days down Euclid ave- ng vacation when camouflaged R. O. was attired in a black and gold coat, leather put- the salutes of ivates. We our- aken him for an. cognized his face, T. C., U. M., on coat. That has of the dam re- There is absolutely no excuse for conduct of this kind. The officers and men of the United States army are en- titled to wear the uniform of their country because they are actually serving in its army or navy. They should not be placed in the same class with persons who are devoting a few moments each day to army work. We should call impersonating an officer, or common soldier, an of- fense which might well be punished by competent authorities. We have seen, moreover, a great many students parading the streets of Detroit in their R. O. T. C. uniforms, and there were many-perhaps a hun- dred, perhaps more-who returned to their homes for the spring r.ecess sim- ilarly clad. There is a song, long en- shrined in the traditions of Michigan to the effect that "Michigan was a col- lege when Pennsy was a pup." It seems to us that some members of the R. O. T. C. wish to perpetuate the good old days of Siwash! The general bearing of members of the R.0 . T. C. may well come in for its share of criticism. We've noticed many times, and it was called to our attention particularly during the Lib- erty Loan parade, that the men in col- umn do not present the appearance of individuals who have had six months of drill and discipline. They are not erect; they are not neat; they exe- cute movements in a slovenly way, with no snap and no precision. Esprit de corps seems- lacking. Perhaps the coming of warm weath- er and a few more weeks on the Fer- ry field drill grounds may change these things. We hope so, for we can- nt lnl kvith drrP nn thn ra intellectual. What he has gained is confidence, self-sacrifice, self-respect, respect for others, and, above all, the incentive for further knowledge, with- out which no man can be educated. In him has been laid the foundation for a successful career. His future teacher will be Experience and his school-the World. The editorial above, written by Leonard Achterberg, '21, has been picked as the winner in the annual Pi Delta Epsilon editorial contest for underclassmen. According to law Ann Arbor goes dry May 1. But this is scarcely in accord with the theory of economics Ji students for "wherever there is de- mand there must be supply," says they. Perhaps they may be right. The German government is now selling clothes. It won't be so long before a battered, crown will be of- fered for sale cheap. Western Reserve will either play baseball or go canoeing this after- noon. Either way they are expected to be submerged. Company E of the R. O. T. C. might at least be desirous of making D ,D scholastically speaking. Dig down for the men who are dig- ging in for you! Human decency must win this war. Tar and feathers are rapidly becom- ing a necessary was accessory. Lists of patriotic activities for col- lege women are ready for distribu- tion at Newberry hall. In addition to outlining opportunities for service, they contain references for securing definite information. Women bond workers should report between 4:30 and 5:30 o'clock in room 102 Economics building. The new board of directors of the Women's league will have a meeting at 9 o'clock this morning in Barbour gymnasium. The committee chairmen CARYATIDJ "Well," she sighed, as she ripped th1 good-looking Leyendecker Arrow Collar ad from the back of the Gar- goyle before chucking this month's issue into the wastebasket, "The 15 cents wasn't entirely shot," After the good old Wild West me- thod of preventing a Colt 38 from damaging the feet, Hindenberg is learning the Foch-dance. Brothers Under Their Shkins Cary: -Did you ever notice what a small difference there is between a narrow minded capitalist and a knight of the road? The former objects to organized labor and the latter to labor of any kind. L. T. Campus The w, k. person who " forgot" to subscribe to the first and second loans now has the opportunity to strengthen that portion of his anatomy situated between just above the knees and just below by buying a triple amount this time. The postoffice has announced that it will refuse to send liquor adver- tisements through the mails in Mich- igan after May I. The Gargoyle had better get its foreign subscriptions out early. She Djeunes oil Pie a lia Mode Another of these inconvenient Blighters is she, who in the midst of these eatless Liberty Loan days, ap- pears in the middle of the afternoon and announces with a haggard ex- pression that she hasn't had breakfast yet. Some flippant lad thows the wonder as to whether the academic figure fac- ing the campus on the new Union building is a bluff or an exhortation. The government has put in a large order for -pies. Charlie Chaplin has been drafted. G. H. Whittaker to Address Architects 'C. H. Whittaker, employed by the government in connection with tle housing conditions for ship building and other industries, has been secured by Prof. Emil Lorch to address the TH E EBERBACH & SON COMPAN 200-204 E. Liberty Street Garden Steps-Cobb ........................ Garden Mlaking-Bailey .................................. Practical Garden Book--lin and Bailey ................. Vegetable Garden-Watts......... ...................... The Well Considered Garden-King........................... Garden W ork-Good ......................... ............... The Garden Month by Month-Sedgwick ....................... The Garden Blue Book-Holland ............................ The Joyous Art of Gardening-Duncan......................... Everymans Garden in Wartime-Selden....................... English Flower Gardens-Robinson .......................... The Practical Flower Garden-Ely .:................ Around the Year in the Garden-Rockwell ................... Our Garden Flowers-Keeler .....,........................... A Woman's Hardy Garden-Ely ............................ . A1 STAE STRlE El STRE- The place to go when you want Chemicals Laboratory Supplies Drugs and Toilet Articles FLaundry Cases For Parcel Post The Slater Book given. Dancing followed the meeting, with music furnished by Ike Fisher. An unusually good crowd attended this farewell party of the term. 'S OP IN* STY EOS" DWxuiuJ Ui iimT iD Between Detroit, Ann Arbor (Air i , 19t8) Detroit Limited and Express ±n.. 8:o a. m and hourly to 7 p m. Jackson Express Cars .ocal Aimn Arbor)-g:45 a. In. anid ev to ;-:48 !. M. Local Cars East Bound-5:3. a. In., 7:05 a. M. and ev ry two p. i.. :o~p. mn., 9:05 p. mn. To psilanti only, :I I p. in. r:I a. Il., t:zo a. in. To Sal Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-6 : a1. in., 10:20 P. m.. 2:20 a. in. not 100 wa price upon Le organiwl o ten hsmeig Swill nev- will not attend this meeting architectural students here in the ization as it now is. Michigan wants____ r exceeding near future. Although the address is committee. "a thing worth doing at all done All signing for the tennis tourna- primarily for students, it will be open itself the well." May the R. O. T. C. acquire at ment must be done before noon today. to the public. tleast a modicum of this spirit! Lists of the tournament will be post- Junior and senior students of the called for ed Monday' in Barbour gymnasium. University are planning an entire In- t is asking THE REAL VALUE OF A COLLEGE dustrial center, including the indus- quota was EDUCATION Seniors will play baseball at 4 o'- trial plant and the homes of the work- mark was The question has often been asked, clock Monday afternoon on the field men. The government has expresed 100. "What is the real value of college across from Barbour gymnasium. its keen interest in this work, because' et with the education?" It has been answered byrs of the present need. nio further txernan (Acoernuient Pistributes Shoes - mark has many people in-many ways. To the New York, April 19.-The German W1mnen's League Holds Meeting ent merelyri- government is now supplying the peo- Activities of the Women's league. iman. The zon, the day of gradua'tion seems the ple with shoes. The German federal for the year were reviewed at the ),000,000 as greatest thing that could befall the lot council has issued an order creating annual meeting yesterday afternoon in total is be- of man. He yearns for and dreams of an imperial board for the distribution Barbour gymnasium. Reports of offi- I be suffici- the day when, crowned and robed in of shoes, say German newspapers. cers and committee chairmen were cap and gown, he will take his place among his fellow graduates to receive'lti iiili iiiil1illliitiill# akiignifca his degree. With this as a scepter, he nunity like imagines that all will yield before the . merely its authority which it represents. To the sophomore, intoxicated by =For M en the first draught of knowledge, the M . (l world is like an open book. He feelsW GE that he is the smartest of the smart, 4 W ho have felt the wisest of the wise; that if the au-: being crit- thorities would grant him his diploma Com fort have attri- then and there, he would venture forth se, and the and put the world at the mercy of his ency oftiJ knowledge. re individ- But when lie finally becomes a jun- given set ior, this erroneous conception slowly ce having disappears. In its place, unwelcomed, slastically. comes the truth that wise men are not r conditions made in college. The more he learns, = rps, a mis- the more Ignorant he finds himself ~ conditions to be. Slowly but surely, there creeps '?Parade' ter feeling into his scheme of life the thirst for e we knew more knowledge; to know more of : ERE is an oxford that your real comfort be- - lken inter- the world and of those who made its .io d givesyt tablishing history; to be capable of understand- cause it is designed along sensible, military lines. s forgotten ing life and its purpose as well as Blucher style with plain toe in Koko brown and dark Russian se we un- God intended man to know it; to be E calf. der which able to reduce marvels to reason. Main Floor ment was And when, at last, he seats him- aid great self among the graduates of his class, The same model with certain refinements of leather and = hopeless he does so, not as the egotist, full = workmanship...................... ...... ..$ OO er orders, of self-importance, but as a man who el of-men, realizes the scantiness of his knowl- EST. 186 the blame edge and the superiority of his elders. iitant dif- He realizes that he has been stripped We have of his superfluous conceptions and re-= e severely ceives his diploma with the unwritten zed. We understanding that his education is whole dif- in no way complete; but that, in real-I >f the en- ity, it has just begun. He has not expected come out a wise man to be immediate- 183-1S5 Woodward A the'e. ,xprper e y a optd wtyi td relms ofdhewthin#lilthelllreall#msiiliflithe lliiillllllllilli#mlilllll1111i###imiiiliil. r * S #i "...: I' Courteous and satisf TREATMENT to every ci er, whether the account be or small. the Ann Arbor Savings Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $550, Resources .........$4,0001 Northwest Cor. Main & i 707 North University A, IF IT'S ANYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC, A SWAIN 113 East University TU UTT LEd! means perfection in the vic e ®f L.UN CHES and SODAS I For Sae TYPE WI t :i1iiueogxraplin Fraternity and Social . D. IQIOtIRJJ 322 South State S -!W .. Cupyrigit llart So :ffzuviQ:& karx I L% I - Hrt Schaiffner & Marx spring suits and top coats are more snappy than ever this spring; the kind of clothes red- blooded young mnen will be wearing. They have incorporat- ed in thei all the style tenden- cies that will be popular. We have bought freely and as a consequence,.offer you choice of a stock unequalled for rich- ness of choice and variety of style, anywhere but in their shops. You will find here clothes as good as you can, buy in any city, and the price is more ileasonable. New neckwear, Steson and Knot;.Hats. Yoinv innc nlee rever ,j f uI . ~ . .. . a ca a IEt Farmers & 101-105 So. Main 330 So. Sta (Nickels Ar I Iry our I Reule, Conlin, Fiegel & CO, The Big Home of Hart Schaff- ner and Marx Clothes, at South- west Corner Main and Washing- ton Streets. HOME-MADE Candies They are both delicious Wholesome MADE AND SOLD A The SUGAR BO' Phone 967 109 S. Ma h and Carry" vfer tore SHouse Stores Corner I hI