THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGE I . II SPECILiIZATION TALKS "LET"S 60!",O N TRIP, MAKES MONEY RA NIT Early Spring Showing of HIGH morale and neat appearance are inseperable -in business and profess- ional life as well as in the fighting force. You rmen who control the destiny of industrial America will find the qual- #ztes you need-the snap of youth, the dignity of age, the refinement of ex- perience and the acme of value-best exp'ressed in I CHEMICAL ENGINEERING AND ITS POSSIBILITIES BY PROF. W. L. BADGER Smt othes I ok AINDE C O I~NSCHmITT APFEL& . [I , '.-<> ., . " : OR L A LOWERS G ' w PHONE 294 213 E. LIBERTY ter ANN ARBOR GARAGE DEALERS IN S06 200 W. HURON PHONE 1101 is 0 1110111 0 0 as CASCO 27/s In. CLYPE 2 s in. C OL LA RS FO SPRING Clueic.Peabody U Co. Inc. Afakers MILITARY NEWS diamonds. A meeting of inter-com- pany baseball managers will probably be held on Saturday for the purpose of arranging a playing schedule. Final arrangements for the infor- mal military ball to be given in Waterman gymnasium next Saturday evening are nearly completed, accord- ing to Prof. 3. R. Brumm. The ball is given for the purpose of clearing up a deficit in the band treasury. It is probable that the affair will be open to 500 couples. The tickets will go on sale Wednesday morning and they can be purchased by the en- tire campus. The R. O. T. C. band will furnish most of the music, and a regular orchestra will play while. the members are dancing. Plans are being made to decorate the gymna- slum in patriotic colors. C. E. Tuttle, '18D, married Miss Ola E. Fuller, '19, Wichita, Kans., last Friday at the Methodist church. The bridegroom is a member of the Delta Sigma Delta fraternity. He will finish his senior year and, after graduation, will probably leave for France in the medical reserve corps. PROF. CROSS TO ILLUSTRATE GERMAN DESTRUCTION OF ART Prof. Herbert R. Cross of the fine (By Prof. W. L. Badger) In explaining what is included in the scope of the profession of chemi- cal engineering, it is scarcely neces- sary to differentiate it from other branches of engineering. It is not always clear, however, as to the dif- ference between the chemical engi- neer and the chemist. The difference is mainly, tho not necessarily, the dif- ference between laboratory and plant. The chemist makes analyses and tests, or carries out research on a small scale. The chemical engineer takes the results of the tests and interprets them in terms of plant operation; or he takes the laboratory research and devises the large-scale process to cor- respond. The resposnsiblity of the chemical engineer is greater, his field is wider, his possibile accomplish- ments more far-reaching, and the de- mands of his profession more exact- ing. He must have enough chemistry to make him a good chemist on his own responsibility, and enough engi- neering to enable him to design and operate large-scale processes. Chemical Engineering Wide Field The chemical engineer may find himself in purely laboratory work; or he may find himself in work having but little to do with chemistry. He may find himself in a process which would scarcely be called a chemical process-as, for instance, a metall- ographic specialist in an automobile plant; or in a strictly chemical pro- cess-as in an acid or dye plant; or in a process which might be thought a chemical process but which really asks of him oly mechanical engineer- ing ability-as in a plant making ordi- nary table salt. So the field is un- usually varied, and offers something to men of all kinds of tastes, from pure research to pure plant operation. Qualifications Not Definite Because of the wide range of work open to a chemical engineer, the necessary qualifications are less de- finite than in some other lines. To be a good chemical engineer requires a man of very flexible and open mind, for he must be both scientist and technologist-both a chemist and an engineer. Mathematical ability is not so necessary as in some other lines, as most of our processes are still too little understood to permit us to re- duce them to mathematical form. A man must be fond of getting out in the works and helping to keep things going-more than in any other line of engineering, chemical engineering calls for a man who will get into his working clothes and get dirty. He must be possessed of a logical mind; as all our processes are still in their infancy, and a man who can see only what has already been reduced to order is of little use. We need the men who can catch an insignificant variation and reason from it to changes in the process. We need men who can design apparatus to do varied and difficult things, such as carrying out a reaction at high pressures where the apparatus :must be com- plicated, or handling corrosive pro- ducts when there seems to be no suit- able material to resist their action. Opportunities Endless The opportunities are endless. Dur- ing the war there are many posts open in the manufacture of chemicals and explosives, or in the inspection of mu- nitions. But we must also look to the time after the war, when most of us think, the chemical engineer will really come into his own. Beside the manufacture of products considered strictly chemical, every process work- ing metal can use a metallographer.I And for other fields, there are the manufacture of sugar, leather, paper,7 dyes, rubber, paints, gas, food pro- ducts, fertilizer, cement, ceramic pro-1 ducts, glass, oils, textiles, soap, and many more. As to the rewards, a good man will be sucessful in any line; but owing to the wide variety of< opportunities there are perhaps more chances in chemical engineering forI a man to find his own particular job, where he can be contented and give his best to the work. And that is a better indication of success than a large salary. . CAST ENTERTAINED AT DETROIT AND KALAMAZOO; CLEAR $500 ON ROAD If the success of the "Let's Go!" out- of-town trip be gauged by the enjoy- ment of those going on the tour, then the 1918 Union opera will stand near the apex of profit-bearing institutions. From the time that the troupe of nearly 100 cast chorus and orchestra members, committeemen, and, retainers left Ann Arbor on April 5 for Detroit, until they returned to the "land o' learning," last Thursday, the players and their theatrical aides-de-camp were the recipients of many atten- tions. After the Friday night performance in Detroit, the Athletic club of that city entertained with a dance and supper. In Kalamazoo the "Let's Go!" company was warmly received, and the members of the cast and chorus reciprocated by singing selec- tions from the opera before students of the Kalamazoo Normal college. The women members of the cast and chorus were tendered a tea Monday afternoon. Monday night, a danco was given at the Hotel Burdick. In Battle Creek the company sang for the soldiers. At the Liberty thea- ter, where their appearance was un- announced, the "Let's Go!" cast and chorus sang before a gathering of ap- proximately 1,000 khaki-clad fighters. Later, at Y. M. C. A. hut number 605, where the news of their arrival had preceded them, they entertained a "packed house" of sammies. Tuesday, the company had dinner at the Cooks' and Bakers' school, and Wednesday at the Custer Tea Room. A dance at the Elks' club followed the Wednesday night performance in Battle Creek. The entire troupe re- turned-to Ann Arbor Thursday noon. According to an estimate made by Homer Heath, '07, general secretary of the Union, $500 was cleared on the out-of-town trip. The profits of the Ann Arbor performances range be- tween $1,200 and $1,500. CITY NEWS See Between the Theatres Cousins & Hall eAsa. Members of the Florists' Telegraph Delivery Association Attractive Stores and Shops to Rent in one of Ann Arbor's Finest Commercial Locations. For particulars, S. B. NICKELS Society Brand and Hickey-Freeman Suits 337 Maynard St. Phone 1922-J I Give Your Post Vacation Party in the FOR FLOWERS of every description Also just received a line of Spring Hats and Caps There wila be no summer camp NICKELS ARCADE BALL ROOM during 1918, according to an an- nouncement received by Lieut. teorge C. Mullen from the war department at Washington yesterday morning. The statement said that the requirements were not adequate. Cadets in the R. 0. T. C. will drill at 4:15 o'clock this afternoon, except those in the first battalion of the Second regiment, who will be given setting up exercises by Dr. George "It's up to somebody to do some- thing now," said William Lennen to the local selective service board Saturday, and he was sent to Camp Custer yesterday morning. He said he had stood it as long as he could, and was ready to go anywhere in the service. Five men were sent to the Univer- sity yesterday by the local selective service board for training as mechani- cians. They are to be especially in- structed in the handling of gas en- gines. The men were Langford H. Dimond, a member of the Ypsilanti fire department, Lowre Lovell, Frank Howard, William L. Keubler, and William L. Christanelli. The case against Deputy Sheriff Ernest White, recently arrested for drunkenness, was adjourned yester- day before Justice W. G. Doty for the period of two weeks. This is the third time that the case has been called and adjourned, the attorneys not being ready for the trial. Two miles of asphalic pavement will be -built on the territorial road west of Ann Arbor, beginning at the town line on Huron street. The work' is to be done by the Good Roads dis- trict in connection with the state highway department, being the first road in the county to be constructed with federal aid. The federal govern- ment and the state will furnish 50 per cent of the cost of the work, which amount to approximately $50,- 000. The road is to have a concrete foundation and an asphalt top. The contract has been awarded to the W. B. Chalmers company of Grand Rapids, and work on the construction will commence almost immediately. r"+ G L ; vI .: es J .+. i ". ... .- ti , t 1 SPRING STYLES arts department, will lecture at 8 o'clock Wednesday evening, in Alumni Memorial hall, on "The German De- T. S. Saylor, '19, and John B. Moody, struction of Works of Art in Belgium, '19, passed the examinations for en- France, and Italy." try into the United States School for Professor Cross will illustrate his Naval Aviation Engineers, according lecture with lantern slides showing to information received here. They the art works before and after de- were among the forty men out of a struction by the invading hordes of large number who succeed in pass- Germans. He will describe the many ing the examinations, art treasures which the Teutons have damaged beyond restoration. Dr. George A. May, director of The lecture is open to the public. Waterman gymnasium, has been con- structing pits at Ferry field during Chauncey Olcott sings exclusively the Easter holidays. He also laid for Columbia record. Hear him at All- out a number of "soft" baseball mendinger's Music Shop.-Adv. Smartness in costuming beginsw ith the Corse. If the foundation-the cor- set--is properly designed and carefully fitted with a full knowledge of the figure- need, the result is all that one may hope for from the view-point of appearance, comfort and health. For even a last year's frock will fall with grace over a Redfern Corset that is correctly fitted. are quite as pretty to look at as they are comfortable to wear. Their satisfaction is assured. CopyrightiHart Schaffner Marx NO. 2511 "My Sweetie" on record inger's Music Shop.-Adv. at Allmend- $3.50 MACK up & Co. test COPY Ot QuOadr~ Ike bbh LASS IH ADVERTISI NO Lea Copy at Students' Supply Store We Represent the Steinway, Knabe, Vose & Sons, Sohmer, Grinnell Bros., Sterling, Shominger, and many other makes., The world's famous Pianola Player Pianos, Victor Victrolas. SATISFACTION GUARANTEED. GRINNELL BROS., 116 S. Main St. Hart Schaffner & Marx spring suits and top coats are more snappy than ever this spring; the kind of clothes red- blooded young men will be wearing. They have incorporat- ed in them all the style tenden- cies that will be popular. We have bought freely and as a consequence offer you choice of a stock unequalled for rich- ness of choice and variety of style, anywhere but in their shops. You will find here clothes as good as you can buy in any city, and the price is more reasonable. New neckwear, Steson and Knox Hats. Reule, Conlin, Fiegel & CO, The Big Home of Hart Schaff- ner and Marx Clothes, at South- west Corner Main and Washing- ton Streets. 5T- Rosary on State or Liberty ts., Afar. 26. Please return to 512 WLXUD WANTED-Student, teaching exper- ience preferable. Educational work during the summer. $225.00 for three months. Phone 359-M, 2 to 5 p. m. P. Long, ex-'20, Given Croix de G~uerre Perrin Long, ex-'20, has received the Croix de Guerre for bravery shown during the recent drive on the Allied line, .according to word just received in Ann Arbor. Long is only 18 years old and is the first Michigan man to received this signal honor. He was a Zeta Psi fraternity member.