when they come or show a. dispos- U M A A A tion to remain single." --- At this hour the Americans a're A furnisher advertises "shirts with the center of attraction for the young . . tub ikbs sha gstpsto women of the other side of the water.,,s and the New York Herald in com- I match the body." Zebras are a rath- menting on the situation says: "Our er small portion of the world's in- soldiers no doubt have smiles for habitants; still, there's nothing like both women of England and France, catering to an exclusive clientele. but it is a safe gamble they have not forgotten the girls they left be- They's Due to All the Rest of Us Also hind." The Baltimore Sun says that Move On.j only time will tell, while the Denver (The apoligies are, I believe, due to Post remarks that "he will be back Rupert Brooke.) to marry that 'home-town' girl way And I shall find another bar, per- out in the little western village in haps, the heart of the Rockies."-Evening And a better one than you, Missourian. With rail as old but shinier And foaming steins of brew, Detroit jitneys carried passengers And I daresay it, will do. -1627-J. from Addison to the city hall for 25 -- cents, during the D. U. R. strike. -The perpetrator of the above is a If the local taxi trust had been moved curious example of a sub-normal sense to Detroit, it wouldn't have charged a of self-preservation. We have, as it cent over $2 for the same distance. were, got his number, Watson., The Newspaper for A. A. and Wash- "The l.. 0. T. C. is going to Ypsi tenaw county informs us that since tomorrow," one Cuss told us last today is Liberty day, the University night. "We're all pressing our uni- held no classes yesterday afternoon. 'frs. Why, oh why, weren't w'e and our We would have similed kindly at profs wised up to this? this, but it doesn't do to let the cubs Stlink that they are funny, except un- "'The nation must husband its re- consciously. So we inquired, "Going sources," says Hoover. Does that in- en masse?" elude women? "No," he answered, "on the car."' Garden Steps-Cobb ........................................ Garden Making-Bailey ............................... Practical Garden Book-Hunn and Bailey.................... Vegetable Garden-W atts ................................. . The Well Considered Garden-King......................... Garden Work-Good ........................................ The Garden Month by Month-Sedgwick ..................... The Garden Blue Book-Holland ............................ The Joyous Art of Gardening-Duncan....................... Everymans Garden in Wartime-Selden ..................... English Flower Gardens-Robinson ........................ The Practical Flower Garden-Ely ........................ Around the Year in the Garden-Rockwell .................. Our Garden Flowers-Keeler ............................... A Woman's Hardy Garden-Ely ............................ AI\ wAHSTA STREET STR of the m s see man's way. Undream- ties are spread before ers of the other three black lines of seniors there will be many hates missing. Sbme ches, many others are ation. A few may be still others protecting virtue of the six-inch 'oyer. The, men in the help but recall today, d 'Bill' could be here." t itself, and the wry fy to the appreciation classmates. Lio has been fortunate in sheltered in college himself with the com-I npus talk is fled with, what branches of ser- rs are entering. Sev- within the past few e are merely awaiting ers are about to en- have been expressed gan men in the outside to do their duty. ain before final exam- that time is upon us, >er of things lto be done. e is the leader of the CAMERAS and SUPPI - We do developing and printing 24 hours time All Work Guaranteed Gibe us a SThe Slater Book Revised version as it will be today- "Swing, swing, joy rules the day." _ It has been proposed that April, 1918, should have at least 31 days. eatronize Our Advertisers.-Ad- \We arc going to start a society for the protection of overworked words and phrases like "camouflage" and "over the top." If you know of any equally abused linguistic victims, tell us and we will bend our efforts to pensioning them likewise. How Long, Oh Lord, How Long Bibulous Bobby's Horrible Hobby; Guzzling Greedily Glittering Goblets, Spending Speedily Daddy's Ducats-Qhow Cho I 11 i_ w. Rugs cleaned and washed. Satiufac- tion guaranteed. Koch and Henue.- 2402.-Adv. L ! rested concerneQ witn inese prvuiei". T The Student council should be tad Istrengthened until it assumes its proper place in campus events. The student sentiment toward' the R. 0. T. C. should be made better. There exists now a lack of harmony be- tween the heads of the organization peo- andthe men. Tangles can be straight- they ened out best by plain talk. Mis- Tairs understandings are many and rather t of serious. The experiment of women in the Union opera has been tried. hing The undergraduates should have reached a definite conclusion as to orld, the success or failure of the venture. ver- The comment has been passed in- in- numerable times that Michigan is nan- not assuming her place as a war Un- i ersity. Alumni mumblings are now be- e an ing heard in protest to the Wolverines' e of scarcity of army men on her campus. :cise In strong alumni centers, movements tion. to grapple with this proposition have Stu- already been started. These moves are expecting and awaiting the help of the t4, r --1 i C? il ti'r r-- g o y- Wonderful New S pring Co ats at00 W OMEN"S -MISSES' Trench models, military effects, sleeveless coatees and motor types of Velour, Poplin, mannish Serges and Tweeds in the smartest spring colors. Shirred, pleated, half belted or full belted effects. Many with striking silk overcollars and fai.cy stitching. i Cor. State and N. I Phone 308 DETVVIT UNITED Between Detroit, Ann Arbc (April 1, 191S Detroit Limited and Expre m.. 8:io a. in., and hourly to Jackson Express Cars "loc; Aim Arbor)--9:48 a. in, and to 7:48 P. M. Local Cars East Bound--5 a. M., 7:05 a. m. and every t p. in., 8:o5 p. in., cq:c9 p. To Ypsilanti only, 11 :45 P. i :iu a. m., 1:20 a. in. To Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound- a. n, w0:2erne2 a '.ar Stv MAIL INQUIRIES SOLICITED CORNER WDOWARD ATT DEITROIT er, whethe: or small. The Annl Resourc ng-out marks the beginning of ld of the 1918 class. It calls to difficult questions. It means tart of a vigorous period of ac- the last minute hurry. In the of the preparations to leave for e, the senior class will do well nk of what Michigan has meant If the near graduates are of the ,r sort,they will resolve to pay at once inore of the debt that owe the state and the University. [, HE MARRY OVER THERE / culating editorially on whether nen of the American army will y English and French women e they return to their native has been taken up by American rs after the English and French .alists have exhausted words :houghts upon the question. e Liverpool Post sometime ago "We wonder if the coming of American army will have any upon the matiinonial inclina- of our girls. For some reas- he men of the New World have rto never shown any great rness to take brides from the and even the theory that this not been the way of the Ameri- o cross the Atlantic, althought it insoling to our national vanity, not work. For it is noticeable Canadians who have abounded ir midst the last four years are near as fond of marrying into ountry as are for example, Aus- ns. Fewof the young men Australia seem to want to re- home without an English bride, Have you bought your Oxfords yet, at the Closing Out SaIc at Purfield's? Never before have you had an opportunity to buy high grade Oxfords at the beginning of a season at such low prices. 119 East Liberty Street ONE THRIFT STAMP FREE-until Saturday, April 27-with each pair purchased amounting to $5.25 or more. IF IT'S ANYTHINs PHOTOGRAPHI( SWAIN 113 East Univ ITUTTL The popular reso LUNCHES and TYVPE WRIT For Salo TY PE I _ 32 Classes The Cal give their Acadeniy, Ady. f .,- . . .