HELPS THE KAISER!. LOAN YOUR MONEY Ar 4hp r 411 t r ta n ARPOOPF FL 1 A 1 d J~J .T: np g. :S" ty d f_ yam.. ' n. } k,5 } r . : f i - L. XXVIII. No. 145. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, APRIL 27, 1918. PRICE THREE CENTS NMT KEMEL K CAPTURED BY I f ': i. FavF M * Registration of women in Ann *Arbor will begin today, and contin-' * ue throughout next week. Regis-' * istration booths will be open from * 9 o'clock in the morning until 5 * o'clock in the afternoon, and from' * 7 o'clock to 9 o'clock in the eve-' * ning at various stores downtown * and near the campus. * Further information may be ob- * tained from Mrs. Ella G. Heartt, * chairman of the committee on * registration, 309 North Division * street, phone 2593-J. EY TO YPERS, G IT aiUK T To L U C E '5 *: *: *: * *. * * * * * * * * * * * * FRENCH MORALE BETTER SINCE Us Se ENTERED WAR PROFESSOR FROM BORDEAUX UNIVERSITY PREDICTS VICTORY "The entrance into the war of the United States with its inexhaustible supply of men and natural resources, has assured Victory, and buoyed up the morale of the French people," said Prof Charles Cestre, who holds the professorship of English literature at the University of Bordeaux in France, in his lecture last night in the Natural science department. Prof. Cestre said that he believed that the French have been able to bear up under all this struggle because of their patriotism, which he explain-- ed dates from the time of Charle- magne, and which has been intensi- fied by a closeness of thought and feeling among ,the people, due to the nearness of dangerous enemies. Fight for Land Also, the French peasant has a personal attachment to the land on which he lives, because his ancesters for generations have tilled and im- proved it, and hence they fight with greater fury, to save it. HANGARDAPPARENTLY IN GERMAN CONTROL Huns Penetrate Village of ,HallIes Taking Possession of 1ill 8 North of Castel (By Associated Press) Berlin, April 26.-The German offi cial communication issued here to- night says: "The attack by General von Arnims against Mont Kemmel led to a com- plete success. The height itself look- ing far into the Flanders plain is in our posession. "The French divisions entrusted within the radius of the British troops with the defense of Mont JKemmel, and English troops ad- joining them at Wytschaete and Dran- outre, were thrown out of their posi- tions. French Open Counter-Attack London, April 26.-The French have counter-attacked Kemmel hill, and a furious battle is raging, says a dis- patch received from British head- quarters in France. Troops Retake Ground Paris, April 26.-A counter-attack against the German lines, from Vil- lers-Bretonneux to south of the Luce, were launched this morning by our troops who succeeded in retaking a large part of the ground which had been lost in that region, says the ofUt- cial statement issued by the war office. "Counter-Attacks Fail"-Berlin Berlin, April 26.-"Enemy counter- attacks against Mont Kemmel, and in the fighting area south of Villers- Bretonneux, failed with heavy losses," says the official statement issued by the war office tonight. "The more intellectual people have April 26.-Kemmel hill, a height a similar feeling about the destruc- which has been looked upon as the tion of the irreplaceable works of key to the south side of the Ypres art products of French genius, salient, and one of the most important which the Germans are destroying strategic positions on the northern bat- merely to wound the pride of the tle front of France, has been taken French people," he pointed out. by the Germans. The loss of the hill, which is admit- WAR PREPARES WAY FOR ted in a statement by General Rad- DEMOCRACY DECLARES TAYLOR cliffe, chief director of military oper- ation at the British war office, brings Democracy can not be made safe in to the Allies a realization that Ypres the world by armies, treaties, or na- position is imperiled from the German tional agreements," said Dr. S. Earle drive northward. Taylor, secretary of the centenary Launch Terrific Attacks commission of the Methodist church, The Teutons launched terrifiic at- in his lecture last night in Lane hall. tacks along the Wytschaete-Bailleul- "War must come first, to prepare the Meteren line Wednesday. They hurled way," he continued, "then must come fresh divisions against the French and the great brotherhood of Chrsitianity British until at nightfall Thursday to take up the work and carry it to they had surrounded Kemmel hill and its grand end." isolated the French troops holding the Dr. Taylor in his lecture Thursday position. All night long the fight night discussed the horrible condi- went on, and it was not until Friday tions existing atnore the people of that the Germans succeeded in storm- several foreign countries Inhis lec- ing up the slopes of the height. ture last night he described the man= ' -- 'e loss of Kemmel hill is serious, ner in which the Methodist mision, and tI erman success cuts a deep and other missions as well, were im- notch in the alliedn r, -thwest of. proving these conditions in providing Ypres, and completely outflanks ett schools, hospitals, and spreading British on the northern slopes of Christianity among the people. puy pextu 8'ea eaiwA. uaop 'sepoj1 Messines ridge. IMPORTANCE OF NILE RIVER Allies Plan Counter-Attack TOLD TO COSMOPOLITAN CLUB So important is the possession of Kemmel hill that the Allies may The tremendous importance of the launch a counter attack to capture it. 'Nile in Egyptian agriculture and com- The latest reports from the scene merce was emphasized by Prof. of the battle are that the Germans are Clarence T. Johnson, of the survey- attacking on a line from La Clytte to ing department, in a lecture given last the Ypres-Comines canal. night to the Cosmopolitan club at the . The evident purpose of this attack Unitarian church. is to roll up the Allied positions south Professor Johnston indicated that of Ypres, and force a retirement. if the pyramids were placed on the Huns Penetrate Hallies Village campus with one corner at the Engi- At other points along the battle-line neering arch, the base would extend the Germans have made important to Tappan hall, thence to the fire sta- gains. At Villers-BretonneuN the tion, again to the medical building, British have held their lines, but Han- and back to the arch, it's height being gard is apparently still in German four times as great as the campus hands. flag .pole. Immediately north of Castel the Ger- The lecture was followed by a brief mans have penetrated the village of business session of the club, after Hailles, and are in posession of Hill which lo.1,+ rnFaiamante. .'war ackwvarlna