director of out-
confined to his'
Y's hospital fol-'
ion. John Ed-'
in Bartelme's
te latter's ab-'
an ope:
is acti
. during
Bartelme is expected to be *
>ack in his office in a short time. *
* * * * * * * * * * * *
1 0
...............30 7 27 21
0 00 00 002 1-3
. ...1 20 00 1 01 *-5
hits Taggart, Garrett.e
it Caveney. Stolen base,
by pitched ball, by Pruz-
D. Bases on balls, off
if Walters 4, off -Ruzicka
's 1. Struck out, by Sher-
hornton 1, by Walters 2,
. Hits, off Sherman 1 in
ff Thornton 3 in 3; off
n 2; off Ruzickan5 in 6;
2 in 2. Passed balls,
Cobb Is Licked --
Ifu A 'tCheckers
Christy Mathewson Takes Ty Into
Camp in Whirlwind
Detroit, Mich., April 15.-Baseball
writers have declared that no train-
ing season is complete without a new
checker story involving Christy
Mathewson. This season seems to be
Coach Steve Farrell will decide
some time this afternoon just what
relay teams will represent Michigan
in the Drake relays to be held Satur-
day at Des Moines, Iowa.
It is certain that Johnston, star
sprinter, hurdler, and jumper, will be
taken to the :games to race against
Drew in a special hundred yard dash
but what other men will be entered
will not be decided until the time
trials this afternoon.
The chances are greatly in favor of
the sprint relay team being entered.
This quartet runs 220 yards to a man
and the Wolverines have several fast
sprinters who will form a crack team.
There is a possibility that a two mile
relay team will be taken also.
The sprint relay team could be com-
posed of Zoellin, Johnson, Cook, and
Beardesley and would be a fast one.
The ability of Johnson and Zoellin
_ ....
Wild pitc
>rk, April 1
issing, due t4
stment into v
changes of
of the 1917
s will opene
campaign th
Which have
ous period in
ization. Tr
ely facing
.e sixteen cl
nal and Am
in 1918 sche
niche which
' itself in th
hes, Walters 2. no -exception. goes without question while the other
Cramer. When it was announced last fall two men have been doing good work
that the Cincinnati National and De- on the cinder path at Ferry Field.
troit Americans would play exhibition This quartet would form the strong-
games this spring, Ty Cobb was all est relay team Michigan could enter
n smiles. Cobb, who considered him- in any event.
A Jself a checker player of major league The two miler relay team is com-
LL SEquality, at last saw an opportunity posed of four men running a half mile
to meet Manager Mathewson of the apiece, Captain Donnelly, Sedgwick,
Cincinnati Reds. and Stoll are good men at this dist-
WITH TWO Ty beat everybody on the Detroit ance and Krueger has been making
AY; SIX club this spring with ridiculous ease. the 880 in close to 2:05. Farrell will
TODAY Then Matty came. The first of a run these men this afternoon also
"series of games" quickly was ar- and if they show any, speed, he will'
5.--Wth mny raged.race them at Des Moines.
o voluntary and Cobb never knew what struck him. Michigan held the two mile relay
Mathewson made a few moves; Ty record at Philadelphia with eight
wiar service and
uniforms since looked bewildered. Finally, a great minutes for many years and today
season, the ma- light dawned and Cobb threw up his the Wolverines 1916 quartet of Ufer,
ed their annual hands and quit. The rest of the Donnelly, Carroll, and Murphy holds
is week under games were called off. the intercollegiate record for the two
not existed at The Tigers and Reds played an mile.
the history of exhibition game at Waxahachie, Captain Donnelly has been ill but is
ue to tradition Texas, recently. An old soldier getting back in shape again.
the uncertain known as "Cap," was considered the
lubs composing star checker player of the town. Daily Maroon Drop Saturday Editions
erican leagues The afternoon in question found him The Daily Maroon of the University
dules confident in action with a crowd of town peo- of Chicago has been forced to discon-
h baseball has ple watching him beat all comers. tinue Saturday editions. This action
he national life A tall, well dressed man, wearing a was taken because of the increased
'oothold even in white hat, approached. After the cost of paper. The circulation and
he present day. "Cap" won another game, the stran- advertising department report that
Opens First ger challenged and was accepted. the business of Saturday is not suffi-
e had the honor The game lasted two minutes. The cient to warrant an edition on that
ces to the first home player lost his men, two and day.
On Monday the three at a move. He gave up the
junior associa- ghost and then learned that he had Hear: "Just a Baby's Prayer at
gton club play- been added to Mathewson's long list Twilight," No. 2490, on record at All-
pital city while of victims. mMusic House.-Adv.
I would like to communicate v
igan men who are taking courses
ing career or for bond salesme
institutions. I will arrange to be
of weeks and can offer to men v
financial institutions after leaving
for this summer. This applies
especially. By profitable is mea
this summer and an opportunit
may be of considerable value al
me at once.
W. E. H(
Tuesday call for
g games: Ameri-
nd vs. Detroit at
vs. St. Louis at
eague-St. Louis
Louis; Cincinnati
nnati; New York
York and Phila-
an disclos6. In the Ameri-
, the Chicago White Sox,
mpions, are conceded to
.ge in playing strength and
which comes with the cap-
championship. One or two
al combinations0 particu-
Tew York Americans, have
gthiened as the result of
cash purchases and it is
the race for first place
ly up to the standard of
Favorites in National
National League the New
s, winners of the 1917 pen-
still the favorites for the
n paper, at least, the team
ppear to be quite as im-
a year ago. In addition
rtain to be greater opposi-
part of two or three clubs
e built up stronger teams
available last season. In
way Cincinnati and St.
ear prominently in this
with at least one other
a in the role of a dark
Here Now
If you haven't purchased your Spring
suit be sure and see the nelv arrivals from
e House of
that reflect the last word in style.
Young men who like to be ahead of the
crowd will especially interested in the new
smart, form-fitted backs, the military
pockets, the clever waist-coats and other
brand new fashion touches.
The Palues are as uncommon as the styles.
$25, $304 $35..$40
ivs. New
. Phila-
vs. Cin-