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April 25, 1918 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-04-25

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ieat appearance are
.siness and profess-
as in the fighting



o control the destiny of
aerica will find the qual-
-the snap of youth, the
e, the refinement of ex-
the acme of value-best

Smart Ithes




PHONE 1101


Goodyear Rubber Heels

(By Prof. Fred Newton Scott)
Young people who are looking for-
Iward to journalism as a career, are
usually in a tearing hurry to begin.
As a rule they want to take the news-
paper courses in the freshman year.
Nothing, however, is to be gained by
,precipitancy. The newspaper is so
plastic a medium, its form, itsmethod,
and its contents shift so rapidly from
year to year, that the intending jour-
nalist will do well to defer his speci-
fic training until be is a junior or
even a senior. Meanwhile, by a wise
choice of studies, he may be laying
the foundations of a liberal education
-a far more valuable acquisition in
the long run (to speak in confidence)
than any amount of technical skill.
While it is literally true that noth-
ing in the way of information or in-
sight comes amiss to the journalist,
there are certain courses and groups
of course that are likely to be of more
immediate benefit than are others.
Thus the student must at all hazards
acquire proficiency and a measure
of speed in conmttng his thoughts
to paper. He should also become in-
timately acquainted with the best
best things in English literature and
somehow gain an appreciation of them.
He should get a firm hold on at least
one foreign language. Of history,
both American and European, he can
hardly take too much, and that he
should be at home in political science,
economics, sociology, and psychology,
goes without saying. Here is surely
enough to keep him busy for the first
three years.
In the specific training in journal-
ism, the emphasis should, in my opin-
'ion, fall mainly upon theory. TPhe
rationale of the newspaper,-its func-
tion in a democratic community, the
method of its evolution, the principles
of its inner and outer organization-
these are the things upon which the
attention of the student should be
centered if he expects to become
something more than a drudge or an
initator; for it is ideas that count in
this as in any other vocation. Above
all, the student should acquire un-
shakable ideals of the newspaper pro-
fession that will serve him as guides
to conduct throughout his whole ca-
Although technical training is de-
sirable, its importance is commonly
much overrated. A student who has
spent a few weeks on a metropolitan
paper usually thinks that he is ready
for anything. What he has really ac-
quired is, as a general rule, only the
argot of the newspaper office, a sense
for the cqnventional types- of news,
and a helter-skelter fluency in writ-
ing. These are trifles. They can be
picked up anywhere, and students who
are satisfied with them are wasting
their time at a university. They
should be in a commercial college.
Experience has shown that one who
knows the fundamental principles of
journalism and has laid up a stock of
fruitful ideas, can upon entering a
newspaper office, master the techni-
que in an astonishingly short time-
provided, of course that he has some
natural fitness for the work.
Four engineers have been dropped
from the engineers reserve corps on
account of poor scholarship, Secretary
L A. Hopkins, of the engineering col-
lege, announced yesterday. In com-
menting upon this action, Secretary
Hopkins said:
"The engineers' reserve corps was
organized to give men of high scholar-
ship an opportunity to prepare for

millitary service, where their techni-
cal training will be of value. Stud-
ents in the reserve corps are expected..
to maintain an increasingly high
standard of scholarship, and to be
prompt in the filing of their reports
with us for transmission to the war
department. Failure to comply with
the latter requirement is just as ser-
ious as failure to make a. good schol-
arship record."

Two lists of names of the cadets
who have and who have no classes
Friday afternoon will be taken by the
first sergeant of the military com-
panies, acording to an announcement
made at the lecture yesterday after-
noon by the military authorities. The
list will be complied in order that the
officials may ascertain exactly the
number of men able to participate in
the Ypsilanti Liberty Loan parade.
If a sufficient number of cadets sig-
nify their intention of going, orders
will be issued this afternoon. In case
the students leave, they will form in
front of the Waterman gymnasium
at 12:30 o'clock Friday afternoon,
where they will be given guns. They
will then march down to the inter-
urban and take the car for Ypsilanti
it is expected that th. cadets will re-
turn at 4:30 o'clock that afternoon.
Supplies for all R. O. T. C. c9urses
at the different universities and col-
l'eges throughout the country have
been held up, acording to a statement
received yesterday by Lieut. Losey J.
Williams from the quartermaster
general's department in Washington.
This means that no ammunition will
be received for the shooting gallery.
All tripod exercises, which the ca-
dets have been taking, will be discon-
Members of the R. o. T. C. band
had battalion review last night. After
the drill, the band held their regular
practice period.
A change of ateletic events was an-
nounced last night by Dr. George A.
May. The following program will be
given at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon
on Ferry field:
First regiment-Company E, fence
vaulting; company F, soft ball; com-
pany G, grenade throwing; company
H. broad jump.
The latter part of the hour will be
devoted to setting up exercises which
will be memorized by the cadets. The
companies will be dismissed from
Ferry field early in order to enable
the men to take a shower in the gym-
nasium. Attendance will be taken im-
mediately after the showers.
R. o. T. C. uniforms, which were
changed by the cadets for a different
size, were shipped from the clothing
manufacturer on April 13, but have
not yet arrived, owing to the con-
gested freight conditions, according
to an announcement issued last night
by the clothing agent.
A battalion parade will be held at
4:15 o'clock this afternoon on Ferry
field. The members of the R. 0. T. C.
band will meet in uniform at 4 o'clock
this afternoon 'in front of Hill audi-
Money and tickets left over from the
sale of the military ball will be turned
in this afternoon by the first ser-
geants to F. M. Thompson, '21, at
Lieut. George C. Mullen's office in
Waterman gymnasium. .
$50 FOR Y. M. C. A. WAR WORK
Fifty dollars was donated to the Y.
M. C. A. for war work yesterday morn-
ing by the fr-esman engineers, at a
class meeting in the engineering

It was decided to hold the next class
dance on Friday, May 3, in Barbour
gymnasium. The dance will be open
to" the public if sufficient tickets can
not be sold to the class.
Catholic Students Will Give Dance
Members - of the Catholic sutdents
club will hold a dancing party at 8:30
o'clock tomorrow night at the Pack-
ard Academy. Refreshments will be
served, and the music will be fur-
nished by Ike Fisher. This is the first
dance to be given by the organization
since Easter. Chaperons for the affair
are to be announced.
Horace Peale, '14, Dies at Camp Dix
Horace Peale, '14, died Monday of
pneumonia at Camp Dix, New Jersey,
according to a telegram received in
Ann Arbor yesterday. His home is in
Sidney, N. Y.



Early Spring Showing

of every description

1002 S.
Cousins & Hall UNIV.AVI
Members of the Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association


The Hutzel Shop has
a Blouse Stock
That any Clothes Shop
in the country might
well -be proud of!
There are literally thousands-an
instead of being all of a kind and typ
as large blouse stocks so often are-
they come in the most amazing variet

Society Brand and
Hickey-Freeman Suits

Al just received a line of* Spring Hats and Caps

of exquisite models
able to get together!

we ve

ever been

FE. uertk

.Between the Theatres

SSoles ut on your

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011 E. WIL


They're French-looking and out-of-the ordinary.
And even the quite simple ones are very beautiful.
For example there is a model which comes in deli-
cate pastel shades, and pearl gray, with pipings-.in
a contrasting shade. There are bead trimmed
blouses-waists with every effective kind of new
collar and cuff-

Unusualness ,is certainly the keynote!

gton, April 24.-One of the
ortant financial happeningsI
ek was the government loan
,000 to the New York. New
d Hartford railroad, to en-
,take up its maturing notes.1
to be carried by the govern-
ix percent instead of seven,
te the road originally paid.
w York Central rairoad has
worth of one year notes
May 1, and it is understood
overnment will also provide
nt necessary for their re-
o Washtenaw Men to Entrain
were received by ,the local
draft board yesterday for
.nment of the 32 men to be
n Washtenaw county. The
are now being examined
ard, will be ordered to re-'
nn Arbor on May 14. They
:e a special train with other
contingents. Two men were
into service Tuesday by the

Men who were accepted for the army
stores course scheduled to begin April
27 will be sent to Camp Hancock, Ga.
for instruction, according to Captain
B. T. White. Notifications to this ef-
feet are being mailed from Washing-
ton. Affairs of the course are being
rapidly closed up by Captain White
and his staff, in'anticipation of an
early transfer to another station.
Professor Bigelow's Son to Enter Navy
John Bigelow, son of Professor S.
L. Bigelow of the chemistry depart-
ment, has just passed his examination
for an ensign's commission at Pel-
ham Bay school. He is visiting hisj
father for a few days before reporting
for sea duty.
Dr. Meyers Returns From Kenton, 0.
Dr. Dean W. Meyers has returned
from Kenton, Ohio, where he held a
clinic for Dr. H. R. Wynn, who is a
graduate of the Homoeopathic Med-
ical college.

Special at $5

are hundreds of Spring models of
Georgette and crepe de chine.


Main and Liberty Streets.



,be considered without this cert
and failure to comply with thi
will result in withdrawal of the
leges of the engineers' reserve
so far as the student is conceri

You will
mrouh the


what you want
want ads.-Adv.

Committee Passes Resolutions
eerning Spending of




Leave Copy
at '
Supply Store

ady or gentleman of fair
iving in or outside Ann
o home work or travel;
per week and expenses.
rs. Jennie Brown, Gen-
ry, Ann Arbor, Mich.
student to wash dishes
Anly in person, 1004

You S Ll
FOR SALE-An Old Town Canoe. In-
quire or phone 1031.
FOR SALE- Banjorine. Practically
new. Call 711W.
FOR AILE-Th. Daily can slls A
thing, it It our apeclalty.
F hR :T
MR3 RENT-Never leave that Drop-
*rty racant when a Daily want-ad

We Represent the
Steinway, Knabe, Vose & Sons, Sohmer, Grinnell Bros.,
Sterling, Shominger, and many other makes.
The world's famous Pianola Player Pianos, Victor
GRINNELL BROS., 116 S. Main St.

Engineers are expected . either to
spend the summer in useful work or
attend the summer session of the col-
lege, according to resolutions drawn.
up by the committee of the engineers'
reserve corps.
The use to which a student puts his
summer vacation is regarded by the
committee as a material indication of
his earnestness and sincerity in pre-
paring himself for war service. In
order to make sure that engineering
:students spend their recess profitably,
each student will be required to file
with the secretary 'of the college at
the beginning of the fall term, a state-
ment from his employer, giving the
duration of his summer employment,
the character of work done, and the
student's attitude toward his work.
No application for any reserve will

Bordeaux Professor to Lecture
"The Spirit of France," will 1
subject of a lecture to be giv
Prof. Charles Cestre at 8 o'cloc
day evening in the auditorium
Natural Science building. Pro
Cestre is professor of English
ture at the University of Bordea
France, and is exchange profes
Harvard this year. His work
especially with the 'influences
French revolution on English
The public is invited.
Saginaw Surgeon Holds Clinic
Dr. E. C. Kinsman of Saginaw
of the auxiliary staff of surgeo
the Homoeopathic hospital,
clinic here yesterday.
Always-Daily Service-41w

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