I 11 EU' I omen - U I L I early birds, apple before 1: YOUR THINKING TERM It is time for all p'ersons to consider' themselves of importance in the world of affairs. No matter how infinitesi- mal the service which you are able to render, it will contribute to the sum total which is necessary for the salva- tion of civilization. Every atom of service to the common good which is withheld when it could be given de- creases to that extent the possibility of rescuing mankind from impending slavery. If you are unable to think beyond your own immediate personal inter- ests you are indeed a dwarf in so far as intelligence is concerned. Every person with any vitality whatsoever must learn to expand continually the terms in which he does his thinking. If your thinking has progressed to the group unit there is hope for you, but not sufficiency. Pass on to the city, the state and the nation in your mental comprehension, in the field of your intense human interest. If you have achieved the feat of thinking in terms of the nation you may be con- sidered a person of consequence. But to be in the vanguard of civil- ization, to associate with the noblest minds of the age, your intellectual arena must comprise the whole world. The time has long passed when the individual could live entirely aunto himself. The time is rapidly approach- ing when no nation can be isolated. To be a true patriot you must not only be loyal to your country and every comrade in your country, but you must learn to think in planetary terms, so that you can help humanity solve its portentous problems.-Wash- ington Daily. "With a loud clatter of delicately tuned cowbells * * * the nominations for student officers of the Associated Students of the University of Wash- ington were. opened this morning by Floyd Ellis, president."-University of Washington Daily. Not knowing much about the U. ofW. we hesitate to of- fer our opinion as to the appropriate- ness of the cowbells. But we should say this is too good an idea for Mich- i~gan, to overlook. A headline says that London's gas supply is made by women. In this country all elements enter into con- sideration, with neither sex having a. corner. The difference between an American father having six sons in the service and the kaiser is that the Amercian's sons smell powder. Five more days, boys. The Presi- dent has eliminated Friday by making it Liberty Day. "Do your Xmas shop- ping early." YSAYE TO SUCCEED KUNWALD AS CONDUCTOR OF ORCHESTRA- STUDENTS LACKED PATRIOTISM AT LIBERTY PARADE THURS-l Editor, The Michigan Daily.: It must be admitted that the night of April 18 (Thursday) was very cold. This was clearly evidenced by the close contact between hats and heads when the flags went by in the parade. On Main street hardly a man touched or lifted his hat; on State street a negro standing in a group of R. 0. T. C. men and. other students bared his head first while the flag passed, and the others continued to laugh and smoke. The men can stand for five minutes in the rain to sing the Yellow and Blue, or cheer themselves hoarse at the sight of a rolling pigskin, but stand dumb and covered when the flag goes by. They stand thus when their former mates are offering their lives for their safety and still they can see the red stripes and never quiver. Our flag, then, is less than a pig- skin, less than a college song? Mich- igan spirit is big on the field., Why must it be so insignificant, so utter- ly lacking on the bigger field of our country's spirit? The men who stood covered were not worthy to buy or, own bonds, for they would buy them and own them purely as a four and one-quarter percent investment. Take your hat off when the flag passes or you respect it no more, and insult i1 just as much as the German who Would trample it. THELMA JONES, '20. - CARYATIDJ s looked upon tiations with a little envy. e campus, the ;ocieties, have tened by the ocieties have this has been things which accomplish- gether from ndeavor and the work of But every- by its use- large. Per- roined a that the at the indi , was of g .hat light. many chan uence has the socie organizati rs and ex ost impor e campus. placed on societies. T o men. T edly power for the sooieties the mostc areers. T so- Eugene Ysaye, the Belgian violin so- virtuoso, has been permanently en- vid- gaged as conductor of the Cincinnati reat Symphony orchestra, to replace Dr. Ernst Kunwald who is interned. He ages will also direct the May festival in had Cincinnati. ties, Ysaye has proved himself as able ons. orchestral leader as a solo artist. He per- has conducted in London and Berlin tant and for sometime had his own orches- A tra in Brussels of which he was not the only founder but conductor and mana- hey ger as well. Chey He has been in the United States rful, about two years being practically an ood exile from his own country, Belgium.' are His home in Brussels is in ruins, his crit- fortune amassed during many years of 'hey concertizing has been swept away by tnce the war. One of his sons has fallen in and battle, two others are fighting in the nce, armies of the allies. ~rof Deain Efiiigcr to Discuss Plays Dean John R. Effinger of the liter- ary college, will lecture to the Cercle irm, Francais at 3 o'clock this afternoon in whi~o Tappan hall, taking as his; subject the gets coinL production of "Le Retour Im- one prevu" and "L'Avocat Patelin," by the 1 us French club. the The lecture is open, to the general that public, and will be given in English, in order to explain the two plays and the their place in French literature to as get- many persons as possible. There was a young lady from Chi. Who met an R. 0. T. C. guy. He snapped up his hand- She gasped, "Oh, My Land, What has that poor boy in his eye?" The kaiser has been urged by his loving subjects to accept the crowns of Esthonia and Livonia. He can't make us mad. Uneasy lies the head that wears more than seven or eight crowns. But just the same may-we- express a doubt as to whether crowns make much difference about the ease with which Seine Majestat lies. Don't Suggest It to Him Cary:-Did you ever have your roommate pour your mouth full of quinine because you snored? L. H. D. The mournful Qargoyle contains one glimmer of hope: "Foster's Tea Room for Men. A limited number of ladies allowed." Soon we'll have : "Parker's Raspberry Shrub Inn- gentlemen will be admitted if accom- panied by ladies." "J. P. Trojanowski's Marcel Waves for Mustaches." "Lane Hall-the Y. W. C. A. for young men.". "Huston's Card-parlor. Authors and flinch-20 cents an hour. We sell needles and yarn. Violet boudoir on the second floor for table croquet and the ouija board." Reielation of a '21Ei "Do you know/ over in the Engin- eering building they have a model-" "Ha! We always knew you were a rough gang, but-" "Of a shrapnell shell. And they have a case-" "Well, that's not unlikely." "Of shrapnel." As we go to press wondering as us- ual whether we will recognize. this pillar of jocularity in the morning, we receive the sad news that there will be no liberty on the campus April 26. "Give us liberty, or what have you," replied we. "We regret that we would have but three classes to give foR our country." FARMERS MUST MAKE REPORT ON WHEAT STORED IN COUNTY Wheat on the farms in the county must be reported to the local war pre- paredness committee, in order that it can be marketed immediately. This action was decided upon at a meeting of the war preparedness committee yesterday at the city Y. M. C. A._ County Food Administrator A. D. Groves was present, and presented the request of the Federal Food Ad- ministrator Prescott for a report, on all wheat stored in the county, and especially that which is being hoard- ed. It was voted to request the school district' committees to make reports on all wheat remaining in their dis- tricts, as this was thought to be the most direct way of getting the desired information. Women bond workers who have bond applications and first payments should report them at once in room' 102, Economics building. The old Y. W. C. A. cabinet will' meet at 4 o'clock today in Newberry hall. Juniors will play baseball at 3 o'clock this afternoon on the field across from Barbour gymnasium. Sen- iors and juniors will have a game at 4 o'clock Thursday afternoon. In case of rain the games will be played in the gymnasium. Those -who take playground work' may obtain copies of the music at the gymnasium. The first round in the tennis tourn- ament should be played off by Mon- day. The list is now posted in Bar- bour gymnasium. The Newberry courts only are ready for use. A hike to Dixboro starting from the gymnasium is planned for 1 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Rehearsals 'for "Amazons" will be held today as follows: 4 to 6 o'clock, act III, to Castlejordan's entrance, De Grival, Litterly, Tweenways, Shuter, Tommy, Billy, and Noel; 7 to 9 o'cl'ock, the entire cast for act II. A class in standard surgical dress- ings will begin at 3 o'clock tomorrow afternoon at Angell house. Martha Cook building will give a card party for the benefit of the Friendship fund from 2 to 5:30 o'clock Saturday afternoon. Kappa Kappa Gamma and Chi Om- ega will play baseball at 5 o'clock to- morrow afternoon. Freshman Girls' Glee club will meet at 4 o'clock today at Miss Hunt's studio. CANADIAN FORCES TO RECRUIT HERE A local office of the British-Can- adian recruiting mission has opened at 106 South Main street. All Brit- ish and Canadian subjects and friendy aliens, between the ages of 19 and 56, ar ligible for enlistment in the Canafan forces. . At present a treaty is being negoti- ated between the United States, Can- ada, and Great Britian, that will pro- hibit voluntary enlistment, and all British subjects in the United States between the ages of 20 and 45 will become subject to the first draft. Sergeant-Major H. V. Fox, of the First Candaian division, is in charge of the recruiting work for the state of Michigan. He has had three years of active service in England and France, and recently returned home to take up recruiting work for the British mission. The office was opened yesterday, and will be open from 9 o'clock to 8 o'clock daily, until Saturday night. Sergeant Fox expects to have a small squad of Canadian veterans to assist him in the remainder of the recruiting work for Michigan. La Badie May Be Indian Counsel G. L. La Badie '1915-16 baseball antain is nnw practicing law at Paw- Tue Slater Book -. GOVERNMENT NEEDS WOMEN ENGINEERS Ea I Ing, Garden Steps-Cobb ...................................... Garden Making-Bailey ................................... Practical Garden Book-Hunn and Bailey.................. Vegetable Garden-Watts ................................ The Well Considered Garden-King........................ Garden Work-Good ...................................... The Garden Month by Month-Sedgwick.................... The Garden Blue Bdok-Holland ........................... The Joyous Art of Gardening-Duncan...................... Everymans Garden in Wartime-Selden.................. English Flower Gardens-Robinson ....................... The Practical Flower Garden-Ely ........................ Around the Year in the Garden-Rockwell ................. Our Garden Flowers-Keeler .............................. A Woman's Hardy Garden-Ely .................... STREET'HR.S' We Sell MAZDA LAMPS Come in and see the 75 watt Blue Gives a white light. Just the thing t< H. LSWITZER "American women are neglecting a splendid opportunity for service," said Dean M. E. Cooley of the engin- eering college, in commenting on the need of engineering draftsmen and designers. This need was emphasized in a letter from the council of na- tional defense, requesting him to put it in touch with all engineering drafts- men and designers possible, to the end that more persons might be available to work out the engineering and ship- ping problems which the government is facing today. "Every woman who takes up the work of tracing relieves one drafts- man for the more important work of his profession," said Dean Cooley. "It is a wonderful opportunity that has come to the women of this country, if they will but avail themselves of it. There are thousands of young women who coul4 find employment in this work, who would not only fink.it a proposition that would insure them good salaries, but would also relieve engineering draftsme for more im- portant work." " Dean Cooley said that one year in an engineering college by any high school graduate would fit her for the work. It would be necessary for her to know something of geometry, ele- mentary, descriptive geometry, and mechanical drawing. Dean Cooley said, "With the right high school pre- paration, it ought not take a young woman more than a semester's work at the ouside, to fit herself for the work. It requires comparatively lit- tle study to fit them for a profession that pays well, is a military need at this time, and will offer a splendid opportunity for the future." . L k. QUARRY Cor. State and N. DETxvIT UNITED Between Detroit, Ann Arb3i (April 1, 1918) Detroit Limited and Expres m.. 8:io a. in., and hourly to o. Mn. Jackson Express Cars .loca Atnn Arbor)-g :48 a. m. and to ::48 n. m. Local Cars East Bound--5: a. in., 7:os a. m. and evt'ry tw P. n1.. 8:05 p. in., 9:05 p. nt To Ypsilanti only, 11:45 p. n { :1,) a. m., 1:2o a. in. To S Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-6 a. Mn. 10:20 Ap. i 2 :2o a. mxu Courteous and s, TREATMENT to ever er, whether the accoui or small. The Ann Arbor Savii Incorporated 1 Capital and Surplus, f Resources.......... Northwest Cor. Main 707 North Universi CAMERAS and SUPPLIE We do developing and printing 24 hours, time All Work Guaranteed Gibe us a huska, Okla., according to a letter re- ceived here yesterday. He also stated S. EARL TAYLOR TO LECTURE that he had good chances of being AT LANE HALL THIS WEEK chief counsel for the Osage tribe next year. S. Earl Taylor, traveler, and fel- low of the Royal photographic society, Freshmen to Give Get Together Party will give two illustrated lectures at Freshmen girls will be given a final Lane hall this week. He will speak opportunity to get acquainted with at 7:30 o'clock Thursday night on one another at a Get Together" party "'A Trip Around the World" and at to be given in the parlors of Barbour the same time on Friday on "The gymnasium on May 4. Stunts and Church in War Time." Admittance dancing will form the afternoon's en- will be free. Mr. Taylor is a member tertainment. of the board of foreign missions of the Methodist Episcopal church. U. of M. Jewelry. J .u. 'hapma's- lau tue place. 1158. Malu.-AdY. Always-DaIly 8arvlc.-AlwaYS. IF IT'S ANYTH PHOTOGRAPI- SWA] 113 EastUi means perf LUNCHE )ei r 1w wo one Stho a the J Fraternity and 0 D, S, 322 South FRATERNITIES SHORT B00KI ron Firm Calls for Engineers eers are wanted for machine Y the Port Huron Thresher r, according to a communica- t received by Mr. W. E. Lay ngineering college. >mpany stated that the Mich- Arrange for Your GROUP PHOTOGRAPHS be The Catholic Students' Club give their spring party at the Pa Unsurpassed 'what I by it that m 11 will ckard .ng, April 26.- -ic IF