NILE ENROLL MEN FO R SUMMER WORK ON FARMSj I'. ^ N ,.., . {. I FRANK OF BACON, '02, IN ENLISTMENTS RESERVE CHARGE FOR iii _,i, f J ,I r i wl I S1917' coo RS Frank Bacon, '02, is now enrolling students in the United States boys' working reserve, at the Union. Men from 16 to 21 years of age are eligible to enlist for farm work during the summer vacation. They will help the farmer gather his crops and will assist in general farm labor. The purpose of enlisting boys for this work is outlined in the following statement issued recently by Hon. Woodbridge N. Ferris, ex-governor of Michigan: "The United States boys' working reserve can be made an exceedingly valuable organization. The boys should clearly understand that they are enlisting to do war service. They are to have the same regard for com- mands that soldiers have. They must entertain the notion that they are not going out on the farms for a play spell, but to enter actual service and to endure some hardships. Is Serious Undertaking "The truth of the matter is that work on a farm, like fighting i the trenches, is a serious undertaking and requires real backbone. A soldier can- not expect to have the same pleasant surroundings in war that he has in a steam-heated house. Furthermore, he cannot expect that his bill of fare is going to consist of dainties. On the' farm the boys will have plain whole- some food. Valuable Training "Two or three months on a farm will be worth a year of ordinary school training,from the standpoint of devel- oping manhood. The most important influences in my education were gain- ed on the farm. It was there that I learned to get up in the morning whether I wanted to or not. It was there that I learned to do many kinds- of work that I did not like. It was there, too, that I learned to get joy out of homely activities. "The mysteries of the farm are com- paratively few, and boys who have a real inclination to work will, in a few days, be able to render invaluable service to the farmer. "I consider this the greatest oppor- tunity that has ever been offered to the boys of this country." Mr. Bacon, as enrolling officer for Washtenaw county, will be glad to give further information to students interested in this project. .ris is Still Gayd Says R. Loveland 213 E. LIBERTY MILITARY NEWS Spencer T. Alden, ex-'17E, and gra- duate of Cornell, was reported killed Sunday, when a naval airplane in which he was flying Saturday fell 500 feet into the South bay, near Bay Shore, New York. Alden was an ensign, and enlisted last year in the submarine chasers branch of the navy, being stationed at Newport. He was later transferred to the naval aviation section. According to word received by his fraternity brothers here, his mother and father were at Bay Shore at the time of the accident, having gone there to visit him. His home was in Fort Wayne, Indiana. Alden was a member of the Sigma Nu fraternity. General Orders, No. 8 1. The following schedule of in- struction is published for the informa- tion of all concerned: Monday: First battalion, First regi- ment, athletic drill under Dr. May; second battalion, First regiment, man- ual of arms by company; first battal- ion, Second regiment, battalion drill, Lieutenant Williams; second battalion, Second regiment, battalion drill, Lieu- tenant Mullen. Tuesday: First battalion, Second reg- iment; athletic drill under Dr. May; second battalion, Second regiment, manual of arms by company; first bat- talion, First regiment, battalion drill, Lieutenant Williams; second battal- ion, First regiment, battalion drill, Lieutenant Mullen. Wednesday: Lecture by member of faculty in Hill auditorium. Thursday:, First battalion, First" regiment, manual of arms by company; second battalion, First regiment, ath letic drill under Dr. May; first bat- talion, Second regiment, battalion drill, Lieutenant Williams; second bat- talion, Second reigment, battalion drill, Lieutenant Mullen. Friday: First battalion, Second reg- iment, manual of arms by company; second battalion, Second regiment, athletic drill under Dr. May; first bat- talion, First regiment, battalion drill, Lieutenant Williams; second battalion First regiment, battalion drill under Lieutenant Mullen. BY ORDER OF LIEUT. MULLEN: L. J. WILLIAMS, 1st. Lt., P.S., retired, Adjutant. George Brophy, ex 19, a ,company commander at the Great Lakes train- ing station, returned to the camp Mon- day after spending the week-end in Ann Arbor. Brophy is associate ed- itor of the "Radio Spark," a bi-month- ly publication, at the training station. He was a night editor on The Michigan Daily staff while in the University.; No more men will be taken for the United States naval reserves station- ed at Detroit, according to advices re- ceived here yesterday. It is probable that a number of students will be de- sired before the end of the semester, when a number of new boats will be placed in commission. Additional in- formation about this branch of the ser- vice can be obtained from Robert Grindley, '21. FORESTRY STUDENTS HOLD ANNUAL FIELD DAY TIP M other's Day," Society Bra Hickey-Freem Also just receaed a line of Sp) Early GOLF SUITS SEND HER FLOWE Give us your order early. Out of town orders shoo us at once. Cousins & Hall Members of-the Florists' Telegraph Delive YOUR SPRING S will be carefully tailored of th pendable fabrics. New Models distinctly our own CARACE D. E. Grer The Custom Tailor OAKLAIN "no* Sensible Six" The PHONE 1101 from military service by sup- his wife and child. with strength and d bility at a fair price. port The second congregational district suffrage convention to be held in Ann Arbor, May 11, at Harris hall, will feature a patriotic luncheon. The menu will be strictly in accordance with the .food regulations,.of the gov- ernment, and an unusually delicious meal is promised. Tickets will be placed on sale at Slater's book store and at Haller's furniture store on State street. All women interested in suffrage will be welcomed at the luncheon as well as the convention session. "" Every effort is being made through - the civil service examination boards to speed up applications for work as clerks in the government service. The .1 local board announces an examination mty for the position of clerk for both men and women to be held at the postoffice on May 25. Application blanks and information may be secured by appli- the cation at the postoffice. ras al, Dr. A. B. Wickett Resumes Duties >S- Dr. A. B. Wickett, one of the attend- he ing physicians at the University health >rt service, resumed his duties again yes- terday after being ill with pneumonia for over a month at his home in Mount as Pleasant. Dr. Wickett went to his home for a rest after being operated he upon for appendicitis at St. Joseph's ,ie sanitarium, and contracted pneumonia p- soon after his arrival home. .e- '. he Your Patrician Cravenette Cap is. ts. here-one piece top. Tom Corbett, 116 rd Liberty St.-Adv. A. C. C Paris is still a pretty gay city in spite of the war, says Lieut. Rufus R. Loveland, ex-'18E, in a recent letter to Homer Heath, '07, general secre- tary of the Union. Excerpts from the communication, postmarked "Some- where in France," follow: "Sometime ago I was in Paris, so I took the opportunity to go over to the University Union and give it the once over. It surely is a fine thing for the boys over here who are lucky enough to get a 'Paris leave.' "I might say that, though Paris leaves are few and far between, I spent eight days there while await- ing orders, and it is still a pretty gay city. It's beyond may imagina- tion to figure out just what kind of a city it is in peace times. "Just at present I'm attending an engineer's school in which there are two other Michigan men, Lieut. Earl B. Miller, '15E, and Capt. Alex L. Trout, '10E. Theron D. Weaver, '16E, is located just a few miles from here. I heard he has just returned from the front. "Have not seen the front yet, but am living in hopes. We can, however, hear the large guns about 5 o'clock in the morning when everything is still." Prof. Smith Addresses Zoological Club Prof. B. G. Smith will lecture on "The Racial Basis for European His- tory" before a meeting of the Zoologi- cal Journal club to be held at 7 o'clock tonight in room 231 Natural Science building. Watch The Daily Classified column. S11 Maynard St. EYES EXAMINED DRUGLESS METHOD We can save you time and money R. C. Fuller, Optometrist With Haller &:Fuller, State Street Mr.. H. J. Andrews, instructor in for- estry, gave an informal talk. After staying at the farm Saturday night the campers returned to Ann Arbor late Sunday afternoon. U. S. AGRICULTURE DEPARTMENT WARNS AGAINST RUST SPREAD Thirty students of the forestry de- partment journeyed to the forestry farm Friday afternoon for their annual field day and camping trip. Four tents and a complete camping outfit were sent to the farm by motor truck. Games, contests, and exhibitions were held on Saturday according to cus- tom. A baseball ganie, in which the students' team defeated the faculty nine, was substituted for one sched- uled between, the upper and lower classes. The wood-chopping contest was won by a visiting alumnus, E. A. Gallop, '15, who chopped an eight-inch stick in half in eight minutes and 29 seconds. Gallop, assisted by J. A. Marshall, the forestry farm attendant, also carried off first honors in the saw- ing contest. R. C. Ely, '19, and C. B. Webster, '19, took second place. Web- ster. was first in the compass'race and T. S. Flourney, '19, placed second. A barbecue was held at noon Sat- urday, a leg of beef being roasted over an open fire. In the evening a "sing" was held around a large campfire and I ~:. - I ing Friday and Saturday nights. Armory.-Adv. Posters warning against the s] of wheat rust through barberry bi have been received from the U States department of agricultur the forestry department, of the ve-rsity. "A red rust starts on these bi and will spread through the gras miles," said Prof. . J. Young 0 forestry department, in explainin "and if it comes into contact young wheat it spreads through whole field and destroys the c The posters state that 200,00 bushels of wheat were destroyer this disease in 1916 and it is fe that, unless precautions are take larger amount will be lost this : There are two varieties of this p The common barberry is the har kind but the Japanese variety doee spread the disease. They are dis uished by the fact that the leaves spines of the Japanese barberry , singly, while those or the comn variety grow in groups of three. fessor Young said that there are eral hedges of the common va: in Ann Arbor and that the only way of guarding against the sp of the rust is to remove the bushe Lemv Conpy at Students' apply Store FOR SU em- 'FOR SALE OR RENT-Tu a fraternity ser- or club 14 room house near campus, and fine locality. Will sell at a sacri- hild. fice if taken at once. Address A. B. ,ish, C., care Michigan Daily. ting. FOR SALE-Let us be your sales hone agent. It is our specialty. We .Represent the Steinway, Knabe, Vose & Sons, Sohmer, Grinnell Bros., Sterling, Shominger, and many other makes. The world's famous Pianola Player Pianos, Victor j Victrolas. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. T' JELL