Faculty Has Oversubscribed It's -It Is Up to US to Do the Same are "over there" fighting to make this ife place in which to live. They are o save our wives and daughters from the women and children of Belgium. An autocracy which for over forty years fiend- ishly planned and prepared for this te'rrible war, and deliberately timed and started it for no other purpose than to impose its iron heel on the neck *,of prostrate peoples and proclaim a World Empire. I I y are fighting for the principle that "all men created equal, that they are endowed by r Creator with certain inalienable rights, that )ng these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of a This is why our boys are fighting, and in fighting they are laying down their lives. x They are fighting to put down the most tyranni- cal autocracy since the days of Nero-an autoc- racy that knows no law which does not serve its own vicious ends. An autocracy which mutilates children, violates women, enslaves men. What are we doing? What can we do? We can see that our boys have everything they need to bring victory and peace-war munitions, ships, aeroplanes, food, clothing, etc. It is a gigantic task, and requires billions of dol- lars. lI RD I Raise the Liberyp g Contributed in interest of Campus Liberty Loan Campaign by SCHLANDERER & SEYFRIED BLOOMFIELD THE MICHIGAN DAILY BETSY ROSS CANDYNSHOP FARMERS AND MECHANICS BANK QUARRY DRUG COMPANY SCHAEBERLE & SON FLANDERS SWISS GARMENT CLEANING Co. { CALKINS DRUG CO.