are assured of a sue- . war gardens. executed, one of istence has been comes an art. A of living is as a man as a lack Lnd work go hand be pushed away r are bound to fying proportions. d, are an essent- ery road to suc- can be made a e desired goal- cans call them se they have to CARYA TID Occupation for idle vacation-looking over gles and counting the clipped jokes. hours during your old Gar- repetitions of Lde from Old Glory, the nicest we can imagine is an honor one he Liberty Loan. e kaiser is reported to be within Iles of the battle-front. Even that prove to be an insufficient start. .giiim gets a little revenge on Ger- in the appointment of Eugene e to supercede Dr. Ernst Kune- as director of the Cincinnati hony orchestka. outside newspaper says that a taxi driver has been fined for ing a passenger more than- 25 . The suffering public in Ann will never believe this. Water! A campaign should be conducted among promoters of white duck uni- forms for women for a laundry fund, begs to suggest R. U. Prepared. We have always supposed that the duck was a self-laundering proposition. A music house advertisement ex- horts us to hear "Just a Baby's Prayer at Twilight." In our neighborhood we can't help but hear five or six of them. They have one record which makes Nat Goodwin look as lonesome as Adambefore losing a rib: "My Sweet- ie," No. 2b11. Since we're feeling in this malleable mood, let's have an easy piece for lit- tle fingers known as the "Maiden's Lament." \ I cannot sing as I have sang In glad old days of yore; The golden doors have on me clang, And opportunity's o'er. No house rules held on Monday night,/ Vacation was not through, And I' got in at half-past ten When I might have stayed till two. I W omen II Miss Alice Evans will be glad to speak to groups of girls on the sub- ject of farm work for women this summer and arrangements for talks in houses or personal interviews can be made by calling her at her office in Barbour gymnasium. Women wishing to enter the tennis tournament should sign immediately at Barbour gymnasium. Drawings will be made this wek. All women bond workers must be present at the meeting at 7 o'clock tonight in room 101 Economics build- ing. Rehearsals for "Amazons" will be held today from 4 to 6 o'clock in the parlors of Barbour gymnasium. De Grival, Tweenwayes, Litterly, and Fit- ton will report at 4 o'clock; Billy, Tommy, and Noel will report at 5 o'clock. Seniors and juniors who wish to play baseball should report at 3 o'clock this afternoon at Barbour gym- nasium. COLONEL FINLEY, '75L, RETIRES -FRON MILITIA BECAUSE OF AGE Garden Steps-Cobb.................................. Garden Making-Bailey .............................. Practical Garden Book-Nunn and Bailey............... Vegetable Garden-Watts............................. The Well Considered Garden-King.................... Garden Work-Good ..................... The Garden Month by Month-Sedgwik .................. The Garden Blue Book-Holland....................... The Joyous Art of Gardening-Duncan.................. Everymans Garden in Wartime-Selden................. English Flower Gardens-Robinson ..................... The Practical Flower Garden-Ely..... Around the Year in the Garden-Rockwell............... Our Garden Flowers-Keeler...... ................... A Woman's Hardy Garden-Ely....................... STREET STE We Sell MAZDA LAMPS Come in and see the 75 watt Blue Lamp Gives a white light. Just the thing to stud I H. L . S W I T Z E R C (Ludy ae For Parcel Post The Slater Book Sli >rrer 25 War Gardens Given Out More than 25 lots have already been distributed as war gardens by the local war gardens committee, and it it said that there will be more as- signed before long. Work has already been started on most of the already .- assigned lots, and it is hoped that the plan will meet with even greater suc- cess than last year. ub- In addition to this, many people an. have commenced to cultivate their us, own land, the number not being and known. Others also have accepted ish offers of lands, and'have started work the without the aid of the war gardens ed. committee. The lots vary in size. >dy Some comprise several acres, but thei most of them are the average city h1.n The Unusual Thing "Hello, old man!" (He's under draft age). t "Back again, aren't you?" (He really looks as if-he were here), "Well, come on down town." (Who" would go elsewhere with eleven days left?) One Who Cares says that it's twelve and allows that we can't cheat him out of a full day like that. Colonel John Park Finley, '74-'75L, who has been in charge of the militia at Governor's Island, N. Y., for some time, will retire for age in April. Colonel Finley received his degree of B.S. from M. A. C. in 1873, later entering the University, where he studied law. In 1877, he enlisted in the signal corps, where he was pro- moted to a second lieutenancy, in 1884. He was a captain of infantry at the time he was appointed governor of Zamboanga in the Phillippines, in 1903. He is accredited with having disarmed ane partly civilized the Moros, the most savage inhabitants of the islands. Colonel Finley also served in the Wife Takes Husband's Place in Camp On the death of her husband, Robert Tracy Gillmore, '89-'91M, Jan. 10, 1918, Mrs. Emma Wheat Hastings Gillmore, '90M, requested and re- ceived an appointment as acting as- sistant surgeon at Fort Oglethorpe, Ga. Dr. Gillmore had been in this branch of the service up to the time of his death through blood poisoning, and it was Mrs. Gillmore's wish that she be permitted to carry on the work of her deceased husband. Use the Daily classified columns. . y ., .. - FY . ; a ., :, ' A ® ® top, We have noticed that a surprising mobile army division on the Mexican number of those who talked of "bring- border during 1914-15. ing the little old grey car back for spring" has substituted the little old There is opportunity is Daily w .t grey suit. xds.-Adv. QUARRY PRESCRIF L I Cor. State and Phone II (/I VI, C ' 1 V ' i 1 I 1K are I is be is I] I 77 F c. there Take re to- :, 11 I - ~ n patriot. who will, Opeka aktast Coffee Thursday, Friday & Saturday APRIL I8, 19, 20 Liggeti's 'Opeka Tea, POUND OF COFFEE FOR 1C 'C will buy any article mentioned in this advertisement re- gar dless of its retail valuc-providing a second article of the same kind is purchased at our regular price. 200 Tea for Standard Price Halt Pound Packet for le- 50C Ian's life. They . backs to the y to make that wide financial quip our sold- Standard Price One Pound - 38c DET9UIT UNITED LINE Between Detroit, Ann Arbor and J *(ALpil I, 19i8) Detroit Limited and Express Cars- n.. 8:ro a. n., and hourly to 7:1o.p. D. Il. Jackson Express Cars ;local ston- Ain Arbor)-9:i8 a. In. and every tv to 7:48 p. M. Local Cars East Bound--5:35 a. a. m., 7:o5 a. m. and every two hours p. m.. 8:os P. M., 9:05 p. M., 1q:5 To Ypsilanti only, r:45 p. m., 12.:0 T :10 a. m., 1:20 a. In. To Saline, c Ypsilanti. Local Cars West Bound-6:oo a. a. Tn.,. 1:20 p. M.. 12:20 a. in. Courteous and satisfac TRUEATMENT to every cusi er, whether the account be la or small. The Ann Arbor Savings B Incorporated 1869 Capital and Surplus, $550,00 Resources .........$4,000,00 Northwest Cor. Main & Hu 707 North University Ave IF IT'S ANYTHING PHOTOGRAPHIC, AS ,1 SWAIN 3 East University ITUTTLE~ means perfection in the se vice of LUNCHES and SODAS TYPEWRITERS For Sale and-R TYPE WRITING , Mimeographing Fraternity and Social Station 0. D. MORRILL 322 South State Street SHORTHAND TYPEWRITN ROOKKFDIMA This Ssale Two FPounds . 39c You Pay Full Price on the First and get the Second for ONE CENT TERMS: KASH AND KARRY ONLY This Sale 51cl Two Packets for - M c Rexall Toilet Goods Rexall Remedies and Sundries irector, seems ,y men and wo- ry reason it is tending a Uni- school every- n routine. One tain hour each lasted just so was impossible r doing certain t rut and stay- urs were con- 25c Trailing Arbutus Talcum...... .-....... ....... .. ...2 for 26e $1.00 Ounce Nacre Perfume..,,..,. -..... ..2 oz. for $1.01 50c Violet Dulce Vanishing Cream.. .........' '.......'.....2 for5 e 50c Violet Dulce Cold Cream...... ......2for 51e 40c Riker's Violet Witch Hazel.... ...2 for41c 75c New England Toilet Water.... ..................... .2 for 76c 50c Harmony Shampoo Liquid.... . ....2for 51c 10c Rexall Tar Shampoo Soap.... . ......... .....2 for Ilc 25c Klenzo Tar Shampoo Soap.... ,. , , ,.. ........2 for 26c 10c Rexall Toilet Soap......3 for lie 75c Harmony Skin Cream. , .2 for 76c 25c Pearl Tooth Powder....2 for 26c 25c Nice Deodorant......2 for 26c 25c Rexall Cold Cream......2 for 26e 25c Rexall Tooth Paste.....2 for 26c 25c Baby Talcum..........2 for 26c 35c Shampoo Crystals.......2 for 86c, 25c Flexible Nail Files ......2 for 26c 35c Cascade Linen Writing Paper, one pound each..........2 for 6c 25c Lord Baltimore Writing Paper with Envelopes....... ..2 for 26c 25c Red Cedar and Naphthaline Compound.............2 for 26c 25c Celluloid Tooth Brushes.2 for 26c Special Travelette Cases....2 for Rei 25c Menthaline Balm.... ..2 for 26c 25c Foot Powder . . .....2 for 26c 25c Foot Bath Tablets......2 for 26c 25c Corn Solvent . ......2 for 26c $1.00 Celery and Iron Tonic 2 for $1.01 1.00 Beef, Iron and Wine..2 for $1.01 Special-D. 3. Toilet Papers, one roll, 15c...............2 for 16c -- ;I 25c Grippe Pills..........2 for 26c 10c Visiting Cards.........2 for 1'c 50c Kidney Pills.........., for 51c 40c Rubber Gloves...2 pairs for 41c s a 50c Alma Zada Complexion Powder .........................2 for 51c 50c Boquet Jeanice Talcum..2 for 51c 10c Size Sulphur and Cream Tar- tar Lozenges............2 for Ile $1.00 Syr. Hypophosphites (Clear) ... ... .....2 for $1.01 $1.50 American Beauty Water Bot- ties.........2 for $1.51 $1.50 Symbol Fountain Syringes... ..................... .2 for $1.51 THREE DAYS ONLY - APRIL 18, 19, 20 EdsilI's Rexall Drug Store Main Street Take Your Channe I V