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April 24, 1918 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-04-24

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3 o'clock-Dean J. R. Effinger lec-
S tures to Cercle Francais in Tappan



s oversubscribed all
s already sent more
han has been reques-
e now being taken to
Kt contingent to be

Arbor has gone " over the top"
uota for the Red Cross.
Arbor has complied to every
nent request for the support
war, and has never yet failed
e up to its quota, but there is
.e great thing that Ann Arbor
>," officials say.
ravagance Will Mean Famine
Arbor must save in larger
.s than it has been doing, and
observe absolute food regula-
r a wheat famine will result in
nths of July and August.
e is enough wheat in the city
for some time, but local bakers
ble to secure and spring wheat
is predicted that there will be
olute lack of it before the next
. Local milling companies re-
at there is no other way of
g a wheat shortage than by
ual effort in conservation.
Bread Sales Increase
of bread among Ann Arbor
in the past few weeks indicate
ie people in Ann Arbor are
disregarding the wheatless
ions, as shown by an increase
number of loaves sold. One
said yesterday that he had sold
re loaves of bread last Satur-
an was the normal amount for

5 o'clock-11 Circolo Dante meets
in room 301, University hall.
7:30 o'clock-Prof. Leroy Waterman
speaks in Natural Science auditorium
on "Jerusalem, Mesopotamia, and the
7:30 o'clock-Intercollegiate Social-
ist society meets at 1340 Wilmot
12:15 o'clock-Dental faculty lunch-
eon at the Michigan Union.
7:30 o'clock- Dr. S. Earl Taylor
lectures in Lane hal.
8 o'clock Cercle Francais plays in
Sarah Caswell Angell hall.
Tickets for the Cercle Francais play
will be on sale from 3 to 6 o'clock
this afternoon at Wahr's bookstore.
Varsity mandolin club rehearsal at
7 o'clock in University hall. It is ad-
solutely necessary that every member
be there.
* * * * * * * * * * * * *
* *

Ann Arbor women are preparing
themselves to take care of the
threatened labor shortage. Some
of this work has been going
on for the last year under the
supervision of the local Y. W. C. A.,
with the result that 14 girls completed
a course in motor driving last fall.
The girls who have taken this course
spent only their spare time at it, and
have been declared competent to drive
cars, should men be called away from
the work. One girl has already of-
fered her services as a taxi driver,
and was given a trial some time ago.
At present there is no shortage of
taxi drivers, and her services will
not be called on until it will be found
necessary to do so.



to the
of our




Telegraphy Course Successful
The government has requested the
local Y. W. C. A. to open a course in
telegraphy here for girls, who are to
be prepared for emergency. Already
14 girls have been entered in the
course, and it is thought that others
will sign up before the work has pro-
gressed very far. In addition to this,
15 girls are to be instructed in shop
work beginning next week. They
will be taught the rudiments of ma-
chinery, and are expected to become
expert motor drivers. The instruc-
tion in this course will be held in the
evenings, so that it will not interfere
with their daily work. In addition
to this, more than 20 girls are being
instructed in a home nursing course.
These girls will not be sent from the
city, but will tend to the home nurs-
ing and local hygiene work of the
Shortage of Help Predicted
A census was taken a few weeks
ago by the local Y. W. C. A., to de-



"Over -the Top," at the Garrick.
Majestic-"The Kaiser."
Wuerth-Elizabeth Risdon in
"Mother." Also "Eagle's Eye."
Orpheum-Pauline Fredrick in
"Double Crossed." Also "Eagle's
Arcade-Barbara Castleton and
E. K. Lincoln in "For the Free-
dom of the World." Mutt and Jeff
Cartoon, "Ups and Downs of De-
tective Work."




'der to prepare for a wheat
e in the city, an inspection
.de Monday among farmers of
naw county, to determine the
of wheat that is being held
It is the aim of the govern-
place all such wheat on the
immediately, and it is reported
veral hundred bushels were
n the hands of the farmers.
will be taken on this matter
a very short time.
Lid Observe Wheatless Meals
i attempt to conserve the up-
wheat in thq city, it was pro-
that there lie smaller loaves
d, but this has not met with
royal of the local bakers. One
leading bakers said that this
only purchase more loaves, and
end the consumption would
same. . He said that it was
not be a saving, as people
eatless meals, in order to avoid
e shortage.

* I
* I

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the whe


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r other
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t two-third


Under the auspices of the Classieal
Club, Professor Sanders spoke Tues-
day evening in Memorial hall, on the
Spanish art found in various manu-
scripts, obtained from monasteries in
northern and southern Spain. When
word was brought of an old manu-
script dating from the tenth century,
a Mr., Buchanan received permission
to bring it here to the University that
he might make a special study of the
art and the writings.
All manuscripts written in the
nineth, tenth, and eleventh centuries
contain illustrations, characterized by
a strong tendency toward Moorish art,
depicting in detail the delicate trac-
ing and sculpturing, horseshoe arches
and the graceful columns.
Probably the most distinctive fea-
ture of this crude drawing, is the
manner in which the early artists ad-
here to the details of the biblical writ-
ings found in the book of Revelations.
But the lack of perspective in nearly
all the pictures gives a very ludicrous
effect to the efforts of those men who
would labor for months in putting in
everything that the text contained.
Vermans Terrorize Captured French
French Front, April 23.-(Corres-
pondence of The Associated Press)-
Life among the French civilians be-
hind the German lines in the occupied
departments of France has become
almost slavery. The oppressed peo-
ple have to submit to restrictions de-
priving them of all the usual ameni-
ties of human existence. Details of the
terrorizing process introduced by the
Gearmans, which is daily becoming
more severe has reached the cor-
respondent of the Associated Press
from a,- number of centers where the
German army holds posession.

* 1 R * * * * * * * * * *
Detroit, April 23.-Helmuth Schmidt
who died today after crushing his
head in his cell at Highland Park, i4
expected to figure in the mystery sur-
rounding the disappearance of a wo-
man who was employed by Schmidt
as a housekeeper at his home on Glen-
dale avenue. Schmidt confessed that
he cut up and burned the body of
Agusta Steinliach whom he is alleged
to have lured from New York a year
ago by a matrimonial advertisement.
Detroit police will excavate the yard
and basement of the Glendale avenue
premises in the expectation of ex-
huming bodies of other women.
Schmidt just before he killed him-
self today is said to have admitted
that one of the women who -kept house
for him had been induced to come here
through a marriage personal appear-
ing in a paper published in New York.
Between 450 and 500 men from
Michigan have been rejected or dis-
charged from the army because of
symptoms of tuberculosis, according
to L. H. Cosper, secretary of the Mich-
igan Anti-tuberculosis society, whose
office is located in the Natural Sci-
ence building. The names of these
rejected men are given to the Red
Cross office in Washington by the
surgeon-general of the army. The
former office then sends the names to
the anti-tuberculosis society of the
state in which the man lives. Mr.
Cosper said that he has gotten into
communication with all of these men
from this state and advised them as to
doctors in their vicinity who are es-
pecially fitted to treat tubercular
"We have just succeeded in influenc-
ing the boards of supervisors of Ber-
rain and the two adjoining counties,
Cass and Van Buren, to appoint a
committee to consider building jointly
a tubercular sanitarium." Mr. Cosper
announced Friday, "and if they carry
through our plans a hospital will be
erected next spring."

have been distributed througho
city, and they have even been
on some of the largest loan p
A number of smaller posters a
tractive pictures were placed
store windows. The work is
the supervision of Mrs. J. L. M
and Mrs. R. Rose Rasey.
Gasoline 25c, Polarine 50c. St
& Co., 117 S. Ashley St.-Adv.



rear .











"The Beast of Berlin"


s not to
) feet in
oill have

SHOWS AT 3:00, 6:30, 8:00, 9:30
iSc Unless Otherwise Specified.



Tues-Wed-23 24-Barbara Castleton and
E. K. Lincoln in "For the Jreedom
of the World" and (Tues.) Pathe
News, (Wed.) Mutt & Jeff Cartoon,
"Ups and Downs of Detective Work."
Thur-Fri-25-26-Alice Brady in "Woman

Shows-3:00, 7:00,


and Christie Cc

i I

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