THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCTOBER 16, 1917. * * * 0"* f5i* " * * AT THE THEATERS * * YOU CAN GO TO- * "Nothing But the Truth," at the * Garrick. * "Flora Bella", at the Whitney * Saturday, Oct. 20. * * * TODAY' * Whitney - Lyman H. Howe's * Travel Festival * * Majestic-Vaudeville. * * Orpheum-Julius Sanderson in * "The Runaway." Also Serial, Hel- * en Holmes, "The Lost Express," * No. 2.' * Wuerth -"Romona," by Helen * Hunt Jackson. * Rae - Theda Bara in "Heart * and Soul." Two reel Hoyt com- * edy. * Arcade - Mildred Manning in * "'Mary Jane's Pa." * " s s s s " s Cx AT THE WHITNEY The real possibilities of moving pie- cures, as compared with the every- day "dramatics," will be demonstrated 'at the Whitney tonight by Lyman H. 'Howe's new production, than on any bf his previous engagments. Howe's films are entirely new and 'nique. With the aid of the screen the audience will take a trip around the world, seeing the cream of the universe's travel sights. EMBRYO ORATORS MEET FOR ADVICE Prof. Hollister and Mr. Immel Speak; Northern Oratorical Contest Set For May 1 The Northern Oratorical contest will be held the first Friday in May, 'was the announcement made. at a meeting of prospective orators and debaters recently held in Mason hall. Mr. Ray K. Immel of the oratorical faculty, outlined the eligibility rules. First year men are ineligible whether they are freshman or upperclassmenI unless they receive special permission. Others may enter the contests if their record is good. Mr. Immel also out- lined the methods of selecting the teams for the Varsity debates. Prof. R. D. Hollister then gave some good advice with respect to prepara- tion, urging them to start early. The 'subject for the Central league debate is, "Resolved, That compulsory arbi- tration should be provided for labor disputes involving railroads and other A. Rea Pipe for" College men These are two of the 24 popular shapes in which you can get the Stratford $1.00 and up W'D CHand Made $1.50 and up 1acli a fine pipe, with ,sterling silver ring and ' -vulcanite bit. Leading,, dealers in town carry a full "as- sortment." Select your favorite style.' WM. DEMUTH &CO. New York World's Largest Pipe Manufacturers AT THE GARRICK Detroit t William Collier is appearing at the Garrick this week in "Nothing But the Truth," a comedy with a new and nov- el theme, which serves to show how one of the cardinal virtues may be-ob- served almost to ruination. The play 'produces more laughs from the rise of the curtain than can be tabulated on an adding machine. Shoes repaired while you wait. 0. G. Andres, 222 S. State St.-Adv. Tenor Soloist wanted for church position. Call 312 S. Division, Phone 212-J.-Adv. You can get those Neolin Soles put on at Paul's Place, 611 E. William, while you'wait.-Adv. Pop.Mat.Wd. A I Wk. Oct.15 Best Seats $1 AffIb Nights Sat. Mat. 3 50c to $2.00 25c to $1.50 DETROIT WILLIAM COOLIER In "NOTHING- BUT THE TRUTH" By JAMES MONTGOMERY - --- Tues-16-Marc MacDermott and Mil- dred Manning in "Mary Jane's Pa," and comedy, "Satin and Calico." Wed-17-Norma Talmadge in "Poppy." 8 Parts. Thurs-F1ri-8-x9-Mae Marsh in "Polly of the Circus." 8 Parts. (Cxtra matinee at 4:30 on Thurs.) Sat-Fo-lvart Overton in "Soldiers of Chance," and Comedy, "The Spring Idyl." HATTERS TO COLLEGE MEN We make and retail hats. Make Hats-to- Order and dJo all kinds of hat work such as rebilocking, new bands. etc. We also sell and reblock Anrmy Hats. Hats shaped to fit the head free of charge when bought of us. FACTORY HAT STORE 617 Packard St., next to the Delta. Cor. State and Packard. THE RIGHT PLACE TO BUY A HAT Telephone 1792 A r Genuinei French Briar * C * * S C * * * C S * S * You can get those Neolin Soles put on at Paul's Place, 611 E. William, while you wait.-Adv. --,. .9 _ ../ a ' y 4 X 4 (1 S I MAJESTIC EVE. 7:30-9. 20c, 25o 300 MAT. 3 R.M. 1Oc, and 20o MON., TUES., AND WED. Three Days, Com. Oct. 15th HIPPODROME FOUR Presenting "DINKELSPIEL'S NIGHT SCHOOL" Fun and Harmony LOUIS & LEOPOLD The Merry Men frgm Songland In a Study of their own Song Mae & Bell Connelly In Songs Original Nelson Family Sensational Acrobats W. S. Harvey and Miss Madge Anderson In "A Room Upside Down's THURS., FRI. AND SAT. Hendrix & Belle Isle in "THE SCHOOLMASTER" -4- OTHER ACTS -4: a .''SCENE FROM THE MUSICAL SUCCESS "FLORA BELLA", AT THE WHITNEY THEATER, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20. AT THE MAJESTIC The Majestic is offering a very attractive program of comedy and song this week. Lewis and Leopold are billed in "The Merry Men from Song- land." The original Nelson family has a sensational acrobatic offering, and 'the Hippodrome four furnish quite an. excellent program. The Connolly sis- ters, Mae and Belle, "In Songs," are exceedingly clever, and W. W. Har- vey's offering, "A Room Upside Down" is worthy of more than passing atten- tion. public service companies." The debate will be held Jan. 18, but society pre- liminaries must be off by Nov. 10. The subject for the Mid-West league debate has not yet been decided. All students interested who were not at the meeting are asked to see one of the oratorical faculty as soon as pos- sible. Camp-us In Brief Dr. A. C. Warthin professor of path- ology in the medical school, left yes- terday to attend a convention of the American Public Health association t Copyright Hat SbaKs1gf Another military sport suit I AT THE ARCADE This store is headquarters for lively sport suit styles. Hart Schaffner & Marx have supplied us with the dis- tinctive designs you're look- ing for; the picture shows the kind of style you'll find here -we'll show you some un-, usual values. Reule-Conlin- Fiegel Co. The big store at the south- east corner Main and Wash- ington Streets-downtown. "Mary Jane's Pa," to be shown at the Arcade today, features Marc Mac Dermott and Mildred Manning. This is Miss Manning's first-" five-reel feat- ure, and it will no doubt mean her success. All the atmosphere humor, and philosophy that made "Mary Jane's Pa" such a delightful little comedy drama, presented on. the stage by Henry E. Dixey, have been retained in the screen version. It is an intense melodrama with wonderful touches of pathos and a continual comedy relief running throughout. Workers Delay Membership Reports Owing to further delay of Union workers to turn in their reports, the results of the Union membership cam- paign are not yet available. It is hoped that the facts will be ready for publication in the next couple days. Meanwhile, it is urged that those who have not made their reports do so at once. at Washington, D. C. turn before Saturday. Hygiene -lectures are sometime next week. He will not re- His annual Sex postponed until BOOKS WORTH READING Among the many books about the Somme battle there are few having as much genuine local color as Boyd Cable's "Grapes of Wrath." It was written in the Somme area, and deals primarily with the personal exper- iences of four ordinary infantry sold- iers whom the war has brought to- gether and into close comradeship. Of course it is true that the actors themselves know much less of the drama in which they play than does the audience which witnesses it in the comfortable safety of the moving picture theater. As Pug indignantly expressed it: "Well, I'm blowed! 'Ere we 'as a fust-class fight, and us in the front seats for seein' it, and they goes and shifts off so we don't even know which side won!" The book is filled with little every- day incidents, not of immediate im- portance to the nation, to be sure, but the more interesting because they are the common property of all sold- iers: the little tragedies and ironies, the brave jests born of horrors un- speakable, just the hundred and one little daily occurrences that make the soldier's life worth living, and the tales of it worth reading. Patronize Our Advertisers.-Adv. The condition of Lincoln Avery who is ill with typhoid fever in the St. Joseph hospital, is reported to be im- proving. Lieut. Glenn M. Coulter, '16-'18L, is still stationed at the concentration camp at Allentown, Pa., according to a letter just received by Homer Heath, '07, secretary of the Union. Lieuten- ant Coulter has not been assigned to to a station yet, but expects to be sent to France or to one of the South- ern camps in the near future. ICE AROUND BOAT HOUSE TO BE CLEARED FOR SKATERS Students at the University are to have another place this winter to go ice skating. W. J. Saunders has de- cided to keep the ice clear around the boat-house this winter so that stu- dents will have a good stretch in which to skate. Some time ago skat- ing on the Huron river was one of the chief diversions about Ann Arbor. Several improvements are being made about the boat-house. Among them are an enclosed 'pavilion, hot lunch counter and enlargement of.the dance floor. Helen Day, '18, of Armada, Mich., is seriously ill at the Homoeopathic hospital. Subscribe for the Michigan Daily. Rae Theatre TWO DAYS ONLY TODAY AND TOMORROW The one and Only TIHEDA BARA - n -i "HEART AND SOUL" A typical Theda Bara Picture. And her best effort. EXTRA ADDED AIETRACTION First Big Hoyt Comedy "A DAY AND A NIGHT" And It's Some Comedy WhitneyTheatre Tuesday, October 16 H A 4 0 TRAVEL FESTIVAL WITH UNCLE SAMS NAVY I I- SOMEWHERE4i ATLANTIC U-s NAVAL ACADEMY REAL WILD WEST PERiL, MOUNTAIN CLIM BN UtANYOTERI=UE Prices: - 25c, 35c, 50c, 75c Seat Sale Opens Saturday, Oct. 13, at 10 A. M. ®m r. WHITNEY THEATRE, SATURDAY NIGHT, OCT.20 QUEEN OF THE SEASONS MUSICAL SHOWS The New York Casino Theatre Brilliant Success WuerthTheatre BOOKINGS FOR OCTOBER Prices: 1s Cents Matinees 2, 3:30. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:30 Saturdays-Sundays-Continuous ° Tues-Wed-16-17-"Romona," by Helen - Hunt Jackson. 10 Reels. Thur-Fri-18-1g-Vivian Martin in "Little Miss Optimist." Also Keystone Comedy. N- Sat.-2o-A. N. Pinero in "Iris." Aso Serial, "Neglected Wife," No. 7. Sun-Mon-21-22-E1sie Ferguson in "Bar- - bary Sheep."' Aso Homes Travels= Sand Victor Moore Comedy. s Tues-Wed-23-24-All Star in "Rasputin : the Black Monk." Also O'Henry ° Story.= = Thur-Fri-25-26-Geo.Behan in "Lost in ° Trarisit." Also Keystone Comedy. ° SOrpheumTheatre _ BOOKINGS FOR OCTOBER Prices: :oc unless otherwise specified Matinees z. 3:30. Nights 6:30, 8, 9:30 =. Saturdays-Sundays-Continuous Mon-i -Julius Sanderson in "The Run- away." Also Serial, Helen Holmes, = "The Lost Express," No. 2. = Tues-x6-Lew Field in "The Corner Grocer." Also Comedy and Weekly. =Wed-u7-Ethel Clayton in "The Woman= Beneath." O'Ienry Story. = Thur-x8-Bessie Barriscale in "Wooden Shoes." Also Triangle Comedy and Ford. Evening x~c = Fri-ig-Jack Devereau in "The Grafter." - Also Triangle Comedy and Ford. :. Sat-2o-M. Fisher in "Little Girls Who'= :. Wouldn't Grow." Also Mutual Tray- - els and Comedy.= = Sun-2x-Jack Gardner in "Men of the , Desert." Also "Do Children Count?" ° 1nveningxii5c. HITNEY THEATRE Wednesday, Matinee and Night Happy Lou WNhitey and Associate Players IN "THE NET" Thursday and Friday The Screaming Comedy "HELLO, DILL" m Cncerning the Hutzel Shop 's Prices OR WE MIGHT BETTER SAY "VALUES" Unusual conditions-our selling so large .a proportion of the women's apparel used here-often makes it possible for us to obtain unusual price concessions. BLOUSES AT $5.00 For example, we specialize in Waists at this medium price include in the assortments all kinds of attractively embroidered and bead-trimmed Georgette Waists-lovely tailored Crepe de Chenes of heavy quality-and at even less-$3.98 and $2.98- these are well cut tub silk blouses whose serviceability and simplicity recommend them especially for school wear. SKIRTS AT $7.50 and $17.50 include serge and silk skirt mixtures and plaids of excellent quality. Beautifully tailored and these moderate prices are the rule throughout the stock. MAIN AND VIBERTY STREETS * i 50-PEOPLE---Entire New York Production Excellent Cast ANAL AND Artists Music by CHAS. SCHWARZWALD Book by COSMO HAMILTON Lypios by CARL RANDALL Staged by RICHARD ORDINSKI 20-Delightfully Distinctive Musical Hits Really the Best Girl and Music Show the Casino ever Produced Prices Aiwa] Nights: 14 Matinee: Same ), 25C A' Prices: 50-75-$1.00-$1.50 Boxes $2.00 -J1,_ -- AAA 1 I i i