r Says lie is Going to
Game From The Windy
George Sisler, who first shone as a
diamond star for Michigan, played a
great part in the Browns' 3-2 victory
over Detroit yesterday in ten innings.
After the Tigers wer4 retired in the
first half of the tenth, and the Browns
had two down, with Tobin on second,
Sisler made a smashing drive over
Cobb's head, bringing in Tobin with
the winning run. This wallop for two
bases, was George's fourth hit of the
day, giving him a 1.000 average for
the day, since he had gotten three
hits and a walk on his four previous
trips to the plate.
Sisler also had a perfect fielding
record, besides scoring one of his
team's three runs and driving in the
other two. His rival for the honor
of being balldom's greatest player,
Ty Cob), got but one hit out of four
times at bat, and will have to hustle
if the former Ann Arbor star first
baseman is not to outdistance him in
batting. One of the outstanding fea-
tures of the game was also partici-
pated in by Sis; in the first inning
he brought in the Browns' initial run
by stealing home in the major part
of a successful double steal.
Michigan's baseball team will play
its first Conference baseball game on
Ferry Field this afternoon .since re-
lationships were broken off with the
Big Ten years ago.
Chicago's team, unknown in caliber
but feared by reputation, furnishes the
opposition in the contest that starts the
Wolverines- again in the. Conference
competition. Lundgren's crew are
willing to concede ability to the Ma-
roons but are confident of victorv.
Michigan's two man tennis team
mets the Chicago team on Ferry Feld
tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock..
The tournament tomorrow will be
the second one for both schools. Mich-
igan defeated Ohio State on the Ferry
field courts last Saturday while Chica-
go travels to Columbus to play the
Ohioans today. Little is known of
the quality of the Windy City team but
it is believed that they will offer more
competition than did the men from
The weather has been such that is
has been impossible for Egbert and
Hamer to do much work on the courts.
The constant rain and the high winds
of the last few days have interferred
with the practices, so that the team
meets Chicago practically as unpre-
pared as when they encountered Ohio
State last week.
It is hoped at the present time that
the dirt courts will be fit for use, so
that the cement cour*, used for the
first tournament, will not have to be
resorted too. The hard cement court
makes playing hard for both teams,
as neither are used to one, and being
so fast it puts our short players at
a disadvantage against taller men.
The schedule is being filled out andf
Wisconsin has been added. The Yel-
low and Blue team will meet them
sometime in the latter part of this
month. Hamer and Egbert make a
Baseball practice for all companies
will be held Saturday morning on
south Ferry field, Each company is
to be given 30 minutes of work under
supervision. This is only part of the
preliminary practice before the inter-
conpany games which are to start
Some very good games are expected
to be pulled off during the series for
many of the companies have men with
considerable baseball experience and
ability. The m hbers of the R. O. T. C.
are displaying interest in the affair,
which is another sign of a well and
closeby fought series, things that
make baseball interesting.
Four companies are to be given
practice at once, there being that
many available diamonds. Many of
the teams have been working out on
their own initiative and are getting
the edge over the rest of the com-
The practice schedule is as fol-
lows: Companies A, B, C, and D, 1st
regiment from 10 to 10:30 o'clock;
companies E, F, G, and H, 1st regi-
ment from 10:30 to 11 o'clock; com-
panies A, B, C, and D, 2nd regiment
from 11 to 11:30 o'clock; companies
E. F. G, and H, from 11:30 to 12
o'clock. Headquarters company will
practice from 10:30 to 11 o'clock, the
second battalion of the 1st regiment,
not having a full quota, will not use
all the diamonds.
Indianapolis, Ind., May 1.-Twenty
years in the big leagues, and* Larry
Lajoie has never seen a world's ser-
Nine graduates and four students
attending the University this year
were graduated from the third of-
ficers' training camp at Camp Custer,
and have been ordered to report on
May 6 to the replacement camp which
is located at Camp Jackson, Columbus,
S. C. The following men will report
next Monday to await second lieuten-
A. Beach, ex-'18E; E. M. Brown,ex-
'18E; H. D. Griffith, ex-'16; R. C. Ger-
manson, ex-'18E; Waldo McKee, ex-
'18E; W. A. Chapman, '44H; G. P.
Thomas, 16E; C. C. Ashbaugh, '16;
F. G. Armstrong, spec.; H. L. Bur-
gess, '13E; O. L. Smith, '13L; P. C.
Lovejoy, '16; and L. C.' Johnson, '16.
The following program will be given
at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon on
Ferry field by Dr. George A May:
Second regiment - Company E,
broad jump; company F, fence vault-
ing; company G, soft ball; and com-
pany H, grenade throwing.
Seniors can wear their caps and
gowns over their uniforms, stated the
military authorities last night The only
requirement is that they can not wear
the cap and gown over the uniform to
Dr. George A. May started a new
feature in grenade throwing yesterday
afternoon. Three targets 75, 100, and
125 feet from the throwing point were
marked off on the ground and the
cadets instructed to heave as many of
the grenades into these as possible.
The targets are concentric circles,
five in number and varying in diamet-
er according to the distance the gren-
ade must be thrown. The nearest of
the three is composed of 2, 4, 6, 8, and
10 foot circles, the second of 3, 6, 9, 12
and 15 foot circles, and the third of 4,
8, 4, 16 and 20 foot circles. After
practice has been conducted for a
short time cadets will be required to
call the'target they are going to throw,
at, which will complicate and make
the game more difficult.
Croix de
That Michigan men who en:
the ambulance unit organize
last year have been in active
and have proved their worth i
in a letter received recently
member of ambulance section
cerpts from the letter follow:
"We are now working in a
sector, and things are quite a 1
active. Two of the men have :
the French Croix de Guerre si
transfer to the new sector,
have been on 'permission' f
days, and we were in Paris, Ma
Nice and also across the bord
Italy. * * * We have been
Fiats, but now we are exchangi
for Fords and tomorrow mo
am going to take mine in an
Henry for it. I expect I wil
up the side of a wall or somethi
that, as you know I have n
much practice with them.
"Our quarters here are the
have ever had, and I wish yc
drop in and see how cozy
We have no barracks and ar
in the deserted houses of the
as there are no civilians here.
of us have a room onthe secc
of a nice, little stone house
center of the town. We have
a marble-top-aed table, an 0]
stool, a cough, and a few chai
collected th) s junk all over the
and are still exploring. The on
fort of hon e we lack is electric
for substiautes we have lante
a couple or gasoline lamps. Y
to get up early in the morning
it is ten-thirty now, think I v
Randolph, second baseman and cap-
tain of the Windy City aggregation,
is rated one of the stars of the Confer-
ence and easily the big- noise on the
Maroon team. Randolph is said to
be a good hitter and a sure fielder, a
man of the type of McQueen, who cap-
tained the Wolverine nine several
years ago.
Outside of the captain, Chicago has
a star in Terhune, a pitcher reputed
to have a world of speed and plenty
of variety in his offerings. Hinkle,
the other hurler carried by the Ma-
roons, will be remembered here by
his basketball work last winter. Hin-
kle played running guard on the team
that beat Michigan's quintet.
Altogether four of the Maroon bas-
ketball men are playing on the base-
ball team. Besides Hinkle, Long
another guard, is playing first base,
Bryan, a forward, is cavorting in left
field, and Vollmer, who paired with
Bryan at forward, is catching. Gorgas
is the only basketball man who is not
on the nine.
Ruzicka, who may get te call to
go against the Maroons thia. afternoon
and who will surely see action in
one of the two games, is anxious to
get at these men. They put up a
real battle on the basketball floor
and Ruzy is anxious to square ac-
counts. The rangy sophomore de-
clared yesterday that he would beat
the Chicago crew if he went up against
Lundgren 'Was not sure yesterday
afternoon just who he wouad use to
open the series. Glenn, having had
four days rest since he pitched against
Indiana, is ready to take up the work
in the box again today if the coach
wants him while Ruzicka has round-
ed into shape the past few days and
seems to be on edge. If Glenn con-
tinues at the pace he has been set-
ting, Chicago will have a hard time
of it and Ruzicka, now in condition,
ought to be able to hold his own with
the Maroons.
Lundgren has made a couple of
changes in his batting order. The
slugging of Mraz, third baseman, has
placed him fourth in the batting or-
der. Ohlmacher goes ahead of Coop-
er who drops to fifth place. Gilmar-
tin will follow Cooper to the plate
and Garrett, Morrison, and the pitch-
er come in order.
This shift puts more strength into
the Michigan attack. Gilmartin and
Cooper have been falling off in their
batting recently while Mraz has been
getting into excellent condition. Lund-
gren said last year that Mraz was a
natural hitter and Rudy has been jus-
tifying the coach's judgement so far
this season.
Yesterday afternon the Varsity,
with Scheidler and Leahy pitching,
defeated a team composed of the
scrubs and freshman 3 to 1 in a five
inning battle. Saunders was on the
mound for the combination team and
did well, errors accounting for some
of the first team's counters.
Genebach featured the contest with
a home run but was called out for
failing to touch second on his trip
around the bases.
Steve Farrell's proteges were sent
through another hard practice ses-
sion yesterday. The fine weather dur-
ing the last two days has instilled lots
of pep into the athletes, and has made
a big improvement in their condition.
Coach Farrell has set May 11 for
the date of the holding of the inter-
class meet. This procedes the dual
meet with Notre Dame one week, and
should give Steve's athletes a good
workout in preparation for the Catho-
lics. Freshmen will be eligible and
from the number of first year men who
have appeared for daily work, they
ought to make a good showing. In
the indoor inter-class contest held
last winter the yearlings were third,
trailing behind the sophomores and
juniors. It is probable that ribbons
will be given to place winners, while
winners of first honors are likely to
receive numerals.
Today the long delayed grenade
throwing practice will make its ap-
pearance. This was scheduled to start
as soon as the squad went down to
Ferry Field, but as no definite rules
governing the contest had been given
out by Conference officials, Steve did
not want to train any of his men un-
til there was something to work on.
The Wolverine track mentor plans on
giving all his squad a try at hurling
the missiles.
The rules embody three essentials
of throwing the grenade, distance, ac-
curacy, and direction. The bullseye
of the first target is 75 feet from the
front of the first trench, the second
100 feet and the third 125 feet. The
weight of the bomb to be used will
be 18 ounces. There will be five cir-
cles on each target, which will be
outlined on the ground and increase
in size according to distances the
grenades are thrown, but the same
number of points will be scored for
hits on each target.
There will be a distance of 12 1-2
feet between the outer circle of the
fijrst targetand the outer circle of
the second and 7 1-2 feet between the
outer circle of the second and third
targets. The event will be a four-
man team contest to score the high-
est number of points. These will be
five points for first, three for second
two for third and one for fourth.
Picks All-Conference Basketball Team
Minneapolis, Minn., May 2.-Dr. L.
J. Cooke, manager of athletics at the
University of Minnesota, has an-
nounced his annual All-Conference
basketball team. Dr. Cooke has
hoped to receive selections from all
conferences coaches, but several
failed to respond so he compiled the
team from the available selections.
Michigan, Ohio State, Indiana, Iowa,
Chicago and Purdue are not repres-
ented on this aggregation.
The all-star team follows:
Name Position University
Gillen .......... L.F...... Minnesota
Anderson ......R.F.......... Illinois
Chandler ........C........Wisconsin
Ellingworth .... L.G... Northwestern.
Simpson ........R.G. .... Wisconsin
Class Dancing Monday and Thurs-
day evenings at the Packard.-Adv.
Patronize a Daily advertiser once
and you will pati'onize him again.-
trip south at the end of next week}
and will play numerous teams before
returning to Ann Arbor.
American League
Detroit, 9; Chicago, 6.
Philadelphia, 7; New York, 5.
Cleveland, 3; St. Louis, 2.
Boston, 8; Washington, 1.
ies game,
The new manager of the Indiana-
polis American Association claimed
that he desired to go home and rest
after each season. He gave that as
the reason that he had never witness-
ed one of the world's championship
"I came mighty close to playing i
a world's series, once, and that is the
closest that I ever came to seeing
one," Lajoie said, "In 1908, when I
was managing the Cleveland club, we
lost the championship by half a game.
I almost saw a world's series then
but didn't."
German Papers to Print in
Many newspapers through
country, which formerly us
German language, are now us
English language.
According to Mr. Helber, e
the Washtenaw Post, his pap
the first to make the change.
alty to the government is th
reason for making the chang
Mr. Helber this afternoon. -1
has been issued by the gov
demanding that all newspapers
use the English language, but
opinion will not accept any
or form which points towa
Germanism. "The Washtenaw
has used English since Jar
of this year.
Our Merchant advertisers re
the progressive business men
National League
Chicago, 12; Cincinnati, 8.
Brooklyn, 7; Boston, 4.
Pittsburg, 1; St. Louis, 0.
New York, 6; Philadelphia, 0.
Prof. Turner To Give 3 War Lectures
Prof. Edward R. Turner, of the his-
tory department, will begin a series ,
of lectures on the war at 10 o'clock
next Tuesday morning in the auditor-
ium of the Natural Science building.
Professor Turner is an authority on
the war and he will deal with the sub-
ject from three points of view. "Cause.
of the War," "History of the War"1
and "The Way the War is Carried on."
Dancing Friday and Saturday nights
at the Armory.-Adv.
Reliable Dealers Advertise
Michigan Daily.-Adv.
in The
Dancing Friday and Saturday nights
at the Armory.--Adv.
The Daily's specialty is service to
every one. Let us serve you.-Adv.
A.N %w TT A!WA,%Aii %oW
ards of Living
These are times for saving; but be sure
you go about it in the right way in clothes.
You cannot afford to be seen in clothes
that are below your social and business level.
How, then are you to accomplish it? The an-
swer is Buy better clothes and less of them.
K Clothes
Mochel, 3b.
Serck, c.f.
Rudolph, 2b.
Sproehnie, r.f.
Hinkle or Terhue
Bryan, l.f.
Long, 1.b.
Vollmer, c.
Smith, ss.
Knode, ss.
Adams, 1. b.
Ohlmacher, r. f.
Mraz, 3b.
,pCooper, 1. f.
Gilmartin, c. f.
Garrett, 2b.
Morrison or
Genebach, c.
Ruzicha or Glenn, p
icago, umpire. Game
are true thrift clothes, clothes tailored to deliv-
er maximum service, and that calls for quality
As ever in the past, the styles are distin-
guished by their ultra-smartness and individual-
ity-military models, sport suits, suits for mid-
dle-aged men, conservative styles. Values that
give the utmost for your money.
$25, $30, $35, $40
couvright 1918
NF.Allen Co.