l hi ! Yanks Lose to Red Sox The New York Yanks have had a FISTOAME T THEPAST I WEEK New York and Boston held theirt ET FIELD leads, obtained during the first week S IN of the present big league baseball CE ~ season, throughout the second week in the National and American cir- utu eycuits.r school ball i. game be- New York, however, went down to e scrubs iits first defeat after it had won nineI final score consecutive games. Coombs, Giant op the ball killer, when he was with the Athletics, eral feet of again proved his ability along this re the out- line. Pitching for Brooklyn on Sat-t :ontest. urday, the former world series star the outfield held the New York Nationals to five high wind, scattered hits and won the first game ft field fou that the Dodgers have taken this sea-l conditions son. two bases Philadelphia Nationals, having kept chers. The apace of the leaders winning six gamesf excuse for and loosing one throughout the week, I the ground- is still in second place, while Chi-( e feld was cago, now minus the services of thez $50,000 wonder, Alexander, is in third :he pitching place. Chicago put five games in the e pitching win column during the week, and n and Reed lost but one. >arpus and Pittsburg and Cincinnati are tied for >r pactice. the bottom of the first division and )f the game the top of the second, each with a per- dy eceocentage of .500. The former has won dy, Decker, four games and lost four since the e clubhouse season has started, while the Reds through a have divided 10 games equally. All of the St. Louis, Boston, and Brooklyn are lowing dur- in sixth, seventh, and fast place re- it than they spectively. All three have won but one rest of the game and lost five. Boston Leads American 4 5 6 7 R In the American league Boston won 0 3 0 1 ' four .and lost two throughout the past 0 0 0 0 1 week. During the first six days after -- the start of the league, the Red Sox EAMS did not lose a game, but this week I DR. MAY they were taken across both by New York and Philadelphia. the begin- Cleveland is ii second place, with , when the the same number of losses and four st regiment wins less than Boston, while the White ctice. The Sox stand third. Rain and general ye to good poor weather interferred considerably1 >ut was ob- with the Sox's schedule and they have played but five games since the sea- ut two dia- son started. Of these they have won ams. Each three and lost two, breaking even for ctice on the the week with one game on both sides led to have of the percentage column. r May. A Detroit, at the bottom of the first di- e madh out vision, has had the same luck with ampionship the weather as the Chicago team, and manner as the Tigers too have played but five ship. games. Four were played this week, good many ups and downs. Having played more games than any other team in either league, excepting the Red Sox, with whom - they are tied, they have won five and lost seven. Boston seems their stumbling block, the Yanks have been able to get but one game in two .series from them. From Washington they have won the majority of- their battles. Philadelphia in seventh place, grad- have won four times and lost six. Their work through the week was at the same percentage as they won twice and lost four times. Philadelphia, in seventh place grad- uated during the past week from the cellar. Winning one game from Bos- ton and two from Washington, they give promise of a team that will be more feared during this season'than any year since the breaking up for Mack's great combination, and the mil- lion dollar infield. St. Louis has taken the position formerly held by the Athletics on the bottom, having won but one game during the week. They now stand with a percentage of .250 with two wins and six defeats. Use the Daily classified columns. Class Dancing Monday and Thurs- day evenings at the Packard.-Adv. Patronize a Daily advertiser once and you will patronize him again.- Adv. American League St. Louis, 12; Detroit, 3. Chicago, 8; Cleveland, 4. Washington-Boston game postponed, rain. Philadelphia-New York game post- poned, wet grounds. National League New York, 6; Philadelphia, 0. Cincinnati, 4; St. Louis, 3. Pittsburg-Chicago game postponed, cold. Boston-Brooklyn game postponed, wet grounds. College West Virginia University, 2; Dar- mouth, 0. EXPECT BIG TURNOUT FOR WOMEN TENNIS TOURNAMENT Although rain has kept the women tennis players indoors for the last few days, the tournament is expected to .be as big a contest as ever. More singles are entered in the tournament this year than ever before, but there is a lack in doubles. One athletic point is given to women taking part in the contest and several points are given to the win- ner. 'As a great deal of money was spent on the courts this spring, women are asked to wear only tennis shoes while on them. On the Newberry courts, tennis tournament players are to be given preference. Clai L4 The Albert A. Mme. p N v An Ov A A Real Pipe s for of College Men F meric vertu n a- (Roi tite- Sig. L 1 T'RADEN ARK V These are two of the 24 popular shapes in which you can get the Stratford $1.00 and up WD C 'Hand Made $1.50 and up Each a f ine pipe, 'with -sterling silver riug and vulcanite bit. Leading dealers in town carry a full as. sortment.' Select your favorite style. WM. DEMUTH & CO. New York Word's Largest Pipe Manufacturers Aria-"]~ Masch Prelude- Aria-"I, Ville) laid ou >any te ts pra schedu Docto will be any ch same Genuine French Briar Comfort Clothes Real comfort clothes not only fit physically, but mentally as well. Kuppenh eimer . Ot e with their many special as Well as regular proportions assure a perfect q\ fit no matter what your build -short, tall, " slender, short-stout and tall-stout. Our wide range of styles, the many smart and individual models, offers a latitude of choice that wj enable you to express your personality in clothes-fitting you mentally. That's the Allen idea of ser vice and some values at \ Air. F'rederick Stockc, Conductor The National Anthem _ Suite-No. 3, D araj$.........- ach Aria-"Depuis)~'Tjouir," from Louise Symphonz.- c, 4 D Minor, Op. 120, Schumann. t)e: a"Suicidio," from "Gioconda", Ponchielli Scherzo--"L'Apprenti Sorcier"........Dukas Aria--"Birds' Song," from "Pagliacci".... .~Leoneavallo March "Pomp and Circumstance". .gar Fifth Festival Concert Saturday Afternoon Soloist-Joseph Bonnet, Organist Forerunners of Bach: (a) Prelude, Fugue and Chaconne...... ...Buxtehude (x637-1707) (b) Recit de tierce en taille ........... Nicolas de Grigny (167x-1703) (Organist of Rheims Cathedral) (c) Prelude.......Clerambault (1676.1749) Fantasie and Fugue, G minor.... .Johann Sebastian Bach (1685.1750) tecnth Organ Concerto, D minor........ George Frederick Handel (1685.1759) Cadenzas by Alexander Guilmant (a) Noel languedocien (French Christmas Carol)..............Alexander Guilmant (b) Choral in A minor, NO. 3.. .Cesar Franck (a) Improvisation (fromt Suite in D).. .~Arthur Foote (b) Cortege...........Debussy (a) Ariel (after a reading of Shakespeare) Joseph Bonnet (b) Rh 0 apsodicca n (with pedal cadenza) Sixth Festival Concert Saturday Evening "Carmen," an Opera in Four Acts......Bizet Don Jose, Corporal of Dragoons......... . ...Giovanni Martinelli Escamillo, Toreador ....... Giuseppe deLuca Zuniga, Captain of Dragoons; Morales Offi- cer .............,......Arthur Middleton Carmen, a gypsy girl...Margarete Matzenauer Micaela, a village maiden.....Myrna Sharlow Frasquita, Mercedes, companions of Carmen, Lois Marjorie Johrston, Ada Grace Johnston El Dancairo, El Remerdado, smugglers... .......Odra Ottis Patton, James Hamilton Dragoons, Gypsies, Smugglers, Cigarette- .girls, Street-boys, etc..Univ. Choral "Union Chicago Syrmphony Orchestra Mr. Albert A. Stanley, Conductor TICKETS Course Tickets-On sale up to May 4, $4.00, $5.00, $6.00. (If Pre-Festival "cover coupon" is exchanged deduct $3.00.) Single Concerts--On sale after May 6, $1.00, $1.50, $2.00. Address orders to Charles A. Sink, Secretary, Ann Arbor, Mich. \\ $25, $30, $35, $40 fV N A F. EN CO MAIN STREET d d_% IA TV1 IT T vCt TTT1 ixt 1 1F