls will start their first inter-class baseball game at 9 o'clock Saturday morning.' The seconc. round in the girls' tourn- ament must be played off by tonight. The lists are posted on the bulletin board in. Barbour gymnasium. All girls who signed for this tournament will please see that their time is thoroughly understood. S eno1rS Hear Ye! Hear ' IT IS TIME TO LEAVE YOUR ORDER FC Calling Cards SAMPLES OF CORRECT AND UP-TO-DAB ENGRAVING NOW IN WAviHR'S UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE SPRING PERFUMES and TOILET WAT] ---ARE HERE--- Exclusive creations from the best foreign and American mak TH E EBERBACH 200-204 E.* & SON CON Liberty Street The annual May luncheon of the Sarah Caswell Angell chapter of the D. A. R. will be held at 12:30 o'clock today at the residence of Mrs. Victor C. Vaughan. Those desiring to attend ,lease notify Miss Forsyth at the Gam- ma Phi Beta house, telephone 378. Captain DeKruif to Return to U. S. Capt. Paul H. DeKruif, former in- structor of bacteriology, has been or- dered to return to the United States to make special investigations on gas gangrene, according to a cablegram received by his wife. Dr. DeKruif made some extensive' researches in gas gangrene before' leaving for the service several months ago. After spending several weeks at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga., Captain De- Kruif was ordered to France, where he has been engaged in similar work in the Pasteur institute at Paris, Dancing Friday and Saturday nights at the Armory.-Adv. -- Place your order for VISITING CARDS Now The Slater Book Sho t part of hose who the cam- 1 un the o Austria Hanging to the Ropes, says an editorial caption in a Detroit news- paper. We expect the sophomores and freshmen to do the same Saturday morning. Three Russians tried to overthrow Dancing Friday and Saturday nights at the Armory.-Adv. ML.BROWN Offers men and women high- est marketable prices for their old clothes. Anything in the way of suits, overcoats, or shoes he will take off your hands. Sell your old clothes. They are no good to you. I can use them. You will get your money's worth. No quibbling to buy cheap. Their absolute value will be E paid. Men's and women's apparel both. Call Mr. Claude Brown at 210 Hoover Ave. Phone 2601. He will gladly call at your residence.-Adv. DETROIT UNIT Between Detroit, Ann (May 14, Detroit Limited and E: i., 8:io a. m., and hour]} p. m. Jackson Express Cars Ann Arbor)-8:48 a. m., to 9:48 p. m. Local Cars East Bouin a. n., 7:5 a. m.and eve P. in., 9:05 P. m.l, 10:50 only, 8:0s p. m., 11 :so 1:ro a. m., and to Saline, Local Cars West Boun 3. in., 10:'0 p. Mn., 12:20 before the sen- fill their places er they go, theyf ne of Michigan. up to the name, [on as to reflect r school. Many m, and they will any a decision of ~te as to which f I the United States recently. This at first sight would seem to be quite a task even for persons so well exppr- ienced. Anyway the Germans still have their kaiser, his six sons, and Von Hindy even though a great part of their army permanently resigned last week. Englishmen persist on calling Am- erican soldiers "Huskies." But any- way, that's better than "Sammies." or police ed' out dog? bitten by a mad dog is de- of danger.' But how about New Building Plan Adopted London, May. 15.-"Fabricated" ves- sels are one of the latestand most in- teresting developments of Great Brit. ain's shipbuilding drive. A fabricated' ship is one whose component parts are manufactured in other than ship- building ,yards, usually in plants in- land. The new fabricated ship is jarg- er than most of the standard ships and there is not a curved frame in it. In fabrication of ships the aim was to increase speed of production and also to utilize for shipbuilding pur- poses such plants as bridge-building yards and land engine factories. It is expected that ships of the new type soon will materially increase the tonnage output. Use the Daily classified columns. So far we haven't been able to de- cide which was a greater slip on thQ part of the publicity manager of the third Liberty Loan; sending a letter of thanks for services during the cam- paign to the Gargoyle, or ditto to the Wolverine. Oswald, Let Us Fly Together "Passengers to Pay Airplane Fares on Basis of Weight"-If they want to keep down feminine patronage, why not make them give the'ir age, too? Av R. Dupois answers that on the contrary they're trying to keep it up. COSMOPOLITAN CLUB TO HOLD AINNUAL HIKE NEXT SATURDAY Foreign students will hold their an- nual spring hike and "roast" up the Huron river next Saturday morning. The party will leave Lane hall at 9 o'clock sharp, and the only equip- ment necessary to bring is a cup, a spoon, and 30 cents. All who are planning to go must notify A. M. Elk- ind, '19E, or H. G. King, grad, before Saturday. Plans are being made for the annual banquet of the Cosmopolitan club, which will probably be held the week after next in ,the Methodist church. Use the Daily classified columns. Resour< Nor SWAIN ho Photographic Arbor Views. 713 Eas' ITUT PIEA" .UNCH ES Your ing need Farmers & N 101-105 So. Main AT ARMORY FRIDAY, SAY 17, 1918 Try our HOME-MAE Candie They are both delici Wholesome MADE AND SOL The SUGAR E Phone 967 109S ancing 9 to 1 Tickets at Busy Bee Music by "Ike" Fisher's Jazz Band I^~~~~~I~a~' ~~~~s is FRESH S 11