The Associated Press is exclusiv
to the use for republication ofsal
patches credited to it or not other
ed in this paper and also the1
published herein..,
Official newspaper at the Un
Michigan. Published every morn
Monday during the university year
1Entered at the postofficeat An
second-class matter.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Buildi
Phones: Business, 96o; Editoria
Communications not to exceed
if signed, the signature not necess
pear in print but as an evidence o
notices of events will be publish
Daily at the discretion of the E
at the office or in The Daily not
the main corridor of the generallit
the notices are collected at 7:300
All unsigned communications wil
consideration. No manuscript will"
unless the writer sends postage f
Robert T. McDonald .... Manag
Harold Makinson ........Businac
C. S. Clark, Jr............N..N
Herbert G. Wilson...........
James Schermerhorn, Jr......Sp
Bruce A. Swaney .......... Assoc
Clarence L. Roeser......... Telegr
Mildred C. Mighell........Womn
Margaret H. Cooley........Liter
Paul E. Cholette......Publicati
Bernard Wohl.........Circulatio
Russell C. Ba.rnes Walt
Charles R. Osius, J. Mark
William W. Fox
__________ J~ h of a an's lif iG 5P* fl i the
WSS formation of certain habits. He ries
ely entitledat a certain time, retires at the same
I news dis- hour every evening, and if well equip-
wise credit-
local news ped with the world's goods, eats three
nieals a day. By the time he reaches
tiversity of
ing except the age of maturity he is a bundle
Ar. of habits. It is almost impossible for
rn Arbor as
a man to change from his former
ng. mode of living. He is the same blind
al, 2414.
slave to his habits as the knife throw-
a o rdps, er in De Maupassant's story who
f faith, and outlined his wife with glittering wea-
hed in The
ditor, if left pons as she stood against a wooden
ytice box in wall. He hated her and often tried
[brary where
o'clock each to make the knives diverge one inch.
1 receive no But he could not throw them thus.
be returned Habit was too strong.
or that pur-
Down the golden pathway of life
ging Editor man walks. He passes many beautiful
ss Manager things on the road. Friendship, love,
faith and hope, are all his for the ask-
~ews Editor -. e
City Editor ing. But he passes them by with his
orts Editor eyes strained on some object in the
ciate Editor
raph Editor distance. And when he reaches his
en's Editor goal, for which he has sacrificed al-
rary Editor most everything -- experience and
on Manager sometimes even joy in life, he may
n Manager find that it is as gray as the dust which
he passed on the road.
er R. Atlas To the college man is given a chance
K. Ehlbert to diverge from the rut of the world.
In college he comes in contact with
The learned laws who were so
savagely attacked yesterday by the
energetic engineers have charged the
latter with "contempt of court."
The cadet who didn't salute the
naval officer until he was nearly out
of sight is undoubtedly the one. who
will get left when the transport sails,
who will be asleep when the gunner
sinks the attacking submarine, and
who will be left behind to take care
of the regimental mascot when his
comrades go "over the top."
The Flavor Lasts
He chewed his Spearmint proudly
As down the walks he swung
;He smacked his lips quite loudly;
We thought he should be hung.
After May 1, any number of bibulous
ones may be expected to get jobs as
tank drivers "over there."
It wasn't pride or shame, or any of'
the other deeper-emotions, that caused
so many of the senior girls' faces to
look so red yesterday. Melba, my boy,
And how some of them were
As the Reared on the Campuses
marched down the streets of Ypsi, the.
Normalites sang "Keep the Home
Fires Burning'.' They must have taken .
the rookines for the old home guard.,
There w ill be a rehearsal of the
"Amazons," act two this morning from
1) to 12 o'clock in Sarah Caswell
Angell hall. The whole cast of this
act is requested to be present prompt-
ly at 9 o'clock.
Seniors and sophomores will have
regular baseball practice at 4 o'clock
Monday afternoon at the field across
from Barbour gymnasium. Freshmen
will have regular practice at 4 o'clock
Bond workers who have canvassed
all their lists should return lists and
receipt books at once to headquarters,
room 102, Economics building. Bond
applications should. be turned in as
soon as possible.
The hike to Dixboro will start from
the gymnasium at 1 o'clock this after-
Martha Cook will give a benefit card
party from 2 to 5 o'clock this after-
noon for the War Friendship fund.
There will be important meetings
of the women of the freshman, sopho-
more and junior classes at 4 o'clock
Monday afternoon at Barbour gym-
nasium to nominate juriciary coun-
cil members and the social committee
for the coming year. The freshmen
will nominate the freshman spread
committee, the sophomores will nomi-
nate the junior play committee and
the seniors the senior play committee.
Garden Steps-Cobb...........................60c
Garden Making-Bailey ......................... ..........60c
Practical Garden Book---Hunn and .Bailey.. ...................60c
Vegetable Garden-Watts ......................................80c
The Well Considered Garden-King...........................$2.00
Garden Work-Good ....................................$2.00
The Garden Month by Month-Sedgwick...................$5.00
The Garden Blue Book--Holland ...............................$3.50
The Joyous Art of Gardening-Duncan..........................$1.75
Everymans Garden in Wartime-Selden ........................ $1.35
English Flower Gardens-Robinson ...........................$6.75
The Practical Flower Garden-Ely............................$2.00
Around the Year in the Garden-Rockwell..................$1.75
Our Garden Flowers-Keeler ..........................'. .. ..$2.00
A Woman's Hardy Garden-Ely .............. . . ...... . . . . .. $1.75
200-204 E. Liberty Street
The place to go when you want
Laboratory Supplies
Drugs and T6ilet Articles
JR. MAlpine Paul A. Shinkman
Louise Irish Philip Slomovitz
Florence M. Price Frances Broene
Vera Brown Milton Marx
Horace E. Hunter K. Frances Handibo
David B. Landis dgar L. Rice
Gertrude Sergeant Vincent H. Riorden
Rilla A. Nelson
W. A. Leitzinger Harry D. Hause
Earl H. Cress Katherine Kilpatrick
Francis H. Case Frances H. Macdonald
Henry Whiting I Agnes Abele
George A. Cadwell, Jr. L. A. Storrer
Lambert Hirsheimer Frank N. Gaethke
Night Editor-Russell Barnes
Professor McElroy, of Princeton, a
speaker for the National Security
league, has directed at the University
of Wisconsin an attack of disloyalty,
which appears to be nothing more
than the result of a hastily miscal-
culated allusion. The state of Wis-
consin has La Follette and Berger
and a large number of persons of
Germanic origin. For this reason
the Chicago Tribune comments that
ta charge such as Professor McElroy
has made is given more weight than
if it were directed at another college
The university in question prob-
ably contains a few students whose
attitude upon the war is not commend-
able. Yet it is altogether too -much
to assume that a college which has
sent as many of her men into the ser-
vice as has the Cardinallinstitution, has
taken Liberty bonds in such creditable
amounts, and has a considerable num-
ber of her present student body en-
gaged in military training should be
accused of being "damned Prussians,"
as Professor McElroy says he called
his audience.
The Tribune further says:
"The cadets had been march-
ing for several miles through the
rain. They were then seated in a
large hall which was chilly and
drafty. They listened interested-
ly to the first speaker. Then rose
Professor McElroy and began to
read from a manuscript. He read
on and on, an hour and a quarter.
The cadets being young and hu-
man got restless and intimated,
as other audiences have in similar
circumstances, that they had had
enough. Instead of taking the
hint, Professor McElroy flew into
a rage and made his ridiculous
charge of disloyalty." -
Wisconsin's students of much
the same tibre-W-i- those of Chicago,
Mifl'hesota, Illinois, Michigan, Cornell,
Yale, or Harvard. The efforts of these
other institutions in war work are
more than passing efforts. A list of
army reserve officers will reveal a
striking number of college men. Few
have waited until they were compelled
to go into the draft army. In his
statement at Wisconsin, the Princeton
professor is casting derogatory re-
marks upon every university in the
country with a record similar to the
Cardinals' showing. More than that,
he is putting himself and the univer-
sity he represents in an unfavorable
people who may surprise and even
shock him. Their truths may hurt.
But the road to a clear understanding
is rough. If he accepts only the
pleasant old things, around which
have grown a glamour, which is only
stupidity of people, his life will be
rather, easy. One likes his sort of
people in public and yawn at them in
private. The world will pat him on
the back and he will go on his way,
with a vague sensation in the back of
his thick head of riding on the waves
of prosperity.
But the man who learns must suf-
fer., lie must try new things and they
are painful. His life will be bounded
by failure and misery in many cases.
But he will have the sensation of
controlling his own destiny. He has
taken the steps which led him into
success or failure, alone. No mental
tags gained from another man have
made him what he is. All he has tak-
en from others he has tested by the
fire of experience. And, when the end
of the long road comes at last, he will
realize that he has been a free agent,
a pioneer in life and the living of it.
The police department reports an
unusually large number of arrests
this week. Nearly all of those taken
in tow by the law have been accused
of doing their utmost to make the
state dry ahead of time.
It has been predicted that there
will be a shortage of soda water this
summer. The stuff always was a fiz-
A Michigan farmer claims he has a
device which will make chickens lay
colored eggs. No need of worrying
much about this, for the state goes dry
Tuesday at midnight.
-It's about time the crown pince was
announcing to his army that it has
won another "victory."
Ludendorff says France has been
bled white. Pretty live corpse just the
Contrary to a general rumor, grad-
uates in marine engineering will not
accompany Prof. H. C. Sadler to
Washington next week he take up his
duties there with the Emergency
Fleet corporation.
Prof. E. M. Bragg, who will succeed
Professor Sadler as head or Utc ma-
rine engineer'i department, said
yester ay morning that ,although the
marine men would finish their work
about the time of Professor Sadler's
departure, they would not be called
to service at that time.
1. M. C. A. Secretary Lectures Sunday
N. C. Fetter, general secretary of
the University Y. M. C. A., will ad-
dress a regilious meeting of the draft:
contingent at 4 o'clock Sunday after-
noon in Lane hall. A musical pro-
gram will be held in connection with
this meeting.
At 7 o'clock on Monday night the
same body will hold a smoker in Lane
A want ad in the Daily will nUl;
your property.-Adv.
We do developing and printing
24 hours time
All Work Guaranteed
Gibe us a trial
There was a little man,
And he had a little can,
And he went down town one day;
;And he knocked on the door
Of a liquor store.
(He forgot it was the first of May.)
A sad little man
Took his empty can,
And wandered up State street way;
The Slater Book Shop
He drank his fill
At Foster's grill,
And went to Toledo to
Education foiled J.
night. Caps and gowns
brellas and raincoats.
Pluvius last
served as um-
Freshman, on viewing the becapped
and begowned senior: "Gee look at
all the new professors!"
"It is the duty of all men en-{
rolled in the enlisted Engineering
reserve and the Naval enlisted reserve
to spend the summer in some work of
value to the nation," says a bulletin
issued by the committee on the en-
listed Engineering reserve.
At the beginning of the fall semes-
ter a report will be required from each
man- in either of these reserves, sign-
ed by his employer, stating the dura-
tion and nature of the work done by
him during the summer, and his atti-
'tude toward the work."
Jean Picard, a veteran who served
14 months in the trenches before be-
ing sent to the hospital, will speak at
8 o'clock Monday evening, in Hill au-
Picard has delivered war lectures
throughout the United States under
the auspices of the International Y.
M. C. A., and under the particular di-
rection of Dr. John R. Mott, who is
head of the army Y. 41. C. A. His
Ivisit here is a result of an intimate
acquaintance with Dick H all, son of
Doctor Hall, who recently lost his life
in the service of the ambulance corps.
The lecture is open to the public.
Postponed S p Lit Meeting, Today
Due to the closing of all University
buildings yesterday afternoon in honor
of Liberty day, the sophomore liter-
ary class meeting scheduled for 2
o'clock yesterday in room 205, Mason
hall, has been changed to 2 o'clock to-
You will find what you want
warough the Daily want ads.-Adv.
There are opportunities for you in
Daily advertisements. Read them.
There is always an opportunity to
increase your builness throug Daily
s~dvertluing. Try it.-A-dv.
Dancing Friday and Saturday nights
at the Armory.-Ady.
- -
- -
r It s time for
=think -fg ti g y u e ti
_ a
to low shoes. This mdli
one of the new spring styles
that ms in the popular
in Black Calf. An excep-
_ .-:--,----.tionally comfortable last
that has the correct style
10 f sor te new seasons.
_ w
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EST. 185
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Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and Jackson
(April 1, 1913)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-7:2s a.
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Jackson Express Cars ;,ocal sto" west of
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to 7 :48 V. im.
Local Cars East Bound--5:35 a. in., 6:4o
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p. m., 8:05 p. M., 9:05 p. in., 1,o p m
To Ypsilanti only, 11:45 p. m., 12:00 a. m.,
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Local Cars West Bound-6:oi' a. m., 1:48
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A <1
Cc y: . ' TI .. a .. ier 411,
Hart Sxchafner&
spring suits and top coats are
more snappy than ever this
spring; the kind of clothes red-
blooded young men will be
wearing. They have incorporat-
ed in them all the style tenden-
cies that will be popular.
We have bought freely and as
a consequence offer you choice
of a stock unequalled for rich-
ness of choice and variety of
style, anywhere but in their
shops. You will find here
clothes as good as you can buy
in any city, and the price is
more reasonable.
New neckwear, Steson and
Knox Hats.
113 East University
The popular resort for
Courteous' and satisfactory
TREATMENT to every custom-
er, whether the account be large
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The Ann Arbor Savings Bank
Incorporated 1869
Capital and Surplus, $550,000.00
Resources .........$4,000,000.00
Northwest Cor. Main & Huron.
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For Sale.and Rent
Fraternity and Social Stationery
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Try our
They are both delicious and
Phone 967 1068S.Main St
Your every Bank-
ing -need fulfilled at
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The Big Home of Hart Schaff-
ner and Marx Clothes, at South-
west Corner Main and Washing-
ton Streets.
Farmers & Mechanics Bank
101-105 So. Main
330 So. State St:
(Nickels Arcade)
I ,
- ________________