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April 20, 1918 - Image 5

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1918-04-20

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Mr. C. 0. Wisler to Go to Albany
Mr. C. O. Wisler, instructor in *1il
engineering, has accepted a position
with Robert E. Horton, consulting en-
gineer of Albany, N. Y., to work on
cases connected with the new New
York state barge canal which has
just been taken over by the govern-
Mr. Wisler's work will be mainly
in connectio~n with the defense of
claims against the canal. He has
been granted a leave of absence of one
year by the University and will leave
tomorrow for Albany.
Alway --Daily Servlce-,Aways. -

Wr. .

. ....Wr. .

... ---
x. ". i


Local Man Survives U-Boat Attack
Herbert Bucholz, of Ann Arbor,
has arrived safely in New York after
an attack on his ship by a submarine,
according to information received by
his parents here. Bucholz is wireless
operator on one of the trans-Atlantic
vessels. In discussing the attack of
the U-boat he writes, " He rose three
times 100 feet or more on our star-
board, side, but every time we made
him feel the draught of a Yankee 5
inch shell."
There is always an opportunity to
increase your buriness through Daily
tdvertising. rry it.-Adv.

1 r i

Patriotie Numbers
At All M1ay
Patriotic numbers will be offered
on each program for the 25th annual
May Festival, either as parts of the
regular program or as supplementary
numbers. The complete program was
announced yesterday by Prof. Albert
A. Stanley, and will be given on May
15, 16, 17, and 18 in Hill auditorium.
The Festival will consist of six con-
The programs are as follows:
First Festival concert- Wednesday
evening, May 15, 8 o'clock, soloists,
Mme. -Margarete Mateznauer; con-
tralto and Sig. Riccardo Stracciari,
baritone. Chicago Symphony orches-
tra, Frederick Stock, conductor-
"America;" Overture, "Leonore," No.
3, (Beethoven); Aria, "Oh, casto fior
del mio sospir," (Massenet, Sig.
Riccardo Stracciari; Suite, "Scheher-
azde," Op. 3, (Rimsky-Korsakow);
songs with piano-"Before the Cruci-
fix," (Frank LaForge) ; "Sorrow in
Springtime," (Rachmaninoff) ; "Dear
Lad o'Mine," (Branscombe); "Car-
nival," (Fourdrain), Mme. Margarete
Matzenauer, (Frank LaForge accom-
panist); Aria, "Eri tu che macchiav,"
(Verdi), Sig. Stracciari; Prelude, "The
Afternoon of a Fawn," (Debussy);
Aria, "Largo al factotum," (Rossini),
Sig. Stracciari; Irish Rhapsody, (Her-
bert.) .
Second Festival concert-Thursday
evening, May 16, 8 o'clock. "The
Beatitudes," an Oratorio (Cesar
Franck) ; soloists, Miss Lois Marjorie'
Johnson, soprano; Miss Nora Crane
Johnson, soprano; Miss Emma Roberts,
mezzo soprano; Miss Nora Crane'
Hunt, contralto; Paul Althouse, ten-
or; Arthur Middleton, baritone; Ber-
nard Ferguson, baritone; James Ham-
ilton, tenor; Odra Ottis Patton, tenor;'
Robert Richard Dieterle, baritone,
Joel Thomas Morgan, baritone; Earl'
V. Moore, organist. The University'
Choral union; the Chicago Symphony'
orchestra, Albert A. Stanley, conduc-
Third Festival concert-Friday aft-
ernoon, May 17, 2:30 o'clock. Soloist,
Rudolph Ganz, pianist; the Children's
chorus; the Chicago Symphony or-
chestra, Fred Stock and Albert i.
Stanley, conductors - "America;"
Overture to "The Secret of Susanne,"
(Wolf-Ferrar); "Into the World,"
(Benoit); Suite, "The Wand of
Youth," Op. 1, B., (Eglar); Concerto
for Pianoforte No. 1, B flat minor.
Op. 23, Tschaikowski n F
Fourth Festival concert- Friday
evening, May 17, 8 o'clock. Soloist,
Mme. Claudia Muzio, soprano; Chi-

to be Offered
r Festival Conc'erts'
cago Symphony orchestra, Frederick
Stock, conductor; The ;;ational an-
them. Suite, No. 3, D major, (Bach);
Aria, "Depuis le jour," from Louise;
Symphony No. 4, D minor, Opus 120;
(Schumann); Aria, "Suicidio," from
"Gioconda," (Fonchielli); Scherzo,
"L'Apparenti Sorcier," (Dukas); Aria,
"Birds' Song," from "Pagilacci,"
(Leoncavallo); March, "Pomp and
Circumstance, (Elgar).
Fifth Festival concert-Saturday
afternoon, May 18, 2:30 o'clock. Solo-
ist, Joseph Bonnet, organist. Forerun-
ners of Bach: (a) Prelude, Fugue and
Chaconne, (Buxtehude); (b) Recit de
tierce en taille (Nicholas de Grigny);
(c) Prelude, (Clerambault); Fan-
tasie and Fugue, G minor, (Johann
Sebastian Bach); Tenth Organ Con-j
certo, D minor, (George Frederick
Hendel); Candenzas by Alexandre
Guilmant; (a) Noel Languedocien,
(Alexandre Guilmant); (b) Choral in
A minor, No. 3, (Cesar Franck); (a)
Improvisation (Arthur Foote); (b)
Cortege, (Debussy); (a) Ariel (after
a reading of Sakespeare)1 (Joseph
Bonnet); (b) Rhapsodie catalane,
with pedal cadenza.
Sixth Festival concert-Saturday
evening, May 19, 8 o'clock "Car-
men," an opera in four acts (Bizat).
Cast: Don Jose, Corporal of Dragoons,
Giovanni Martinelli; Escamillo,
Toreador, Giueseppe de Luca; Zuniga,
Captain of Dragoons; Arthur Middle-
ton; Carmen, a gypsy girl, Margarete
Matzenauer; Micaela, a village maid-
en, Myrna Sharlow; Frasquita, Mer-
cedes, companions of Carmen, Lois
Marjorie Johnston, A. Grace Johnson;
E1 Dancairo, El Remendado, smug-
glers, Odra O. Patton, James Hamil-
ton; dragoons, gypsies, smugglers,
cigaret girls, street boys, etc. Univer-
sity Choral union; Chicago Symphony4
orchestra, Albert A. Stanley, conduc-

HIGH morale and neat appearance are
inseperable in business and profess-
ional life as well as in the fighting
You men who control the destiny of
industrial America will find the qual-
tuies you need-the snap of youth, the
dignity of age, the refinement of ex-
perience and the acme of value-best
expressed in

; r

1 t

Smart othes



Arrange for Your


Unsurpassed Accommodations






VERY now and then, you pass a man on the
street whom you note as being particularly
well-dressed. Not that he is conspicuous-simply
that he has the brisk, clean-cut air of success.
You can be certain that some of those men are
wearing Adler-Rochester clothes. All of them
might wear them-even the custom-tailor's clients,
and their appearance would be the same.
Not every well-dressed man wears Adler-Rochester
clothes-but every man who does is well-dressed.
The name merely makes it easy to be certain.

Patterns are the new-
est. You can choose
from silks of various de-
signs or from attractive
patterns in madras of the
finest quality.
Extra value .....$2.00
Colors guaranteed.

TRA* REED 6e" T rI
You'll be sure to get THIS SEASON'S
fashion in dependable clothes if you'll inspect
our new woolens and have us measure you for
a new spring suit to be made by our reputable
Chicago tailors,

Lutz Clothing Store
217 So. Main Street


Oxfords and Pumps
In all leathers--Cherry Red, Liberty
Brown and Battleship Gray. In
White, we have Kid and Reignskin.

GEO. H. MILLER, 212 S._Main Street

Through the efforts of the alumni
of the Homoeopathic medical school,
a patriotic service department has
been organized in connection with
the local college in Ann Arbor, for
the purpose of serving the govern-
ment in every possible way at pres-
ent, and organizing all available forces
to meet future medical needs.
"The surgeon general's urgent call
for 5,000 more physicians to add to the
23,500 now in the service hasawaken-
ed many prominent physicians of the
United States to the seriousness of the
medical situation not only for army
service but for supplying civilian
needs," said a number of the Homoeo-
pathic faculty yesterday.
Graduates Wanted
From all over the country have
come requests for graduates of the
school to assume the positions .left
vacant by the department of physi-
cians for the front.
How serious the needs of the United
States may become is shown by state-
ments that have come from France.
Towns of less than 5,000 population
have no resident physician. One doc-
tor cares for seven towns, calling on
each, one day a week.
local Situation
Within 30 miles of Ann Arbor, four
towns in a group, which 15 years ago
had 14 doctors, today have three.-
Within the past few weeks many pro-
minent homoeopathic alumni have
visited Ann Arbor to ascertain the
possibilities of obtaining help from
here. As a result of their visits the
service department was organized.
It will be the duty of this body to
become acquainted with the local
field, and act in an advisory capacity
to the men and women who desire to
enter medical work.
Boats Caught In Ice Near Rochester
Rochester, N. Y. April 19.-The Buf-
falo-Rochester and Pittsburg car ferry
Ontario No. 1, bund for the port of
Rochester late today, was caught in
the ice which has imprisoned its sis-
ter ship the Ontario No. 2 since yes-
terday. The ships have only two days'
provisions on board and are in dan-
ger of being crushed by the ice.

° l
I ii s''
r' 4,.

('1.OTI E'S





"The Sensible Six"
The automobile which
combines grace of design
with strength and dura-
bility at a fair price.

whose specialty is the tailoring
of reliable clothes just as you
want them. You don't know
what you're missing if you de-
lay this admirable opportunity
while the season is new. Prices
well within your reach.

Brighten Up the Home
This year more than ever before, homes should
be made bright and more cheerful and right-
now is the time to get Busy!
Our stock in Furniture, Rugs, Draperies, Cur-
tains, Etc., never was more. complete.
This is the year that economy should be prac-
ticed. Economy in Furniture buying consists\in
getting the best grade at lowest cost.
This is the economy we offer you: in trustworthy en-
during furniture, and remember every article we sell, no
matter what the prices, is absolutely reliable.






311 Maynard St.

Phone 1927

Hake You Vought Your Liberty Bond?

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