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October 16, 1917 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-10-16

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Editor's Note:-This is the third list
of the men Michigan has given to the
service of the nation. More names will
be published later.
McDuff, Robert B., '17M, first lieu-
tenant, U. S. army medical reserve
corps; Marshall, W. V., '15A, national
army; Martin, E., '14P, national army;
McIver, A., '15A, national army; Mc-
Neil, P. Q., '15A, national army; Meyer
Dr. Charles, government ambulance
service; Mickle, Frank, ordnance of-
ficers' reserve corps; McLean, Ross,
government ambulance service; Mc-
Neil O. M., first lieutenant, naval mi-
litia; Menefee, Prof. F. N., engineer-
big school, captain ordnance depart-
ment; Malejan, Dr. Harry, medical
school, first lieutenant; McGarry, Dr.
Roy, medical school, first lieutenant.
Nichols. D. A., '18, ensign, Great
Lakes training station, Ill.; Norris, G.
H., '13E, ensign, naval militia; Nie-
mann, William K., '17, quartermaster
department, unassigned; Nobil, Geo.,
'18, Camp Chillicothe, 0.; Newton, W.
F., '17, infantry; Nowack, Robert, '16D,
dental corps; Newton, Dr. C. L., cap-
tain of cavalry, New York national
guard, Spartanburg, N. C.; Nanciede,
C. B., '69M, major, U. S. army medical
reserves; Nichols, D. C., '18L, U. S.
naval militia; Nyce, P. Z., '12L, lieu-
tenant, ordnance department; Netting,
Clarence M., '18, ambulance corps, Al-
lentown, Pa.; Nuttal, Macquorn S.,
'20E, naval reserves, Great Lakes
training station; Nichols, A. L., '18E,
U. S. navy; Nufiel, J. D., '18-'20L, sea-
man, Don Juan de Austria; Nichols,
J. D., '18L, seaman; Norton, J. S., sec-.
ond lieutenant, Camp Taylor, Louis-
ville, Ky.; Newland, C. J., training
camp, Presidio, Cal.; de Nancrede, Dr.
C. G. B., medical school, major.
Otis, J. H., quartermasters' depart-
ment; Olson, Ed., '17P, medical
branch, national army; O'Keefe, Wil-
liam, '19, national army, Camp Custer,
Battle Creek; Overton, G. P., '20, cav-
alry; Ostrander, Leon D., '16, Can-
adian Kilties, France; O'Connor, J. D.,
medical division, Camp Custer; Owen,
Dr. C. C., first lieutenant, M. O. R. C.;'
Oldfield, A. A., '17M, medical service,
U. S. army; Ohrstrum, G. L., '19L, U.
S. aviation school; Ogeltliorpe, Thom-
as B., '17, ambulance corps, Allentown,
Pa.; O'Rourke, Donald, '17M, naval
medical reserve, Los Animas hospital;1
Ogilbee, D. W., '16L, second lieutenant,
U. S. R., Camp Funston, Kan.; Orr,
R. J., U. S. navy; Orr, H. A., Ohio na-
tional guard, supply sergeant.
Parkhurst, T. R., '18E, ensign, U. S.-
navy; Pickett, C., '18, first lieutenant,
field artillery; Patterson, C. K., gun-
ner's mate, first class; Powell, J. E.,E
'18, naval reserve flying corps; Pow-
ers, H., '93, naval reserve flying corps;y
Peterson, R., Jr., '14, seaman; Poole,
C. F.; Pommerening, William K., '16E,,
Co. E, 126th infantry, Camp Mac-
Arthur; Potts, P. C., Michigan naval
militia; Pritzker, H. M., Ft. Sheridan;
Pierce, Barnard, second lieutenant, U.
S. infantry, Laredo, Tex.; Parker, Lee,
M., ambulance corps, Allentown, Pa.;
Patterson, M. W., '17E, inspector, gun-
cotton; Pinkerton,. D. W., '17E, naval
coast defense reserve; Pitkin, D. W.,,

'19E, signal corps; Peach, Willard,
marine corps, Port Royal, S. C.; Por-
ter, John, 20D, Ft. Sill, Okla.; Porter,
Larry, '18D, Camp Custer, Battle
Creek; Preston,' . D., '16, infantry;
Piersol, T. R., '17, infantry; Phillip,
G. F., '18, quartermaster's corps; Pills-a
bury, C. B. Dr., army medical school,,
Washington, D. C.; Pack, Phillip C.,
'18, ambulance unit, Allentown, Pa.,
honorably discharged; Pardee, Earl
E., '17, ambulance unit, Allentown,
Pa.; Porter, K. L., Cuanmigne, Ill.,!
aviation; Peterson, Ward, '1 -nval
reserves; Paisley, Thomas F., '17, ma-
chinist's mate, U. S. naval reserves,'
Nantucket; Platt, Maurice C., '18, Hair-'
per medical unit, France; Preble, Nor-l
man H., '43; Paley, A. F., sergeant, U.
S. automobile ambulance corps; Pil-a
kinton, D. E., national army, Camp
Custer, Battle Creek; Pfohl, Roderick
D., '20, aviation corps, Buffalo, N. Y.;
Pembworthy, Dr. Grover, '10M., firt
lieutenant, Harper hospital unit,k
France; Pickard, Dr. O. W., first lieu-
tenant, field artillery; Purnell, Dr. P.
A., fArst lieutenant, medical officers'
reserve corps, U. S. army, London,{
England; Peterson, R., '89M, major,
U. S. medical reserves; Parker, W. R.,
'91M, major, U. S. medical reserves;

Pelham, H. F., '13, Ft. Sheridan; Par-
due, S. H., '10, second lieutenant, U.
S. army; Pelham, H. B., '17, Michigan
naval militia; Poppen, J. R., '17M, as-
sistant surgeon; Palin, Milburne, '17,
seaman; Pulling, E. W., '17, overseas
Canadian artillery; Payne, W. R., '19,
sergeant, ordnance department; Put-
nam, Floyd, '05L, major, Fifth Illinois
infantry; Patter, Clark, '16, Co. E,
126th infantry, Waco, Tex.; Peck, T.
W., '20, war secretary, Y. M. C. A.,
Camp Custer; Plummer, W. L., avia-
tion; Powell, J. E., naval aviation;
Palmer, E. B., Ft. Sheridan, Ill.; Pat-
terson, H. H., first lieutenant, A. E. F.,
France; Picard, Frank, captain in-
fantry, officers' reserve corps; Pon-
tius, M. H., second lieutenant, U. S.
regular army; Parker, J. C. B., Ft.
Sheridan, Ill.; Pillsbury, Dr. C. D.,
Homoeopathic Medical school, med-
ical officers' military school, Washing-
ton; Peterson, Dr. Reuben, Medical
school, major.
Quackenbush, Perry, '20, mosquito
Roberts, Jr., R. F., '15, U. S. army;
Reekie, Sherwood ,'19, hospital unit;
Randall, J. P., '17, seaman; Reisch, L.
J., '18L, Illinois national guard; Row-
ley, Frank, '19, Washington, D. C.;
Ran, Roscoe R., '18, U. of D., field
hospital unit, Detroit; Rowley, R., at-
tache in U. S. embassy, Paris; Randall,
F. P., '19L, ensign, mosquito fleet;
Robbins, Nathanial, ambulance Co.
339, Camp Custer, Battle Creek; Rob-
bins, H. S., first lieutenant, S. 0. R. C.,
Mt. Clemens, Mich.; Reed, A. M., R.

0. T. C.,
T., Camp

Ft. Sheridan,
Custer, Battle+

Ill.; Roberts,
Creek, Mich.;.

Roxbury, E. J., sergeant, English com-
pany in France; Ranft, H. J., ambu-
lance corps in France; Raiford, Frank
T., '16M, first lieutenant, medical re-
serve corps, Fort Des Moines, Iowa;
Rogers, Julius, '14L, first lieutenant,
infantry, Des Moines, Ia.; Ruby, C. H.,
'19E, Canadian army; Rindge, W. L.,
naval reserves; Runyan, R., '17, Mich-
igan naval militia, Wakefield, Mass.;
Ramsey, Morgan, '20, U. S. navy;
Rhode, H. P., '19, marines; Reilly, C.
V., infantry; Rowland, W. D., '11, first
lieutenant; Read, E. M., rational army,
Recsy, G. R., U. S. regular army;
Rathbun, B. R., nationa l army, Syra-
cuse; Rowe, Floyd A., '08, athletic
director, Camp Custer; Rosenbluth,
Lee M., Section 91, U. S. American
ambulance corps; Radford, R. A., '11;
Reed, Howard, '11, national army,
Camp Custer, Battle Creek; Riggs, S.
H., '19, infantry, secoid lieutenant,
Camp Green, North C rolina; Rich-
ards, E. J., '19L, national army, Penn-
sylvania; Rudesill, Turner M., '19L,
medical detachment, infantry; Renz,
Karl, '16, national army, Ft. Sherman,
Ohio; Richards, Harry L., first lieu-
tenant, militia, Waco, Tex.; Rathert,
0. G. M., infantry, Kant as; Robertson,
S. V., medical division, Camp Custer,
Battle Creek; RobinsoM, A. D., '16D,
dental corps; Rowland, Dr. W. D.,
captain, charge of O. R. L. depart-
ment, Boston base hospital unit No.
44; Roblee, Dr. L. H., surgeon, Sev-
enth regiment, U. S. engineers; Run-
nels, Dr. S. C., captain., U. S. army,
medical officers' trainitng corps, Ft.
Benjamin Harrison; Rukke,, G. V.,
,04M, major, U. S. army, medical corps,
Buffalo base hospital No. 24, Major
Rukke was in Ann Arbor last spring
and gave a lecture o Hygiene, Mrs.
Rukke and son are no, living at 311
S. Fifth avenue; P st W. 0., '16, sea-
man; Robinson, l ., '18E, cavalry,
Ft. Houston, Tex.; Reynolds, Paul H.,
'16, Ft. Riley, Kansas; Bathbone, A. D.,
'19, ambulance service. France.
Reem, G. A., '18, national army;
Reeves, Prof. Jene B., aviation sec-
tion, signal crp: Powen, Prof. J. H.,
engineeing sch . commander, U. S.
navy, Philadelphia; Rue, Prof. J. D.,
engineering school, captain, ordnance
department, W ashington; Restrick,
William, '12.
\ Seeley, Dr. J. D., '15, first lieutenant,
inedical reserve corps; Snider, Dr. R.
C., '15, first lieutenant; Sutter, Fred
PI., '18, naval reserves, fourth class;
tchraffenberger, J. T., '19, Battery E,
' hird Ohio field artillery; Smith, H.,
'1 2; Schiller, Robert, '18, ordnance de-
ptrtment; Smith, A. R., U. S. medical
Ikrps, Skinner, C. 0., first lieutenant,
Aimerican expedition force in France;
wmith, D. G. ,second lieutenant, Third
infantry, Eagle Pass, Tex.; Shaw, F.
F'.. '12L, captain, infantry, 0. R. C.;
Sigler, D.; Smith, Gordon; Smith, Rus-
s*, 'I9E, Camp Ouster, Battle Creek,
Mgh.; Sprague, M. B.,. former band
man; Stimson, P. M., '20, navy; Sher-
waVd, H. M., '18, quartermaster's
cor ps; Stone, C. E., '16, navy; Stew-
art N 1 '19, first lieutenant; Sears,
Jr., c. F., '19, Lake Bluff, Ill.
St evenson, F. L., national army,

Camp Custer, Battle Creek; Stelle,
C. B., national army, Camp Custer,
Battle Creek; Sampsel, P. L., '16,
naval reserve; Smith, Harry B., '09,
lieutenant, Rockford, Ill.; Simons,
Seymour, aeroplane research work;
Scherrick, Dr. J. W., '14, first lieu-
tenant, medical reserves; Scarboro,
Dr. E. R., '16, first lieutenant, medical
reserves; Schumacher, Geo., '18L, Ft.
Sheridan, Ill.; Scanlon, L. J., '16L, of-
ficers' training camp; Shimmell, B. B.,
'14, officers' training camp; Simpson,
Jesse, '18, Great Lakes naval reserves,
U. S. S. Yantic; Snyder, R., '15L, Ft.
Sheridan, Ill.; Sandford, W. P., '19,
sergeant, Camp Lewis, Tacoma,
Wash.; Strawhecker, P. C., '19, Camp
Wilson, Tex.; Smith, H. J., ordnance
department; Smith, W., aviation;
Smith, C., aviation; Shields, Don, U. S.
marine corps, Mare Isle; Stevens, K.
M., '16L, field artillery, 0. R. C.; Smith,
W. A., captain, S. 0. R. C., Washing-
ton, D. C.
Stewart, Walter H., '15E, first lieu-
tenant, ordnance department; Stecher,
Henry D., '15E, first lieutenant, or-
dnance department; Shipley, Glenn,
'16, navy transport, U. S. S. De Kalb;
Sears, Wm., '20, chief boatswain's
mate; Smith, Gordon, '17, machinist's
mate; Strms, H. E., '17, field artillery,
France; Satterwaithe, R. L., '18, U. S.
N. R., Philadelphia; Sanford, Sterling,
'17E, Camp Custer, Battle Creek;
Smallpage, Melvin, '18, navy; Smith,
C. C., '18, navy; Stodt, J. F., Camp
Custer, Battle Creek, Mich.; Shearer,
Alfred, Ft Leavenworth, Kas.; Seeley,
Dr. W. F., '11, first lieutenant, med-
ical reserve company; Strellinger, G.,
'13, captain, national army, Camp
Custer, Battle Creek, Mich.; Switzer,
J. S., '16, first lieutenant, national
army; Shand, D. W., '18, captain, quar-
termasters' corps, national army;
Sales, Carter, '18, ordnance depart-
ment, Washington, D. C.; Schmidt, Dr.
Harry, '11M, first lieutenant, M. R. C.,
Camp Custer, Battle Creek, Mich.;
Stokes, W. H., '18M, U. S. A. School
of Roentgenology, Washington, D. C.;
Shelly, R. W., '19, M. R. C., Ann Ar-
bor; Sanford, Dr. B., first lieutenant,
M. O. R. C., U. S. army, with English
army in France; Silsby, Dr. A. B.,
first lieutenant, M. 0. R. C., surgeon,
Camp Grant, Ill.; Smith, Dr. A. B.,
first lieutenant, M. 0. R. C., Ft. Ben-
jamin Harrison,Ind.; Shoemaker, Dr.
G. G., first lieutenant, First Pennsyl-
vania regular field artillery, N. G. U.i
S.; Schairer, Dr. W. W., first lieuten-
ant, M. 0. R. C., Ft. Benjamin Harri-
son, Ind.; Stewart, Dr. N. E., first lieu-
tenant, M. O. R. C.; Stuart, Dr. M. A.,
U. S. navy; Starr, Dr. Norman, first
lieutenant, Co. 10, M. 0. R. C., Ft.
Riley, Kan.
Sketcher, Dr. C. C., first lieutenant,
M. 0. R. C., Ft. Riley, Kan.; Sheldon,'
Soule, '20, rifle range, Wakefield,
Mass.; Sharp, A. B., '18, chief yeoman,
navy; Stanton, L., '16E, first lieuten-
ant, infantry; Stryker, C. E., '16E,
Curtis Aeroplane company; Sarling,
Carl, '18, ordnance department; San-
ders, F. S., '19, lieutenant, Waco, Tex.;
Searl, F. M., '17L, navy hospital unit,'
Wakefield, Mass.; Small, Carlton F.,'
'19L, 0. R. C., Plattsburg, N. Y.; Smith,'
D. F., national army; Sturgis, John,'
naval reserves; Sheahon, T. W., na-'
tional army, Camp Custer, BattleI
Creek; Sikes, C. B., ambulance corps,'
Allentown, Pa.; Satterthwaite, P. C.,
second lieutenant, Fort Riley, Kan.;
Smith, E. P., national army, Camp'
Custr, Battle Creek, Mich.; Sall-3
wasser, N. H., second lieutenant, na-
tional army, Ft. Taylor, Ky.; Streeter,
C. E., national army, New York.
Stumpf, V. H., '16P, captain, quar-
termaster's corps; Sheppard, H. S.,
'12E, Ft. Sheridan, Ill.; Scott, R. S.,

'17E, naval reserves; Seabury, W. W.,
'17E, national army, Camp Custer, Bat-"
tle Creek, Mich.; Schoepple, W. J.,
'17E, naval reserves; Springer, Har-
vey, '20, marine corps, France; Schaf-
fer, J. D., '13D, Ft. Monroe, Indian-
apolis, Ind.; Shanner, G. L., '17, Can-
adian army in France; Stewart, J. V.,
'17, national army; Stone, 0. F., '18,
second lieutenant, Battle Creek, Mich.;
Sparks, Harry, '18E, second lieuten-
ant, Battle Creek, Mich.; Scroggie, D.
C., former band man, medical depart-
ment; Stone, C. C., naval militia,
France; Sommers, A., '17D, national
army; Sweet, H. J., '12D, dental corps;
Strawn, Taylor, '11, captain, national
army; Schmidt, Paul F., '17, ordnance'

department; Stevens, James H., '18E,
ensign, U. S. navy; Steele, Walter B.,
'16D., first lieutenant, dental corps;
Snook, F. B., '20E, ambulance corps,
Allentown, Pa.; Schmidt, Dr. Harry,
medical school, first lieutenant; Shep-
ard, Prof. H. S., engineering school,
captain, signal corps, Washington;
Stern, Dr. Louis, medical school, first
Towne, Nathan C., sergeant, First
Iowa field artillery; Tucker, . G. Jr.,
second lieutenant, infantry, officers'
reserve corps; Tessin, E. A., second
lieutenant, infantry, officers' reserve
corps; Thompson, A. R.; Trumbell, L.
L., U. S. cavalry, Texas; Thorpe, E. J.,
ambulance company, Allentown, Pa.;
Thorburn, H. J., '18P, national army;
Tallmadge, Harold C., '14, engineer-
ing corps, Washington, D. C.; Thomas,
G. P., '16, infantry; Thompson, Henry
R., '19E, Michigan naval militia, Lake
Bluff, Ill.; Twomey, M. R., '15, cap-
tain, infantry, France; Thomas, James
R., '15L, national army, Camp Custer,
Battle Creek; Toole, Charles E., first
lieutenant, cavalry, New Yor ; Thom-
as, H. M., officers' reserve corps, Ft.
Benjamin Harrison; Thomas, C. W.,
officers' reserve corps, Ft. Monroe;
Truesdell, H. A., '17D, dental corps;
Treadgold, Dr. G. D., first lieutenant,
medical reserve corps, Ann Arbor;
Thalner, Leonard, '19, medical reserve
corps, Ann Arbor; True, Dr. J. A., first
lieutenant, medical officers' reserve
corps, Ft. Benjamin Harrison; Thomp-
son, Dr. N. W., captain and supply of-
ficer, New York infantry, Camp Wads-
worth, Spartansburg, S. C.; Thomas,
Dr. G. E., U. S. navy; Torrey, H. N.,
'06M, Harper hospital unit, France.
Thompson, D., '02, Ft. Sheridan;
Thompson, Athol, '21M, awaiting call,
hospital unit; Thorne, Harold ., '15D,
first lieutenant, dental corps, Camp
Custer; Taylor, J. Morrson, '18, Amer-
ican field ambulance; Thompson, S. J.,
'19, U. S. 'S. Essex, U. S. naval re-
serve force; Taylor, R. S., '13, U. S.
naval reserves, Newport, R. I.;
Thompson, L. S., First university am-
bulance corps, France; Thurlby, H.
H., assistant paymaster in navy;
Towner, R. G., U. S., aviation school;
Thorington, C. H., U. S. ambulance
corps, France; Thompson, F. B., sec-
ond lieutenant, A. E. F., France; Tut-
tle, L. H., Ft. Sheridan; Tour, Sam,
instructor in Engineering school, na-
tional army; Talamon, Prof. Rene, in-
structor in literary department, first
lieutenant, French army; Tucker, Dr.
Rufus, instructor in literary depart-
ment, reserve officers' training camp.
Urquhardt, Logan, '20, enlisted, hos-
pital unit; Underwood, Tom, '20, avia-
tion; Ulrich, Dr. Russel, Harper hos-
pital unit; Upthegrove, Clair, in-
structor in engineering school, cap-
tain, ordnance corps, Brdgebug, Pa.
Van Gordon, H. L., '18P, national
army; Vial, C. H., '13E, field artillery;
Van Deman, H., '20E, naval reserves;
Venman, Vernon L., '14, signal corps;
Vander Velde, C. E., medical corps;
Vilas, L. E., '18, aviation, Rantoul, Ill.;
VanDeusen, David L., infantry, Camp
Custer, Battle Creek; Vedder, F. B.,
'18D, national army; Vor Hees, Louis
F., '17A, engineer, regular army,
Washington, D. C.; Vaughn, Dr. W. T.,
'16, first lieutenant, Massachusetts
general base hospital; Van Brunt, F.
C., Missouri national guard; Vibbert,
C. B., '05, University representative in
France; Vaughn, Victor C., '78M, gen-
eral medical staff, Washington, D. C.;
Vaughn, Victor C. Jr., '02M, U. S. army
medical reserve; Vaughn, John W.,

'04M, U. S. army medical reserve; Van
Cleef, Edward, '18, training camp,
Waco, Texas; Van Duren, J. F., '20,
yeoman; Van Vlack, Dr. H. G., '10M,
Ft. Sheridan, Ill.
Wilson, Dr. H. S., first lieutenant,
M. O. R. C., Camp Taylor, Louisville,
Ky.; White, Dr. C., first lieutenant,
M. O. R. C., Ft. Benjamin Harrison,
Ind.; Williams, Dr. C., first lieutenant,
M. O. T. C., Ft. Benjamin Harrison;
Ind.; Wile, Udo J., '12, U. S. army,
medical reserves, France; Wilson, R.
H., '19L, U. S. marines; Wardrope, M.
C., '15, quartermaster department;
Wood, Jule B., '19, quartermaster de-

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former members and prospective Bros.-Adv. tf.

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